"Made Nigh by His Blood" Pastor Nathaniel Urshan

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he laid something he laid something on my heart for this church this morning and i just want to try to deliver that as best i am able ephesians chapter 2 and verse 1 this is what paul told the church at ephesus and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past she walked according to the course of this world everybody say the course of this world the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience among whom we also also we all had our conversation in times past and the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and we're by nature look at this phrase the children of wrath [Music] that's a bible phrase the children of wrath even as others but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with christ by grace ye are saved and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through christ jesus for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast for we are his workmanship everybody say workmanship we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them come now down to verse 13. but now in christ jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of christ amen amen and i want to talk to you about that scriptural phrase made nigh by his blood made nigh by his blood how many are thankful for the blood of jesus this morning we can do a little bit better than that how many are glad for the blood of jesus that he shed at calvary for my sins and for your sins hallelujah let's just love him all over this building let's lift our hands let's lift our voices in this place in the mighty name of jesus have your way today o god let there be a great outpouring of the holy ghost we need your spirit we need your presence we ask that you have your way and everybody said in jesus name god bless you you can be seated in the house of god i enjoyed the choir song today we need the holy ghost we need the holy ghost and fire i'm so thankful that god has kept us through the pandemic i'm thankful [Applause] there are churches whose doors closed and never reopened there are churches who close their doors and are having to sell their facilities because no one's coming back there's theology behind all of that there's even governmental forces at work that maybe the religious world needed a good trimming down and they have their reasons for me it doesn't scare me at all because what it lets the real church do is shine forth god's church is a strong church and there's power in his people and there are things that must be present among a people in order to endure the bible says this it says that there are three that bear witness in the earth the spirit the water and the blood those things need to be present in a church they need to be present in an individual you need to have those witnesses now that word witness it ties to the old testament where it said out of the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established the bible says in that same portion of scripture first john that that god testified on their behalf praise god what a statement just wrap your mind about god testifying if you've got a case that is pending and you need somebody to stand up for you who better to stand up for you than god who better to testify on your behalf than the king of kings in the lord of lords god testified they needed that testimony because people didn't believe what do you do when there's multiple people claiming legitimacy what do you do the frustration when two parties come together to present their case and to fight for what is true if you've ever been through a court battle you know how frustrating it is it's not about what happened it's about what you can prove and it's about what those lawyers how they handle it and how they spend that case many people leave that very disenchanted because they feel like the truth doesn't win but when israel found themselves at a crossroads there was one group saying baal is god baal is the one who has delivered us we will worship and serve baal this happened at carmel this happened because jezebel and ahab had introduced things that were not part of the hebrew scripture and a lot of people went after it idolatry had a way of springing up really quickly some folks don't know why that is but a large part of idolatry was was promiscuity they would include sensuality and seduction and it guaranteed that they would have a large following it angered god and you can look at the idolatry that rose up all throughout the old testament and wonder how could it pop up so fast how could it gain such traction it would use sensuality to pull in the masses and people would exploit that it's no different today ladies and gentlemen they use sensuality to advertise and to to operate during the halftime shows and to exploit people and and they follow that blindly the entertainment venues the idolatry of today is just a more sophisticated version of the idolatry in those days and these two competing parties were present at carmel and it was 801 the prophets of baal were 400 the prophets of the grove were another 400 and there was one lone guy standing in the way imagine the pressure on the one guy let me just put out a word of admonition if you're following the crowd you're going to find out the crowd is often wrong if you're going to follow the majority you never would have made it in the days of noah if you're going to follow the majority you never would have made it in the days of lot and i've got news for you as it was in the days of noah and as it was in the days of lot so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man god's looking for one person to stand up and say i've got a witness from heaven [Applause] i've got a relationship with god i know the truth and i'm not backing away from it i'm not walking away i'm not hiding from it but god's word is true [Applause] the masses can bring a lot of pressure to bear right now there's people standing up for things that are right and they're very lonely it's hard to stand up for white for right when you have thousands and millions now it's not 800 people staying in front of you now it's twitter and it's instagram and it's facebook and it's the it's the cancel culture mob there are paid people that their only