Am I a bad defense lawyer?

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[Music] Oh that's oh wow okay phix right it's one little bit earlier than I usually playes so we're going to try to finish up pink right tonight dear God what a freaking F the thing this has been the last time [Music] we um basically got the other one of the sky sisters our clients Emma into a little bit of [Music] trouble does that make me an [ __ ] feel free to answer that thatle here we go sorry [Music] trouble don't worry about it this was my call not yours not interrupting anything yeah a little [Music] bit guess I am I'll come back later yeah detective what is [Music] it pal making T run [Music] around get llas having again let me tell you this is the last time here she asked me give this there was a break in isn't that cute it's got a little little ducky in a detective Sherlock hes c p isn't that adorable what I'm supposed to take this seriously takes the whole system serious you must know the two rules of no shall be shown without the sh some evidence allw really [Music] oh him [Music] on devil [Music] guy let me see if I [Music] can okay well it worked guess all need to get this ID law securely wrapped [Music] into good now though the chief prosecutor sentence that's where you're wrong detective huh hav you figured it out but still sitting in that see all these allegations being at me Mr edworth the real trial today hasn't begun yet what what else is there left to do your credibility's been all but ruined this with this forged evidence you were unaware of Sky found out she unwillingly caused the man's death and now you're telling me you want to do more you've got to be killing me pal missing the point detective didn't murder detective stuck in his dead body that means the real killer is still out there what never no matter what it takes this case has to hurt so many people it's hard to bring it to an end time to bring it to an end something along those lines number n [Music] now for the Mr edor your you harsh your actions thank you you thank you [Music] for yeah that's pretty much what you [Music] deserve this isy [Music] concern you think I may have that being the case prosecution allow the defense called for all what but there's no president for that you your posing undi this is usual but very effectively prove I have deals with the witnesses right what did you say unbelievable Ed has found the way to continue the triy verywell defense except that guy's [Music] proposal def now on the next witness right do realize this is your own Last Chance Tri as good over prin calls out the room [Music] Riv uh we're going to call this guy no [ __ ] Jesus Christ [Music] I take that Damon Gant defense calls Damon Gant to the stand Damon what does he have to do with anything as a defendant's partner two years ago Mr dant has firstand knowledge of the crime I feel we should hear what he has to say about it as luck would have it he should still be in the courthouse he would also be the least likely to have been manipulated by me in any way when you agree your honor also true all right BFF please escort Mr Gant to the stand and here he is BL with his hair winess please stay your name anation what is this some kind of practical joke I was just on my way to lunch remain an occupation sir worthy are you sure you wanted to wish name and occupation so you want to play it called boy who's Mr Gat fine my name is demon Gat I'm the acting Chief of Police that almost makes it sound like he's not the actual Chief but then Chief G for requests to hear your testim oh righto what's with the F face first let's clear up this as Oh you mean that time when mama's sister moted that prosecutor oh my [Music] god oh oh man I'll I'll not to win any support in a in the case 101 right there personally I think it's been pretty made pretty clear already there are still some things un counted for oh like what like the role you played in all this son either you're very brave or very foolish are you aware of course that a chief police chief has all kinds of weapons at his disposal weapons sure take my testimony for example I don't have to give it if I don't want to is that true I'm afraid so the police has the right to refuse testify or such an action carries with it certain risks don't worry I'm not here to hinder your trial just remember if this turns out to be one big waste of time I don't didn't don't say I didn't warn you well test this now began his testimony yes on as I recall Neil and I were questioning him that day to make a long story short he the thought of power outage didn't help either when I went to my office as I found Lana there apparently she had already arranged the CRI as you can see I had nothing to do with is that when Dr dark was arrested him he was lying on the floor unconscious heying the Flor uncons when Emma sent Neil flying it seems Arc AR bumped his head yeah I love how you don't see dark going bumping his head but you see the Marshall I see everything seems pretty cut clear clear cut police chief has the right to refuse to testify then I better hit him hard and fast okay here we go it's also got a shell on it for his hold it call