Maid of Honor Wedding Speech - Disney Medley

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i'm so excited and beyond honored to be standing in front of you today to honor two of the most special people in my life my name is justina and i get his older cousin honorary older sister and maid of honor this year i may be the only weight of honor in history who can wholeheartedly and genuinely say that she's just as much team bride as she is team are childhood groups friends and this goes way back to before gabby was even born anthony and i were actually born three days apart which makes him the first friend i ever had when i was four years old someone very special in this room gifted me with my first bible and the first few pages of this bible were dedicated to filling out a whole bunch of information about myself and 23 years later to this day anthony's name remains imprinted next to best friend can't see it put up there in my bible growing up anthony and i did absolutely every everything together from playing in the church basement going on treasure hunts looking for candies that lena had all over the church basin um to joining scout club together camping trips countless family vacations um graduating from high school together going on our first mission trips and even co-starring in rusty actual debut you've literally been my side through every important milestone and i wouldn't have traded it for anything else in the world and it used to drive me crazy well i guess your dream finally came true because tonight we finally became my while i cousin be welcoming you into our family the truth is you've been my family for the last 27 years so thank you for being my big brother both in size and heart thank you for always having my back i love you you and i both know that there are no words i could ever do justice as i could ever accurately describe our crazy relationship um so instead of telling you how i feel i decided that i would tell you three weeks ago you asked if i could sing at your wedding and i played a mom pretending as if i hadn't thought of the idea myself so i thought that it only seems fitting that i would honor you the only way i know how because our relationship is built on our love of disney songs okay so gabs this one's for you as i proudly present the bride scared guys tissues be nervous she if she's in some pasta i suggest unleashing cultivating the gift of money saving searching high and low to find [Music] great expanses it's no wonder that you've is not a single week would go by without our weekly skype call and we'd always update ourselves about what was happening in each other's lives she was basically my soul sister and my best friend until one day this guy came along and swept her off her feet and then i became a shoplifter and even though he was my friend and brother i didn't let him off the hook that easily because being his older and wiser sister i had to assess the suitability of his character will he fit is is i'm sure luckily is is is [Applause] i can see what's happening [Music] you need is [Music] pay always tell her that she's if you are you keep cool always raise her [Music] up deeply remember not to let her go to bed look at these clothes dresses t-shirts you want bathing suits she's got twice it's too late bless you forever you says thank you for being my best friends keep your applause
Channel: Justina Guirguis
Views: 12,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Acn9FgJBRys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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