Magic Waters | Patagonia Trout Adventure

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[Music] as fly Anglers many of us are searching searching for it [Music] what it actually is is a very personal thing for some it may be fishing to create memories for some it is all about catching lots of fish some are just on the hunt for big fish absolutely brown trout of my career this is awesome while some are looking for a unique experience [Music] whatever it is for you the search for it is part of the Allure of the sport of fly fishing what if I was to tell you about a place that just might have everything fly Anglers are looking for a place that has it I believe we have found such a place you get a feeling flying into this place that there's something special going on you get a feeling like you're stepping back in time back in time to something simple something comforting something lost in today's world welcome to Chile welcome to Magic Waters Patagonia the lodge is strategically placed to access some of the best trout fishing in the land Rivers streams Pawns Lakes and even tiny spring Creeks are loaded with unpressured fish big Browns and big rainbows await your dry fly [Music] Dick Waters Patagonia for us is it foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] as great as fly fishing ever gets see a hatch go off you match it Precision cast skate it and it's on oh what a great great fish buddy and they're still feeding right there you know the sport of fly fishing takes us to some pretty incredible places we meet some pretty awesome people and catch some pretty amazing fish well we're all in it this week coming up on the new fly Fisher we're deep in Chilean Patagonia at Magic Waters Patagonia Lodge this Big Fish Adventure Starts right now on the new fly Fisher oh [Music] that's a nice size fish absolutely fantastic [Music] the new fly Fisher is supported by Magic Waters Patagonia [Music] Orvis fly fishing [Music] scientific Anglers [Music] trout Unlimited [Music] WeatherTech Canada Magic Waters Patagonia Lodge is located amongst the mountains and literally has a view from every single window the lodge full service is welcoming and warm with room for couples or larger groups of Adventure Seekers with all the amenities of Home Anglers can enjoy extremely warm Hospitality smiling faces an excellent company [Music] The Lodges Chef created meals are enjoyed family style hosted by the Barretto family next to the dining room is the great room where Anglers enjoy local wines local entertainment and can simply tell stories of the Day guides are fully bilingual and experts on all Waters accessed by Magic Waters joining me on this Chilean Adventure is good friend Tom rosenbauer we are chomping at the bit to get going so Eduardo loads us up to hit a local River a short drive from the lodge [Music] up first we are hoping for big brown trout keyed in on big terrestrials it was a slow morning but as the day wore on conditions changed and so did the attitude of the fish you might have noticed it's a little windy which is very typical for Patagonia and there's some tips to help you cheat the wind or beat the wind one of the things you want to do is not to false cast if you can help it so I'm fishing a dry dropper and I've picked a big buoyant Dry Fly that I don't have to false cast to dry off I could just make one cast put it back on the water and if you start false casting with a variable wind like this chances are you're going to get in trouble so that's one thing another thing is to use a shorter stiffer leader normally I'd maybe fish 4X on this big dry fly but I've gone back to 3x I might even go to 2x it's a big dry so I can get away with that heavier tippet and a shorter tippet here in this Flat Water we don't have to worry about drag much so I can use a shorter heavier tippet and a big dry and get away with it you want to keep your dropper leg fairly short you know the longer you have a nymph on a dropper the more air resistant it becomes and you know if you feel like you have to false cast what I'll often do is just dump a short cast in front of me and then pick that up and make a longer cast and shoot some line rather than trying to false cast because that fly going back and forth in the air in a wind like this is just going to get you in trouble so those are a few things you can do and also one of the things when you're casting into a wind make sure you don't push your arm out like that because you're pushing against the wind very important to raise and lower your elbow and bring that Rod straight down into the wind that's another thing that will help you so the best way to net a fish is to try if you can to get it Upstream of you and then lead the fish back and try to net it try to net it head first don't Bonk them like I just did and it's very difficult to try to net a fish tail first because they often slip out of the net so you want to try to get it so if their head is going into the net and then lift up and if all possible get it Upstream of you can't always do that in really fast water here the water is pretty slow and I was able to get lead the fish Upstream of me but I have to reach Downstream you have to do it