Major Airplane Components Missing | Airplane Repo

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oh at an airport over 6,000 ft above sea level ah you kidding me Repo Man Kevin Lacy inspects a $500,000 Cessna 414 that he needs to get back to the bank in just 6 hours look at there I have no radios in this airplane but without Avi I he'll be Flying Blind without my mve map GPS I got really pretty much no navigation system here without my transponder here I got no air traffic control communication so it's going to be a fun ride if I don't find these radios welcome to my world y'all oh boy now look here at least I got a flight [Music] manual ah let me give a glass is out here it really bites getting old you know oh look at here looks to me like all these radios were stuck in this airplane by the local avionic shop right here on the field like I'm going to have to go pay those boys a visit I got to get moving cuz we're rushing Darkness here Mr Hawkins name's Kevin Lacy that's nice who's that uh he's just some guy doing some filming here I don't like that get that camera out come on come on come on he's getting a little nervous here I'm representing bank and I just took possession of a CES 414 down the way over here now looks like the airplane's in pretty good shape however there's no avionics in there I know where it's going at I took the avionics back out of it guy never paid me on it look I need those radios you can't have them I haven't been paid yet they ain't leaving my shop until I get paid you stole stuff out of a damn airplane so that's a felony Bubba well you know it ain't theirs until they paid for it so I tell you what I'm going to deal with you on another day go ahead and do that go ahead and get out of my shop there's an felony avionics theft in this goddamn I'm telling you what I don't care those things aren't leaving until I get paid yeah well I got equipment list I got log book entries saying they Park the airplane get the heck out of here get kiss my sons of piss me off will you I'll show your ass go hijack a tug
Channel: Discovery
Views: 98,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Airplane Repo, Repo, Repossess, Reposes, Plane, Planes, Steal, Stolen, Flight, Thieves, Thief, Components, Component, Discovery, Discovery Channel
Id: p8ik92yDXjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 35sec (155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2013
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