LIVE: Biden Says "Xenophobia" Hampering India's Growth | Indian Economy | Vantage with Palki Sharma

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hello namaskar this is first post and you're watching vantage with me py Sharma [Music] [Music] [Music] Joe Biden is back in the news for the wrong reasons this time for calling India xenophobic and giving a lecture about immigrants in economy that is completely devoid of facts has India responded why did Biden say what he did we'll discuss that meanwhile the US Saudi defense deal is apparently close to being sealed with or without Netanyahu what does it mean for the region and the world who is making money from the war in Gaza defense companies yes but also agents bringing people out of Gaza one Egyptian firm is said to be making $2 million a day is Russia using chemical weapons in Ukraine the US says it is campus protest in America taking a turn for the worst what does it mean for Joe Biden in an election year second Boeing whistleblower dies in 2 months what do investigators say how big is the Pakistan factor in the India election the Prime Minister spoke about it today after a former Park Minister cheered Rahul Gandhi Ghana has got back its looted Heritage but it's not theirs to keep we'll tell you why floods in Kenya evacuations in Masai Mara we'll bring you the full report and how much can you delegate to your AI Avatar where do you draw the line we'll discuss that the headlines [Music] first the US imposes sanctions on hundreds of individuals and firms linked to Russia's war in Ukraine 20 of these sanction companies are based in China and Hong Kong Beijing WS of quote unquote necessary measures ask Washington to stop smearing China Solomon Island picks China friendly former Diplomat as its new prime minister jeremia manell has promised to strengthen ties with Beijing in 2019 he was the foreign minister when Solomon Islands turned its back on Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with China Mal's foreign minister likely to visit India next week this will be the first highlevel visit since Maldives president muu took office in November 2023 pro-china muu has dented Mal's long-standing ties with New Delhi Heavy Rain returns to the United Arab Emirates forcing schools and many offices to be closed parts of Dubai flooded flights cancelled it comes just 2 weeks after the gulf country saw record rainfall and parts of India reeled under its hottest April on record May will be no better the weather office says temperatures will remain above normal it was also the hottest April in Hong Kong in more than a [Music] century another week another Biden special and no I do not mean policy I mean goof up it's campaign season in the United States of America so we'll be hearing a lot from the president and if it's anything like this you will be entertained on Wednesday Biden was speaking at a fundraiser in Washington he was talking about immigration it's a major political issue in the US Donald Trump Advocates stricter rules on immigration Joe Biden does not he says immigrants are important to the US economy but listen to how he defended his position this is Joe Biden I'm quoting why is China stalling so badly economically why is Japan having trouble why is Russia why is India because they're xenophobic they don't want immigrants immigrants are what makes us strong a lot to unpack back here first the political blunder Japan is probably America's most important Ally in Asia India is not an ally but a partner and a very important one at that Washington has invested a lot in its relationship with New Delhi yet what does Joe Biden do call both of them xenophobic in one sentence talk about a political Master stroke secondly does Biden's Theory make sense in his country perhaps it does America's population has aged in the last decades many many of them have left the workforce so immigrants have plugged the Gap let me show you some data in 1996 immigrants made up less than 12% off the US Workforce and now more than 18% it's a record high there are more than 29 million foreign born workers in the US and what sort of work do they do everything from management to services to Construction in fact the US is often called the land of immigrants so Biden is right about his country but he made a crucial mistake a mistake that lots of us politicians make he thought America is the world what's true in the US is true everywhere that was his assumption except it's not let's look at the three issues that Biden raised need for immigrant workers economic slowdown and xenophobia India's economy and demography are very different from the US in India 68% of the population is working age it's much lower in the US only 59% native born Americans are of working age so India's problem is the opposite we do not need foreign workers we already have a large and young Workforce what we need is jobs for them which brings us to the second issue what economic trouble is Joe Biden talking about India's GDP grew by 8.4% in the third quarter of the last Financial year it's the fastest growing major economy in the world projections for the future also look good the IMF is expecting expecting India to grow by 6 and a half% in this financial year that's 2024 to 2025 but now it has raised its projection from 6.5% to 6.8% compare this to other Asian economies China is projected to grow by 4.6% Japan could grow by 0.9% and South Korea 2.3% now don't get us wrong India's economy faces a number of challenges we need more reforms we need more jobs and more Investments but immigration does not figure on anyone's list and finally the third issue xenophobia Indians have traditionally welcomed Outsiders it has been a