Magento 1 Beginner Tutorials - 05 First time setup on a fresh install

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hey guys it's craig here at the doodle start-up i hope you're all doing well and in today's video i'd like to talk about how to set up your Magento store for the very first time now there's a lot to go through in this section so I'm probably going to break it up over a few videos now remember this video is aimed at absolute beginners so there are some sections that I might go into more detail than others either way I'm making sure that I had a navigation indicator on the right-hand side of this video to help you if you're skipping through this video sounds like it's for you then I'll see you in just a second so in order to log in to the backend we must review what Nexus setup for us so if you've installed Magento via Nexus they will have provided you with a URL so this one's a unique to myself my in sandbox digital starter credit UK and they've provided me with a unique admin URL or back-end URL which is digital for yours will be different depending on your setup so yeah so refer to your emails that you've received so I'm gonna login and this is the back end of Magento bear in mind that I'm going to be showing you the settings in certain phases so rather than show you everything from left to right or from top to bottom I want to kind tackle it at a more logical approach so my first sweep is going to be about the initial setup of Magento for the very first time and then when they go back and look at setting up your pages your categories your products and whatnot rather than do try and do it all in one go cuz it's going to be really overwhelming so you're also going to see a pause indicator appear on the screen every so often throughout these videos this will just simply signify that you should pause the video and give what we're talking about a little bit of thoughts now some of the settings you might only ever touch once during the lifetime of the installation and you may not revisit it again so you might forget that it's even there and the danger of that is if you set something up initially on Magento you might restrict yourself or customers from doing things but you never considered so it's really important that we pause for a moment and make a few notes as to what we might want those settings to reflect okay so let's move on to our first section so I'm going to hover my mouse over sales and then I'm going to go into terms and conditions now this particular section is useful because if a customer is at the checkout and they're wanting to make a purchase we can show them a few bullet points or terms and conditions that the customer must take the say they have read and understood in order to proceed with the transaction so let's set one up quickly now so then I think I'm add new condition the top right hand corner and look at the condition name now the condition name I'm gonna call things to know so this is going to be the title of the section of the customer scene and we're going to enable this I'm changing the content hounds text down to HTML and the reason for that is I wanted to put a few bullet points on the screen I can only really achieve this using HTML so first thing I'm going to do is put in the label for the check box text so this is going to be the little button or the words that they're going to click on in order to check the box so I'm just going to call mine I understand now I'm throwing some hasty melian in here don't worry you don't have to memorize all of these for me I would like to show the button I understand but the text slightly bold the slightly bolded slightly more bold than the rest of the text and I'm going to use that by using some HTML called strong again you can completely copy this there's no problem with that whatsoever if you're not comfortable with writing anything in HTML that's fine just copy what I'm putting and in the next section is going to be the content of my terms and conditions or things to know so I'm just going to paste that in here again I'm using a typo I'm using HTML and I'm gonna explain this HTML to you so you understand the English you of any parts all we dispatch will need to be signed for on delivery so we understand the words here so let me explain what ul means so I've got you out of the beginning and you will at the end of the list this tells the browser that this is an unordered list and for heavy points I have in here I have an Li that wraps the front and the and this basically says it's a list item so we see right now some jargon wrapped around some text but what that will actually translate to in the browser when the customer sees it is three simple bullet points anyway that's all we need to do for the moment so we can just hit save condition so now what we've done we've set up our terms and conditions and the checkout so the customer must check to continue in order to finish the purchase and that basically again if we click into it highlights the customer any parcels we dispatch will need to be signed form delivery because the customer really needs to know that and that will save any any arguments about may ensue in the future if the customer wasn't in and they missed the parcel please notify us within two days of damages of damages or discrepancies and please note our cuts off for next day is 5 p.m. now based on my personal experience I have seen this particular section grow and grow based on customer feedback so some of the things that customers may be disgruntled about when making an online purchase is that if they try to claim something back that is past our period I'll put here less know within two days we've had customers in the past try and come back eight months later trying to return something when the policies two days were their argument being that it was unclear on the web sites that that was the terms and the conditions of the purchase this is why we started to implement the check box or the checkout to say well you must have been aware because you hit I understood I understand at the checkout but my advice to you is don't don't fill this up with loads of like I told you so messages try and keep it really brief and really important since the points maybe six bullet points maximum you'll generally find that any more than that customers will really won't read it and they'll just like I understand anyway so next let's go over my accounts so we're going to jump from terms and conditions all the way over to system I'm gonna go into my accounts now the password that you will have been provided by Nexus isn't going to be memorable and that's probably a good thing to be fair but now's your chance to go into system