Magic Barbie Controls My Day! Barbie In Charge for 24 HOURS!

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oh it's so beautiful outside i got so much stuff to do today i got cooking and i've got some new dresses to try on i gotta go wake up my sister sister wake up wake up it's morning time wake up sister wake up sister wake up why are you waking me up i don't know why i wanted to wake you up but it's a beautiful day outside so let's get up five more minutes well i'm gonna go get ready for the day be out of bed when i come back sure thing oh my goodness i'm all ready for the day i have these really cute jeans with this amazing unicorn shirt but my hair's a mess i need to put it in a ponytail but i also need to brush my teeth you need to do that every single day i love my perfect ponytail on the side which is low and then i have my part and i have my electric toothbrush [Music] whoa where am i first i was in savannah's room and now i'm when did i put on my really cute unicorn shirt and my really cute jeans and why am i brushing my teeth and when did i do my hair like the part is perfect and i love love ponytails but i don't remember doing it whoa whoa well i probably should get up anyway i am pretty hungry i guess i'll go downstairs and make myself some breakfast hmm i got my pantry let's look oh actually i think i'll make a smoothie an oreo smoothie mmm it smells so good oh and i could add some chocolate milk with it alright time to make my smoothie first put in a couple oreos one and two and now for my favorite chocolate milk whoops frog take off the lit wait what am i doing oreos with chocolate milk in the blender that actually sounds really good but why with a smoothie and how did i get here i was just barely in bed asleep and now i'm in the kitchen making an oreo and chocolate milk smoothie i'm ready for the day now let's go finish my schoolwork this is my beautiful office with my beautiful pink chair you like my chair too i love it so much let's see how many assignments i have only six that's not very much at all then hopefully me and my sister can play after those are done mmm this is so good i'm so glad i got the idea to make this oreo and chocolate milk smoothie but i didn't get the idea oh well i have a lot to do today um that was so good and now i gotta go get ready for the day and i'll play dress-up with my sister and she can help me choose out some clothes but she is doing her schoolwork right now i'll ask her if maybe she can play with me afterwards oh hey sis how's school work going really good i've gotten five and a half out of six lessons completed that is awesome hey when you're finished do you want to help me choose out an outfit and play dress-up of course i'd love to perfect let me know when you're finished with schoolwork and i'll go get the dress-ups ready all right i'll hurry and finish this assignment wait how am i doing school work first i was in my bathroom now i'm doing school work how many assignments do i have one two three four five six and they're all done so i'm done for the day i don't know how my schoolwork got done i don't remember doing it i know i didn't do it today this is the weirdest day ever i need to go find savannah okay i need to get out of my pajamas so i have an idea whoa a sleeping beauty dress i love sleeping beauty i look a lot like her too but i don't think wearing a sleeping beauty dress would let me do all of the things i need to do today so let's get into a different outfit whoa wait how did i get into this dress it's so pretty but i don't even own a sleeping beauty dress so where did it even come from but i do look pretty cute i just don't know how i got here it's really pretty wow so i just want to spend them what wait where'd you get that dress it's so pretty are we putting princesses i don't even know where this dress came from wait how weird things been happening to you today do you don't even remember how you got there yeah like this morning when i was laying in bed all of a sudden i was making a smoothie it was really good but i don't even remember getting out of bed that sounds a lot like what has been happening to me cause once i left and told you that i was gonna go get ready my favorite shirt and my cute jeans were on me and my hair was in a perfect ponytail my toothbrush was in my hand this has been the strangest day for both of us it's like my outfit just appeared with a snap of a finger i want to try all right go ahead whoa you're in a dreadlock harley wait a second but how did that happen do you remember even leaving to change no but i love it so much and it's so pretty i just snap my fingers sis i love these dress-ups this is such a good idea thanks for inviting me no problem it is so much fun thanks for coming i love princesses this is so much fun but do you really want to stay in princess dresses all day not really because we have a lot of cooking to do today and i really wanted to play too okay do you have any more outfits of course i do watch this whoa that's such a cute outfit i know the skirt is my favorite part it's so colorful whoa what i was just barely in the sleeping beauty dress but you're still in the same outfit when did you leave to get dressed i didn't even leave i just was standing here with you and we were talking but then all