Magnesium - The Most Important Nutrient in the World

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hello i'm dr marianne teitelbaum and today we're going to talk about transdermal magnesium therapy now the chinese call magnesium the beautiful mineral and it's also known as the lamp of life and it's been also called the most absolute important nutrient in the world in fact dr mark circus one of the country's leading authorities on the effects of magnesium on our health has even stated this quote the bedrock of medicinal truth sits upon the metal magnesium for it is at the exact center of biological life like air and water is all of life collapses around its loss but with only the smallest amount of caring and intelligence we can replace what has been lost inside of a person's cells he goes on to say that for the deepest healing of many health problems quote there is going to be only one answer and that answer is magnesium preferably in the chloride form and finally he states what we have found is that magnesium chloride applied transdermally is the ideal magnesium delivery system with health benefits unequaled in the entire world of medicine unquote i read these words about 15 years ago when i was studying the health benefits of magnesium and at the same time my teacher and mentor vaijar ramakant mishra an award-winning ayurvedic herbal formulator and dermatologist was also researching the use of magnesium as well after i finished my research i thought i had better call him because i knew he was intent on formulating transdermal magnesium products that means taking them through the skin i had just finished reading how magnesium chloride was the best form of magnesium to use and i remember thinking i better let him know since he was a vijay who had just come from a small village in india and i thought he might not be well-versed enough in the latest modern research so i remember calling him and asking him how he was coming along with his transdermal magnesium products he said he was very happy with the creams roll-ons and abianga oils he was developing and i asked him what type of magnesium he was using in all the products and even without all the research i had access to i was shocked when he replied magnesium chloride that's the best from that point on i never questioned any of his formulas and he he also knew intuitively that the transdermal use of magnesium was the best delivery system it turns out that the fats in the skin dispersed into the body and activated along the way allowing the magnesium deprived cells in your body to bathe in its healing effects let's see why every cell in your body is crying out for more magnesium and why we should learn to listen to these calls let's start with the fact that magnesium is bound to the center of the chlorophyll molecule and it's because of magnesium that the plants can convert the sunlight that vibrational energy into a physical energy into chlorophyll which means that all of life including the food chain is dependent upon the sunlight chlorophyll magnesium chain so we can consider it the source of life since all animals and humans eat plants for their food supply all of life for billions of years has been dependent on the development of chlorophyll a molecule that captures light energy from the sun and through a process called photosynthesis transforms it into small energy-rich molecules easy for the cells to use which creates all the various life forms on earth so magnesium then is seen as the one nutrient which is needed by plants to form chlorophyll which makes the plants green but on a deeper level without magnesium the plants would not be able to absorb nutrition from the sun because the process of photosynthesis wouldn't go on this is why when magnesium is depleted things begin to die in fact you can't take a breath move a muscle think of thought or make energy without enough magnesium in your cells in fact 800 other functions wouldn't occur either since magnesium is a catalyst for all these important reactions throughout the body let's take a deeper look at what magnesium does for us so first of all it plays this huge role in helping the newly formed dna to repair itself c toxins can cause oxidative damage to the dna causing dangerous mutations to form magnesium initiates many of the mechanisms that are needed to occur to help correct any mistakes as the dna is forming which will help prevent serious diseases like cancer and so on from developing glutathione is considered the body's master antioxidant which prevents generation of free radicals in fact glutathione is one of the few antioxidant molecules which can neutralize mercury but magnesium is required to make glutathione so if the magnesium goes low and i can emphatically tell you from my experience it's low in just about every one of us then the glutathione levels become severely depleted which is not good because glutathione defends the body against damage from things like cigarette smoking radiation cancer-causing chemicals alcohol and really just about any other toxin you can think of the vast majority of the new patients complain to me of low energy that's the main complaint we see in my practice there are several reasons for this and we always make sure to address all those reasons but keep in mind that the body makes energy by producing atp and atp is made in the mitochondria and it's made in each of the 100 trillion cells of our bodies atp is the main source of energy in our cells and inside each cell are the mitochondria making the energy for all of our cells functions but atp must be bound to magnesium in order for it to work atp is formed from our food through a series of chemical reactions known as the krebs cycle and seven of the ten enzymes in the cycle are dependent on magnesium and here's the other important thing magnesium sits on the outside of every cell in your body always keeping the calcium out it's always pushing away the calcium so if magnesium becomes too low calcium can take advantage and quickly infiltrate into the mitochondria causing it to calcify this would create lots of health problems because the heart muscles have a never ending need for energy because they're always contracting without a rest and the mitochondria are highly concentrated in the brain and the central nervous system which is why calcification of the mitochondria is implicated in parkinson's disease ms and other brain diseases and since the power plant of the cells is in the mitochondria where all the atp is made if the mitochondria become low in magnesium and the calcium gains access inside this calcification of the mitochondria can mark the beginning of the aging process and a downward spiral in our health in fact every function can slow down when the mitochondria calcify this is why our biochemical age is determined by the ratio of calcium to magnesium both on the inside and the outside of our cells the ancient doctors of india said there are two types of hormone problems either not enough of the hormone is being made or sufficient quantities of the hormones are being made but they're not getting transported to the areas where they exert their influence magnesium has effects on both of these two aspects concerning the hormones it's used to both make the hormones and it's also a cofactor involved in transporting those hormones into the cells because the hormones can't pass into the inside of the cells by themselves