macOS Sonoma – 12 Settings You NEED to Change on Launch

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Hey friends - Andrew here, hope you're well! Today  I've come up with a list of 14 settings you want   to immediately change once you upgrade your Mac  to the new Mac OS Sonoma here I've been testing   Sonoma on my M2 air for weeks now and although  it's not the biggest update there is a host of   great features and setting changes that you want  to check out so let's get right into it the very   first Mac OS Noma changed is docked web apps  just like this one here so we can now finally   create apps that launch specific web pages from  our dock like this here and to do this is pretty   simple so all you need to do is head over to  Safari and then head over to the website that   you want to create an app for and then once it's  loaded you'll go into file here and then click   add to Doc and this is where we can change the  app icon and also the name so let's just change   it to something simple so you can see the app  here now and then once you click it instead of   just launching Safari and the web page it actually  launches an app version of the web page and it's   actually independent from Safari itself and you  can use this app specifically in mission control   and Stage manager just like any other app and  it looks quite beautiful it's quite reactive   it's fast and responsive I think it's worth taking  some time adding your favorite web pages to your   doc for easy access like this the next thing that  you want to set up or actually turn off is inline   predictive text so for example if I bring up the  notes here and I type in you know thank you very   much ill immediately I didn't even type that  out it immediately completed that sentence for   me so to change that setting go into system  settings and then go scroll down to keyboard   and then from keyboard scroll down  to text input and then click edit   and then from here you can see that there is  a shout in line predictive text you can turn   this off or on so some people love it and other  people don't and in my opinion if you're a fast   typer you'll probably find this more annoying  than helpful but if you're a slower typer on   the keyboard you might find it helpful another  keyboard related setting you want to change is   the keyboard dictation feature which has been  significantly improved in Sonoma so it's worth   giving a go so back in the keyboard settings  going back in system settings scrolling down   to keyboard from here there is this new dictation  area right down here that allows you to use your   voice to type for you together with your keyboard  so this is improved from the previous OS so here's   an example of using it so click edit in the  toolbar and then scroll down to start dictation   an easier way to do this is just press F5 and  then I'm going to say write me a sentence [Music]   so it's actually pretty fast as you can see and  it literally is a Nifty way to journal and get   your thoughts out Safari has also received a big  upgrade in Sonoma and we can now create different   profile settings for Safari which is an easy  productivity hack so to set this up go into Safari   again and then click Safari and click settings  then from here at the top click profiles click   new profile and my recommendation is to create  one for work play and also anything else that   you might want to research so for example uh let's  just set up one for work and click the symbol that   you want to represent it the color and then from  here you can create new bookmark folders or use   existing folders so I'll just go ahead and click  create profile so you can now see the profile   you're in on the top left hand corner and you  can launch new profile windows by right-clicking   Safari on the dock here so where did Safari go  click here and you can launch new work windows or   new personal Windows another great Safari feature  on sonobo is locking private tabs so say if you're   browsing some super Saucy stuff whatever it is  I'm not judging you can lock those tabs so no one   gets access to them so to do this go into Safari  again and then click settings and then go into   privacy here and you'll see a new line here and  it says private browsing require Touch ID to view   locked tabs and so depending on the Mac you have  you'll either see touch ID to unlock or password   to unlock it's a great option to have that added  layer of extra security when you're browsing so   now when I open up a new tab in private in  Incognito if I were to open and close this   laptop again it would require Touch ID to open up  that page again another really important security   setting to set up is the security response files  feature which was first introduced in Ventura as   the rapid security feature so to do this go into  system settings and then go into software updates   and then from software updates you can see  here at automatic updates click the info icon   and with install security responses and system  files just make sure this is checked on a heads   up on this feature this doesn't actually replace  full software updates but instead it allows Apple   to quickly install small updates across all your  Mac devices in the event that they find bugs or a   security breach and talking of security breaches  while you're getting set up on the new Mac OS if   you haven't already you might want to check out  the cleanmymac X app today's video sponsor so Mac   issues often creep up out of nowhere from running  out of application memory to full-blown data loss   I personally like to take a preventative approach  with clean my Mac X it's an app that regulates my   Mac in real time and prevents all sorts of issues  for example if you're planning to install Sonoma   the upgrade will take up about 13 gigabytes so  you'll want to free up as much space as possible   to upgrade over without any hiccups clean my Mac X  helps you free up that space by not just deleting   junk in your bin but also running d paper scans  with tools like space lens and smart scan here and   it will scan and get rid of all sorts of things  I wouldn't have the time to check like even old   podcasts saved via Apple music and it does even  more than this to make sure that your Mac is   running at its best so it's ready to