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Dave here how I this is the third step this is we've taken the text file from cam in a spire we've loaded it onto USB stick and put it into this machine down here which has got Mac three installed on it so this little guy is going to tell this fellow here what to do now I'm going to load the g-code to start with and we've saved it as a Mac three arcs millimeters and we've saved we called it slotted holes we gave it the date which was today and you'll see why I need to come in here and I go up to file and load the g-code down two slotted holes am 6.35 that's it that's the one I want I'm going to click on there to open it and it's loaded it into the machine now I need to set the x y&z points on the job now to do that move that out of the way I'll use the touch plate and this is the touch plate without touching it on or it's off there you see on the back here it has these little slots it's going to hook over this corner I don't have the variable frequency drive turned on at the moment so I'm safe to touch the spindle I'll pop that on there this is magnetic I'm going to pop that on the side of the cutter itself and you can see that I'm held up tight there now over here I am going to say auto tool zero and it's offering with some suggestions I feel a little bit cocky handed here but not why this is just for demonstration it's the z-axis by default is there I'm gonna say I want the x-axis and also the y-axis and so it will know exactly where it is in those three dimensions when I click OK the Machine the tool is going to be lowered down into position so we stand back down she comes it comes down very slowly I've told to travel fast it's going to pop back up again now I have to rotate is saying align the tool flutes for the x-axis so I've got to make them line up this direction along the x-axis this is why I don't have the machine turned on and it's now going to come back this way when I click OK and it's just going to touch the lip and then it will bump back quickly see that so don't get your hands in the way and I'm going to rotate it so it's along the y-axis and I know say ok and we'll go back and it's going to come back this way quickly as well and up and now that is done it's aware of where that corner is now I'm next thing I have to do is I have to tell it to go to zero if you don't tell it to go to zero it'll punch a hole in there like it just did it earlier I'm learning all right here we go go to zero and it does it quickly so be aware and always be near this stop button and you'll put this down here tell it what to do I'm gonna have my hand on the stop button just in case it doesn't do what I want it to do so I'm gonna say go to zero now that is absolutely perfectly in the corner of where it's going to start going it's it's amazing alright now I'm gonna turn the variable frequency drive on that powers this up and then I'm going to start it through its process I'm going to wear the hood because I don't have the Duster out on this because it's more of effective for you to watch what's happening and the plan at the moment is I'll turn it on and I'll hit cycle start over here and it will tell me what tool I want it's gonna say you know tool one this will go yellow and I'll say that's fine that's the tool I want it's offering for me to change the tool if I've got the wrong one in then I'll hit cycle start again and it will come up it will start the spindle up travel over to its first point and start the cutting this is the exciting part so I'll put this on turn the variable frequency drive on okay now all this time I will be staying very close to this I'll flip this on Turner over alrighty first thing cycle start oh I'll turn the other dust extractor on as well it might catch some of it you never count on cycle start it's come down are you on the right tool and I think I am fingers crossed this is the part that's exciting all right stop spooner up and go over to the first position how amazing is that I'm going to turn the variable frequency drive off and now I'm going to jog the machine back over there so I'm gonna go page up and across so it's out of the way and let's take it out of the clamps and have a look there you go that's perfectly positioned all around the board I've got the back with the tab still in there this one let me move along Revit now that's just a matter of me knocking the tabs out from being done so what do you think of that thanks for watching keep on coming back if you like what I'm doing give me a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring that Bell I'm going to continue on doing more projects with this but I thought it'd be nice to take us through from actually creating a vector to multiplying the vector taking our drawing over to toolpaths the machining and then from machining into Mack three and then Mack three starting it up in here and I took you through those processes in Mack three on purpose so there you go thanks for watching see you next time bye
Channel: David Stanton
Views: 58,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davesbuildtips, vectric, vectric aspire, Cnc, Dave stanton, woodworking, CNC, easy woodworking, cnc router parts, maCH3, dave stanton, MACH3, Dave Stanton, mach3, MAch3, cnc, cnc router, wood working, david stanton, cNc, 4x8 cnc, cnc overview, g code, woodworking project, gcode, woodshop, Gcode, woodworking tools, how to, diy, cncrouterparts, Aspire, make, cnc machine, how-to, garage, mach3 cnc türkçe, mach3 cnc controller
Id: XWnGgVx24wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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