foreign [Music] started going off was that on the Caddis too no they took the terrestrial on this one nice fish great fish so I put on a well Eduardo put on a um a terrestrial and I followed up with an elk hair Caddis on the back end and this guy came up and and ate the ate the terrestrial and it's a good one nice Brown sweet fish how do you like that thank you sir cold water huh lots of life Magic Waters Brown just oh nice okay so good so good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you so that was really Luciano's fish not mine because I was throwing up into the glare and for the First cast I couldn't see my big dry flag I had a nymph hung under it and and Luciano's on the bank going nymph nymph nymph oh and set the hook and there was that big rainbow the fish took it pretty deep because I was slow on the strike so we just left the flying the fish as barbless the fish will get it out in an hour or so because it'll slip right out so thank you Luciana foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] together [Music] foreign [Music] to pick up you know I stuck with a dry dropper I caught a few on nymphs few rainbows but I really wanted to catch a big brown today or several big Browns and Mark has been having good luck on a on a Fat Albert raising some nice fish and I thought I would try a Fat Albert and it's produced three or four nice Browns in the space of about half an hour so pretty happy with the fly switch I'm not a big fly switcher but sometimes it pays to pay attention to what's working for other people [Music] foreign [Music] so I've hooked three fish in this pool and they've all come off and the natural tendency to think of what did I do wrong well I don't think I did anything wrong they just came off and that you're gonna have days like that it just plain tap [Music] [ __ ] [Music] one of my favorite ways to Target big trout is in very small Creeks this Creek though quite small is known to Harbor extremely big brown trout Browns that apparently are quite technical to Target today Tom and I are Guided by Guillermo SE Fuentes okay so come up to the Spring Creek here at Magic Waters Patagonia and we first arrived there was a big brown trout that came right clean out of the water to take a bug out of the air so I've got a Caddis tied on with a uh a pheasant tail dropper I'm gonna see if I can put it right where that fish was we've seen them come up a couple of times see if we can do it Springtime is the time to be fishing here it's early season and the fishing is incredible Tom drew the Short Straw I'm up first [Music] so that was the ticket that dropper sealed the deal it's not the big one that we saw jumping but you know what a brown trout in the hole perfect nice fish though beautiful color yeah great fish [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] well this is uh very interesting we're fishing in these little tiny Pockets along the the Spring Creek ah and I have lost every fish I've hooked this morning that was about number five I think but I threw the fly into this little tiny pocket here along the shore with a little pheasant tail nymph on it and twitched it and Boom the fly went under and there was a fish and there was a fish [Music] you knew it was gonna happen why oh look at the colors on this one yeah beautiful colors and finally finally finally finally land of landed a fish uh that was cool the fish actually took the dry fly we were using the dry fly as kind of an indicator just would say and uh yeah and so my first landed fish this morning after a long struggle with losing fish so you got to keep at it and sooner or later you can land a fish the color that fish is beautiful [Music] so we let this fish rest and came back with the Caddis and the dropper and I think this is the big one I think this is the one we were we saw this morning there took the pheasant tail oh my gosh what a fish yes sir oh my heavens look at that flies out great fish fantastic Spring Creek fishing oh so good [Music] oh we decide to pack things up and hit another Spring Creek this one just around the corner from Magic Waters [Music] Tom and I split up to fish this tiny Creek and attempt to cover more water foreign [Music] manages to catch one nice brown trout but when he was here in the spring he really lit it up on this tiny Spring Creek [Music] I was looking the other way oh [Music] yeah baby [Music] notice how on that fish even though this is a big brown trout I didn't put him on the Reel he didn't go anywhere he fought in here in these weeds he was trying to bury his head in the weeds and if I had tried to fiddle and get my line on my reel I probably would have lost the fish because I would have had slack there so when unless the fish takes line don't use your reel strip it in [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] one way to land them I don't think he's still on there though yeah he is [Music] [Music] so what's a good way to carry your Rod broken down well if you're going through a really Brushy area or if you're in a small car and you need to break your rod down you don't really want to unstring the whole thing you want to keep it ready to go there's a really cool way of doing it you