How to Order an M1 Garand from the Civilian Marksmanship Program - CMP

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This video came up in my youtube feed wednesday night, and I had my order form in the mail friday morning! I have always wanted a garand, but I couldn't justify paying gun show prices. Imo $750 is a good deal for the m1 now days. Sure they used to be a lot cheaper, but I can almost guarantee they will never be cheaper than they are now again.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Chicken50599 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi everybody my name's Brennan and I work with Black Flag armory and today I want to talk about how you can get an m1 garand through the CMP for those of you that don't know the cmp stands for the Civilian Marksmanship program it's a program that's been designed to make it so it's US citizens can get usgi surplus firearms into their hands to practice marksmanship safety and to promote shooting in general so the m1 garand we've all heard about it many of us love it it's classic peeing its features and the genius John C garand who came up with it I'm gonna be calling it the garand because that's what my grandpa calls it who was a veteran who carried this in World War two and so the grand is a beautiful rifle George's patent called it the greatest battle implement ever devised and today I want to talk about how you can get one so now that we've discussed the rifle and the CMP let's go ahead and get into how you can navigate the website to find the ordering information for the m1 garand alright so here we can see that vorrei typed in CMP and the top option that pulls up on the browser is going to be the Civilian Marksmanship program the cmp org I'm gonna go ahead and click on it and it's going to bring us to the main page on the main page you can see that there's just a wealth of resources going on they have all different types of functions events they have an e store a forum there's so much going on that we simply can't cover it in one video but I will get down to the brass tacks of how to buy the m1 garand mail-order through the CMP so we'll go down here to sales and services quill and click on it now in here we're going to go down to rifle sales and then through rifle sales we'll go down to the m1 garand you'll see that there's the m1 carbine the m1903 the m1917 enfield right here but those are not currently in stock for regular purchase they're only available via auction which the CMP has as well that's something we can possibly describe on another opportunity but for now we'll focus on the m1 garand and here it is right here so scrolling through the page here for the m1 garand there's several things that I'm going to point your attention to to help you navigate this first of all to really get down to how to order it you can see here what I've highlighted the ordering information and the eligibility requirements that is what we're going to focus on and I can show you my personal examples of I met these requirements to be able to purchase my m1 garand let's go ahead and head to the eligibility requirements so the requirements for purchase I'll leave these to read to you but I'll draw your attention to a couple things that kind of can be a little bit confusing at first one is membership in a CMP affiliated organization this means that in order to purchase a rifle from them you need to prove that you are in Gaza describes affiliated with the CMP organization and so in my case I decided to go ahead and go with the grin collectors association there should be some b-roll or you might go ahead and see my card here that I've attached into the packet I became a member of the grin collectors association at the cost of twenty five dollars a year and it's actually been really cool they send quarterly newsletters involving m1 garand things stuff like that so not too difficult and the end result is I was able to purchase an m1 garand as a qualified customer through CMP then another thing that I want to show you is the marksmanship or other firearms related activity so you can see all the descriptions here current or past military service participation rifle pistol air gun or shotgun competition but the one I chose to use which you can see here is the concealed carry license I happen to have this and I was like hey is this gonna work so sure enough I did a photocopy and I printed it out to sin with my packet to CMP and sure enough it was accepted as part of it and then the rest is just kind of standard stuff okay now that we've discussed how exactly to get through the CMP website to find your order forms your eligibility requirements how to actually navigate to the sales page itself let's take a look at that sales page and let's also discuss what grade of m1 garand you might want to buy the cmp grades they're quran's according to a sliding scale going from rack grade all the way up to collector grade but the most common purchases that people will make is either field grade service grade or CMP special my recommendation is to read through these descriptions to see what they're all about but also look up Gus Fisher si and peak rating and this link is current and pull up on he was an armored with m1 Garands for years when he was in the service and he talks in basically plain English about what he thinks of each of the grades so it was hit it was reading this that actually prompted me to buy a service grade which I've been showing you throughout the video and I would recommend this again and again to people that back with the cost for this is 750 dollars the armed ones service and it's generally almost always in stock you can see all these sold outs sometimes they will have these these kind of rare or limited-edition things going on like they had a service grade Winchester that's what the WRA means Winchester Repeating Arms so that happens once in a while but most consistently you will have the rm1 service here in the service grades category and that is what I would recommend for a lot of people the other recommendation I have for some is the special grade this is basically a completely refurbished in one Quran from CMP themselves they put a new barrel on it then refinished a lot of metal they give it a new stock with tight lockup it's it comes basically competition-ready almost like new from the factory in the old days so this may be something that some of you will want to look into but if you're on a budget or you just want something that's a little more authentic retain some of its history through its years of use and rebuilds some one and so forth I would recommend the RM one service heavily so with this rifle it came as a CMP