ceremon the Poli depart yes that's right I guess you could say I'm a workaholic after winning his award was up that's probably but dark and made him run away like that a defendant guy also Pres her I don't quite remember at the very least she wasn't there when dark ran for [Music] it is there a team you immediately after him right that's right a darkg made there first so real nice SP up went upstairs I went downstairs I guess you could say we got lucky we got lucky what's this about power oh that little bit stopped all of a sudden I got shock my life probably not as shocked as me as when that knife went into his heart oh my [ __ ] God what a dick that's not funny oh no but Jesus I went to my office I found [Music] there hold it you tell us what you saw it was a shocking sight KN that's zero kill lying in the Heap on the floor all tangled together dark was also ly collapsed on yes apparently he had his head and was knocked out next to them were these two Emma was pring among arms now she must have already known that her sister had G arranged the CRI scene hold it how can you know that because of the victim's quality they had already been moved so that means on the body your's desk that's right I think you said it [Music] earlier really stabbed the prut yes excuse me anyway as you can see had nothing to do with the p [Music] it so you're saying that the P was already taking place by the time you've arrived in your office that's exactly what I'm saying I can understand how Lana must have helped but moving a body and AR excusable no matter what the circumstances bring at the witness won't get you any do you any good Mr [Music] has if you're going to stare at any better off staring at that they worth they always [Music] AET [Music] she [Music] serious [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's such a weird ass picture anyway not buying m [Music] this sh [Music] what if I brought out the Blue Badger oh yeah I'll make I'll torch room by making him have to listen to that damn song [Music] [Applause] um [Music] cre [Music] [Applause] [Music] look sentence death tell give me [Music] any find that as sh [Music] time you [Music] [Applause] [Music] having no that wouldn't I have some come [Music] try so it has to be no oh [ __ ] yeah no I think and I still hear this music [ __ ] [Music] me [Music] so so should add this set [Applause] up oh I want to get this thing done this is definitely one of those times that's like the thing is literally looking at me right in the face cuz it's on this [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] a [Music] a [Music] hold [Music] it [Music] so I think I I love this [Applause] I hate do this one I want to get this done TR this [Applause] [Music] there's always like as soon as I get past [Music] one I mean this was found in his uh yeah yeah OB nothing to do with the forgery God I hate doing that I really want to get this whole thing done and over [Music] with explain yourself s pieces of evidence were found in the off take this J for example that's the blue Bader shut up pie of this jar was discovered in your safe not only that this evidence the I present earlier so it wouldn't matter it's actually found inside the desk B where we see Chief these articles of evidence uncovered in the office Pro that you also played a part in illegal investigation CH G what's the meaning of this oh here's a defense attorney who may even rival worthy so you admit it then that you were involved in the forgery who me what do you mean you me or would I have anything to do with that well you were the one you snu into my office when you found this evidence prosecutors aren't the only ones capable of forging evidence you know V attor can do it too isn't that right [Music] right a detective Dum was present during the investigation worthy my boy not even detectives are exemp from my law PR assur dick will receive his D punishments yeah everybody's real shocked about this why detective gumu salary drops any further he end up paying for work yeah everybody yes well in light of the detective his presence please give us your testimony regarding these pieces of evidence found in your office and the relation to the forgery that took place at the crime scene my my kids these days no longer know how two and two together and in some [Music] forgery let's see what was it now J fragman and the list well I know you could have planted them in my office anyway you can't prove when these pieces of evidence were discovered if they were found after dark was convicted they are worthless some reason I participated in rearranging the Curren wouldn't help me out way that's right yes your honor when investigating the crime scene you should have been more careful to man I could tell you how many times I could could have point out that you should have been more careful as a judge and do your job you you do understand what I'm saying I am the chief of police Le right there will be consequences yeah indeed I believe I will press charges so you don't make the same mistake again what a dick my apologies Chief but would you mind waiting until tomorrow for that today is well you all right UD in return though