Mafia problems

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oh my every nerd so how was my week I have a let's do I have a bunch of that I still have so much of the the root beer moonshine I've got guess what's getting drunk during this during game of Phoenix Wright guess what and we're not doing the trial so we're doing investigating um should say I I'm debating whether to do something after being we're done with Phoenix right I don't know but I'm really feeling like just letting loose tonight this is basically I scheduled myself to do this okay I'm scheduled to freaking do this you know what in fact I got when I gotten dressed in my a outfit to do this thing I'm started sweating my balls off because my freaking apartment is hotter than flipping hell every damn day why is that because it's freaking nearly 85 to 90 degrees daily and when it did rain the humanity shop like a m effort oh that put together means one cranky-ass fantastic on the plus side I have been getting so much enjoyment out of people's own complimenting me on my stash for example I had a kid now what'd you say that that said this is probably isn't the best game to play with alcohol since you have [Music] got to know oh I think oh no we're just doing the uh investigation stuff we're not actually doing the trial itself so tonight's just investigating investigating but anyway get let me get back to my story here I had a little kid little kid with her mom was checking out she she took a look at my beautiful stash looked at her look at me look at her mom does that come off I have to tell you I reached I'm so proud that I reached each department store Santa [Music] can't see it anyway no I really don't even care we're doing this game let's get started with it we're doing this why because as far as I know what am I going to do what am I going to do am I going to other games do I have let's see [Music] all right oh God I almost yes hello the game so here's to you oh oh for the record this is 70 proof stuff so we're talking some really strong some really strong [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm not used to so we might want to get this done quickly but I do have Gatorade that's a close one huh Mia too bad I'm sorry I missed it hey Maya that's okay Maya you're cool so what happened well I'm actually kind of glad Maya wasn't there mainly because of salmonella [ __ ] um your sister has a wonderful way with kids let me let's just stop there well I think I've got a pretty good idea who did it no I mean is a motive and proof wow good thing going Nick under its initial trial system tomorrow is the last day we have initial trial what's that that's a new court system they introduced two or three years ago they had so many cases in the system they decided to speed up the whole process access and Charles have to end in three days yeah pretty much well we've no time to waste then you know I okay okay um I'll talk more about this later not during this case or not right now because there's um examined [Music] he has favorite product my one okay there's um the scary stuff okay let's um [Music] hey saber tooth just arrived you've been very very well again today thank you oh thanks uh could you not look like you're about to burst into tears if you must have really found them in there and could you wipe that grin off your face wow you know I've seen it seen this in 8-bit and wow that look does look a little um Hey wpo Monday left let's make it count and so there's not really anything I can do to help I'm not really sure what I can do either this is no laughing matter [Music] okay tell me about Miss Matt Vasquez oh the producer he's well respected in the industry they say she's a genius [Music] yeah I'm sure um a certain Studio could probably have used her as opposed to the dumbass they at their former owner put in charge when he sold it to Disney oops [Music] was that too much a genius she's been at Global Studios for five years now right or wrong no one dares tell her different these days why is that ever since she came on board and had nothing but hits Global Studios designs knees but she picked it up and made it right and then what made it Shine that's it oh and and what nothing forget it I've only heard rumors anyhow [Music] turn it to Manila can you tell me anything about Mr Manila oh he's a kiss ass oh he used to be a minor straight to video director but something in his work caught let's guess hi she brought the steel Samurai idea to him now everyone knows the name salmonella [Laughter] story about this um I was I was talking to calf of um guy who was here last week watching this and then I was talking to them because he found something about him of this taverns and ends I told me you should put salmonella as one of the uh specifically this guy but he came up with a better hand to as one of the tavern owners he's like yeah like yeah how would you like some green eggs and ham you mean like don't enactment Fair players like Dr Seuss right right [Music] here's pretty much at her back and called the the [Music] where she jumps he I doubt he asks I can't imagine being at her best call though can't imagine him jumping Mr hammer hello he was a big start back a day right but then he just dropped off the face of the Earth [Music] didn't goes that far I mean the guy was the main villain in um the uh still Samurai I wouldn't say he dropped completely off the face of the Earth yes you're right in fact he has only he was my role model when I started in this business but he just stopped taking long big roles that's when he began appearing in little Productions in order how could he do that I was really looking forward to a single just gave up on being star five years ago actually now I think