Machine Gun Kelly ft. CORPSE - DAYWALKER! (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Machine Gun Kelly
Views: 16,243,703
Rating: 4.8388686 out of 5
Id: nSBYIzaxijM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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look at rae man so inspirational
Well that song is disturbing as fuck
Yea thats cool and all but I think we should use damonte for playoffs as he has pocketpicks and could let us go far in the tournament through cheese picks
Happy for Rae, she deserves all these exciting opportunities and love that sheβs getting. I would be way more into this if it wasnβt MGK because personally I canβt stand him as a person and his music in general and in this song arenβt my cup of tea. But, thatβs just my thoughts on him. It doesnβt take away from how cool this is for Rae! Cheers
Only my opinion but I think MGK had a good thing going with that punk rock album and maybe should have turned his brand towards that
Dayman > Daywalker
...what the fuck?
Don't fuck with this at all
Hype song for the gym, "Pray to God and I woke up with some bloody hands"