cultural strong suit and that continues even today India is home to around 5.2 million immigrants they make up the 12th largest immigrant population in the world and where did these people come from Mostly the neighborhood like Bangladesh Nepal Pakistan and Sri Lanka some came in search of robs others escape persecution yet Biden says India is xenophobic we don't expect much Nuance from the US president after all he's in election mode right now so winning is his biggest priority but he should be mindful of the consequences we saw another goof up last month Biden claimed that his uncle was eaten by cannibals and Papua New Guinea again Papua New Guinea is a US Ally their prime minister hitback at Biden's remarks listen to what he said President Biden's remarks may have been a slip of the tongue however my country does not deserve to be labeled as cannibals do you see the problem Biden may drop a statement and move on but what he says has consequences you can't just call your partner xenophobic that two fellow democracies his advisers better get a grip on the president's lose Cannon statements if not one of these days he could trigger a diplomatic storm meanwhile in Saudi Arabia the US seems to be making some Headway this is about the conflict in Gaza Washington is hoping to get some help from Riyad in return they've offered some incentives it's an old proposal that they're looking to revive a defense agreement the deal will be between the US and Saudi Arabia it may lead to normalization of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia like I said an old proposal the negotiation started last year but when h attacked Israel in October the talks were put on hold then in January this year the US and Saudi Arabia resumed discussions they were making decent progress but now there seems to be a sense of urgency the US wants to seal the deal as soon as possible and Saudi Arabia is on board their foreign minister spoke about it earlier this week he said they are quote unquote very close to a deal and what is this deal the Saudi Kingdom will get us military protection in turn Saudi Arabia will engage with Israel and take steps towards normalization that is a broad outline it may sound like a simple deal but it's fraught with complications for starters Riyad has a long wish list both for Biden and Netanyahu they want three things from America number one Advanced military weapons number two American investments in high-tech spaces like artificial intelligence and Quantum Computing and number three nuclear technology us help in developing a Saudi civilian nuclear program that's what Riyad wants Washington finds these requests reasonable so they'll most likely be accepted the challenge comes with Israel Saudi Arabia always had some demands from Israel but now after the destruction in Gaza the Saudis have raised the bar the this is their pre condition for normalization end the war in Gaza and spell out a part for Palestinian statehood this is what Netanyahu must do Saudi Arabia says it won't settle for anything less than this I think uh on the bilateral agreements between the kingdom of the us we are very very close most of the work has already been done uh we have the broad outlines of what we think uh needs to happen on the Palestinian front uh obviously from our perspective when we've coordinated this closely with the Palestinians it needs to be truly a pathway to a pales state so the question now is Will Netanyahu agree there's a good chance he may not and I'll tell you why three months back he met Anthony blinkin the US Secretary of State blinkin shared the Saudi Proposal with Netanyahu including the demand for Palestinian statehood and Netanyahu rejected it apparently instantly there is little to suggest that he's had a change of heart since even if he wants to his Coalition Partners won't let him they will bring his government and down he depends on some hardliners to remain in power one of them said a separate Palestinian state would quote unquote lead to a holocaust that should tell you about their extreme position prime minister nanahu won't risk his chair for Saudi normalization unless he's forced to can the US and Saudi Arabia do that apparently they plan to Reports say they will give Netanyahu two options option one join the US Saudi deal get a new powerful diplomatic Ally and substantial investment commitments option two sit out of the deal lose allies and benefits it's not really a choice it's my way or the highway irrespective of netanyahu's response the US and Saudi Arabia are prepared to strike a deal and this will have repercussions for both Regional and Global players including China Reports say when this agreement with America is signed Saudi Arabia May curtail Chinese Investments especially in strategic areas like technology and mobile networks so the US stands a lot to gain the deal could restore America's position as a net security provider in the region more importantly recover America's waning influence in West Asia but this leverage would be meaningless if it fails to end the war in Gaza speaking of which it's day 209 of the Gaza War Israel is all set to attack Rafa the Southernmost city on the Gaza Strip Israel wants to destroy Kamas commanders there but here's a catch Rafa is currently home to 1.4 million Palestinians that's more than half of gaza's population they're all in Rafa where will these people go they have two options and both are bad one move north and face more Israeli strikes two move further south and exit the Gaza Strip through this Crossing it's called the Rafa Crossing it's the southernmost exit point from Gaza it borders Egypt Sinai Peninsula so from here you can leave Gaza and