about it I was right when Vasquez King it's over five years ago okay I think we're done talking to you is there anything I could present to him um [Music] okay let's move Studio main gate hey how you doing I'm sorry it's something about her face just started messing the way her face is drawn started mess with my eyes I I think it's this this this this part right here for some reason completely started screwing with my eyes she's going to win back sure is quiet today about time you know this place is really peaceful like this go ahead push your buttons Maya I think your guards down yeah I bet we can't even need those guns in the Guard Station we wanted you eat you die [Laughter] she's alive [Music] okay I was wondering about D Vasquez the producer oh the studio big ones love her so she always gets her wet okay she seems bitter do you not like the producer look the studio people don't want me talking about her so sorry can I ask you about salmonella the director Sal he's a he's soft the pushover [Music] um because whatever fast has tells them to I could he treats him like dirt but I think you like oh my God what why would anyone like being treated like dirt I I'll be honest meet Maya I don't get it either but uh worry about it in about a year when you're 18. it doesn't make any sense doesn't Nick or no no does phoenix like getting treated like dirt Phoenix into being BDSM it would explain a whole lot [Music] about Mr Hammer holy [ __ ] she's got the teeth [Music] I heard about what you said today cheeky River snapper poor old man you drag his star down for the sky and stomp on it calling him a criminal a thief I won't forget this uh oh she really pissed this isn't you listen to me whippers never my poor old Hammer would never do such a thing why would we steal Powers costume so he could sneak by me he would never stick so low it's impossible okay time to move [Music] uh to the day of the Martin Mr Hammer put on the steel samurai costume then he left from here to go to Studio two all right but why I wonder if someone called him like the director or the producer oh hey how you doing hey Nick it's Miss Vasquez hello oh she actually did that I should at least try to be polite I'm watching the clouds that's all she had to say apparently um excuse me Mr Hammer came here the day of the murder and I hope she didn't hear me I'm watching the clouds I'm not interested in talking to you do something like she's really kicking me off oh dear Mr Powers wasn't the Killer you don't have to cancel the still Samurai I think I'm tired of this still Samurai you did it make she did it she's the Killer no he played blood speaks to me I know it I know it and all you can say is oh dear Jesus Christ Nick yeah hmm director Manila I was wondering if you could tell me about Mr Manila you must talk about that man perhaps you could talk about it in the trailer by yourselves oh oh we got a second oh my band for me with staff and equipment around good Shake looks like it'd be running fine let's go for a drawing oh yeah if you don't have a driver's license but look I have this why are you showing me your attorney's badge Nick is worse I'll know in the United States there's nothing left on the plates yeah excuse me T-bone steaks too something wrong I don't know I'm getting this funny feeling something about this feels odd you know can't see the idea incinerator apparently they just put this on me it's already covering scent they must not clean it much wasn't the assistant cleaning up yesterday funny it still seems pretty messy in here because she was still on the high from getting that rare card she needed trash big nothing in here that could be a clue just some paper cups and crumpled documents nothing I can't move outside Studio finally bye hey lady engage hello Kraken hello bag to the employee area Global Studios employee area I guess they're not filming today either would they be filming I didn't want to see them filming just one time Australia will be over and done by tomorrow you can see them film later I guess this is where you found the ball of sleeping pills right uh-huh I wonder if there are any clues lying around yeah [Music] no no no no oh sorry paddle they mean to frighten you didn't move I almost had a heart attack I guess I could be a bit low dramatic at times I suppose it's the actor in me dramatique anyway I'm here to examine the plate on that table wait are you looking for the sleeping pills yeah pal traces thereof [Music] so you're looking for traces with a sleeping pills or third examination I gotta take a complaint back to the precinct so I have the kid capabilities to make professori examination right here our science guy gave me some testing solution this reaction sleeping pill see and there are traces that change color wow neat what are you waiting for now now everything In Due Time Pal well that's the solution on the plate change color all right so food on this plate had been laced with the sleeping pills looks like it I think playing down into the court record the investigation how does your investigation tell truth it's a real mess pal I don't know why he's the only one I'm giving a voice to everybody else kind of like yeah just me talking some people think we should pursue the case we already have against powers and some think we should switch for suspects what do you think detective Gumtree oh I hate to admit it I'm not sure I buy the case against Mr Powers anymore I feel kind of bad for Mr Edgeworth though how is Edgeworth doing does he want us to send us him his new girlfriend she's at the gate oh I wouldn't suggest a kid kid hates guts and by the way meet me is not around so I don't think that'd be a good idea Mrs Edward that's out of control he was in the waiting