my account in order to update your details such as your news name your email or your current password okay so now I'm gonna go skip over all these sections because we don't need to worry about it just yet and we're to go into configuration okay so this is where things get really interesting the configuration section of Magento is where you're going to set up all of your bits and pieces which will customize your store to mostly work around your company if that makes sense a lot of online e-commerce solutions kind of make you bend over for the platform or for the software where Magento is really powerful it can take a lot of things into consideration that fit around you in your business so don't forget we're going to be skipping over a lot of these sections because they're not quite relevant for this particular section of the video we will come back to them at a later stage but for now don't worry if you think that you're missing something it's likely that I'm just skipping over it okay so let's start with the general section so under here we've got some store configuration options and for the sake of this example this is going to be an ecommerce store that's only shipping out to the United Kingdom so obviously the first thing I'm going to want to change for my default country is United Kingdom and underneath that we've got the allowed countries that can purchase from us so as as I'm not going to be shipping to every country I'm just going to select the relevant ones that current the UK so let's go with Isle of Man Islands by the way if you want to select multiple hold down the control key on the bottom left hand keyboard and select some multiple countries if you select the wrong one then you can simply lost holding the ctrl key hit it again and they'll deselect it well if you want to simply select a load in one go then don't hit the ctrl key and instead just drag your mouse over so that's how you'll select and unselect things when you see lists like this the next section are post codes that are optional for these particular countries I'm gonna leave this as default because I don't know what countries do and don't have post codes or zip codes so I'm going to leave it as is European Union countries or the whole thing with brexit and UK leaving the EU I'm not sure what relevance this section will hold in the future but I'm just gonna leave it as selected as it is by the system default locale so this is to do with your locale changes such as your time zone and so let's change that to GMT London no again you know Kingdom again so every company that I worked for the week is always starting to Sunday so I'll leave it as it is and the weekend day is Saturday Sunday yep and then store information so let's make up the story I'm just gonna call it digital startup hopefully this should all be self-explanatory for your company as you own their what they is ok so now I've completed these details I'm just gonna hit save configuration great and it's locked everything in so just to go back over the store information section again some of these details will be pulled from what you've just put here and embedded into the theme of your online store so like contact details may pull from this information so just good to keep this up to date with your opening hours or your stock quotes still contact details just a handy ones are known okay so for the web section we're gonna pretty much ignore everything here we're definitely going to come back and revisit search engines optimization this is really important and it's worthy of its own video before we actually launch our online store we're definitely going to be coming back clicking yes I'll explain why and I'll make sure in total the video webserver rewrites okay so design if we go into a simmer how to head the first thing that you'll see is the favicon icon so the favicon icon is those little icons that you see in the tabs of the windows that you open in your browser so this favicon is that actually the Magento logo and if you go to my site then it's got the s and a green circle what I might do is come back to this one with its own video showing you how to create your own favicon and how to upload it so again we're gonna put a pin in this one I'm going to come back with its own video entitled Magento favicon icon okay so default title whenever you create a page in Magento that you don't have a title to the default title will be put in its place and this is where you set the default title so why not have something more fitting and the company's name and again that also applies to description and default keywords now personally I would remove this because having generic default keywords isn't great for search engine optimization because you lose a certain impact on your pages by being too generic so I'll always leave that blank but same also applies to the description but for the sake of it let's just put in digital starter that's a look we can ignore the rest okay so this is the header section this tells Magento whereabouts your company logo is stored on your web server so it knows to use it and that'll replace this a Magento logo that we see here and also you can change your image alt text for disability purposes images were turned off it would be replaced by text which would be your store name that's up there for now and then you've got your welcome text which is this here on the upper right side depending on the theme that you'll use so this is default Magento 1.9 theme the welcome message is utilized but it isn't necessarily utilized on everything so I've just got this as set hello everyone for a moment and your footer this is where you've got your copyright informations you can see the button that's themed here since 2016 Magento demos door all rights reserved so we're gonna get the changes now to digital startup demos store all rights reserved 2016 and you don't have to worry about this particular section for now either watermarks is where it puts a watermark on the image so I don't know if you've seen it before in other online stores you might have a product image and there's a watermark over it that might say something like digital startup dot coat UK I'm not a massive fan of using watermarks because it can make the images look quite ugly I will make a separate video on the watermarks but again for the sake of setting up your store you can skip this section so here's transactional emails so a transactional email is where an email is generated by Magento and sent out to the customer this is the definition for Magento for transactional emails this might be thank you for your new order your order has been dispatched here's the latest update on your order your orders