enter Egypt now Gaza has a total of seven Crossings or exit points right now Rafa is the only one that's open and Aid goes in through it and Palestinians leave through it theaa Crossing and for for this for leaving they pay a hefty price around $5,000 per adult and $2,500 per child that's what you have to pay to leave Gaza it's a lot of money for anyone even more for someone who's escaping a wall and who is charging this money an Egyptian firm this is what a report says a firm called Hala Consulting and tourism Services owned by an influential Egyptian businessman who also happens to be an ally of President Abdul fat alissi the Egyptian president this firm first started its services in February before that there were a lot of intermediaries helping people leave Gaza and they to were charging a lot of money close to $111,000 per adult that's what they were charging now this firm was brought in to standardize the rates its first so-called VIP service was in February this year and now they have a monopoly over it anyone who wants to leave Gaza and enter Egypt must do so through this firm needless to say their profits have skyrocketed $21 million in February 39 million in March and $58 million in the month of April so last month the company is said to have earned an average of $2 million a day at this rate they'll earn close to half a billion dollars by the end of this year we can only hope that the war ends before that before the war Hala charged people $350 to leave Gaza now they charge 5,000 that's a 14-fold increase Cairo was asked about this profiteering about companies making money off the misery of gazans it has rubbished all such reports but there's no denying that the war economy is booming and this Egyptian firm is not the only one benefiting there are others smuggling humanitarian Aid tons of Aid is being sent into Gaza from all over the world it is meant for the people trapped in the war zone it's meant for ordinary citizens but a lot of this Aid is being smuggled the most popular goods are said to be chicken and chocolates one unit of chicken is being sold for $18 sometimes it goes up to $22 then there are chocolates the packet says humanitarian aid but it's still being sold on the black market these markets are controlled by Palestinian gangs they use muscle power they offer warehouses to Nos and protection to Aid trucks in exchange they siphon off the aid some even steal from homes thousands of gazin have left their homes so these gangs rans saag them they steal appliances and furniture and sell them in the black market in fact this is the story of every conflict Zone refugees and those fleeing conflicts are exploited you may remember the Afghan refugees leaving Pakistan they were charged $830 in exit fees so they were thrown out of Pakistan and they were also made to pay for it $830 per person Yemen imposes tariffs on Commercial Goods it helps fund the huis while the people suffer crushing poverty so it's the same everywhere across the globe conflicts lead to instability people try to escape it and some groups and companies make money off their desperation now to news from the other War the war in Ukraine there have been some new developments there the US has made new allegations against Russia Washington says Moscow is using chemical weapons specifically choking agent called chloropicrin This is a banned substance but the US says Russia is using it for quote unquote Battlefield gains they launch the chemical into fortified positions basically Ukrainian strongholds they're attacked with a chemical it causes irritation to the eyes lungs and skin affected soldiers may get nauseous and vomit so it becomes easier for an attacking Force to capture the stronghold the US says Russia is doing this using chemical weapons like the banned chloropicrin Russia of course denies all this the Kremlin has called the allegations baseless Washington will share its findings with the opcw the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons opcw this is the body that enforces the global chemical weapons ban and Russia is one of the member states so officially Moscow has to obey the organizations rules but they will need concrete proof that Russia violated the ban and we'll have to wait till they come out with their own assessment but the US is not waiting it has decided to act it has imposed new sanctions on Russia this latest round targets about 300 entities including people and companies linked to Russia's chemical weapons program and that's not all the US has also taken a shot at China at Chinese companies that help Russia evade sanctions about 20 Chinese firms have been targeted by America plus sanctions have been imposed on others firms based in azerbijan turkey the UA Slovakia and Belgium all accused of helping Russia evade sanctions so the US is trying to stop the leaks but will it work will this finally slow Moscow down because Russia shows no signs of stopping for anything they've been Relentless in their assault they're making inroads pushing back the Ukrainian forces the next Target is chassi varar located in Eastern Ukraine near the city of bahmut they suffer big losses our troops kill a lot of them but I have to emphasize that the enemy has a lot of uavs that significantly impact the situation here I hope we receive artillery shells soon this can really change the situation the ukrainians are waiting for Western weapons the supplies had dried up for a while because the US Congress was too busy playing politics in the meantime Russia took advantage of the situation ation and pushed further into Ukrainian territory they now have chassi VR surrounded and Reports say they want the city to fall soon by next week in