room and he crushed his paper cup with hot hot coffee in it whoa talk about Burns past wow the fury of Edwards yeah crushing paper cups [Music] cups balls see whatever happened to that An Empty Bottle oh ball sleeping pills well I got some good news for you about that they found the victim jackhammer's Prince on the bottle so that means yep sounds like the one who put powers to sleep with no other than the victim so I was right sleeping pills follow attitude it was already yeah and I [Music] in hindsight I really need to have a table over here or move all my setup behind me [Music] unfortunately the plugs are over there so I can't really move the setup behind me I could maybe move it over to that side wall over there and so I could put a table over here [Music] should I think about during a stream um salmon [Music] you know sometimes I feel like I should just get a vtuber model for no other reason for seriously another reason than just so I don't have to be seen like cleaning [ __ ] up or pouring my drinks or anything like that [Music] oh you son of a [ __ ] that's what I was [Music] anyway steak [Music] okay [Music] there we go it's much better excuse me move dressing room what's in the dressing room oh Jesus Christ I'm I'm going to be totally admit that she was not the one I was expecting what are you doing here well I was just cleaning up the dressing room swp won't be using it anymore so what with WP is innocent yes I'm really grateful for all you've done but this week is the last episode of the steel Samurai [Music] I should have came here first and then gone to the trailer okay I I did I did stuff out I did stuff out of order [Music] I was wondering if I could ask you about Mr Hammer yes on the day of the murder he went to Studio too I thought he went to Studio One he stole the still samurai costume too what why would Mr hammer do something like that oh I guess the rumor must be true then she's just got this little smirk on her face like hmm like she some amount remember yeah miss masquez that producer had some kind of hold on Hammer she had some dirt on him he'd do anything he said apparently some dirt what dirt dirt you know bad stuff I know what dirt means my God as you said before I've seen this game in like the 8-Bit because the lp I watched was from the uh Game Boy Game Boy Advance them and so it's like seeing Maya with her how cute she is you just want to give me their picture little cheeks it's it's about five years ago that you were filming a movie starring Mr Hammer they're using the new studio studio 2 which some sort of accident happened during the filming after that they never used Studio 2 again they left the film set the way it was too the film set was that trailer part of the film that set then the last episode what do you mean the last deal Samurai I know it's a shock but nothing can be done to save it now whoever really did kill Mr Hammer also signed a still Samurai's death warrant no no [Music] unless I hear that Global Studios is going to change its program but I'm going to make kid shows anymore what hi I don't know it's sad but that's why it's Global Studio Society why aren't they going to make kid shows anymore CDA big words don't want to steal Samurai around anymore you want to forget all this ever happened we want it quiet you understand okay they just do that what about all the kids who love the steel Samurai okay I'm sure the kids will be fine profiles [Music] she's talking about kids she's not only maybe a few months a year maybe a few months and older than this one and she's like oh I'm sure the kids will be fine the program just ends they'll be heartbroken for sure like say something yeah I think evidence rather than words is called put it take a look at this uh yeah the Scrapbook this is Bank collected all those each photographs the kids love to still semi it shows you can't suggest so some adults can save space I would think you would understand better than anyone else you're right okay what can I do oh for starters you tell me everything something tell me what it is at Global Studios is so intent on Heidi tell me about this accident five years ago you tell us what happened five years ago well I can tell you what I've heard apparently five years ago someone died and it was Hammer's faults someone died [Music] it was an accident of course anyway the producer Miss Vazquez managed to hush it up and that's the dirt he had on Mr hammer and that's why Mr Hammer would do anything as Vasquez asked him to do it was an accident right why didn't they just make it public oh you know Mr Hammer was a big star back then they were afraid that one might happen to his career or he got out I see you know who knows more about this in his old bag he was here at the studios back then you know thanks we'll try asking her official talk okay and we're moving through the employee area and we're moving to the main gates to talk to you oh why are you so wow you just started on me right off the bat do you like to play so much why don't you take over for me yo win back doesn't look so good everybody is doing their darndest forget him who do they think made Global Studios what do you say hammer it's all through the hammer she's starting to froth at the mouth Nick maybe we should keep a safe distance [Music] um I want to ask you about five years ago there's that nationality who told you who did you hear that from I uh huh Nichols nickels nickels Nick Penny Nichols the assistant who we talked to right all right we heard about the accident it was during filming with Jack Hammer he killed a man didn't he the first Everest judging up dirt on someone's paths like that and then recently the party no less I suppose you think this is fun no I'm just doing my