M1 Garand Enbloc Timing with Oprod

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okay another video here from CMP nine three we're going to talk about unblock timing on the m1 grand rifle it's important to have the interaction between the M block live rounds you're gonna see me do it with dummy rounds especially made and especially made spring what we're gonna do is we're basically gonna top loaded and we're gonna check for the movement of the operating rod forward at a right time when the M block is seated okay so we got our M block and I don't have any primers and I'm especially made this is just all I use it for and we're gonna end up using this you'll notice I have a very special made follower its shortened up Prague Spring and what it does is has a lot less pressure once we're pulling back in the m1 some incidences but I want to show you really quick a couple different types of op rod catches okay I mean they look the same but they're not okay this type here is an earlier one you notice the long thin arms versus this one here which come out farther the accelerator this piece here that tilts if you look really close this one here doesn't have a ridge on it but this one does see it what this does is pretty there's differences in the thousands that interact with the stud once it's you know fully assembled and how it pivots is how this catches the opera and it's so important that when you have a good operatic catch this should be nice and sharp there shouldn't be any burrs on it and your arms should be nice and straight all the way around shouldn't be worn out your holes should be nice and tight on the pin and everything should be clean this should be free moving this accelerator okay if it's bound up it's no good gotta get loosened up so what we're talking about first thing obviously it's an unloaded rifle we're gonna check but I want to show you the interaction right here this is the eye prod catch no rounds in it it's open we're going to pretend that the last round came out slides back notice go forward if you look the op rod you're gonna see it dipped if you look at this little corner right here it's gonna dip as we get closer and that's another reason or this op rod people ask well you know how are they I just sharp over here are they rounded they cracked or they miss and one of them watch the Opera cat shows it close see how it dipped okay now we got an interaction now we got a rubbing right there as we're going back because what we're telling this hot rod catch is it's it's now canting this way and putting pressure and it's gonna jump over these teeth right here and this can get caught in here right here for you it's right done it's gonna catch that is your last round that's after you hear all your your eight pewpewpew x' then it's the ping this is why your injector and blockage checker puts the upper pressure flies out the top and it's gone and your followers all the way up to the top that's how an empty rifle looks and the idea is that once we use this as a test we're gonna put this in and load it and we're gonna look for the op rod not moving until this is seated you should see here two distinct clicks and as I'm pushing down before I do that or say something there's no rounds in it and one thumb right watch this nothing no thumb and the reason is this follower is gonna cook once the end block comes in it's gonna keep going all the way towards the bottom towards the bottom towards the bottom to a certain point and it's length that it's gonna say release the apparat and you're gonna see it see the movement when I put this in you're gonna see the movement towards the bottom all right I'm getting heavy pressure now so the opéra can't just probably gonna start moving out of the way right see it see the daylight coming in see it moving up all right you know let off on I'm gonna show you the top because that's one of the most important spots you know how that works but what I'm gonna look for now is this interaction here with this right here going down so I'm putting my hand with my specially made hot rod spring in here I'm pushing down your son gonna load it and you're gonna hear two clicks okay the click came first but my thumb was the in block seating then the ah prod came and it's gonna try to strip that round off that's exactly what I want if you if you're not down all the way with your M blocks you don't stayin there it's not going anywhere if that end block is in there like that and you're a pariah didn't go forward something's wrong over here folks okay something's wrong check the length you can make sure to check your spring in there make sure that the bottom of your you're off rock is make sure that your bottom of your opera I don't have the stock in here so they have to do this open for you you got to make sure that your op rod cavity for the actual spring itself let's see if I can get this to go on like this there's and this is a great example there is the spring tension at the bottom of your your M block okay that's what it looks like great so do you ever want to eject that last you know that whole that whole set down block there you go that's how it works okay there's enough pressure with this spring in here to bring a fully loaded clip and eight rounds out okay and it's locked back because of the position of the file is always at the top no in one grand thumb okay that's what we're doing we're looking for timing if you're having any anything other than what I just showed you where the first click is the seating of the unblocked followed by the rapid movement of the op rod forward anything other than that it's it's no good you got to work on a few things so someone could be the follower so I'm gonna be the op ride catch something can be the timing off of a bullet I don't real quick so we're talking about this height here okay and if you look really close this one at the bottom right here is peeing over so somebody actually grooves some height on this to probably change the timing it's another thing you can do but you just have to go through mechanically check all your parts to make sure your timing is proper and won't begin any extra rounds coming out the top or anything like that or stripping too early if your stripping the first round second round off it should be always coming back and clearing it and another point to talk about is the apparat itself as it's called the tilt test tilt test is nothing more than when everything's stripped down all you have is the bolt with nothing behind it no guts in here and you should be able to tilt the rifle up and down and it would be opening and closing the bolt with its own weight of the op rod and the bowl itself alright that concludes how to do a timing test on the m1 grand rifle using a dummy clip and I specially made follower rod and op rod spray thank you for watching check out the other videos I'm gonna do some more m1 grand videos those guys down at CMP Custom Shop Chris Lucas fake Chris Bret did a great job at the advanced maintenance course big shout out to them if you have an opportunity go down there's individual sign up next time they have it or do it with a buddy take care of folks
Channel: norwich93CMP
Views: 8,115
Rating: 4.8924732 out of 5
Keywords: M1 Garand, Enbloc Clip, Oprod
Id: X5KS5bZDywg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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