time for Russia's Victory Day Celebrations on the 9th of May that's when Russia celebrates its victory over Germany during Second World War Moscow wants to announce the fall of chassi viar on the same day but this small city is not Russia's only target Moscow is also attacking Odessa a port city on the Black Sea it has been hit three times this week on three consecutive days on Monday a Russian missile struck an educational institution in Odessa four people were killed 28 others were injured there was another attack on Tuesday and on Wednesday a missile hit a postal Depot in Odessa Ukraine released footage of the area in Flames they say eight people have been killed this week alone so Odessa has been a constant Target since the War Began odessa's Port makes it invaluable to Ukraine so Russia has often tried to damage the city's Port infrastructure but frankly Odessa is a distraction it's about hurting Ukraine not gaining any real Advantage the advantage lies to the North in chivar that seems to be where the next phase of the Ukraine war will play out from a real war zone let's turn to a mini war zone that's us colleges things have gotten worse since yesterday the new flash point is UCLA the University of California protesting students had organized a sit in there they pitched tents on campus Grounds held up blackards and refused to leave a lot like New York's Columbia University and the reaction was the same a Crackdown by local police officers take a look at this engl please don't fail us don't fail us how about that flashbangs inside a college campus UCLA had issued an alert before police action so some students had left the campus those who remained were arrested you can debate the tactics used by the cops but honestly they seem to have had little choice this week two rival protest groups had clashed at UCLA Pro Palestine and pro-israel groups a lot of students were injured some of them had to be hospitalized so the authorities could not Stand By and Watch they had to intervene having said that this police action is a temporary fix it will not address the root issue the issue of distrust between Pro Palestine and pro-israel protesters listen to this student at UCLA the life-threatening assault we faced last night is nothing less than a horrifying despicable Act of Terror for over 7 hours Zionist aggressors hurled gas canisters sprayed pepper spray and threw fireworks and bricks into our encampment they broke our barriers repetedly clearly in an attempt to kill our community notice the words used Act of Terror Zionist aggressors an attempt to kill none of this suggests an immed an imminent deescalation so what's the way forward well this is where leadership is important politicians can make or break such moments but can us politicians rise to the challenge let's look at both the camps President Joe Biden was not saying much he gave a statement last month when the protest broke out he said both sides have a point both the pro-israel and the pro Palestine camps and that statement was on April 22nd after that there's been silence he spoke about semiconductors he cracked jokes at the White House dinner and he called his allies xenophobic but no comment on the college protests until a short while back Biden delivered an emergency address on the situation he said peaceful protest is is allowed but violent protests are not listening in moments like this there are always those who rush and to score political points but this isn't a moment for politics it's a moment for clarity so let me be clear peaceful protest in America violent protest is not protected peaceful protest is it's against the law when violence occurs destroying property is not a peaceful protest it's against the law vandalism trespassing breaking Windows shutting down campuses forcing the cancellation of classes and graduate ations none of this is a peaceful protest Biden is trying to balance things out no such problem on the other side though the Republicans are against the protesting students they've passed a bill in the US House it aims to limit anti-Semitism in US colleges but critics say it does a lot more that it could muzzle criticism of Israel as well and Donald Trump is loving all of this he's pitched himself as the Law and Order president so this is right down his alley listen to how Trump describe the Crackdown in New York they went into one of the big buildings a beautiful landmark building boy they got the it got the hell beat out of it last night you know you're supposed to take care of those buildings it took a beating but the police came in and exactly two hours everything was over it was a beautiful thing to watch New York's finest that's Donald Trump for you he says the Crackdown was beautiful but how will these college protests affect us po politics especially in an election year it all depends on young voters these protesters won't be voting for Trump but they may decide to Simply boycott to not turn up at all and that could hurt Joe Biden he Trails Trump by 1.5 points at the national level but among the youth Biden leads he is eight points ahead of trump so the young voter is key for Joe Biden just one problem though that lead is shrinking in 2020 Biden had a 23o lead over Trump among Young Americans like I said it's now down to eight a lot of Young Americans have abandoned Biden's Camp mainly because of Israel they accus Biden of supporting a genocide in Gaza and that could cost Biden swing States like Wisconsin and Michigan secondly these pictures are a welcome break from for Trump the US media was obsessed with his criminal trial they were covering every word of it but now the focus has changed everyone's talking about the college Pro