Magneto VS Tetsuo (Marvel VS Akira) | DEATH BATTLE!

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this episode of death battle is sponsored by hellofresh and bespoke post [Music] magneto marvel's mutant master of magnetism katsuoshima acura's telekinetic terror of neo-tokyo these two maestros of kinesis have ignited revolution not just in their worlds but also the very mediums they exist within he's whizz and i'm boomstick and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle in the short duration of modern civilization likely no conflict tested humanity more than the second world war in the primary marvel 616 universe this fact is no different especially to the eisenhart family and their only son you may know him as magnus eric or max but if you ask him he'd say his true name is magneto as a jewish child in nazi germany magneto's early life was well extremely traumatic even after eventually escaping certain death with his future wife miss fortune always followed wherever he went thanks to his unexpected mutation called the x-gene the mark of a superhuman after settling down in russia with his new family the kgb quickly found out about this quirk so they burned his house down with his own daughter inside naturally he snapped and killed him all now don't blame him i'd do that too too bad his wife didn't get it and ditched him though but that's when magneto made a choice since humans hurt him his entire life he'd do the same to them in the name of mutants everywhere at first magneto turned to the telepathic powerhouse charles xavier and his fledgling team of heroes but his new friend wasn't thrilled with the idea of uh subjugating the human race so magneto formed his own team of mutants the brotherhood magneto can telekinetically move bend and reshape any metal he's aware of bullets vehicles buildings you name it even himself when he manipulates his personal magnetic field for flight and energy barriers magnetokinesis is far more versatile than it would appear at first glance the blood in your body has iron in it the air has traces of lead and mercury whole mountains are lined with metallic ore the earth itself is surrounded by a literal magnetic field so many toys for maggie to play with he can detect magnetic fields at such a huge range he can even pinpoint earth's magnetic rays while stranded on a planet in another galaxy and guess what he was able to use those rays to pull himself back to earth in a single day his range is even more remarkable than that did you know that in 1820 physicist hans christian orsted discovered that electric currents like those of electrons and protons and atoms produce their own magnetic fields magneto can fine tune his control to affect these very subatomic particles dummy here will illustrate such a particle with positively charged protons and negative electrons huh my life is as meaningless as an atomist spell so what you're saying is magneto could like yank one of those out correct potentially changing in adam's entire chemical makeup however neutrons do not have a charge and without the ability to adjust those to accommodate the change in atomic mass the atom would become unstable and finally do that magneto's violent protest against humankind clashed with xavier's peaceful reconciliation not unlike the ideologies taught by malcolm x and dr king by whom stan lee and jack kirby were inspired magneto would spend most of his career pushing xavier away to prove his philosophies superior which meant doing battle with xavier's school of thought quite literally and baldi's mind powers are no joke but thanks to magneto's psionic repelling helmet professor x couldn't touch him magneto survive cyclops earth-splitting lasers absorb the power of the sun to battle iron man rip the adamantium skeleton out of wolverine's body and even take it on hercules himself you know the greek legend zero to hero the guy who held up the skies of olympus for atlas that hercules seemed sensible magneto once used the earth's magnetic field to overwhelm the phoenix force which can effortlessly destroy planets let alone far more hell if he really wanted to magneto could totally just fling the earth off its axes it's entirely possible he may have eventually resorted to just that over time it became clear magneto's war was doing far more harm than good for his fellow mutants however well-intentioned he may have been at first luckily he later realized he was going a bit overboard and began reevaluating his perspective good for you mags it's really tough to recognize when you're the betty it took time and patience not just from magneto but also from his peers yet eventually his path was completely changed he even became a leader for xavier's x-men but don't let his new goody two-shoes waves fool ya whenever there's a threat to mutants you can bet magneto will be there to annihilate it forever by any means necessary this episode of death battle is sponsored by hello fresh with hellofresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes 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30 years ago a new type of bomb was set off over tokyo and nine hours later began the third world war welcome to 2030 or 2019 if you're watching the enemy the buildings are taller the motorcycles are cooler and the future is brighter oh wait not really if you find yourself in the capsule gang you'll meet shotaro canada who's like your textbook anime chad gets the ladies beats the baddies and cops the sweetest rigs man i need to get me one of those and then there's the little brother of the group canada's best friend tetsuo shima he's well the exact opposite a total wimp as a kid titsuo and his college thesis forehead got bullied for being the new kid at the orphanage that's until big bro canada came to the rescue eventually the two went to vocational school together and formed the capsules but tetsuo was never satisfied with canada being the leader of the pack tetsuo desired more than anything to be top dog oh i can just see that monkey's pot curling in my mind or that kid walking down the street that's that definitely should have killed him but since it didn't tetsuo earned himself a ticket to military confinement turns out they had an under the table program for developing child superweapons in the same program that backfired and jump-started the war tetsuo became japan's esper number 41. he may not have been a natural with bikes baddies or babes but this telekinesis stuff hit different he walked out of that hospital word effortlessly flying reading minds and blending people into strawberry jelly ted's will got what he wanted power along with the hunger for more of it a hunger that used to only be satiated with drugs and not just any gateway drug pills so potent that a single gram of the stuff could kill you so pretty bad kind of reminds me of college days huh snow wizard textual's main ability is his constantly increasing psionic energy growing more and more powerful over time this is due to tetsuo's link to quote the memories of the universe end quote it's weird either way tetsuo leveled up from lame gangbuster to certified badass this guy is a walking natural disaster his telekinesis can shake the planet easily cause earthquakes over a dozen miles below the surface he can summon psychic barriers for defense and crush foes with freaking gravity wells he can dart around as a literal bolt of lightning or even teleport in an instant tetsuo's telekinesis can be so precise he can target and obliterate specific parts of the body he can heal severe wounds quickly but even after losing a whole limb he can craft a new one using whatever nearby materials he wants with these powers top dog canada didn't matter anymore who needed his approval titsuo tasted that good and he was hooked and when he found out another expert named akira could deal him even more power he rampaged through tokyo to find him and this is where versions of the story differ and spoilers ahoy you may be familiar with the 1988 animation where akira had been dissected for research however in the original manga akira is not only alive but even more powerful once that little run nuked tokyo tetsuo would erect the great tokyo empire with akira and himself as its leaders but he ended up just abusing the position for endless sex and inflating his ego with kannada's rebellion at his front door tetsuo took a turn for the worse he had to fight tetsuo's defeated other powerful espers dodged light speed lasers and jumped to the moon faster than anyone could blink and then punch the big old hole in it and if you ask boom a stick wouldn't that mess up gravity on earth you would be right because it totally did screw the planet i guess stupid moon which brings us to tetsuo's folly his abuse of his powers spiraled until he lost control unfortunately for kinda does rebellion this did not make tetsuo an easier enemy to confront exactly opposite in fact has tetsuo painfully mutated into an unstoppable behemoth yep that's not totally disturbing at all i'm happy to say the manga's version is even more disturbing i mean i know babies can be monsters but that's a whole other level it is pain incarnate i can relate another esper described tetsuo's struggle as ego death which has multiple definitions but in this case is likely symbolic of the version attributed to drug use yeah it's described as a shedding of one's own identity like how lsd can emulate a wild out of body experience and you come back with a new perspective though this is maybe a little more extreme in fact you could say tetsuo was shedding his human body to play with the powers of a god i wish i could shut out of my body but in this case tetsuo going full outer body meant becoming a mound of raw ever-expanding energy which almost nuked tokyo all over again and those explosions are not normal i would know top scientists in both the manga and animated versions described these explosions as births of a new universe given its properties of nuclear fusion and proton collapse tatsu's mutated form was likely creating a big