Maglula Uplula Universal Pistol Loader Speedloader

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hi YouTube friends and family shotgun Cheney here well that felt great I haven't said that in quite a while I wanted to do a video today with the Magdala up Lula the universal pistol loader many of you know I am working gun shows against its time under the speedloader s banner and I wanted to show you what I do and at the end or maybe in the middle or maybe run out I'll give you a coupon code to use at speed loaders net for the universal pistol loader so there's the spring on the front and a spring on the top you squeeze push the follower down load the round and release squeeze push down load release this magazine is the Glock 42 the 380 this letter will do every block ever made this is a 9 mil 40 count here's that 45 1911 single stack here's a 45 double stack and this is why it's called the universal pistol loader and some say it can't be done but I say it can as long as your feed lifts or wider than 8 mil and your magazine is tall enough the universal pistol other will load your magazine this is the Caltech 32 and there you have it that's why it's called the universal pistol loader and this is also the loader that Hickok 45 halves and he got it for me so go visit speed loaders dotnet the coupon code is YT 1 9 1 1 for YouTube in 1911 those that follow me know that I love 1911 so that's why the coupon code is YT 1 9 1 1 it will be in the description below along with the link to speed loaders net and the coupon code is only available for the black and Universal pistol loader but we do have pink orange green and yellow available and this is not just for an older person or a younger person it's for everybody to use it makes shooting that much more fun and easy and you don't have any more cuts on your thumb or hand fatigue because you're using your forum and your bicep to load and as well as unload so you can pop out your hollow-point can you go to the range and then load up your engine that's kind of fun too I always impress people it shows when I do one more who wants to have a race so thank you all so much for joining me today I know it's been quite some time since I've made a video if you all don't know I do have a Facebook page at shotgun Shanny USA you can go over there give it a like and follow me there as well so please visit speed letters a dotnet and use the coupon code whitey 1:9 one to get your Universal pistol loader and if you have any questions or comments you know please feel free to ask or you know leave in the comments section or message me so thank you all so much again for joining me shotgun Cheney out
Channel: ShotGunShanni
Views: 6,296
Rating: 4.8303032 out of 5
Id: oktB_F6t2MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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