been cancelled there's so many different emails that go out either way they're referred to as transactional emails and here you can upload the logo that you wish to have implanted in the top of your emails so this would be your company logo and again just like the header we can have the alt text we can define the width and height of the image and everything else we don't need to worry about so now I've made all these changes I'm just gonna hit save to save everything we've just changed so remember once you've actually made a change anywhere on in these classical tabs you always have to hit save configuration before you move on to anything else so next let's look at currency setup so these are my currency options and obviously in the you guys are Kingdom we don't use US dollars so we'll change this our currency is called Sony and things depending on where it's listed I think it's British pounds sterling there we go magenta refers ative so a base currency and my default display currency will also be British pound sterling and here we have the list of allowed currencies so as I'm like using US dollars I'm gonna skip that go to British Crown Sterling and there we go so across the board I've selected the currency that we'll be using again if your store is accepting multiple currencies just hold the control key in the bottom left of your keyboard and select the more multiple currencies that you wish before proceeding so we're pretty much done here so I'm just going to hit save configuration so this is the store email section so another an email gets sent out from Magento whether it's manual by yourself or automated through the system it'll get sent out under one of these three contacts so when the customer reads the email sees the email go into the inbox it'll say who it's from now by default this just says general contact sales and customer support which doesn't actually tell the person who the email is coming from so we're gonna want to change this to the company name and then the department's so for example I'm going to go with digital startup customer service and sales I'll go with digital startup sales and customer sport purchase B you've got it digital startup customer support at least now the customer all know who the email is actually from I'm also at it let's update the actual email addresses now personally I like to try and keep my inbox is clean and efficient by having one for stuff like stoma service and sales because it's less monitoring of inboxes and less confusion when you're giving out an email address to a customer so that's changed all three of these now two customer service at digital startup code UK this is completely optional this is just my recommendation and once we're happy let's hit save and then in the contacts section where are you gonna worry about the second drop-down and these are the details that we want Magento to use when a customer fills in the contact form I'll the website so let's send all the emails to the customer service inbox and have the email sender down as the yet general contact email so that'll bear come across the customized digital start of customer services and then hit save config and this is the report section you can leave this alone as it is there's nothing to change here and then in the content management we have the WYSIWYG setting so with the week stands for what you see is what you get and a WYSIWYG editor means that you don't have to worry about being able to code anything in order to make it look pretty this is enabled by default when you go into the more intermediate slash advanced usage of using Magento you'll quickly come to disable this because it's not the best at being able to be rich with features to do really rich features of making pretty contents for your landing page and so forth it's better to brush up on your coding skills which we might go into at later dates and do that yourself but again in this section we'll leave it as default for now and these are all the changes that we just need to make under the general configuration right so let's look at the catalog section next and the first option going to look at is catalog now don't forget we're going to be missing or skipping a lot of these options at the moment because they're not relevant right now to setting up our online store but we will revisit them when we come to do our tweaking ok so in the front end you'll see use flight catalog category and use flats catalog products I recommend setting that to yes and I'm gonna explain why using the medium of me doodling on a whiteboard so let's say this is our web browser and on it we've loaded our product page so we've got the title of a product page or image description various of the bits of information hopefully your website looks better than this one all the information about our product store the Magento is stored within a database across several tables so if these represent just a few of our tables now so this one might contain the name this one might contend the color the price the stock availability for example so that flat catalogue whenever this page loads it has to go and find the information about the products at each one of these tables and that can take a little while to load and this therefore increases the loading time of the page so when we enable that catalog what this does is this grabs all the information of our products such as the last before the name price color size and what it actually does is dumps it all into one temporary table and it stores in here which makes the database that this has to search information for much smaller and only in one location this therefore decreases the loading time of the page and makes your site run a little bit faster so you want to enable this - yes let's have a slightly faster site next we have the product alerts now I like to enable the customers to leave their email just behind whenever they see a products out of stock because when we put the product back in stock it'll send out an automatic email to the customer to say hey guess what this products in stock if you want to buy it now so I'm going to set that to yes your products image placeholders are going to be like greyed out images saying image coming soon whether you're whatever you list of products now this is where you would upload your own custom files because I believe by default whenever you listed products on Magento without an image it has the Magento logo so you might want to change this for something more personal personalized or generic like image coming soon and again we can just upload that from our hard drive by clicking browse and then finding the image file and next we have our search engine optimizations now