take on any  task you throw at your Mac you can try out a seven   day free trial in the link below and go ahead  and run those scans and automatic clean before   you upgrade your Mac OS so moving on now if you  have access to an iCloud subscription it's worth   turning on the hide my email setting which allows  you to send out and receive emails without using   your real email address so go into iCloud here  and once you click iCloud scroll all the way down   to hide my email so here in hide my email you can  then create your spoof email and if you don't like   the email address that's automatically generated  for you you can press refresh here and it will   give you a different iCloud spoof email then  you can just label it and then make a note and   and then set that up itself so once you've done  that future emails can then be ported through this   email for privacy back to your real email address  it's actually quite handy going back out to the   iCloud settings go scroll down to the Advanced  Data protection part here and this setting is   worth turning on if you're big on security it  activates end-to-end encryption which basically   means that you can only access your iCloud files  on trusted devices so even if there's like a data   breach on Apple servers your content will be  safe and secure so go ahead and click turn on   and then it will guide you through how to set it  up including account recovery so the next one is   a must do to get organized and it's smart folders  they're folders but smart because they're able to   automatically find and organize your files on  your Mac and I'll show you how it works so go   ahead and bring up finder and under the toolbar  click file and click new smart folder so from   here all you need to do is click the plus icon  and then you can create all sorts of parameters   and folders as you wish so for example if I want  to find a Sony photos or photos specifically taken   on a Sony camera or even an iPhone what you do  here is Click device make matches and let's just   type in Sony and then immediately I get all the  photos that I want to match this file type and   then on the desktop right here you can see the  new smart folder with the gear icon click Sony   photos and you can see immediately that I've got  all the photos that I've taken on the Sony it's   that easy and it just makes it just makes life so  much easier when it comes to getting organized so   I've always appreciated the beautiful Apple TV  screensavers and they're finally available on   Mac OS Sonoma so to set this up go into system  settings and scroll down to screen saver and   from here you can see finally we have a whole  bunch of different screensavers is that we can   now download and pull from Apple's servers  and then if you want your screen saver to be   matched up with your wallpaper you can click this  here and what I love about this is if I go ahead   and lock the screen you can see that it matches  perfectly with the new Sonoma lock screen with   the time here similar to the iPhone lock screen  it's really beautiful and I absolutely love this   new interface one of the biggest visual changes  in Sonoma is interactive widgets as you can see   here they don't live hidden off screen anymore  you can literally set them right on the desktop   so all you need to do to bring this up is actually  just right click the desktop and then click edit   widgets here once you've set the first widget in  you can stick it wherever you want but after that   you need to stick within this region so let's pull  in another one let's just pull in the world time   clock as you can see it literally gets you to snap  it in certain areas because you know Apple wants   your desktop to be very clean clear buoy but one  of the cool things is that they're interactive so   you can actually play around with them on the  desktop so let's add the reminders app on here   so let's pull this in here and just to give you  a quick example you can go ahead and tick off   something and it will literally it's interactive  so you can go ahead and tick it off right from the   desktop right then and there a fun new feature to  check out as well is the new presenter overlay and   video effects during video calls so you can  now use these video effects both in Zoom or   FaceTime calls or whatever video app that you're  using so as you can see here I'm talking directly   through Zoom right now and this is green button  here go ahead and click it and you can see that   I'm in Zoom right now there's a whole bunch of  different things that you can use so portrait you   can turn on this like sort of like depth of field  blurry background effect Studio lighting and then   reaction so this is great fun so you can turn this  on and off I'm going to turn it on and you can see   here that you can use different effects now so  to show you what it looks like if I click the   balloon button you can see that has this sort of  3d effect so it's back back in the background and   also in the foreground which is pretty impressive  and apparently this is quite intensive on the Mac   and it only works on M2 Max unfortunately but it  is a pretty cool effect if you can actually use   it and it's just a fun one to use if you made it  to the very end of this video Drop the codeword   comment California and I'll give it a like if you  found this video useful I would appreciate if you   dropped a like and be sure to subscribe for more  you should also consider checking out this video   here where I share the new iOS 17 settings  you should definitely change if you have an   iPhone and as always thank you for watching  and I'll see you in the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: Andrew Ethan Zeng
Views: 250,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: macos sonoma, macos 14, mac os, mac sonoma, mac settings to change, mac setup, mac sonoma setup, new mac setup, new mac sonoma, mac sonoma features, new mac features, mac settings you need to change, mac settings to disable, macbook setup, imac setup, best mac settings, best macbook settings, mac sonoma settings, macos sonoma new features, macos sonoma features, macos sonoma review, andrew ethan zeng
Id: NXXI9SoAllw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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