start by finding your middle ferrule break the rod down you put your fly in the first guide at the tip section and then you pull all the line Till It's relatively tight and then you reel in most of that extra line that you've got there and you take your fly line and you run it around the back of your reel and now you've got a loose piece of line outside the guides and you just take this line and you wrap it two or three times around that stripping guide and then you've got it reel it up a little bit maybe now you've got it the Rod's not going to come apart you can go through the woods with it it's not going to get tangled with other rods if you have two or three rods in a car it's going to stay together and it's very easy to just reverse the process to get fishing again thank you Magic Waters as a destination for Anglers I think is a very special place to come as far we're in Patagonia but the good thing here is that we have a lot of waters around a diversity of waters Lakes Creeks Rivers so there is a lot of choices to do every day can be a different day so I think it's a very good place to come and fish for a week maybe more this is our home it's actually our home for the summer that's what we want to keep this place like this for you to come and feel home with us you work on a chair dinner with our family our kids their daughter's father sometimes my brothers so I think all the people that has come can feel that it's not something that is made of you know this is our home and if you come you will be home with us yeah well I never thought that you know I was going to own a lodge or working fly fishing but you know one thing took me to other thing and well we started you know with a very small cabin right here you know just because of our clients we started growing and since then uh well now we have a Big Lots yeah well we we always like to share you know the best Waters with our clients and we mostly get repeated customers or that they become friends so you know we're always trying to offer them you know a bad opportunity to fit a new place or to go explore well if you want to visit and fish it's almost the most beautiful careers in the planet and there you can catch some really nice size fish on dry flies so white to go somewhere else and on top of that you know good food you're going to meet good friends some of the best guys you have the chance to come to Patagonia visit us it would be super welcome and well many people come on that bucket list trip but they end you know come in every single year and someone said they come twice a year and we have a very beautiful experience here it's amazing places I mean nothing dead you can found in anywhere else so we have horseback Traves we have great fly fishing in a boat wedding fishing streaming feel you know like spring breaks or rivers in every location that all The Lodges of Magic Waters are a perfect location you know I mean we are in a beautiful body here and like magic what it is we have barroso Lake right behind of us I have like one at my letters in in front of us so both are great fishing when the guests barely arrived so it's impressive that is what I like of my new quarters and about the rest of the places I I don't have words guess undescriptable you see waterfalls everywhere you see birds everywhere like Kingfisher we mostly caught in Magic Waters brown trouts in different size so it depends what are you looking for right because we have everything we have a lot of trouts and then we have big trouts too so that is the good question that we do like guides what do you want to go so I chose the place where so which kind of feed you you can cut go any day or size I don't have another words to The Script my quarters Magic Waters Patagonia Lodge is located amongst some of the more prolific Trope Fisheries in southern Chile literally within walking distance from your room is Lego barroso we got set up after breakfast and headed to the lake big terrestrials are the order of the day so what a lot of people that come from North America don't realize is that the lake fishing in Chile is spectacular and it's not fishing a Corona mid over a long dropper and sitting there looking at a bobber it's mostly sight fishing the water's clear the fish will come up for dry flies Just Fish blind you can fish a big Beetle or a big Hopper or whatever dragonfly and the fish will come up for them along the shoreline in shallows along the Reed so a lot of it's sight fishing and it's really fun and the fish are big so at the beginning and Springtime the water the the fish they try to find like a shallow water because it's much warmer and also like many boxes are on the trees they're they're failing underwater and the trout they're waiting for those so many times you have the opportunity to to see what happened it's in the shallow slow takes and good sized fish [Music] thank you foreign yeah so people whoa this fish is hot people you know talk about Lake fishing being boring well it's not boring here that brown trout came up it just smashed that Beetle and it feels like a good one you don't fish dry flies with two in one X very often but you do here because the fish are big Eva and we came into