I know I know that place again right today as well right it's your your personal life huh where are these guys telepathic evidence and forgery I know you [Music] could I appreciate you stop making these ridiculous allegations yes you do have a you wouldn't have the guts to do something like that what I'll be more that may at once BR into a c IM Mr Right what are you say right anyway you can't prove didn't carry in the evidence can you if you have proof to the contrary you're going to me it later later what are you talking about well talking about when I right prints are found guess if they're found inside my safe they would prove his investigation was illegal they send on as Slim as this guy anyway you can't prove when these pieces of evidence were discovered hold it what do you mean by that this is all purly pathetical but I suppose did Place suppose I did place it such an would necessarily constitute [Music] for it's concealing evidence concealing evidence that is a forgy I'm not through speaking yeto all depends on when that evidence was discovered they were found after dark was big then they're worthless hold it are you saying this J wasn't discovered on the initial investigation it was th all wasn't [Music] listen uh basically he's an [ __ ] I'm not surprised by twitch been doing that to me all day so he was doing it earlier um yeah this guy's an [ __ ] pretty much like his his defense is so bad it's like it's not that he's putting out any uh come on righto think about it there's no real reason I participate in the fory hold it how can you look at me in the eye say that because I'm in remember who was that murdered me I'm not sure I care for the word murder what the hell problem would you freaking want when the end person responsible [Music] thank you for saying it like that when we have proven that one way or the other ass oh yeah and the judge is incompetent but I considering the other um trials what else is near there well now see you're reing CRS could help me out in any way hold it really Che k at the very least there is one very large benefit you break from all this who I wasn't aware what is his benefits that would of course be the position you have chief of police resolution of the sl9 incident secured your promotion that in itself is sufficient motive oh that's a good one H you really think I'm that incompetent considering how the rest of the police for you mean even without that case I was already in line to become the next resolution of sl9 merely sped up in a little bit little is that true edworth yes he was going to be made Chief anyway be careful when poing finger that finger you might end up being the one pointed that so that means there's only one possible solation you didn't do for yourself did for someone else don't be silly worthy you know me better than that there are only three people I look out for me myself and I there it's on the open now Audie would you mind if I change my testimony a little by all means please do and here we go I wouldn't be anyone's accompass if there was nothing in it for me hold it nothing in it for you you make for me sorry but the only person I care about is yours trly that you're Lawless little sister wasn't if you think I felt sorry for her you better think again all right don't feel sorry for any tough on I tough on people that's how I was raised you seem to relxing not on yourself oh that's a good one Worthy there have been something that for him in his selfishness could have helped we have helped so [Music] [Applause] El [Music] you might not have helped anyone for their sake but if it would been for you you might decide to assist someone just right here's your determined to portray the chief as a nice man who likes to lend people a hand there Jesus Christ judge will then who is this person you believe Chief got may have to forge [Music] evidence take that she prosecuted Sky the defendant I believe it's quite obvious in light of the circumstances Emma Sky f a victim into an unfortunate series of events who would want to help her more than her an sister Lana as you can't he would have would also have a reason to help Don Pete she asked him to that reason of course is self profit self profit what do you mean after ask how so h i was appointed Chief prosecutor as PR person who arranged this job was you Chief [Music] G but how would he profit from all this [Music] he'll be able to use a cheap prosecutor as his pu heire unchecked authority over all investigations you need to tell me that the pointful Chiefs for he plays with puppets plays with puppets this is the longest guy in 4 pred to cheap prosecut you can control righto my boy you have quite the imagination let me ask you something what do you have any proof of this that I control well enough for example testifying that I've done such a thing she's keep to protect there's no way she testify against afraid with all you improv mon not more than conjecture [Music] that's also what happened in that in that this incident which one would that be of course I'm talking about the murder of detective very but she prosecuted been acting strange this entire trial almost as if someone has been controlling [Music] her wor they you'd better to watch your tongue I would want you to get hurt someone has this what do you mean means he's a dick what he means your honor is that Chief G is involved in the murder of detective Goodman not only that but Chief is now making Lana take the WRA to cover up his involvement order order order I said order that's right you you can't be serious to the highest ranking officer in your law enforcement Agy the accus chief police a blackmail and M impossible just did it it's not that impossible pretty sure it's he quite able to your honor I was merely liberating but Mr wor said and easier to understand language oh oh oh pass in the [Music] buck it's too late Mr right there's no turning back to us now so he's the one who decided to go through this oh like you have a choice you prove this was right a choose high ranking officer of law is involved in this murder good question regardless of his ring for a title Chief can is just a man question is is he a I believe the evidence will see right then let's see what Mr right's gone and I yesterday yeah yeah that sorry but there's no way you can prove that to my card number it's your number what how do you know that the safe ad Chief G office requires a good open a seven digigit code seven digits you don't mean seven digits seven seven yeah it was yeah yes he has the remaining ID card number on this list he he's angry you answer room on the day of the you can't what do you have to say nothing def search of my office was in violation of regulations now the man so I be punished to the maximum extent in but right now this what demands an explanation at the use of this IDE card you know what I'm going to say he's the one who looks the least of all the people so you admitt it you entered the evidence on the day of the crime I mean it's really easy in my opinion for him to blow it off [Music] as I mean it's really easy for this guy to just you know say it one way how about it's unchap of police whether it's the evidence room or the bathroom that's not how I would said it but and then like well you taking that stuff out of permission blah no he's like I have the right to go wherever I want what's the difference I can go anywhere I [Music] want you dumbass all you had to say but some point I explained that people ask his call and that you have to help him get in there so you can do the thing yes would me you with that but at the same time this makes you 10 10 times worse tell me when you enter the room were you alone I always go to the bathroom alone has be there in this room the good when help happen to be with you that day of course not why would he be I hav't seen him in days you had seen in days she I'm afraid you just done yourself that day man could have met with Detective what do you mean to talk about exactly what I was saying that he had to say he didn't he [Music] a [Music] pures to turn more no it isn't Char's focus is determined the truth Chief now he's back to playing with his hair the chief G the victim on the day of the Cur then we need to determine what transpired during that Reon that Cas is right and for evidence show us prove that the victim went meet meat chief on the day of the crime oh that's a take that de Goodman lost his ID on the day of the crime or to be more after Jak Mor still detective good fill out once I'm the you would have give that report to the chief of police get you are in possession of the report which means you can't be sure he followed it he followed it how do I not because he needed to enter the evidence room that day he needed to yes to transfer the evidence out oh Goodman took the evidence from your Chief G then you accompanied the detective to the evidence room oh I accompanied him there's no well he maybe he needed adult supervision I don't know there's no way the the murderer and detective Goodman could have entered the room's other hold on let me guess what you're get going to say oh oh now he's freaking Joseph joar next you're going to say I Chief of Police murdered poor Goodman now he freaking how did you [Music] know wait Chief didn't necessarily need to accompany him to the room go just lent him theard yes now one you mention it I might have I might have sorry that's not possible H to record your card was only used once yet you showed us your card earlier you had really led to detect bedman it would have been found on his body oh my God his freak out is awesome it just turns into freaking Electro some [ __ ] I'm not going to lie that was amazing the murderers most likely is for the moment cry for no one in their right [Music] mind the Poli a place to commit murder it's a perfect place no one's going to everybody's going to think of exactly what you said rub after the murder you one contacted l in the to dispose of the detective's you forget me Mr Right vitim B prosecutor part that he managed to live with that I was in the police department the entire day you know everyone's aware that M dat at the prosecutor's office certainly everyone except me it seems still you're a chief of police entire police force oh so you think I just ordered an officer hey you take this here dead body over the