Macron Warns that Europe "Could Die" in Fiery Speech | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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have you noticed how politicians end their speech it varies from country to Country in the US they say God Bless America in India they say J hind meaning hail India in France they say VI La France and in Saudi Arabia they praise God and His Prophet Muhammad different words but same sentiment a nod to Greatness a hope that your country and culture lives forever but Emanuel macron has chosen a different route on Thursday he delivered a speech in Paris he outlined his vision for the European Union but macron did not praise or hail Europe instead he warned that Europe could die Paul Valerie said at the end of the first world war that we knew from now that our civilizations were mortal we have to be clear about the fact that our Europe today is Mortal it could die it could die and that depends solely on our choices Europe could die it's a scary thing for anyone to say more so for Europe's senior most leader to say so why did President macron say it what was he referring to well broadly two things first was the war in in Ukraine macron called it the biggest threat to European security and second Europe strategic position macron said the EU is losing relevance it has it is too dependent on others in fact let me quote from that speech this is what the French president said the European Union bought its energy and fertilizer from Russia outsourced its production to China and deepened and depended on the US for its security it's hard to argue with that Europe has done exactly that in the last few decades but Macon says no more he wants Europe to be independent to show the world that the EU is not a US vessel we must continue to have Partnerships with other countries yes meaning building a Europe that can show that it is never The Vessel of the United States of America and it also knows how to speak to all regions in the world to emerging countries to Africa Latin America a couple of questions here one why is macron talking about this now and what does he propose to do macron has always spoken about a close-nit Europe he once called for a European Army so the sentiment itself is not new if anything it's more relevant today across the Atlantic Donald Trump is leading the US presidential race he is a known NATO skeptic if he wins he will not support Ukraine or european security not the way Biden does so Europe must prepare for a trump White House plus the EU itself is going through a churn European Parliament elections are in June this year polls show right-wing parties making gains they may not get a majority but this could be the most right-wing EU parliament in history which which means less support for Ukraine less engagement in NATO and a possible reset with Russia even Macon is feeling the heat Paul showed that his party is trailing in the in this right trailing the rightwing rather in France in his country so the president had to do something and what better than an alarmist call but does he have any concrete proposals macron did mention a few ideas he's dropped his call for a European Army but now he wants to create create a European Military Academy he also wants a continent-wide missile Shield sort of like an Iron Dome for Europe then he wants closer cooperation with Britain and finally more investment in the European Defense industry that last one is very important in The Last 5 Years Around 55% 55% of European arms arms Imports came from one country and that is the United States in in 5 years before that it was only 35 % so Europe's dependence on the US has increased and macron wants to reverse that he says the EU must be able to go to war without America and how do you do that by making your own weapons France and Germany are pushing on with a new deal together they will make battle tanks by 2040 on paper this is all very good every country is aiming to be self-sufficient so macron wants the same for Europe but there's a problem Europe is not a country you see there are 27 members in the European Union many of them do not see eye to eye they cannot agree on subsidies and Tech laws good luck getting an agreement on Missile Shields plus macron is talking about a major realignment Europe has spent 70 years in America Shadows their defense their foreign policy their strategy all of it was influenced by Washington so abandoning that will take time and investment nonetheless the French president has openly called for it it's now up to his fellow EU members to respond will they agree to this painful reorientation or will they stick to the status quo the elections in June could answer that question
Channel: Firstpost
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, emmanuel macron, emmanuel death, macron speech, macron speech french, emmanuel macron on europe, europe dying out, europe could die, europe death whistle, europe death, european union, russia ukraine war, emmanuel macron speech, macron european union, macron speeches, macron fiery speech, european arms industry, europe arms export, europe emmanuel macron, macron european army
Id: ivdSaMerzpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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