service grade but I have taken the time to add back on to it all the correct parts for its era of World War two which was about in the December 1943 region was it which is when this rifle was made so a service grade is what I would recommend to most people as their first purchase you will get either a Springfield Armory in one garand or a Harrington & Richardson and one grin through that and I'll also throw out to you a little bit of a tip of how you can maybe get a little more of what you want this is not a guarantee but you can actually take a general sticky note and on your order form directly on the order page write something fly it like rule war to m1 garand please and if they have the time they may actually be able to select a serial number a rifle according to that I did that I went I asked for a CMP World War two in one garand a Springfield specifically and sure enough they ended up sending me one that was precisely correct for what I was looking for which was wonderful so now let's take a look at what your actual ordering paperwork is going to look like going through all the different steps your first page is going to be your purchase identification this is the information they're going to use to run their fic s check their and their facility on you for the purchase just as if you were purchasing a firearm here at Black Flag so they're gonna do that make sure you fill that out completely some people can get a little bit sparse on their details fill it out that's my recommendation and make sure you sign and date each page before you send it in next we get to this page this is a certification form this is one that gets a lot of purchasers because you actually do need to notarize it for your first ever rifle purchase it then lasts a few years I believe that you don't have to notarized future forms if you if you were to order multiple m1 Garands in a year but you need to take this to like your local credit union you can make an appointment with the UPS and they can notarize this to make it official next we move to the actual ordering form and you will enter in your item and told the price and you will either enter in your cheque number money order information or your card information some guys like to use cards or if your bank actually will notify you when a check is submitted with the image people like to use that because then you know when the CNP has taken out your funds you can predict with that how long it will take your ticket your rifle to get you after that it usually takes them about a week or two after they charge the card to get it to you next this is your checklist use this checklist believe me it really helps keep you organized one of the things that will point out to you are the forms that you need to add to it so over here I have the things listed out just in this form your US citizenship and age that's the birth certificate your current membership in a CMP affiliated organization here I have my grand collection sociation card dice scanned you can see that these are just scans where I put it out to ship in a packet then this is your proof of marksmanship activity so I may have discussed that earlier but I'll repeat again that this can be anything like if you're currently or have been past affiliated with the military your concealed handgun license like what I have here I just straight up photocopied it and sent it in and that made me eligible since it's a marksmanship back and then finally something stayed specific to Oregon is that they have to ship at to an FFL there are some states where you do not need to get your garand chip to your FFL but here in Oregon you do so here I have one of our Black Flag armory pages it's outdated but you would come and get something like this from us a file copy and we could give that to you to send to CMP so they can ship it to your FFL now I want to show you the paperwork and one of the items that you get with the immigrant when you purchase it from CMP so they send you a nice little manual this thing is cool I mean make sure to read it there's definitely some good information in there you get your certificate of authenticity this is kind of a coup de gras for many people who purchase the grants from CMP it is so neat to see your name associated with the serial number for the rifle itself so this is something that I'm proud to have and I've made copies of and everything and I even gave one to my grandpa who had presented this rifle to as a World War two veteran and then you obviously get your order form and they each come with one clip and it is actually a clip not a magazine imagine that and then they will come with a hang tag on them so that has the muzzle reading the throat reading this is indicating how worn out it is the lower the number the better this actually has its original World War two barrel so it's a little bit worn but it's still in great condition and then it has the rifle grade you can see that this says arm one service it's just like an order form showed earlier this is the date that the armor inspected it this is the serial number of the rifle that will be on that tag and then finally they usually take the date off the barrel but that doesn't necessarily indicate what the receiver is however in my case I was lucky enough to get a receiver that's December 1943 with the barrel that's December 1943 but this is what it comes with and then these are just some fun items on the side so now that we've discussed how to get your paperwork in how to do everything regarding the CNP purchase aspect of the m1 garand I just want to briefly touch upon personal reasons as to why you should get this rifle one of the reasons is that it's just cool I think there are very few people who could honestly argue that this is not a cool rifle be it the classic ping or just the fact that this was the first semi-automatic rifle issued as a primary rifle for any nation that just makes it really cool also for me it has personal significance in that my grandpa who's 92 years old he's in World War 2 veteran he carried this in France in World War two he honestly is an amazing man and that entire generation trained on this firearm to help to protect themselves from tyranny and to save the world so that by itself makes it amazing all those things together I would highly recommend this rifle for purchase and I hope you guys go through with that
Channel: Black Flag Armory
Views: 996,181
Rating: 4.930871 out of 5
Keywords: Review, m1 Garand, ww2, CMP, Historical Firearms, Forgotton Weapons, Civillian Marksmanship Program, D-Day, Firearms
Id: jO39_Gs58Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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