Lynx 12 AK shotgun - Pros & Cons

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hello everyone welcome back uh today i want to talk to you guys about the pros and cons about buying a lynx 12 okay now this isn't a video about the awesomeness of an ak-47 shotgun okay i think that's kind of um obvious on its face value but specifically on why you would want to want to or not want to buy a lynx 12 which is imported by sds okay so i have here a couple of things i'm going to go to through uh have pros and cons this i'm not going to fanny boy uh the links 12 in this video you know i'm going to give you both sides of it so first i'm going to go through the cons because i think that they're very important for you to consider first con is that that shotgun is chinese made and china is our natural enemy you know simply because you know they're number two we're number one in all of history number two is always trying to replace number one okay so that's the natural thing china is both our economic enemy and also our uh you know potentially our enemy on the battlefield so every time you buy a lynx 12 you're sending money to our enemy which is china but the thing to consider with that is that you know maybe um china gets i don't know a couple hundred thousand dollars out of us every year from these links 12 shotguns um you know compared to uh walmart sending billions of dollars over to china so you choosing not to buy a links 12 just because it's chinese made and you don't want to send them money i mean it's just you know it's just a drop in the bucket you know or hole in the water however you want to look at that um you're not going to have that much of an impact on their economy uh by choosing to buy or not buy this gun uh as far as china being our potential battlefield uh enemy hey i think there's some poetic justice um you know if it ever came down to it fighting the chinese with one of their own guns okay so uh something you know for you guys to consider that way okay so the uh sebastian that's the first time it is chinese made um uh the second con um is that you know there's a good chance that you may not be able to buy parts in the future for this gun okay um there's a good chance that the gun itself uh you know they'll stop the imports of this gun and there's a good chance that you won't be able to get any future parts in fact it's kind of hard to get parts now although some are available um i'm pretty sure that in the future you probably will not be able to get replacement parts for this gun and it's a machine all machines break you know the more you use them i've got 11 you know i've got 11 000 rounds on this gun um i had to replace the recoil spring at 10 000 rounds because it got just a little bit weak um and i broke the bolt at 11 000 rounds okay and luckily i was i was still able to get a replacement bolt uh i got a few of them uh you know for future so uh you know if you're gonna buy this gun be aware that that you may not be able to get future parts however the gun did go 11 000 rounds before anything broke on it um so you know that's pretty good mileage um as far as i'm concerned i already got my money out of this gun just out of the usage that i did on okay uh so that that's that's a con con number two con number three um sds is the sole importer of that shotgun so if you have a problem with it there's only one place that you can go to um and you know back in 2019 uh uh you know back then i had a cheetah 12 which was the predecessor to this gun the cheetah 12 was a horrible gun gave me all sorts of problems uh back in 2019 uh sds was very responsive uh when i had problems with with that cheetah 12. uh in 2020 um you know they were pretty good about if you were looking to buy stuff from them they were pretty responsive if you had a problem they were not so responsive so any orders that i place with them for for parts they ship them out right away uh they'll answer questions on that but if you have a problem like for example on this replacement uh recoil spring that i got the cover plate that you see right here fell off okay not a big deal the gun doesn't need it to work uh but i did send them two emails regarding this head said hey the cover plate fell off uh they never responded to it okay so so they're good at responding to when you want to buy stuff but not so good at responding at when you when you have a problem that's this year 2020 because hey i mean they don't need you as much as they needed you last year okay so that's just the reality of it um so that's a con and uh the fourth con my list um aftermarket accessories uh the stock that you see on this gun i uh you know i brought this over for my sega 12s alright i had two sega 12s that i have retired each of them did about 30 000 rounds a lot of the sega 12 parts will fit on this uh particularly the cosmetic stuff like you know like the stocks that that fit on this perfectly um i've seen some forearm grips on sale that are designed for the sega 12. i don't know if it will fit on this or not um i could probably test it out by taking the the forum off of my sega 12 and putting it on here i might do that at some point in the future but at the moment i don't know if they'll fit on there i don't know how much work i would have to do to make it fit but the point is that there's still some aftermarket stuff out there for the sega 12 that that may or may not fit on your lynx 12. but the point is that there's not a whole lot of stuff being made for the lynx 12 just because it hasn't been out that long um you know not that many have been sold okay so those are my four cons made in china you're gonna probably not gonna be able to buy parts in the future um sds is the sole importer and you have a problem that's the only place that you can go to and who knows if they're answering the phone that day or not um and then the after part after market accessories are limited uh specifically for this gun okay so now let's go into the pros okay i think the pros are pretty awesome and the first pro on my list okay let me take this off put this drum on okay this is a street sweeper okay uh now for for those of you that have never heard of a street sweeper the street sweeper was a a shotgun that the uh or is a shotgun