job is to curse you out online and it's to drive corporate interests it's to drive big government it's to drive political agendas listen the majority is not after our best interests the word of god stands true and elijah knew the word of god it didn't matter how much they laughed and mocked and hurled their insults and and poked fun at him he knew that hero israel the lord our god is one lord when you've got the word of god down on the inside of you you can stand in front of the multitudes when you've got the word of god inside of you you can stand in the face of opposition you can stand in front of the ungodly one place he told the prophet i'll make your face like a flint and i will set you in front of the people and you'll speak my word there's never been a better time to stand for god's word than right now god's word is true it's true i know the mob comes the mob comes and tells you that it's fine to have an abortion and you get people entrenched on both sides of the argument this is this is an argument this is a a contention there are people who have died there's clinics that have been bombed there are billions of dollars that have been expended over the last several decades and people say well are you pro-life are you pro-choice and i'm not going to get dr drug into a political dynamic but i but life is sacred life is sacred and and people don't want to look at what's going on and and the problem is they've gotten past the place where the word of god commanded them to stop when you because now the argument now is is well if we don't abort them they're going to have a bad life they're going to be born to a life of crime and drug addiction they're going to be born to parents that aren't fit to bear them and care for them so we got to do what we got to do and on the other side there's people saying well life is sacred and life is holy and you can't you can't just snuff out a human life and both sides are trying to fight and push against one another here's the truth it never should have got to that point these are arguments that are being fought over because people have violated the word of god the issue is not whether life is sacred of course life is sacred but you can't cry something is unholy when you have got promiscuity and you've gotten rid of marriage and covenant and sexuality within the confines of marriage the problem is fornication the problem is adultery the problem is wickedness and sin that's what gives birth to the chaos that's tearing people apart you've got to grab a hold of the word of god thou shalt not commit adultery when you've got the word of god down on inside of you you don't have to worry about any of that praise god praise god and i know i know right there that's where somebody pops up and says well what about rape victims what about people that are victims of crime i know there's there's uh exceptions to every rule that that we come to we have to deal with difficult situations but that is not what is driving the abortion wars the tiny fraction of dynamics where that's the case is not what is pushing this it is promiscuity it is licentiousness it is men who won't take responsibility ladies and gentlemen it is it is women who are just trying to attract a mate and instead of doing it according to the word of god they're doing it through the physical uh animal lustful dynamics this is what it means to be afar off you who sometimes were far off this is what it means to be alienated from the presence of god the bible says without hope and without god in the world jesus died for us jesus shed his blood for us think of the loss of life the colossal loss of life how many apostles have been killed how many prophets how many evangelists how many great pastors that could have shook the world have been murdered in a medical environment all in the name of convenience my point to us today is this is what it means to be afar off this is afar off these two competing camps they come together and it can all be solved by living holy before god the sexual revolution gave rise to this murder make love lot not war is a lie it took it took intimacy out of the bonds of marriage and when it made it wholesale you have degenerated you have pulled away from the presence of god that is far off now the music industry it in the entertainment industry it it is everywhere and you can't turn anywhere without without sin confronting me confronting you and as as that grows the chaos and the alienation from the presence of god grows more i'm preaching about being afar off i'm preaching about what it means to to contend for the things of god in the face of the multitude elijah stood there and he faced that kind of idolatry he faced that kind of ridicule and that kind of mockery and when he looked at all of those things he held on to the things of god amen it's not about who says if the loudest or who says it the most or who has the most followers what matters is god is true this is what the bible says let god be true i need to go ahead and say that on sunday morning let god be true and every man a liar it doesn't matter if the whole world falls apart god's word is true god can wipe out an entire world and save eight people because god is true god can wipe cities off of the map and save four people out of them because god is true and one day one day he's going to do it again he's going to do it again we need the spirit the water and the blood they they agree they bear witness on the earth and that's when you don't need this political party or that political party and this talking head and that talking head but god testifies hallelujah i'm glad when god shows up i'm glad when heaven shows up on top of mount carmel they put on a good show they said we're going to worship baal we're going to we're going to glorify baal we're going to give praise to baal bales the reason we are where we are and and they begin to dance they begin to cry out to baal the bible says it grew frenzied they did it all day long then then when they couldn't get his attention and nothing happened then they began to cut themselves we're living in a world that they're doing their best to find some kind of expression somewhere more and more we're running into people who cut themselves i couldn't understand why people cut themselves why do you do that i