protest in America about how the country is divided and that plays into Trump's hand the only Advantage for Biden is time elections are only in November this year so Biden has time to win back these voters whether it's by ending the war in Gaza or increasing Aid to Palestinians or making Israel agree to some concessions but whatever happens one thing is pretty clear America is more divided than ever before both Trump and Biden can share the blame for that our next story is about Boeing another Boeing linked whistleblower has died a man named Joshua Dean the death was due to a sudden infection Dean had flagged safety concerns in Boeing planes he'd also talked about alleged misconduct he was fired from the company in 2023 and now the man is dead this is the second boing whistleblower to die in just two months the last one died by Suicide side this time it's infection so it's definitely raising some questions is someone behind these deaths our next report tells you meet Joshua Dean he was 45 years old he lived in Kansas until 2 weeks ago Dean was in good health but one day he suddenly developed breathing troubles Dean tested positive for influenza B and MRSA it's a bacterial infection that's incredibly hard to treat soon he developed pneumonia he was put on life support and in Just 2 weeks Dean died Dean's death was suspicious why because of where he used to work Dean was a former quality auditor at boen supplier Spirit Aeros systems it's a company that grew out of boing in 2005 Dean worked there since 2019 in 2021 he raised some concerns he said the bulk head holes in some 737 Max planes were not drilled properly Dean says he he reported the problem to several managers but it was hidden by them workers were instructed to downplay the defects in 2023 it became public knowledge after Dean and several workers gave testimonies soon Dean was fired he filed a case against Boeing and he said he was being made a scapegoat but Dean isn't the only Boeing whistleblower to die suddenly less than 2 months ago another boying whistleblower was found dead a man named John Barnett he apparently shot himself Barett worked for Boeing for over 30 years he revealed details about substandard Parts problems with Boeing's oxygen systems Barnett too had alerted his managers but nothing was done Boeing even denied his accusations now two whistleblowers dead in Just 2 months both associated with Boeing this only adds to the company's mounting troubles in the last decade Boeing has faced major turbulence there have been two fatal crashes mechanical issues a door blowing out mid-flight failed audits Senate scrutiny and serious questions about the safety of the aircraft the last thing Boeing needs is this but the company can't seem to escape controversy it's become the problem child of the aviation World passengers shouldn't have to rely on whistleblowers to provide the truth they should be able to get on airplanes and not have to worry about what model it is whether it was designed and manufactured to the the highest of Standards whether the airline is operating and maintaining it properly or whether government agencies are providing proper oversight in the world of Aviation Boeing has long been synonymous with Innovation reliability and for decades their planes have connected continents and has shaped the way we travel but behind those soaring Wings Now lies a company shrouded in mismanagement controversy and tragedy [Music] every Indian election has a few ingredients appeals to cast appeals to religion some high octane campaigning and finally Pakistan talk about a strange obsession on foreign policy India has moved Beyond Pakistan there is more focus elsewhere like on China and Southeast Asia but in election season Pakistan makes a comeback same case this time it all started with the social media post by former Pakistan Minister faad CH you may remember him and his time in office he was a loose cannon in Imran Khan's cabinet he gave a headline almost every day this time he's written about Congress leader Rahul Gandhi he reposted one of his speeches and he wrote Rahul on fire sure enough this has triggered a political showdown in India today prime minister Narendra Modi talked about it he said Pakistan wants Rahul Gandhi to be prime minister [Applause] Congress it's about political mileage Pakistan and India are longtime Rivals so praise from a Pakistani leader is not ideal voters see it as praise from the enemy so the congress party is hit back they say for CH is under pressure from whom apparently the sharifs listen to this explo I'm afraid none of it makes sense Pakistan struggle to rig their own elections this year so them influencing India is out of the question but forget the rhetoric this controversy does raise a bigger question what role does Pakistan play in India's general elections in the past a big one for many decades Pakistan was India's biggest strategic threat we fought three Wars we had a nuclear arms race so politicians talked a lot about Pakistan about how they would address this problematic neighbor let me show you the bjp's Manifesto from 1999 this was right after the kgill war so the introduction is Pakistan heavy the BJP promised to defend India and its armed forces in 2004 the tone changed the war was behind both countries peace was on the government's agenda so the 2004 Manifesto promised more dialogue with Pakistan in 2014 Prime Minister Modi entered the picture he said Terror and talks cannot go hand in hand in 2019 the BJP Manifesto barely talked about Pakistan just a reference to refugees from wwh East Pakistan nothing more but Pakistani terrorism remained a major issue the pulama attacks that happened in February that