bang you know the thing that started our whole universe right in the manga it instead ended the espurs and their abilities once and for all a testament that humankind is unsuited to wield the powers of the divine though the anime is even more trippy thanks to akira and his buddies tetsuo got so high on ego death he ascended time space to become god of a new universe kind of worth it right and yet canada kept his empire up in his honor now as the great akura empire ironically in death tetsuo finally received the attention he so desperately craved this episode of death battle is sponsored by bespoke post take your summer adventures to the next level with bespoke post and their new seasonal lineup of must-have box of awesome collections bespoke pose partners with small businesses and emerging brands to bring you the most unique goods every month like the carnivore box which has this amazing american barbecue rub perfect for a true carnivore like myself no matter what 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you're an acura turf now [Music] you're dead meat [Music] imputed child the hell are you calling child i make the rules around here you're wasting my time [Music] all the tricks for the master of magnetism [Music] i'll kill you i'll kill you [Music] your history scumbag [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe i've had enough tantrums to last a lifetime [Music] [Music] it hurts help me [Music] [Music] [Music] poor child god [Music] thank you you are welcome esoteric telekinesis and other bizarre abilities certainly gave magneto pause but the master of magnetism had greater control over his foe the numbers don't lie tensomo cratering the moon was insane but magneto punched iron man with the force of the sun and while tetsuo jumped all the way to the moon magneto could move across galaxies against tetso and his human form magneto obviously held a sizeable advantage in power and speed but stats aren't all that matters with his precise telekinesis tensor could just target magneto's organs gg right yes but magneto had similar skills there are very few substances on earth that lack any metallic or magnetic component and magneto is very creative with his powers which he could use to predict tetsuo's teleportation and even shut down his telekinesis and his scraps with xavier proved he could handle tetsuo's messing with his head the biggest challenge for magneto was when tetsuo's gross mutated power came into play especially given how the detonations from this form were compared to that of a big bang although the authenticity of that observation is questionable in truth the big bang was a sudden expansion of matter on a universal scale whereas tetsu's explosions are more akin to nuclear blasts clearly intentional given the post-war symbolism of the oculus story the whole creating an alternate universe bit wasn't even part of the original material so we can't exactly call it canon but let's just say the comparison wasn't superfluous let's say tetsuo did in fact cause a big bang capable of creating or destroying an entire universe alternate or otherwise turns out magneto had the tools to stop that too helmet head could overpower hercules who was strong enough to hold up the skies of olympus which is literally heaven and an alternate universe this doesn't necessarily mean magneto could easily destroy a universe with a snap of his fingers but it does prove he can match a similar level of power and context is everything tetsuo's big bang eruption specifically exhibited proton collapse meaning its atomic structure was primarily an unstable mess of neutrons and electrons and magneto has detected and commanded unstable electrons before this means magneto had every means available to take control over this big bang damn and i thought he could just move some metal around it's like the question posed by some of the greatest prophets of our time magnets how do they even work magneto's astonishing power and intelligent control over all things magnetism triumphed in the end tanziwo pushed his lug but didn't have the metal to pull off the wind the winner is magneto thank you for watching this episode if you'd like to directly support the whole death battle team click that join button and consider becoming a member we'd really appreciate it hope you like the next one [Music] you
Views: 2,653,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DEATH BATTLE, Rooster Teeth, RT, DBX, DEATH BATTLE Cast, screwattack, death battle, animation, dbx, ben singer, chad james, marvel, akira, magneto, tetsuo, x-men, charles xavier, kaneda, telekinesis, mutant, comics, anime, disney, akira empire, neo-tokyo, esper, xmen, who would win, animated battle, animated fight, sprite fight, sprite battle, xavier, screw attack, roosterteeth, deathbattle, wanda, doctor strange, MCU, illuminati, multiverse, versus, versus battle, superpower, superhero, Katsuhiro Otomo
Id: xpUbrNi-s08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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