that the atf has classified as a class three destructive device okay um and basically it was a semi-automatic shotgun right uh it had a drum now the gun is actually a terrible gun in terms of it's got no sights on it the stock on it is this horrible folding stock that it's possible to get a cheek weld on uh the the drum magazine is fixed you can't take it off and put a you know so it's a fixed drum magazine um it does not automatically eject the rounds the shells stay uh in the drum and then there's an ejection rod where you manually eject the shell so um it was a it was a horrible gun except for the fact that it took it took a drum on it and the reason why i'm so familiar with it is because i almost bought it okay uh i ran about this is going back about about 10 years ago i ran into a guy at a gun range that had a street sweeper um and and i said wow that is really awesome i would love that i was willing to throw all sorts of money at him to you know to buy it um i did not know it was a class three device a class three firearm he didn't know it either before i actually went ahead and bought it all right and in this state would have been legal to do a private sale before i went ahead and bought it i said you know what let me just do a little research on it you know just so i you know maybe you know let me find out if the gun's even going to work a month from now you know what its history is that's mostly what i was interested in you know is this gun gonna last okay uh and i found out that from from just doing a quick internet uh search that it was a class three firearm i told you you know i just looked it up with my phone i said listen guys this is a class three firearm i can't buy it and and don't let anybody see it take it home hide it don't bring it out um i have since you know i met this guy that one day don't know who he is don't have his phone number so you know i have no idea where he's at now but the point is i've actually shot the street sweeper uh it was an awesome concept um and and you know you know it you know i because it was such an awesome concept i'd say like i really want to have a gun like that uh and at the time uh you know just a little bit more research i saw that the sega 12s were available and i'm like hell yeah you know i immediately uh bought a uh sega 12 and and basically it was like love at first sight great gun did you know i bought two of them they each did 30 000 rounds which i've since retired them because the bolts cracked the ball carriers cracked on them um but that but that's the the the first pro on my list okay this is a quasi street sweeper which is a class three firearm firearms and it's just awesome to have okay uh so that's the first pro the second is uh that it's available okay this is available as of december 2020 um you know i i just bought one at the beginning of of december uh had it shipped to my ffl and you know by the time i got to the ffl to pick it up i saw that he had mine there he had a few more sitting in his you know in his case for sale and and he said that as soon as he saw mine arrived at the store from palmetto because that's where i bought it from uh he said he immediately went to their website and and ordered as many as he could get his hands on because he didn't have anything else to sell right he couldn't get his hands on ars he can't get aks you know came and get glocks right now in december 2020 uh so i said i need something to sell awesome gun the you know and he's and and and that's why he got it so it's available okay availability is great you can his ak-47 shotgun that's available as of december 2020. uh next on my list it's 500 okay uh this one well not this one but the one i just got was 533 with the shipping um you know and i think the first one i bought i think i paid 450 that came with two magazines there were sds magazines which sucked but the point is it was 450 came with two magazines the second one i paid i think 400 um so in and that was like back in like 2019 so from 2019 to 2020 it's only gone up in price a little bit you know somewhere between 50 to 100 so the point is you're not paying a huge prim premium right you're not paying a 2020 um you know gun buying panic premium on this gun you're getting it at a reasonable price of 500 so that that's a big pro okay next on my list this works with birdshot okay um which is awesome i've i've shot i've shot lots of different semi-automatic shotguns um you know i've trained people on different or semi-automatic shotguns and a lot of them will not cycle cheap birdshot okay you have to you know you have to get the more expensive stuff most of them they gotta have a velocity of more than 1300 feet per second most semi-automatics out there they will not cycle uh anything less than 1300 feet per second they won't they won't cycle 1200 feet per second this does i mean i have three of them and right out of the box these guys recycling this the cheap 100 round value packs it works with it um i have heard a few of the shoe cases where people were having a problem with it um and i did give them some tips to make try and get it working but in general these these work with with cheap birdshot uh i think that that was part of the original design they you know i think that they were aware the designers were aware that the people buying these guns for 500 or about there are most likely going to just be shooting birdshot through these guns okay now it does have an adjustable valve here so that if you are shooting a buckshot or slugs uh you could you can um you know you can switch it to a smaller hole so you're not over gassing the system uh and this does take two and three quarter and three inch shell so it shoots magnum loads okay so but but most important first time i list with a semi-automatic shotgun it must shoot cheap bird shot okay um this gun i don't think i've ever shot anything other than cheap birdshot with this gun right here uh next time i list ak durability and simplicity okay this is an ak-47 okay you open it up you clean it just like an ak-47 the only difference i think is um really the valve system the gas valve system i mean yeah i mean the i mean the parts are not interchangeable um with ak-47 they are kind of super sized but but in