year so National Security dominated conversations which brings us to 2024 the bjp's manifesto mentions Pakistan just once a promise to build infrastructure along the Indo Pakistan border that's it it tells you how the conversation has changed what about the congress party say same thing in 2014 the Congress promised to improve relations and and at the same time to tackle terrorism but this time there is barely a mention the congress party says engagement will depend on what Pakistan does if they stop terrorism things could improve if not do not expect much so basically both parties are saying the same thing it's a sign of how India's policy has changed earlier Pakistan was an existential question for India now it's barely a footnote has it also changed on the other side not from the looks of it Pakistan's election campaign featured India a lot Imran Khan talked about India's foreign policy nawas Sharif promised a reset so their India obsession is very much alive and we saw an example of that today Pakistan's Army Chief Asim munir addressed cadetes of their Air Force he called India his AR rival listen to this the professionalism and Brilliance of Pakistan Air Force has been clearly displayed in Wars against our Arch right and profoundly in February 2019 in a short but seminal engagement against the misplaced calculus of our rival Silence of the world over Kashmir is deafening but we will continue to extend moral political and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir till the day they are empowered to exercise their right of self-determination sums up the situation Indian political discourse has moved on Pakistan this election won't change that you may hear rhetoric about sympathizing with Pakistan or being supported by Islamabad but the fact is most Indian parties have moved on so it doesn't matter who wins in June India's Pakistan policy is locked in our next story is from Africa from Ghana in the west yesterday was a big day for many in the country some of their long lost treasures came home 32 artifacts are back in Ghana gold relics that once belonged to royalty they're considered crown jewels most were looted about 150 years ago by British colonizers two museums in the UK have had them for years no surprised that one of them was a British M Museum so for 150 years the people of Ghana could not see their own Heritage their crown jewels were held in London it's something Indians understand all too well Ghana is lucky though its artifacts are finally back home but there's a catch this is a loan the museums are not permanently returning the treasures they've only sent them to Ghana for 3 years here's our report we are displaying this for you to see that the item that were stolen looted in 1874 not all of them has returned but that what we have here still embodies the soul of Ashanti and I believe within the period that they have been displayed here you make an effort everybody to come in and visit to see it yourselves that was the traditional King of the Ashanti people his ancestors once ruled over most of Ghana a majority of Ghana's people hail from his community he is a ceremonial figurehead and he has done Ghana a great service he struck a deal with two museums in the UK and brought home some of his community's icient Treasures what you're seeing are the Ashanti crown jewels it includes the sword of the state gold badges Royal rings and neck pieces these items once belonged to the Ashanti King's family and retainers now they are back in Cara these Treasures once looted by British forces in 1874 have rightfully found their way back to the mansher Palace Museum through a collaborative effort between our institutions they're at a museum in the king's Hometown at the Mania Palace Museum in the city of Kumasi it is open to the people of Gana now they can take a trip by Road or rail to see their Heritage instead of having to travel overseas to their Old colonizer Nation the British looted most of these artifacts in 1874 during the third Anglo Asanti War British troops troops raised the Ashanti Royal Palace and looted Priceless artifacts during its destruction they took these Treasures back to the UK and eventually they found their way to museums the museums have refused to return any of the loot though places like the British museum stubbornly hold on to all their stolen artifacts let's face it if they didn't the museum would be an empty husk much like what the British Empire is today so normally Museum in the UK refused to give back any artifacts but this time they made an exception we at the British museum are wholly committed to continuing this relationship building on this loan in a manner based on friendship trust mutual respect and a willingness to [Applause] discuss they agreed to loan the golden Treasures to the Ashanti Monarch not toor just to the Monarch the king of the Ashanti people celebrates 25 years on the throne this year the artifact loan is part of that celebration the artifacts will be in Ghana for 3 years but after that Britain might want them back the people of Ghana should go and see these Treasures while they can who knows if the British will ever do the right thing again but if this is a change of heart a real wish to make amends then other countries should take note Benin is missing some bronzes Greece is missing some marbles and India well we would like our kohinur back that is another Crown Jewel that should make its way back home what does it take to become a government spokes person if you're in Ukraine you don't even have to be human welcome to the Future you would like you to meet Victoria my name is Victoria she I was created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with