we want to get this right on the get-go because it becomes a little bit more complicated to change it once you've started building on the site so the three changes I would make on here use categories paths for products URLs I would say that to a know I'm going to go back to my whiteboard and explain why now so whenever you list of products in Magento and you put it in the category that she creates two pages for it so here's my example let's say I have just uploaded a products and they are a black pair of gloves so this is what happens it creates this page and if this these black gloves are also within another category it will appear there as well so so if I put the product in men's gloves category I have a page generated here and I haven't owned a page it created here as well now the problem with this is that if Google crawls your page it'll penalize you for having duplicate content because essentially this page and this page are exactly the same so by setting the option to know what happens instead is that when a customer goes into the men's gloves category if actually not have this page but instead redirect them over here that's a terrible error and this cuts down on duplicate content which is fantastic so let's set that to no and whilst we're at it we're going to change use canonical link a meta tag for categories and products - yes what this does is adds a little bit of code to your category and product pages and says hey search engine or hey Google don't crawl this page which might be duplicate content ignore that go to the original source which will normally be for our example the main dot whatever slash product page and then finally if we go into catalog search you'll see search type by default this is set to like which isn't very good and I'll explain why now like is a very gray search so what it'll do so if you type search for black gloves that stick with that thing for now it'll search for anything that contains the word black and anything that contains the word gloves which isn't a very efficient search whereas full text will try and match black gloves with anything that has black gloves as part of the text within it so we'll ignore the top and the balm and stick with full text as that is your best option for search results and then when we're finished just hit save configuration now when it go into inventory so if you're allowing Magento to do your stock control for you then I would personally leave everything as it is by default if you're running a separate application or you prefer to control your stock levels out of a spreadsheets then I would set manage stock to no this means that whenever a transaction is made on the website it won't affect your stock levels on Magento now however this is a global setting and you can actually change these settings on a per item basis so you might have this set as off by default but if you're dealing with discontinued stock or limited stock then in the actual product listing you can turn this on for this particular products and what it'll do it'll automatically put it as out of stock when you are now and when we're finished with this just hit save configuration and the next we've got the Google Sites map we can ignore the first three options and just go to generation setting and just turn this on every website should have a sites map and this tells search engines what the robot or the search engine itself should be looking for into of pages basically says hello search engine these are the pages that have my websites please can you crawl them and then the search engine will go through the list so whenever you add or removal products it'll create or remove pages within your websites so by having this enabled as yes means that sitemap will get updated every day or all the options are in week or every month which then informs the search engine of the new changes next time it comes to crawl your website and then I'll finish with this just hit save configuration so let's have a quick look at the customers section I'm going to jump straight to customer configuration and then I'm going to go into create new account options and the only thing I'm going to change in here is the default email domain so I'm going to remove that and put in they just started okay and then let's minimize that and move on to the next bit which is name and address options I'm going to put the prefix as optional so this is like mr. mrs. etc and the options I'm going to put in manually so I've put in mr. mrs. miss MS and doctor the only reason why I've highlighted this at this stage is because for a company that I previously worked for there was a genuine customer complaint the where the customer wasn't able to choose from a list of prefixes that showed dr. and she was quite upset by that so so since then whenever I've done a Magento installation I've always added a doctor as one of the as one of the prefixes and again I'm going to remove middle name because I don't think that's relatively important I guess it depends on your business so have a gander through this and see which ones might apply I wouldn't ask for more information and it's necessary because it can be quite off-putting for customers when they're trying to make a transaction because the more boxes you ask them to fill in the more likely it is that they might not purchase and simply abandon the cart at this stage and that then I'm gonna just hit saving integration and then move to persistent shopping carts and then the general options I'm simply gonna select this as yes and leave everything else as is it hits save configuration now a persistent shopping carts keeps track of the customers abandoned cart and saves the information for the customers next visit so if they're having a general look through and they're adding things their basket it means that if they get distracted or if they walk away when they come back to it as a like today's the products will still be waiting for them in the cart it's been disappointing that this is turned off by default so just hit yes and save configuration okay so now it's time to look at the sales section I'm going to run through these settings but before I do you'll notice at the top after we changed some settings earlier but you would have received a message about one or more of the indexes are not up to date do recall earlier when we talked about a France catalog where all of the information in the database across several tables is put into a temporary table which allows the product pages to load faster on the website well whenever we make change to the products or change the sides or you fiddle about some settings which may cause information in that table to become obsolete it'll let us