Magical Manic Makeup Monday - 10 Minute Power Hour

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I feel like I just came back from a mythical creature bukkake

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 115 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BVDansMaRealite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It's not bad. It's not good. It's not food!" ~ Leigh Daniel "Danny Avidaniel Not-so Grump Sexbang" Avidan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 80 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/G3NNRAL_DEV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Waiting for the day that Dan glues his stegosaurus to the table

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CataquackAttack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the best one yet. Also, on unrelated note, I think Tucker is cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nuarted πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


I know I'm not the only one who heard penis too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 99 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YouLiedToMeNowDie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If anyone is wondering what the binary at the end of the video says, it's "likecommentsubscribe"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PacketMuncher πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn, this one is SO much better than the last few. It's addressing all the issues I had. The boys aren't leaning too deep into the bit, neither Dan or Arin are being too over the top, they're just goofing off and having fun. This is exactly what I loved about the first few episodes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Weewer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know where I can get the shirt Danny’s wearing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KryptoFreak405 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is my favorite one so far. Just two guys having fun, with unicorn jizz all over their faces. Good times.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shot1of1whiskey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Dan: Have we begun? Arin: Welcome to the Zehn Minuten... ΓΌber... Uhr... Dan: The 10 Minute Power Hour. Arin: How's it - I don't know how to say it in German. Today we're gonna be doing some special activities. How are you doing, man? Dan: I'm so good right now, I'm so good. My stegosaurus is in place, everything's nice and fucking neat, and we can do this _Power Hour_ ... without ... interruption. Sweet! (quietly)That was mine... Arin: It's the Ultimate Makeup Designer! Dan: Oh my god! Arin: They really seem like they're having fun. Dan: It's "the ultimate collection for cheeks, eyes, and lips!" Dan: Okay, great. (Arin laughs) Arin: It's got tape on it... Dan: Well, thank you for joining us. Whoa, whoa! Okay. Dan: Oh my god, look at all these colors! Arin: Wow! Dan: We're gonna be - we're gonna be so fucking cute, dude. Oh, no, we need this. Arin: You almost gave me a paper cut in the eye. Dan: Oh, sweet! Arin: That was dangerous. Dan: Very rock and roll! Arin: Let me tell you what I know about makeup. Dan: Okay? Arin: 0% Dan: Mmm. Arin: Of anything- did you take the - you didn't even savor the peelies! (Dan cracks up) Arin: Just rips it off like a barbarian. Dan: Game Grumps: savor the peelies. (Arin laughs) Arin: You never- you never gotten some kind of electronic device- (Dan: I dunno-) Arin: and there's peelies all over it and you're like, Arin: "Oh, fuck." Dan: Yeah ... Arin: I always forget that's a part of the process. I'm just like, "Aaaah!" Dan: Like, how many parents do you want to bet bought this for their kids, and then just did coke on this mirror- (Both laugh) Arin: I think some of this is coke. Dan: Yeah Arin: All right. How does this work? You said you-Tucker- Dan: We need a screwdriver. Arin: Wow, that was so- that was so cool. Arin: This is too large. Dan, (quietly): That's my problem. Arin: It doesn't fit! Tucker: Try-try the other- Tucker: Try the other side. Arin: The other side? Oh. Dan: 'S what I'm talkin' about, 's what I'm talkin' about... We got this - you're not even on the screw right now. Arin: Well it's hard, cuz it's in a forest of keys. Dan: Yeah, (giggles) Arin: Now my hands smell like- Augh. Dan: Ugh-! Arin: They - they smell like workin' on a car. Dan: Yeah. Arin: That's what my hands smell like. Tucker: That's a good smell. Arin: No it's not! It smells (Dan snickers) Rain: like turpentine and battery acid. Dan: Yea. Arin: This is taking forever. Jesus fucking Christ, how long is this screw? Does it go through the mirror?! Dan: I'm gonna have a full beard by the time this is over. Arin: I have to remove this from the key, 'cause this is just... Tucker: How long is that gonna take? Arin: Fine, fuck it. I don't care. We'll do it