asked one young lady i said why would you ever cut yourself like that she says because i can't feel anything unless i do it there is such a desensitization you can be so exposed to the trash and the garbage and the over stimulation of sin you can be so exposed to mockery and sarcasm and you can just accept it that that men and women live these wicked lives and you expect to be stabbed in the back and expect to be betrayed and there's a callousness and there's a there's a a desensitization where you grow numb to the chaos god is not looking for a people like that god's going to raise up a different kind of a people these are a people who are special in the earth that are not afraid to follow him that remains sensitive hallelujah don't let this world rob you of your ability to cry out to god don't let the chaos stop you from being sensitive to the holy ghost find a prayer room and get your innocence back get your joy back get your peace back don't you let the world take it away from you don't you let the sarcasm and the mockery take it away from you but you humble yourself before god [Applause] i want to be sensitive to the presence of god i want to be sensitive to my wife i want to be sensitive to my children and the grandchildren that god's going to give to us you know what the bible says of the ostrich it says that the ostrich is cruel she leaveth her young in the sand and forgets that they are there that's the animal world and that's people that are alive today they've lost their sensitivity the kind of a person that can abort life and move on and have a party a couple weeks later i'm talking about a desensitization don't think that that doesn't have repercussions you might think you're making just a medical decision praise god but there's something on the inside of you that wasn't built for murder you weren't built to just casually toss aside human life that is sacred it's made in the image of god it's going to show up as alcoholism it's going to show up as drug addiction it's going to show up in broken homes and children that are lost god's got a better people than that god's calling people out of darkness i didn't make you for a friday night thrill i didn't make you to jump from partner to partner i didn't make you to be addicted to every substance i made you to praise my name and to be a blessed people [Applause] and you are so far off and i want to make you nigh i want to draw you close i want you to feel the presence of god that you were designed to feel praise god [Applause] you who sometimes were far off are made nigh when they got done with their show and i'll just say this the show will end you know they say the show must go on the show must go on magicians say it entertainers singers they say the show must go on but the show always ends the lights go out the party's over and you got to go back to chaos i know that the things of god may not always have that hyper stimulation that the world tries to offer there is a pleasure of sin that's for a season there's a reason why people snort it and shoot it and puff it and drink it and whatever else they do with it but there's nothing like being able to walk back home and to know that god has blessed us there's nothing like on a sunday night rather than a friday night club experience but on a sunday night walking home and knowing that the hand of god is upon your family nothing like knowing that the blessing of the lord is in this house don't wait until you're 75 to finally wake up and realize that the blessing of the lord it maketh rich hallelujah don't lose your children and your grandchildren don't lose your health to substance abuse don't lose the things of god don't wait so long because god wants to testify right now he wants to draw people close because the party was ending and bail didn't answer the drugs don't have an answer the party doesn't have an answer it just looks like it has an answer in the moment in the bright lights there is a magnetism there is a a kind of a magic that the world tries to offer you there's always been egyptian magicians that try to duplicate what god can do there's always been a janice and a jane breeze that will show up when the when the authentic move of god is working they want to show up and say now the party's really over here you don't need to go to church come hang out with your friends come come over here with your backslidden family give up on god you don't need that strict church what you need is another drink of this there's always been a people that offer an alternative and i could take the time and i could talk about pharmacy and pharmaceuticals and pharmaceo and that it means sorcery and witchcraft it's all true it's it is a heightened sense of awareness it's a chemical stimulation and it always ends it's always going to end there is no rest for the wicked the bible says and that's what they're looking for is rest they're looking for an answer the world's looking for an answer they're not trying to be bad if you're here today and you're wrestling with things i'm not trying to put you down i'm saying god's got something better if you're watching online i'm not here to put you down further than you are i'm here to tell you that jesus christ left a witness in the earth it's the spirit it's the water and it's the blood and they work together they come together to form something that is so powerful and it's designed to draw you it's designed to pull you close when you are so far away you can be made near made nigh by the blood of jesus did you know that all of that stuff is escapism can i take my time this morning i want to talk about the escape the escapism that this world offers that's why people drink it is to numb pain it's because the taste has gotten into them and and they go to it because there's pleasure there the pleasure centers of the brain the chemicals are now in the bloodstream and your body wants that more than it wants anything else that's what nicotine does nicotine gets down into your bloodstream you know when they when they put the the dip and the snuff in the can they include the tiny granules of glass microscopic glass shards because they know that when you put it in your lip it cuts you just enough to secrete the nicotine into the bloodstream faster and so you are ingesting this poison