a shallow here and Eva said that's where they're going to be because there's a creek coming in there's all kind of food coming in and um that fish was right where Eva said he was going to be nice Brown tongue yeah nice clear water see the fish coming take that fly can you tell me Tom it doesn't get any better than that Adam oh beautiful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here on the shallows in the corner where is the log it's a lot of food are coming to there so we have a good opportunity to catch one actually the fish that Tom already caught it was too far from the from that spot [Music] foreign [Music] wow there's a creek coming in here off a waterfall and Eva says that you know all the food's washing in here and there was the fish exactly where it should have been right in this little bit slower calmer part of the water oh Big Fish wow beautiful yeah yeah look that fat it is yeah after those warms that heat yeah look like a bass it does look like a bass or a carp foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] fishing is boring two fish in the matter of five minutes one in very shallow water both on Dry Fly we saw the eats on both of them doesn't get any better than that in trout fishing so don't be afraid of fishing lakes when you come to Chile [Music] you got him yeah a little one awesome so we saw that fish jump right out of the water in here in this foam line you know the Fisher Fishers you know staying around these foam lines and there's a dragonfly flying around so he probably jumped out for a dragonfly and we twitched this fly a little bit and there he came [Music] [Music] today we are fishing with Evis bariantos at a nearby lake the lodge has aptly named Zero to Hero so question is which category will we fall into you asked what is going on today where are we and what are we looking for oh we are looking for for a different fish on this Lagoon we have a lot of fruits so a lot of dragonflies and general those fish they chase those flights like really aggressive so it's that's the plan for the afternoon awesome so one of the great things about Magic Waters Patagonia is the fact that you can like hop there's so many lakes within a short drive distance from the lodge I mean this is just one of them and it's literally three minutes away it's absolutely perfect you ready yeah that's pretty [Music] [Music] I gotta get this guy on the road who need the match so I put a water Walker a foot off that stick there and I looked down and I didn't see the eat because I wasn't watching the hopper the water Walker and my guide came to the rescue now I've got one X on here so we're gonna take this easy one of the tips that I was told by somebody a long time ago in fighting big fish is never ever touch your rod above the cork always use the Cork and use your forearm as Leverage to angle these fish in if you touch the rod while you're fighting a big fish that's not how the rod was designed and you could risk breaking it so you want to talk about guide and angler being a partner that was it awesome I wasn't paying attention and you were always ah yes absolutely look at this this is the biggest brown trout of my career this is awesome all right we're here let's take a look at this guy safely in the shallows when you come to Magic Waters you really do have opportunities dance with Giants just amazing brown shirt on a dry fly can not be beat [Music] foreign [Music] oh my goodness it's huge this is an absolutely unbelievable day if you ever have questions about what it's like fishing lakes with dry flies it is super fun it is absolutely incredible yes it is it's bigger than the other one well done [Music] [Music] in this case Mark you don't need to like Target really tight on the on the shoreline okay you have you try to cover much water as possible I think that is the goal here okay foreign you know it's a really tricky game casting these big flies and we're doing this because of the explosive takes that these brown trout give up and the reason why it's difficult is because a you've got a giant fly and these fish are so aggressive they're coming sometimes two feet out of the air to uh to grab these flies sometimes I miss them sometimes you pull it out of their mouths Sometimes they come down on the Fly this guy got hooked up and he's a nice one to start [Music] all right it's such a fun way to Target these brown trout like they're just complete so fun like this water [Music] it's going [Music] that was cool that was really cool I've never seen anything quite like this these fish are completely Airborne now one of the one of the things that you have to be mindful of is is your hook set and and um you almost have to feel that fish on your line before you can you can set the hook right it's because it's you don't know if it's got it or not you guys was just saying too that you know if you miss a fish to throw it right back there where that fish struck because chances are either it'll come back again or there'll be another fish with it that will see that dragonfly invitation or this chubby Chernobyl as we have it on now and uh and come and eat it so you know even though you miss a fish your shot may not be blown this