live! Jesus. Arin: Maybe it's easier just to spin the mirror. (Dan cackles) Dan: Don't spill the coke! Dan: Okay. Arin: I got it! I got it. I got it. Dan: Batteries, batteries... Batteries, please. Arin: Is that one - Dan: Double A's or the triple A's? Dan: That- that's too many A's. Arin: It's not "A", it's: Both: "AAAH!" Dan: Gotta screw it in. Arin: Time to screw it back on! Dan: Okay, can we get some screwing music? β™ͺ Screwing music β™ͺ Dan: I'm gonna eat the lip gloss in the meantime. Arin: No, please, that's highly toxic. Arin: Uh. Arin: Just, fade-out the screen. Dan: Oh, it's not bad. Tucker: What the fuck, Dan? Dan: It's not bad. Arin: Did you actually taste that? Dan: It's not good... Dan:It's not food. That's not bad. Arin: Oh, you THINK it's not food? Arin: Now, let's watch the magic... happen Arin: This lights up, a little bit. (Dan chuckles) Arin: If you can't tell. (Dan laughs harder) Dan: Oh, er - you gotta - er - you gotta... Arin: Really, just-just-just- Arin: Just jam it in! Just jam it! Dan: Gently! Gent-! Arin: Ya got a little - you got a little schmutz on it! Dan: Oh, fuck, we - we fucked up the Cool Mint. Arin: Just jam it. Dan: A space jam. Dan: Oh wait, it's got a thing you can push in. Wait, wait... Dan: Okay. Arin: Nice! Arin: Look at that. Dan: Presentation. Arin: It's so good. All right. We got lip colors. Dan: I might go for Fun and Sassy. Arin: Yeah! Fun and Sassy's cool. Dan: Fun and - yeah! Arin: It's like blue on the inside. It looks like you're only just starting to suffocate. Dan: *wheeze* that's where the sass comes in! (Arin laughs) Arin (to Tucker): You want your keys back? Tucker: No, you can have 'em. Dan: Keep the car. Arin: What the fuck... Dan: No, that's the inside...Lining of my coat. Dangit Nope. That's a cold - that's a throat lozenge. Nasal decongestant... Throat lozenges... Arin: You feelin' okay? Dan: I'm fine! Arin: Well, now that Dan's, uh... Dan's gone I can give the lip gloss a taste. Did he actually eat that? Tucker: He did, he tasted it. Arin: Like, this actually tastes better than the fucking... Doctor Dreadful shit. Dan: Agreed. Hi, Suzy! Suzy: Hi... Arin: Yeah, we-we were-eating we weren't eating lip gloss. Dan: No. Arin: That's not at all what we were... Suzy: You were eating the lip gloss?? Dan: NO! Arin: No. Dan: Okay- Arin: Alright, so, first - (cough) Arin: Alright. Dan: That's a lot of goo... Arin: Let's do the eyes. Dan: Okay. Arin: Go ahead so you're gonna wanna Dan: Close my eyes? Arin: close your eyes, and lift your eyebrows ... so that I get a nice shot at your... eye situation goin' on. Arin: Does that feel weird, that I'm like poking at your eye? Dan: It does. Dan: You're very - like, I can feel your breath, your knee is touching my knee... It's sensual. That feels a little goopy...I.. Arin: It might be a different color. Dan: Okay... Arin: Okay... Arin: Think I might've... think I might've grabbed a different blue. Dan: Alright. Dan: Can you give me a nice cat eye? Thank you. Dan: Mmm. Arin: Let me get the other side. Dan: Okay. Mm-hmm. Dan: I feel pretty. Arin: Doesn't THAT look beautiful. Dan: Feels like a crayon melted on my face. Arin: Well, that's really judgmental. Dan: Why, when I open my eye, can I SEE makeup? Like, why is that... Dan: That - that would indicate that there's probably too much on there. Arin: No, it's because it's beautiful. Dan: I can see it... Arin: Well, it's because it's like, radiating outward, so... Dan: Okay. Arin: Beautify me, Dan! Dan: Okay. Dan: Uh, let's... Arin: You know how much I want to be a girl, so turn me into one. Dan: So, we're gonna start with some blue because that's my favorite color. Dan: And... Arin: It's not my favorite color, but.. that's fine. Dan: You are my canvas. Arin: Ookay. Dan: Okay, perfect. Arin: It's- it's like- it's tickling. Like, I really wanna I really wanna scratch it, 'cause it's... (Dan laughs) Dan: Okay, okay, okay... Dan: I got it, I got it... Arin: Like I-I can feel it falling... Dan: I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it? Dan: I'm gonna blend! Arin: AHHH! Arin: It feels like there's shit on my eye! Dan: There's not! Arin: it's giving me fucking- a shiver down my spine Dan: Alright, alright. Okay, you're fine. You're fine. Just relax. Just relax. Just relax. Whoops! Just relax. Arin: Fuck! Dan: Okay and good. Arin: That's not - that wasn't even close to my eye. Dan: Yes it was. Arin: That's - that's my nose. Dan: No, no. I was just getting rid of like the excess off the... That looks good. Arin: Are you done? Dan: No. Looks good. Arin: Wow, you look great, too. Dan: You know what? Let's make a deal not to look at ourselves in the mirror until the end. Arin: I think it's just in there for good. Dan: It's in there for good. Arin: I'm gonna get a little creative. Dan: It's not the part with the brush, but - Arin: I said I was gonna get creative. Dan: Okay. Arin: So why don't you not judge me