job to protect Mr Powers do you claim that hammer still Powers chemistry you expect me to believe that rubbish or do you have some kind of proof there's the Hammer's skull Ass costume yeah sure I'm at first sorry miss me I do have perfect I can prove that Mr Hammer is still the cost um because Isaiah T-bone steak for lunch correct well yes so this is the plate they used to eat that steak merch why are we carrying that around they're true and I don't even yeah we're just carrying this plate around this dirty ass plate with a bone still attached to it like that after you were done with it okay I I bet Powers were there himself you know lightly like him must have trouble sleeping sometimes except I have a fruit hammer put the pills in [Music] this ball contains sleeping pills Mr Hammer's fingerprints were found on the plate on a bottle also I see hardcore Hammer I'm getting on hammering rest your soul it's all back okay you win I'll talk I'm tired so you're tired of holding it all in this old bag you're right five years ago there was an accident a fatal accident what's worse a Paparazzi took photo well it caused quite a stir and guess you made it all better Vazquez she has Tyson a Mafia Two solids at Paparazzi that was the beginning after that she became a forcing working with her at the studio I see but you have to understand all of him or never meant any harm to anyone so bad oh man performance here take this photograph holy [ __ ] [Music] wait a second this is the picture this is the picture is this the trailer in studio 2 and we were supposed to fight the bad guy on top of those stairs there God [Music] alone [Music] he pushed the other after and a man fell into the Firebox fence but you get this it was a long time ago I don't feel much like talking about it I understand five-year-old photo attitude court record [Music] Let's uh go to Studio One um yeah let's go to Studio two I should be all right what where did you get that I will hold back oh Jesus goddamn makes a [ __ ] right anyway Miss Vasquez you hid this incident from the Press didn't you and you used it to control Mr hammer the wind speed huh it's gotten stronger don't you think the wind you're a conversation interests me oh my God let's talk about more inside the trailer yeah she went inside the trail well thank you acting obvious there are some flowers here this offense looks dangerous and bent move into the trailer he came well then what was that you were talking about why is she so eager to talk all of a sudden Miss Vazquez you were using that accent you were blackmailing Mr Hammer so you could control him weren't you that's why you he was doing kid shows for petty change hmm so I'm a blackmailer now well that's why it was wasn't it I mean sure it was an accident but you used it to drag Mr hammer down from his rifle place as a star all right kind of pulled anyone down from anywhere Mr Hamrick's career went somewhere of its own accord you were in Lacrosse you pressured him and you think it was just an accident excuse me what is this all about you keep saying accident accident how are you so sure what do you mean once I spell everything out for you hey what would it be if it wasn't an accident no no way I mean Mr Hammond did on purpose that is what I mean but where's your proof can you prove it just think wouldn't he have let me he have let me run his life for five years over a mere accident I ran in part believe you me but the security lady said it was an accident oh well she was a big fan of hammers you see she jumped on the report who brought that photo into the studio she wrenched it off his hands she did gave him a few roses too so that's why she had the photo she's an old fool supports all the record with me that he was negative he could meet have made a coffee but he didn't the only copy of that photo is give it to me now what this is valuable evidence boys holy [ __ ] damn it where's cure you or in uh everybody else Jesus uh you guys want to go do some karaoke bowling no [ __ ] um who are the hate professions they're good at erasing various things what do you think would you like to be erased what trying some more unfortunate it's a shame you'll have to miss it tell me why why do you want this Photograph so badly this is Mr Hammer's dirt you know why shouldn't be Vasquez care about it at all I'm sure you have plenty of time to think about that where you're going so long friends boys Erase Away foreign right there I heard everything pal deep Vasquez you're coming down to the precinct with me now not bad very well it appears that contest would be decided tomorrow that can pull it I'll be looking forward to it hey you okay pal sorry it was a little late with my entrance don't get me any chances to practice that sort of thing detective film shoot thank you thank you thank you I was really scared huh don't mention it now just doing my job detective gumshoe sorry it's just I wanted to say that line ever since I became a detective [Music] okay I've got one more job to do today I'm sure we'll run into each other again tomorrow soon tomorrow so whatever [Music] well Nick looks like we're getting close to the palm of this and he's at the bottom I don't know if she likes being a bottom Steve Vazquez yeah to be continued wow that was a lot shorter than I thought I was I thought I would be a little bit longer but nope nope save your progress yep yeah I thought that was going to be a lot longer um
Channel: Castantino
Views: 11
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy, Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright, Mystery, Investigation, Visual Novel, Comedy
Id: wuI5Leyf8Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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