prosecutor's office I don't think so you can't you left all the evidence we need to prove you move the body to the prosecutor's office all this time I thought it was a useless clue just taking [Music] upstairs how could the chief move the body right show us this [Music] evidence to move the victim's body Chief G this and screwed I want [Music] it's screw huh because it's a screwdriver huh get it this is how he move detective Goodman bnie what's that screwdriver what does that have to do with this case Mr edworth back in the day of the crime the screw jobs on do really screwed it into edworth on this [Laughter] one oh man I'm a horrible person I love how it looks from that thing almost looks like he's hold off a could be look at like's office in case on the day of the that Mees I brought this sit back here the ceremony did that day I didn't plan to return to prosecutor's office but you did because Chief Gan asked you to you mean I I had a dead body in the trunk yep body was found in the trunk of Mr edgeworth's car I think it's obvious what happened the body was moved in that car you got [Music] screwed T's body was caring the trip Edward's gone yes unless of course you have another explanation she would you have asked Mr Edward to transport evidence from the close case there's only one imposible explanation to transport the body to your accomplice M hold on hold hold on let's goone I want here is there no room for but the outrageous think back to the photograph start the office this was not a photo of a body being stuffed in their trunk and taken away's exactly the opposite there's a photo of the body being taken from the what the hell was she going to do with the body this opens up all new can of worms but I guess we'll talk discuss it G please say something I believe your time's up my time's up S right but I'm having lunch with the district attorney general after this we have to get going of it we going to make it in time for the early but the cross examination is a finished check remember what I told you earlier please cheat there all kinds of weapons at his disposal weapons I the way to refuse to testify I'm invoking that right now bye what that's is not right to be casually there are certain risks to be so you're going to just run away after all this run away don't make me laugh worth they I stabed old Gman that's what you were saying right but if you had any clusive EVS you would have presented it by now no I you think I had Le one the spell of the body how what was the plan what was the plan freaking take for her to take it out of the trunk and put it what game what game you gu so then show your proof and get it over with me I'll say it again SW can't chief police will not Toler any arations against him without concrete Pro right your honor you have any concrete proof now all the freaking Mafia people are using it for shoes get do concrete huh huh we're in courtroom H Chief murdered detective good and madey expose of his body do I have any concrete proof it's no use showing evidence I'm not even sure of myself no your honor I present I have no conclusive see in that case SC is forc to for allegations against CH what just a tip never gamble what you can't afford to me seems that lady L is on my side today okay I'll leave the rest to you I warned you earliness right this is an senior our nation's law enforcement agency you maybe we should have a word with her sorth what do you mean there's one lady who knows the real truth behind this trial we haven't yet had the honor of hearing her testimony hey who knows the truth another witness the absence of conclusive evidence the only other method of proof is test but CH G has invoked his right to there's still someone else one more witness who can answer all the questions raised in this straw someone Right In This Very Room the judge MTH who is this person why are you asking me your honor have you forgotten the offenses calling Witnesses today passing the buck that's all this episodes about it's all right does such a witness exist may not be willing to tell the truth but we can't just stop now Mr your honor the prin calls forth the professional witness Angel star no I don't think I can put up with her again take that vendant this L Sky she's in the underground parking lot at 5:15 p.m. on February 25st her task to dispose of the victim's body how sorry there's just someone would have seen her eventually she'd have had to take the body around the corner accordance with certain someone's orders mred 's orders prosecution has no objects in your very well the court will now take its final recess for day Rec conven to here T the is now in hold on Chief G I thought you were going to eat this a good l oh good this guy's going to make more of veil threats all this guy does this guy drives me up W because he's a horrible horrible villain he that's all he does is I'm going to do aail threat he just threatens people all but great I in front of all I FR everybody I don't think you need need me to tell you this but if you accept M right SS there will be terrible consequences say that everything that's right your sister will be found K Jesus Christ why don't you just oh be