the use of AI technology in order to quickly and efficiently inform you about Consular issues I'm a digital person meaning the text you hear has not been read by real person artificial intelligence did it she over clarified herself already but let's explain this is Ukraine's first digital spokesperson she looks human her likeness is based on a Ukrainian singer she gesticulates with her hands and moves her head while speaking so she seems almost real but she's been created by artificial intelligence Her Image is AI generated the what she says will be written by humans so hopefully she won't hallucinate during a press conference and turn into a viral Tik Tok but that aside what is her purpose Victoria will make official statements on behalf of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine the government says this will save them time and resources and some people can apparently relate to the sentiment like British singer FK a Twigs she's orchestrating the future as well several artists have repeatedly complained about AI about how it is being used to steal their likeness and exploit their identity and livelihood now FKA twigs is changing the game as a future facing artist new technologies are an exciting tool that can be used to express deeper emotions create fantasy worlds and touch the hearts of many people so Twigs is creating a deep fake off herself this will be an AI generated image it will look like the singer it will be trained in her personality it will have her voice and tone of speaking and twigs will use this deep fake for public interaction mostly with fans and journalists so she can focus on her music basically Twigs has outsourced socializing she will be a legend among introverts now both the examples are completely different the first comes from a government the second from an artist but both have one thing in common humans are delegating work to a AI avatars is this what the future looks like you see AI has become part of the fabric of Modern Life AI is writing essays powering your toothbrush and helping you snore lesser if you landed on Vantage after a Google search it is thanks to AI so it is still very exciting AI can be so good at things many fear it is going to snag their jobs but experts are not too worried they say that AI may never replace humans if we learn to do one thing Master the art of delegation simply put this means figuring out what we need to do ourselves and what is best left to machines we need to delegate tasks to AI to stay ahead of the curve after all AI is already brilliant at that as well AI is delegating tasks to humans like a pro but worry not humans are catching up a K-pop Star has a digital twin that is never too busy to talk to fans influencers will soon join the club India China Greece Kuwait and Taiwan have lifelike AI anchors the mayor of big apple does not have his own avatar yet but he's using AI to make robot phone calls The Voice deep fake has the mayor's voice and tone and now New Yorkers are confused about why Eric Adams is talking to them in Mandarin and Giddish it sounds incredibly funny but there are ethical concerns here how identical is to identical this raises questions about copyright and ownership also when is it appropriate for you to use AI Can employees use AI avatars for office meetings can you send an AI Avatar to your own court hearing that doesn't sound right but if it were possible Donald Trump would be doing it also should governments be be using AI should influencers after all public figures have an unsaid responsibility they need to interact with the public remove that and you'll be an influencer talking to a brick but worst of all what if something goes wrong what are the consequences and who takes the responsibility there are way too many questions not enough answers the fact is AI is just a tool and an imperfect one at that it is not human it lacks judgment it lacks a moral code it has limitations so delegating to AI will make tasks simpler but you must know its capabilities identify the boundaries and take responsibility once that is clear maybe an a avatar can cancel plans on your behalf or laugh at your bad jokes the opportunities seem endless but first we must figure out where the boundary lies our last story tonight comes from Kenya since March devastating floods have killed hundreds of people there and displaced tens of thousands more homes roads Bridges have all been destroyed and the situation does not seem to be improving yesterday a river broke its bank and overflowed into Masai Mara it is one of Africa's greatest Wildlife National reserves now many parts of the reserve are in undated about 90 people have been rescued so far but it's not clear how many are still trapped here's a report on Wednesday amid torrential rainfall Kenya's talek River broke its banks it overflowed into Masa Mara one of Africa's most popular Wildlife reserves now parts of the reserve are inundated Masai Mara is a tourist hotspot in Kenya and many of its camps have been flooded so far 90 tourists and staff have been evacuated it's unclear how many people remain in the reserve but there are fears that animals have been swept away this raging flood has only added to Kenya's Wars its rainy season started in mid-march since then torrential rainfall has caused flooding and landslides at least 188 people have been killed at least 30,000 more have been displaced my wife and I were asleep and so were the children my wife abruptly woke up after she heard a loud bang she got out of the bed and rushed to go and find out what was happening so I followed her the Raging Water came from behind the house it sounded like a bomb immediately the water swept us away