of a sudden i'm in this it is pretty cute though it has this cute pocket i think i don't think i had this dress before but i love it i'm gonna wear this a lot more your barbie has that outfit that you're wearing right now the one with the cute pocket and my barbie has this really cute rapunzel dress you're right lizzy let's go to our barbie house and see what's going on they look just like us or we look just like them or whatever let's go towards them okay that's where my brain came from that's where my perfect hair came from we're matching clothes i look just like her and she looks like me and she looks just like me and i'm just like her i'm gonna go make us some lunch do you want some sandwiches sure okay i'm on it are you lizzy lizzy where are you lizzy um there's relish pickles those are just so good oh that looks good cool whip but we definitely need cheese and mustard hmm nothing on here and bread of course and pickles this is gonna be the best sandwich ever and i'm gonna start right now the barbie lizzy went down to the kitchen to make a sandwich so i will go to the kitchen to see if real lizzy is making a sandwich gotta start with the mustard nope not enough yet perfect now i gotta spread it on with the what am i doing i'm in the kitchen making a sandwich well it is lunch time so i'm gonna keep making it got the cheese it looks so perfect oh my goodness oh my goodness lizzy there you are i know what's going on magical barbies what do you mean magical barbies whatever the barbies do it makes us do it too except for we don't do the whole thing that they do just little clips of it oh that makes sense ah the barbie's making me cut the bread now isn't this amazing i mean barbie's acting out what we do we always play what barbies are doing but now they get approved we're doing isn't it awesome yeah they had me make this amazing sandwich let's go see what else they'll have us do thanks for lunch sister that was so good it's no problem you are so welcome i think it's time to play a game why don't we play texting mafia that's a great idea ready set go lizzy lizzy wait why do i have my phone in my hand what kissy face emoji what horse emoji wait a second am i playing texting mafia wait what is happening we're playing texting mafia eyes guys wait ass why are you down it's getting over are you guys yeah yes ass the game is over and we didn't even know that you're playing thanks were you playing the whole time no i was just walking down here and then i got the emoji and i fell i don't even have time to explain to you but today has been a really crazy day for us no worries i have to go finish my schoolwork anyway but i'll see you at the dinner party bye the dinner party how are we gonna get the house ready for the dinner party if the barbies are controlling us today we might be setting the table and all of a sudden poof we'll be watering the garden we have two hours until the dinner party what are we gonna do oh i have an idea all right you lead the way [Music] this one dear barbies we are having a dinner party tonight and you are controlling our day so can you make a barbie dinner party so that our dinner party will be set up p.s can you invite two boy barbies that are magical good let's go give this to the barbies and hope that this works okay oh hi barbies hi hi how's it going it's going really good it's been kind of confusing at first but this day has been so much fun well i'm so glad because we wanted to make it so special for you thank you well actually if you could here here's a note that you can read okay dear barbies dude we're controlling your day and it's so fun and all these things but now we're having a dinner party a dinner party yeah it's going to be so fun we're gonna have it with adam canyon okay well what do you need our help with then well we want you guys to set up the house all ready for the dinner party like set out plates and just all the fun stuff to make it look perfect okay well i think i can for sure do that for you guys because you have been so fun to play with thank you i hope that you guys gonna have just as fun as we do today yes all right sis we're gonna get to work so that lucy and sweater can have the best party ever this is gonna take a long time so let's use some magic whoa they're all here now this is gonna be the best party ever [Music] whoa the barbies did such a good job yeah this is amazing there's oreos mac and cheese fries mac and cheese don't forget the lemonade and the pizza rolls this looks delicious the barbies really did do a magnificent job wait barbies thank you guys so much for watching this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up smash that subscribe button we love you guys so much and as always you are worth it bye guys
Channel: Tannerites
Views: 10,938,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic barbie controls my day, barbie in charge for 24 hours, in charge barbie, barbie in charge, barbie controls my day, barbie girl, my barbie, barbie movie, barbie tannerites, tannerites barbie, barbie dream house, the tannerites, tanneries, the tanneries, tannerites game, tannerites imagination, imagination barbie, morning routine, magic box
Id: dgLIPi0C3Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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