found Jesus Christ I'm so I don't know whether this guy has was written written well to for it to be a douchebag or badly as someone who's trying to get off a murder charge because I'm not going to spoiler alert it's him H everything every I I you know I'll leave do it for the end of [Music] this of course you never support such outrageous things anyway right that that look that look when he when he first opens his eye no not that one no come on you're going to do it bad one yes just schmuck that's literally all I can say is schmuck you this quar is now in recess oh god sakes yeah yeah been in lobby number two just like we managed to stay in the B yeah thanks to your help that Chief need something else a p detective gun sho I'm not detect yeah sorry about that ah don't worry I'm already decide where the work at your office yeah sorry that don't worry your office I mean he'd fit he'd fit with the the um Misfits I mean yeah plus he's got some I mean he's not he's been on the force so he has some uh experience with um investigations and stuff he's not great at it but he's okay okay sure my office sure I'll take the place of that top- knotted girl you used to work with okay did she even get paid I think we just fed her and and freaking freaking Phoenix how often like I think you freaking blows through his I don't not even sure if he's ever been paid or accepted it being am I playing the part of a bum I know why he turns into later but maybe could he mean Maya Maya thank you she's finally mentioned the person who could have freaking helped us fix this whole thing right your [Music] weon can't done again how's it always he always gets the upper hand it's not fair he has right to to testify so down remember what the judge said chief that is not right to be there are certain risks to be considered risks what did you mean by that it's simple if Chief refuses to testify position opposite also holds true you mean he forfeits his right to say anything too Emma are you okay yeah when I came to you I was in a medical office I've been listening to a trial from the gallery so she heard everything that's been going on wait a minute so you've actually been in the courtroom and you never [Music] came Emma I'm sorry for what I said before no don't be it was the truth I know it's funny you know it's funny I almost feel some Le leave yeah now I finally know what really happened I think all this time my sister was being blackmailed by a terrible man and she did it all just to protect me ever since her appointment as she prosecuted everyone knew her said she changed perhaps it was easier that way for her what do you mean what do you think I mean to follow Chief G's orders she must have shut herself up deep inside forced herself to do anything and everything that she told her to do it must be once she became so cold she just B A Lot To Alaska who it was all my fault it's all because I I murdered Mr Marshall you SC hey don't go blaming yourself oh see want to blame anyone blame soci [Music] sorry oh man Chief G may be able to pull everyone else in with his forgery but he can't pull my memory I remember now I enough Mr Marshall in that armor he's not fooling anybody by you saying stuff like that I see well we better get back it's time for the Final Act Emma why don't you wait no I'm going with you I want to be there I want Lana tell Lana tells the truth let's go right it's time to end this [Music] there I'm going to end it here I think I'm going to do a late stream tonight well not immediately now tonight not immediately now as soon as the judge said let's take another recess I was like oh no I didn't think this would happen I I actually had hope that they'd be like okay we're going back into the courtroom no no didn't happen like that no we got the to be continued all right like I said I'm going to end it here hopefully next time we finish this case h I wanted to do something tomorrow you know if I do a late stream tonight we're going I'm going to do what I was going to do tomorrow tonight so if I do the late stream otherwise we're finishing this son of a [ __ ] tomorrow so I want to thank everybody for stopping by if you watched it this far in the video on demand thank you so much you watch this on the YouTube thank you you know there's all that stuff at about the bottom actually same thing you want to follow me for something that's fine H thank you thanks so much for stopping by and um I'll hope to see you in the next stream whenever that's going to be either later or tomorrow evening this is the okay take care everyone this is the case that doesn't end yes it goes on and on my friends some [ __ ] started going accusing wouldn't stop it and I keeping godamn Clues and crap is that just ended up extending it up cuz this is the tri that doesn't end damn it God God God damn it
Channel: Castantino
Views: 2
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright, Capcom, visual novel, stream, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy
Id: VdaA13hw5Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 11sec (4331 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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