know by having this message all you got to do is simply click on the index management selects all as you can see there these are the things that may have become out-of-date in that table and just choose submits with the action we index data and then that all updates that temporary table that's being created with all of the new information it'll only take a second to do obviously the larger your products catalog database if we're talking tens of thousands of products the longer it will take to index that information into that table so that's just a little bit about index management so moving on under the sales section and the sales header when they go into invoice and packing slip beta these are two more sections where we can upload our company logo and have it show on the invoices we can also put our address in here which will show on the invoice so when they go and fill that in now well that's the only thing we're gonna do at this stage on here so let's hit save configuration now in the sales emails I'm not going to change anything but I just wanted to show you that the email addresses that we set up earlier on in the video where we have the different departments you can choose which departments different types of emails get sent from so if I just click a few random ones here yes you'll see that all of the sender's will show as the sales representative I believe in the past I've just simply changed this to general contact but this decision is completely up to you as to who the email shows it has come from so if we remember sales representative let's go back to our email addresses store representative means that when an email gets sent out it'll show that it's called from digital startup sales so again jay-z's as you like but well I'm not going to change anything here I'm just going to move on so next I'm going to go into the tank section I'm just gonna expand all of these dropdowns depending on how your business model works you may want to show everything X vets or X tanks or ink mat or ink tanks in my line of work in the past everything's always been inclusive of the 80/20 anything so all I would do for this on here is change tax class for shipping so shipping as far as one concern has always been a taxable good or service and anything where I see including tax I'm just gonna flick over to including and then we're going to change the countries here at e Kingdom like we did as well and continue to change all these too including tax remember this is just a guide so don't feel like you have to copy me exactly these settings just something that applies to me and the companies that I work for so now that it's all changed hit save configuration and if we can move to checkout we're gonna look at checkout options and remember the terms and conditions that we've set up earlier well this is where we enable it so now it will show at the checkout I'm going to hit save configuration and move on so this is shipping settings I'm just going to expand both of these so this is origin of goods where they're being shipped from again just pop your address in here and underneath it says allows shipping to multiple addresses now depending on your business model it might be unlikely that you're going to do that so I'm going to change this to no again this is only relevant for my demo store you may allow shipping to multiple addresses it's completely up to you and then I'm gonna hit save configuration now you're gonna see shipping methods and payment methods these two are definitely worthy of their own videos so I'm gonna definitely come back to this at a later stage so we're gonna skip these two and move on to Google API so if you've set up your Google Analytics already then simply change this from no to yes and pop in your accounts ID number in here and then hit save and I'll integrate the store into your Google Analytics so you can track visitor data okay so now we're looking at the Advanced section which is the last part of this video and under admin you'll see admin base URL and security now when I come back to this in a later video because security is a very important part of Magento and it's worth its own video because it might take a little while to explain some of the settings and some of the precautions that we can make but I just wanted to highlight to you that remember the URL login for admin or back-end it was set to digital for for me I can change this here to whatever I want and you'll notice one of the security we could increase security through case sensitivity anyway I just wanted to point that out to you but let you know that we are going to come back to it so the very very last thing we want to do now is go into a developer under Advanced section then lock settings and turn log from note to yes and hit save now this is really really important because during your usage of Magento sometimes you'll come across an error or you know something may happen and it's really really good to keep track of events that may go wrong because the logs will actually give you a good hint as to indication why something may have failed so always tell us on like self Hicks so configuration so just to summarize what we should have learned in this video some of the basic settings that need attention after installing Magento for the first time as well as some good hints as to what those settings should look like and with the use of the pause indicator that you will have been seen throughout the video those have been great homes to go back and revisit to make notes as to what you think those settings should be when you can set up your store for the first time we've also agreed to expand on a couple more points and those points are being the webserver rewrites favicon icon products images shipping methods payment methods and security and as those videos go live on YouTube I'll add links them in the description below if you found this video useful in any way please hit the like and subscribe button if you have any questions or if you have any feedback as to how the video might be better in some way then again please add your comments below the video
Channel: Digital Startup
Views: 21,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: setup magento, starting business, starting an online store, build an online store, how to, tutorial, ecommerce, Web Design (Interest), Web Development (Interest), web development, html, web developer, magento install, magento setup, magento settings, how to start a business, how to setup magento, how to install magento, magento, magento (software), magento tutorial for beginners
Id: I3fjYQEdk_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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