and instead... Dan: Mm? Arin: Isn't that something? Dan: Mmmm... That's gooey. Mmhmm. That might be lip gloss. I'm gonna turn my head, so it doesn't drip into my fucking mouth. Arin: Wow your cheeks look radiant as ever. Dan: Thank you, Arin. Arin: Why, I've never seen - I've never seen a prettier girl than sitting in front of me right now. What?! You're a boy? Dan: Do we have a tissue or something? Arin: It's like unicorn jizz. Dan: It's like - I know. I know. I KNOW! Arin: Been there! Done that! Dan: Okay. Well. All right. Fuck it. Arin: Don't get cheeky. Dan: All right, I don't have, umm, an applicator anymore. Arin: I winked at the camera but my eyes were already closed. (Dan laughs) Dan: [softly] Oh my god, you're so pretty. Arin: Thank you. Dan: So pretty. Whoops! Arin: Are we done? Dan: Yeah [wheezes] Arin: Wow I feel more beautiful already. Arin: Now, this one's gonna be a real ... lip smacker. Dan: Make sure to give me Fun and Sassy! Tucker: [offscreen] Dan, I'll let you know what I find a paper towel. I'm still looking. Dan: Thank you - thank you, Tucker. You have not moved one inch. Arin: Hold on. I just gotta clear off - my fingers. Dan: Okay Arin: What the fuck did you put on me? Fun and Sassy! Dan: Yes, please. Arin: That's what we're talking about right there: Fun and Sassy. Seven and two. That's how I like to drive. Plump your lips, baby! Dan: All right. Arin: So seven... Wow... Now that looks beautiful! And then uhh two. And then just a little - little smidge. Dan: We have applicators for this! Arin: Hold on, I'm not done yet. Dan: I feel so violated. Okay! Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Arin: No, it looks great! Dan: I bet it looks great. Arin: No, I'm not done - there's just one little spot. Tucker: [offscreen] Get that drip! Get that - oh! Arin: There's one little spot right there. There we go! Dan: Whoops! Arin: That's not my lips. Dan: Yeah, yeah, we're good. We're good. Arin: Perfect! Dan: Hang on! Hang on! Hang on. Dan: (weird noises) (More weird noises) Oh, Arin! You're dripping. This is embarrassing for you. Arin: Oh no! I'll never go to the ball looking like this! Dan: There's no way Cliff's gonna want to go out with you! All right. Hang on. Hang on. Okay. I think you're good. Wait! Wait. You look like something that they'd serve at like 2:30 in the morning at IHOP. (Dan laughs) Arin: I feel I just came back from a mythical creature bukkake. (Dan laughs harder) Dan: All right. Okay. Almost done. Just one final touch. There we go. There we go. There we go. All right! Arin: I FEEL BEAUTIFUL! Oh God it tickles. Dan: It's a little thing - called GETTIN' the look! (Arin laughs) Dan: Arin! Arin: Hmm, Dan! Dan: I'd say we're ready for the party! Arin: I'd say we're gonna get all the hot hunks. Dan: All the cute girls and all the hot hunks... Aw! Arin: I just need- I just need to get this off my fingers. Don't you just look beautiful? Dan: I look like an '80s girl that like went on a crack binge. And here's how you look, Arin. (Dan laughs) β™ͺ Sad music plays in background β™ͺ Arin: You know... Dan: Let me just - I missed a spot. There's the spot. There's the spot. There's the spot. There's the spot .. (laughs) Arin: You know, Dan. I think - I think you would look great with this look, too. Dan: Oh, God! Hold on. Let me pull the hair back - Arin: You must be so jealous that you can't have this look and showing the boys all this stuff. Here we go, baby! Dan: Well, I only go for the ladies, and this is what the ladies are into: a big ol' brain horn of goo! Oh, God! Arin: Wow! Wait, I'm not done. Dan: Oh God, it's... Arin: Show me those pearly whites! Dan: No! I don't wanna eat any more. Dan: Hey, thanks so much for joining us on the Game Grumps 10 Minute Power Hour. This has been - Dude, what are you doing?! The party's in 20 minutes! Yeah I might - I might do some of that actually. Oh, it's on my one pair of pants. Arin: I got it in my hair! Everything's just gone to shit Dan: You look like a tiny unicorn EXPLODED ... on your face. Arin: AAAWWWW!!! Dan: Like it came to grant you a wish and landed on your head and you were just like: BAM!!! Arin: Next time on the - on the 10 Minute Power Hour from us, the Game Grumps. What do you want to see us do? Give us a hit look up. I mean give us a comment. I can't even - Dan: Yeah! Or just give us your number 'cause clearly we're the belles of the ball. ( [likecommentsubscribe] in binary )
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,228,137
Rating: 4.9770608 out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, 10 minute power hour, ten minute power hour, 10 min power hour, ten min power hour, tmph, 10mph, game grumps ten minute power hour, power hour, game grumps power hour, grumps live show, game grumps live action, makeup, diy makeup
Id: EyNnFiGmnkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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