is so fun good fish foreign [Music] so this is why those big brown trout are as voracious as they are there's a natural this is the dragonfly that um they're eating off the surface of the water so I'm fishing with a water Walker which is a very similar profile here um as well and then Eves also has some uh some dragonfly patterns that he's actually tied up and if you look at the size of the dragonfly uh fly compared to the Natural you can see that it's the perfect size for it the other thing is that it's got a gray underbelly it's got a gray bottom and if you look at the underside of the natural you can see that it is it is pretty much the same color so you want to talk about yes matching the hatch is important but size profile and color might actually be more important than actually mimicking what these fish are eating a beige natural with a gray underbelly on the dragonfly fly and then we've got an attractant purple on the water Walker that's bringing these fish up to eat another good thing that you can do underneath your terrestrial your dry fly is to hang a dragonfly nymph under the surface of the water now this is a casing of a dragonfly nymph that's already the dragonflies already emerged but if you were to put a weighted dragonfly nip fly underneath your dropper you have an opportunity to get fish that are looking up to see the actual nymph maybe they're nymphing underneath the surface we don't know we haven't seen many rise but this is also what they will eat when they're looking for dragonflies at this time of the year [Music] thank you Tom's time at Magic Waters is over as he makes his way to the airport Evas and I decide to try our hand at something unique today there's a creek that carves its way through the fields near balmacita when I say it's a tiny Spring Creek I mean tiny the wind sure will make today sporty and the fish are here but they're quite of narrow so one of the techniques that I really like to do is like I'm going around and I'm cast over to the grass so like big portion of the leader they're going to be on the grass just a small one they're going to be in the water right and it's better because we can get like a better success because we are not like only much like stuff on the air yeah so maybe you can go around around and approach trying to cast like from very far from the creek if you don't want to smoke the face and just put the portion of the where's the fly and I can stay here and I can tell you if the fish is around in the fly or not okay perfect they're going to be blind okay a couple of small ones but this wasn't the one that I saw I saw quite a larger fish feet in here perfect little specimen [Music] so it's all about Stealth it's all about being quiet and precision casting and you can actually see these Fish Feeding on Naturals like dragonflies and such but we've got a little black beetle on a little guy and this is just an absolute blast picking up these little Jewels look at the spots on that just incredible amazing today we are fishing on the high pan pass because last night we have a lot of rain and mostly the rivers around coyeke there had some color but those ones are pretty clear because they come from to the bottom right now we are fishing with beetles because it's one of the principle of food that the fish had here the places are narrow but at the moment that you touch the water immediately they go and they grab it it's a really fun fishing [Music] thank you [Music] thank you so right now we're trying to looking for like deep water because in general the creek is is shallow but we have like a lot of holes and a lot of peak undercuts so for the fish it's really easy to get like a beetle or other terrestrial from the from the ground and also it's a good home for them so basically it's fine good water people and probably it's an option for a strike and what's amazing is there are many parts in this little creek that are less than 12 inches wide it's absolutely incredible it's so fun and I mean you can catch fish up to 16 inches in these little Creeks perfect hunting thank you best fish of the day yes good job [Applause] the smaller the Creek's getting the bigger the fish are getting now I couldn't see that fish eat but I heard it and uh as soon as you hear that Splash that Telltale Splash gently lift that's a good fish for this little creek [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] partnered with guide Jose Marti we are on a trek to one of the most beautiful lakes in the region Lago Azul the Blue Lake [Music] oh foreign [Music] this is Jose Marti he's a long time guide here at Magic Waters Patagonia this is an unbelievable location lakes rivers lakes rivers what's the game plan for the day game plan for today is uh we're gonna Pride fish out of the lake quite a bit since the river's kind of Cloudy and whatnot yeah and kind of high and hard for waiting but uh normally this is this is early early spring we had quite a snow melt a couple days ago and that's why it's so high and it's pretty glacial as you can see right oh so Bruno but the gameplay here we'll try out here in the mouth a little bit and then and then mostly be fishing along the shore of the Lakes uh brown