so magnesium carries them across the cell wall and delivers them into the inside of the cells we can make these hormones but if they just sit outside the cell they can't carry out their intended functions so they don't do us any good in fact magnesium also allows insulin to transfer glucose or sugar into the cells so if magnesium becomes low the glucose and insulin can build up and the blood sugar can go high many of our patients get tremendous relief from their headaches because magnesium promotes relaxation in the head and neck muscles and prevents spasms in the walls of the arteries taking away intense headache and migraine pain and magnesium is also famous for lowering blood pressure this is because it relaxes the muscles in the walls of the arteries allowing the artery to open up causing the blood pressure to go down when we're stressed the magnesium flushes out of the body which can cause the arteries contract down to constrict which causes the blood pressure to go up once the magnesium magnesium levels come back up the muscles in the walls of the arteries relax and then the blood pressure goes down as the artery dilates back open again magnesium is also an amazing antidote for hardening of the arteries any calcium we take into our bodies should only go into our bones and teeth and that's it but calcium always wants to take advantage whenever mouse magnesium goes low rushing into the inside of the cells creating lots of problems for example if it makes its way into the inside of your arteries it will cause hardening of the arteries so normally when the heart beats the arteries give a little due to the elastic found in one of the layers of the arteries it's kind of like a rubber band and this dilation of the arteries keeps the blood pressure low when the heart beats but over a lifetime if calcium has been allowed to infiltrate into the elastic layer it'll make the artery stiff and hard causing the blood pressure to go up when the heart beats but the good news is i've been able to reverse hardening of the arteries and so many of our elderly patients see if you take the pulse of someone in their 20s you can feel a lot of elasticity in the arteries they're very pliable and soft but as the patient ages by the time they're in their 50s 60s and above the arteries start to feel very hard due to the calcium which has infiltrated over the years and always remember this image if you put a calcium tablet in a glass of water it just sits there but once you put some magnesium in it'll break it down and disintegrate it the same thing happens to the calcium lining our arteries magnesium can displace the calcium out once it enters into your body so this means that if you're very diligent in using your transdermal magnesium products the arteries will become soft and pliable again as the magnesium forces that hard calcium out and the pulse will feel much younger like when you're in your 20s and the blood pressure will go down again and think of this nearly everyone sooner or later develops cataracts as they age but what are cataracts well they're the infiltration of calcium into the lens again calcium is trying to get into places we don't want it and once the calcium enters the lens it becomes very difficult to see so start out using magnesium to prevent or delay the onset of the cataracts now as far as osteoporosis is concerned many people automatically think of supplementing with calcium when they hear their bones are depleted calcium makes the bones hard and brittle like a piece of chalk which breaks if you drop it but magnesium keeps the bones pliable kind of like a chicken bone if you try to break it it bends due to the elasticity from the magnesium contained in it so don't forget to keep up with your magnesium therapies if you get a diagnosis of either osteopenia or osteoporosis and as far as ayurveda is concerned magnesium is known as a tridochic therapy this means that it's balanced balancing to all three body types vada pitta and kapha it calms the nervousness of vada cools down the heat of pitta and it gives energy to the laid back kaphas who sometimes tend to get a little lazy and not only that it has the unique property of being both nourishing and detoxifying at the same time this is an unusual quality to have because some remedies are either detoxifying which break down the body as they cleanse the tissues while others build up the body due to their nurturing capabilities but magnesium does both these rare types of remedies which have both effects of nourishing and detoxifying are highly prized in ayurveda we like to apply it directly on the skin where it brings new life into the cells the fat cells in the skin take up the magnesium and absorb and activate it much better than if it's taken orally where it sometimes travels too quickly through the digestive tract which could create loose bowel movements and even diarrhea now we use the magnesium chloride in all of our transdermal products abianga oils which are used for daily oil massages concentrated roll-ons and creams that are applied to specific areas where the magnesium is needed most like we could put on the lower spine and the lower abdomen to prevent the painful menstrual cramps or put on the lower legs to prevent restless legs and muscle spasms they call them charlie horses on the entire back to prevent irregular heartbeats or to lower the blood pressure you could put the magnesium down the entire spine on the wrists and the soles of the feet and under the skull in the back in the suboccipital region where the skull ends and the neck begins for panic attacks and headaches nervousness and anxiety we even use magnesium chloride baths to treat severe body aches and pains and to calm the nerves and lower the blood pressure now epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate but the sulfate form doesn't have the long lasting effects like the magnesium chloride does plus the body has to convert the sulfite into the chloride form so you might as well use the magnesium chloride in the first place and magnesium chloride has a stronger effect on drawing out toxins through the pores of the skin than any of the other types of magnesium just about everyone needs magnesium this is why the cortisol we produce when we're stressed flushes magnesium out of the body nearly every pharmaceutical also flushes out magnesium the soil nowadays is depleted in magnesium alcohol coffee and the phosphorous and soda is also depleted and for every molecule of sugar you eat it takes 18 molecules of magnesium to break it down transdermal use of magnesium is the safest way to take it the skin absorbs exactly what it needs without you having to worry if you're overdosing or under dosing i hope you can now understand why magnesium is considered the absolute most important nutrient in our bodies the transdermal use of magnesium on a daily basis will improve your health more than just about any other remedy you could ever think of thank you
Channel: Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum
Views: 36,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magnesium benefits, Importance of magnesium in the body, Magnesium deficiency, Transdermal magnesium, Magnesium chloride, Magnesium and blood sugar regulation, Preventing muscle spasms with magnesium, Magnesium and cardiovascular health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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