into your body so that the nicotine can bind to your neurosensory system and there's this artificial peace that comes on you it's escapism you're escaping from the chaos you're numbing pain you're getting away from the pressure of paying bills you're getting away from the stress at home you're trying to escape from from the pressure of paying that mortgage and that health problem you've got you're trying to get away from the fight that broke out last night you're trying to get away from the impending whatever you got coming over the horizon you lost your job you got to stop by and take another drink and so i got to escape i got to slip out of this world and i got to escape and the devil gives you the artificial substitutes there ladies and gentlemen there is only one escape and that is jesus christ he is the way he is the truth he is life he looked at jacob and said you want to get out of this thing i'm going to build a ladder i'm going to build a way out i am the way out i'm gonna come in spirit i'm gonna come by water and i'm gonna come by blood and that's the way [Applause] that's all hollywood is is escape you can just mindlessly go there and watch as someone else lives life i'm afraid that people are manipulated psychologically and don't know it so hollywood gives you a star someone with for the guys it's big muscles and he wins all the battles and he's always funny he never has a bad day it's the artificial world of escapism that can draw attention away from the fact that perhaps i don't have big muscles and perhaps my midsection is bulging a bit but i don't like that brother newton i want to somehow for two hours step out into an alternate world where for just a second my enemies can all be defeated i can vicariously live through somebody else where every battle is won the the good guy always wins and and this fake world people enter into it and they pay billions to escape and to get away from from the existential chaos of their life and then it's over and then it ends and you got to go back to the world and you got to get back into the the grind of things and and what i'm trying to say to you today is that is not the way that's not the way god doesn't want to give you a lie god doesn't want to give you something that isn't true you don't have to act like you're happy you can be happy you don't have to act like you've got it all together god can begin to put it back together [Applause] those hollywood actors they've been divorced five times they've been in drug rehab sex rehab every kind of rehab god's got a better way than that you can come out of the lie you can come out of the chaos you can come out of the escapist [Applause] that the world gives you we serve a god that didn't want to escape he didn't escape he went through it all he dealt with it all he didn't hide himself himself he didn't run away but when it came time he said i gave my cheek to the smiters i let them beat me i let them crucify me i faced the worst that this world has to offer there is nothing i haven't seen nothing i haven't endured nothing that i haven't overcome be of good cheer i have overcome the world when they came to jesus and they took the sponge and they put the gall and the alcohol on it and they gave it to jesus and said we'll numb the pain jesus spit it out and said i don't want to numb one thing i want to feel the worst i want to confront every devil i i'm not running i'm not turning i'm not hiding i want everything this world can throw at me praise god jesus experienced our highest highs and our lowest lows you know i did that you know why he wouldn't take the alcohol he wouldn't take the the gall the vinegar he didn't want the chemical numbing he was going to be the comforter if i'm going to be the comforter i got to know what it feels like if i'm going to be the comforter i got to know exactly what your goal i'm not some god out on the edge of the cosmos that doesn't know it i felt it i felt every pounding of the nails i felt every thorn that dug into my forehead i felt it when they nailed me to the cross i felt it when they beat my back if you're gonna be healed by my stripes i gotta go through what you went through [Applause] i'm not gonna numb it i'm not gonna escape it i'm not gonna hide from it because later on you're going to need it you're going to need the power that i'm creating right now you're going to need the awareness [Music] and so he is worthy to be a comforter can you imagine if we went through something in this world if we went through something in this world and we called on the lord and he said i couldn't comfort you on that one guys i passed out the last 30 minutes but he looked eyeball to eyeball with death he looked eyeball to eyeball with treachery with clear eyes combined unfogged and unfazed i am going to be an adequate substitute i am going to be an able redeemer not one second is going to be dimmed not one moment is gonna be lessened give me everything you've got [Applause] hallelujah now when you are being torn and you are being tossed he can fill you with a holy ghost and he knows ju my goodness i don't know exactly how god does it i don't know exactly how it works but in my vivid imagination i think it's something like this anesthesiologists know just how much to give you when you go into that operating room they know just they look at you and say what do you weigh and you say 120 and they go 155. [Laughter] they weigh you they weigh you on the scales and they take your bmi and they and they they look at your age and they look at what drugs and prescriptions you're on and they take and they throw it into a blender and there's a certain prescription that comes out that has to be exact or you die god is the ultimate anesthesiologist god knows just how much to give us there's no trial that he doesn't have the antidote for now he's got the cure because he overcame it he's got the power because he overcame it he doesn't need a covet 19 clinical trial he's got calvary and he's got the medicine and he's got the antidote and he's got the power and he's got the ability to be an able redeemer and it's in his blood and it's in his spirit [Applause] [Applause] praise god praise god i feel the holy ghost right now you're not too far that the blood of jesus can't reach you the blood of jesus will