trout Rainbows are a combination mostly brown trout and a couple rainbows here and there I'd say it's 90 95 Browns all right let's go fishing all right [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] that's fun and you can see them coming like oh it's so visual and then you know it's a little milky now so that big runoff we had but sweet Jose nice fish you take it they're and they're so cold the water's got to be 50 no more than 50. yeah maybe even less [Music] down on the nymphs [Music] so we're down into the desert lake and uh just come down the Blue River caught a nice brown trout and a soft riffle and placed a cast into some Timber over here and this guy came up and ate the dried now what's cool about this lake is that you can actually see everything unfold it's super clear blue likes a little dirty right now but this one this desert lake is really super clear and you can see the fish cruising and you can see them come up and eat eat or dry this guy swiped at it twice and then finally got him nice good job now Jose what's the average size of so here this is a small one for here and then in general we're talking about 20 22 17s a lot of 17s and then a good fish here can be anywhere from three three to four pounds is a really good one but they're but they're not as common as the the 20 inchers and 17 inches oh just a 20 incher huh that's too bad [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so we saw it oh up near the stick saw a fishy a natural off the surface of the water through this little crayfish looking Brown Rusty barbella fly at it and he came over and just whacked it now the Browns in here are fun we switched over with the sunshine come out we switched over to fishing streamers from the drives we're gonna go back to drives here in a little bit there we go got one in oh look how blue it's cheek is that is awesome I love that blue yeah [Music] you just had to have it you had to have it you just had to have it yeah streamer fishing here is great I mean anything anything that is moving is uh is gonna get eaten and the cool thing is you can see these fish come in hot and eat them and they'll come from feet away um Chase it down eat refuse turn around Chase again come back represent and it's on it's just it's stupid fun it's it's a it's an absolute riot and the fact that you can watch these fish eat is a super treat all right sweet barbless hook pops right out fish goes right back in let me show you the setup I've got here for fishing streamers so basically I've got a type 6 sink tip line which means the running line is floating and the last 15 feet are is a sink tip which means it'll sink at six inches per second liter material is 0x 9 foot zero X leader this is a straight shot tapered leader I haven't had to add any tippet to it yet then that's the fly like I said it's a crayfishy looking Brown sculpin looking kind of barbell eye fly that um these fish are loving so we're going to switch back over to dry dropper for the mouth of uh of the River or the start of the river here out of desert lake and see what we can do so you can get a backup on dries so this is super cool and this is what we've been waiting for for a long time here in Chile is we've got a Caddis hatch going off and there's Browns eating all in this Bay eating cats as far as I can see down there there's two actively feeding right here let's see if we can place a cast and get one [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is as great as fly fishing ever gets see a hatch go off you match it Precision cast skate it and it's on oh what a great great fish thanks buddy and they're still feeding right there well that about does it for this episode of the new fly Fisher thanks for watching Big Thanks goes to Eduardo and Consuelo and the whole baruetro family for their incredible hospitality and of course the guides for making the magic happen remember Adventure is out there all you need to do is go and find it and what better way than to do it with a fly rod in your hand for more on this show and our entire series check us out on all social platforms as well as my name is Mark Melnick thanks for watching and on behalf of myself and Tom rosenbauer we hope you find it in the Wilds of Chilean Patagonia [Music] laughs the new fly Fisher is supported by Magic Waters Patagonia Orvis fly fishing [Music] scientific Anglers [Music] trout Unlimited WeatherTech Canada foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign
Channel: The New Fly Fisher
Views: 24,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patagonia fly fishing, fly fish chile, fly fish patagonia, todd moen, catch magazine, big brook trout, brook trout, brook trout fishing, brown trout, fly fishing, fly tying, how to fly fish a river, how to fly fish for trout, huge brook trout, labrador brook trout, orvis, river trout fishing for beginners, small stream trout fishing, the new fly fisher, tom rosenbauer, trophy brook trout, trout fishing, trout fishing for beginners, magic waters patagonia
Id: P-fTvb-Q9Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 28sec (3628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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