I regained Consciousness in the morning naked and on top of an approved tree log homes Bridges and roads are all destroyed there is heavy damage to other key economic resources as well including crops and livestock people who lived off small businesses like avocado Farms have lost their livelihoods on Tuesday President William Ruto amped up his efforts he ordered the military to join the rescue operations in Nairobi and all over the country we do not want to keep losing the lives of our citizens we will put in place adequate plans to feed them shelter them and provide all the necessary requirements decided this in cabinet today and the government will work with development Partners on this undertaking but local people say rescue efforts have been slow many have lost their homes and they have nowhere to go so some people are climbing a top trees today A man was rescued after being stranded in a tree for 5 days locals also say they lack equipment to dig through the debris and look for bodies we have been searching with our bare hands unsuccessfully but the smell concentrated around here makes us believe that she may be buried underneath here somewhere we are asking for help from the government any kind of help so that we may be able to find the bodies of our loved ones there's no relief in sight according to the meteorological Department more rain is expected so it looks like this deadly Deluge is not being washed away anytime soon and now it's time for Vantage shots images that tell the story in Georgia police and protesters Clash over the controversial foreign agents bill in Indonesia a volcano eruption has destroyed nearby houses and in Paris chefs reveal over 500 recipes that will feed 15,000 athletes participating in the Olympics finally we're taking you back in history on this day in 2011 Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan US Navy Seals shot the al-Qaeda the founder in his compound in abbotabad the raid was approved by US President Barack Obama Bin Laden's compound was just kilometers away from a Pakistani Military Academy we're leaving you on that note thanks for watching we'll see you tomorrow all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foree [Music] [Music] [Music] every day the internet Cooks up new lifestyle Trends the list is so long that it gets difficult to keep a track from anti-aging straws that promise to smooth wrinkles to bizarre methods of extending the life of herbs in the kitchen there's nothing that the internet has missed and amidst so many videos there are also some Trends which make a person's life easy peasy lemon squeezy if not easier at least interesting enough and the trend Club has a new joiny it's called Dai this latest craze is sweeping through China don't mistake it for a dance Mo or a trendy Cafe it's actually a moneysaving strategy disguised as a social club one can even call it a support group for your wallet almost all humans long for a partner a partner for Life a partner in crime but this latest trend is getting them a partner for money so here's what the Dai trend is all about women from all walks of life spanning from their Roaring 20s to Fabulous 40s are teaming up online to share their spending habits they're not just logging their daily expenses they're dissecting them with utmost precision every dollar spent is scrutinized every impulse purchase is questioned and every unnecessary Splurge is met with a collective do you really need that but it's not just about pinching pennies these women are forming bonds over budgeting they are providing support and encouragement to resist the siren Call of online shopping and the Allure of designer handbags it's like having your own personal finance cheerleading [Music] squad the concept gained its Spotlight on China's version of Instagram according to reports it gained more than 1 million views on the platform discussions about saving Partners is spreading like wildfire it looks like Dai isn't just a passing fad it's a movement interestingly China boasts of the world's highest SA saving rates figures show that in 2023 Chinese residents deposited at least $19 trillion in the banks and this number has increased by 14% from a year [Music] earlier but why are the Chinese suddenly so obsessed with stalking away cash experts say the trend shows a low confidence in the future economy the Chinese economy is facing a deepening property crisis falling foreign investment and mounting local government debts in uncertain times like this who doesn't want to save every dime that they can so Dai isn't just about saving money it's about finding solidarity in thriftiness and facing the future with confidence one penny at a time the women of China are busy building their financial fortresses one budget spreadsheet at a time after all who knew thriftiness could be so sh we [Music] [Music] keep keep [Music] police foree [Applause] what's up what's up [Music] [Applause] [Applause] p for got [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the
Channel: Firstpost
Views: 214,765
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Keywords: firstpost, vantage, palki sharma, vantage palki sharma, first post, firstpost palki sharma, biden xenophobia comment, joe biden on india, joe biden indian economy, indian economy, indian economy joe biden, biden xenophobia claim, xenophobia claim joe biden, joe biden india economy, joe biden india growth, joe biden, india economy growth, india economy joe biden, joe biden india comment, biden speech, joe biden election campaign, us presidential election 2024, us elections
Id: 2Ntk2JsyiW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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