make its way into that bar you've been hanging out in the blood of jesus will make it into that group of backsliders that you know you're not supposed to be hanging around the blood of jesus will find its way to your jail cell when you're facing 20 to life the blood of jesus is able to bring us near you who sometimes were far off i made nigh let's lift our hands for just a second can we do that i'm not trying to preach a pretty message i'm not trying to have pretty words i'm talking to somebody right now i'm talking to somebody that's far off you feel so far in your spirit you feel so alone in your spirit that's why you've got the vodka hidden in your bedside stand that's why you can't put the cigarette down that you feel so far off i'm preaching about something today that can draw you close who i feel the holy ghost i think the blood of jesus is moving in this place right now [Applause] i think the hand of god is moving over people right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus praise god praise god help us jesus help us jesus put your blood over my children put your blood over my marriage he tal abu hushai my my this is what we're supposed to escape into what you're feeling right now it's not supposed to be artificial it's not supposed to be chemical it's not supposed to be over stimuli stimulated it's supposed to be the holy ghost and fire elijah looked at him and here's ahab and jezebel claiming this is the way this is the way this is the way and there's been a religious world for a long time lying to people this ahab and jezebel were lying to people the answer's in baal the answer is in another alternate route the answer is like this and there's a religious world that has fought against pentecost and fought against one god people and they've said this is the way but i've got a god that knows how to bear witness i've got a god that knows how to testify and he does it through the spirit the water and the blood and these three agree in one [Applause] hallelujah brother this is no new thing this goes all the way back to cain and abel when when cain said i've got the way to god and god never accepted his offering but when abel came up and he brought the blood he brought the blood and there's life in the blood without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins you've got to have the blood you got to put your faith in the blood of the lamb abel knows it and jesus knew it you got to have the blood of the lamb i can't make it without the blood you can't make it without the blood what i can wash away my shadow nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus hallelujah elijah knew it and they said all right the show's over ladies and gentlemen all over the nation the show's over when the trial came people closed their doors when the trial came people realized that religion empty religion had no power they put on a good show they danced they shouted and they they said it but god never backed it up hallelujah and the show was over but not for elijah for elijah the show was just getting started and for god's people i'm not sitting here ringing my hands wondering what we're going to do we grew through covet we increased through coven when people said stop praising him we kept on praising him when people said stop going we kept on going political narratives don't stop anointed people if we gotta meet in the parking lot we'll meet in the parking lot but there's power in his blood there's power in his name there's power in his spirit and i've got a god that backs up everything i'm saying [Applause] miracles began to happen miracles began to happen people began to be baptized people began to receive the holy ghost [Applause] i will never forget brother todd pulling that bucket truck up and they said pastor your chariot awaits we're ready preach [Laughter] and so you get in the bucket and and from the outside the bucket it looks you know it looks fine but you get in and it kind of you just got to be there to know what i'm talking about it's sitting here right now it does not do it justice and then it starts rising and then you have to extend it and the further you get away from it they're like you're going oh jesus help us and and somewhere up there i i just began to say is this happening is this happen this is happening this is truly happening and so you got to make sure your heart's right with god forgive me of all my sins jesus wash me clean in your blood make sure i got everything covered in the blood if i die let me die speaking in tongues ah but when god's got your back when god's got your back when god is ready to stand up when god is ready to testify hey hey when jesus is in the house god will make a way that sunday i went up in a bucket truck in the bible they tore the roof off the house whatever you got to do you do it because jesus is there the holy ghost is there the work of god is there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] elijah said bring me a bullock what what what do you need a bullock for you got to have the blood they brought the bullock they sacrificed the bullock on the altar and the blood ran down the altar and they said all right now what he said bring me water you got to have water why do you got to have water because elijah knew what the disciple john knew the spirit the water and the blood if you can get those three things working in tandem god's gonna bear witness god's got my god i feel the holy ghost in this place right now [Applause] [Music] hallelujah elijah was reeling them in elijah was bringing them back elijah was making them nigh to god when they have gotten so far and they found 12 buckets 12 barrels imagine finding that in a place where it hadn't rained in three years just imagine the cost sometimes worship costs you sometimes what we're doing here we're living in a world that won't pay the price anymore we're living in a world that says i'd rather stay home in my pajamas on sunday morning sir your grandbabies need the holy ghost well i've been working all week and it's been a tough it's been a tough week and people aren't ready to pay the price anymore you've got to go out and find the water you've got to go and bring it back you got to be ready to pay the price hallelujah you put your church clothes on you comb your hair you come to the house of god you might think that that costs but i'm submit to you that you can't afford not to do it if you don't have the presence of god it's going to come out it's going to manifest itself your mind will change your spirit will change your children won't serve god your grandbabies won't serve god you want to talk about price [Applause] israel thought they didn't have to pay the price god told them is this all right told them bring the best lamb you have bring the best you have and that's what we do on sunday mornings ladies and gentlemen that's one reason why we don't wear our ripped jeans and and we don't i just throw on an old scrubby t-shirt and walk in here with bed head and slouch down in the seat because we bring our best we bring our best you wouldn't show up for a job interview like that you wouldn't show up for the ceo like that you wouldn't show up to a family dinner like that a reunion like that why in the world would you show up at the house of god like that bring your best bring your best hallelujah bring your best pay the price pay the price they would go out and they'd find a lamb out in the fold and and they'd bring the best they'd bring the best lamb they had the power was in the blood and it was also in the spirit in which they brought it and they bring the best now what's tempting is to bring the one that you're going to get rid of anyway had somebody call me one time say pastor josh i want to donate something to the church i said oh yeah and they said yeah if you'll just come get it i said what is it it's a couch that's a couch okay well maybe you can sell it give it to somebody somebody might eat it if you just come pick it up we're gonna donate it i said okay well i don't think i can get over there right now they said well come on get it's gonna be at the curb oh i see you mean it's trash and and you got a new one and you just need somebody to get it out that's how some people treat their walk with god well we're going to be going out anyway i guess we might as well show up and give them a couple hours and maybe say a couple hallelujahs and and make people happy and and the temptation is to bring the lamb whose ear is chewed off and who's missing an eye or who's lame and we bring in halfway what we should we bring in a percentage of what we should god said bring the best if you will bring the best i will pour out a blessing upon you i am the king of kings and the lord of lords if you will give it all you've got i'll give you all i've got [Applause] well i can't afford that god i've gotta this is my livelihood this is my money i gotta i gotta pay bills around here ladies and gentlemen you can't afford not to when they begin to casually treat the things of god they forgot the things of god they walked away they got far away from god and then the midianites came and the ammonites and the philistines you want to talk about cost i don't want to realize how valuable the house of god is when my children have lost their mind i don't want to figure it out when my children are locked up in the criminal justice system i don't want to figure out just how precious the things of god are when the price is so high it's going to kill me [Applause] elijah said bring the water pay the price pour it out they brought the water they brought the blood and the bible says that elijah prayed the prayer when he got done the holy ghost fell fire fell from heaven and the test was that the god that answers by fire let him be god ladies and gentlemen it hasn't changed one bit we might not physically be doing it but you better believe spiritually we're doing it whenever we baptize people in the name of jesus we've still got the water whenever we invoke the name of jesus that's the blood of the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world and when god fills you with the holy ghost you get your own personal mount carmel you get your own personal outpouring of the holy ghost it's still the spirit and the water and the blood let's lift our hands [Applause] let's lift our hands this morning i want him to draw near i want him to draw me near to him hallelujah you know what you're feeling right now you're feeling the touch of the holy ghost you're feeling the father draw you you're feeling the presence of god pull on you and tug on you you felt it ever since you walked in here you felt it when we were praying you felt it when we were singing you felt it when the singers were singing praise god he's made us nigh musicians can come hallelujah stand let's lift our hands all over this building let's ask god to help us right now elaborate in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the holy ghost is pulling on people he wants to draw me near he wants to draw me close are you tired of being tormented in your mind are you tired of feeling so far away i are tired of being in such pain inwardly and nobody understands you it's time to let the holy ghost work in your life he starts drawing people he starts pulling people he starts speaking to people i'm going to open up the altar today i want somebody to come and lift your voice i want you to step out from where you are on this sunday morning i want you to come and lift your hands and say i'm tired of feeling so alone people feel more alone during coba than they ever have people feel more alone in this hour and in this day than they ever have i'm i want you to draw me close jesus don't wait for the hospital room don't wait for the diagnosis don't wait for the divorce don't wait for don't wait for that let him draw you near let him draw your clothes there's a preacher on a sunday morning that's saying he wants to draw you close [Music] i know you've been hurt honey lift your hands and he'll draw you close i know somebody didn't treat you right lift your hands and let him draw your clothes in the name of jesus the holy ghost is here right now the spirit of god is here right now i've got the spirit the water and the blood the holy ghost is falling on people right now in the name of jesus that's it that's it that's it that's it in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus jesus [Music]
Channel: First Pentecostal Church of Durham
Views: 1,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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