design it's an actual ak-47 um so you're gonna get that type of durability uh and that type of simplicity with it which i which i absolutely love um next uh on my list uh uh you as of december 2020 you can get parts for this gun okay i've been buying parts all month uh there's there is a limited supply out there usually the parts that are available for this gun that sds is selling uh is maybe from guns that that were sent back in that they cannibalized um you know and they kind of say on their website that some of the parts may show somewhere uh some of the parts are brand new like the replacement bolts that i bought uh but there are some parts available for this gun and i think you should stock up as much as you can on parts um but but that is also on my converse that that in the future i don't think that there's gonna be too much too many parts available okay but as of right now you can get certain parts for this gun okay uh next on my pro list uh that this takes a red dot which is awesomeness okay uh that's that's a a utg side rail okay it costs 35 dollars uh so cheap the standard ak-47 side rail uh i have on top of it here the hollow sun 503 cu solar powered um with a battery backup and it has that big 65 moa circle with the 2m08 dot in the center really great for busting clay birch you can get that circle on the disks really fast a lot of fun to shoot so that that's that's a pro big pro for this that you can mount um that you can mount a red dot on the side rail okay next on my list that it takes the uh the 10 round stick magazines and obviously these drums okay so so these agp magazines now mind you this drum here i don't think i've used this more than five times so this is a very cool novelty novelty i think you should definitely have this uh but but this is a novelty um it does make the gun heavy the um put this back on but this is the 20 round drum the 15 one is is a little bit smaller it's also a little bit more practical because as i hold this here you can see how that drum wants to hit my forearm okay so that drum does kind of get in the way uh so i got the 20 round i also got the 15 round one but but you must have it i think it's an awesome novelty but it's not something that you're going to use too often these magazines these are the agp magazines i did a separate video on these um i've had i had a bunch of them that i've had for eight years they never had a problem with any of them i just ordered another 20. you can get them for about you order 10 that you get them for about 30 each if you order 20 from agp uh you're paying about 26 each so um these are great magazines uh and again these these were carried over from the sega 12 okay so these are sega 12 magazines that fit the linx 12. this is a reason to buy the gun this gun right because you know you can get cheap uh magazines with a lot of other shotguns out there um you know they're you're you're limited to four round magazines or five round magazines because because you know again this has been carried over from the sega 12 you know if you can consider the whole lineage from sega 12 through this you know this this design has now been around for some 12 15 years okay i i'm kind of guessing that but you know uh it's been around for a while so that's why these magazines are are tested they've been used for a long time they're very reliable um so that's that's a big uh pro these these are agp magazines uh next on my list as far as pros okay this shoots a 72 caliber slug okay um i'm sure you guys have heard of the uh 458 socom rifle right that's basically an ar-15 uh that shoots 45 caliber bullets right well this shoots 72 caliber bullets okay so that's total awesomeness you know being able to shoot 72 caliber slugs out of this gun uh and if you get you know if you get three inch cells with slugs i mean man you know make sure you make sure you adjust your gas valve you know so to the biggest hole up there um now i'll put the caveat out there that if you if you're shooting buckshot right you're putting more stress on the gun versus birdshot you're shooting slugs obviously you're stressing the gun a lot more all machines break the more you stress the gun the faster it's going to break so for my purposes i only shoot birdshot through this you know although it is designed to also shoot buckshot and slug so uh the concept of shooting slugs to this i think it's awesomeness you know 72 caliber slugs man that's all right so anyway uh and last time i list this is a great tactical trainer okay i can do stuff with this gun um but i can't safely do with an ar-15 or an ak-47 uh for for example um you know with an ar or an ak you know those bullets can go for two three miles whereas this using bird shot you know i know it's only going to go out about 200 feet so i'm you know i can shoot in directions and at height levels that i normally uh can't do with ars in aks uh one of the things i'm able to do with this gun is i'm able to simulate you know getting pushed back onto the ground and shooting you know at somebody that's jumping on top of me right so i can shoot into the air because i'm shooting birdshot so it's a great tactical trainer this allows me to do things that i can't do with regular ars aks for example i can shoot steel really close you know i can shoot steel targets you know at 15 20 feet you know i'm not i'm not gonna shoot steel plate with two two three at that distance because i'm gonna get lead back in my face but with the bird shed i can safely do that as long as i got you know goggles on and stuff like that uh so so this is a great tactical trainer you know you can sling this you know i did another video where i had the slung have you know attached this thing here attached sling on the other side gun hangs just like an ak or an ar would um so this is a great tactical trainer that allows you to do things that you cannot do as safely as often um you know um you know as as you can with an ar or an ak so that's my list of pros and cons are definitely considered the cons because they're there they're real uh but i think that the pros greatly outweigh the cons okay um you know this is a fun gun you know you guys know like i said i own three of them um i already up to 11 000 rounds on this um as far as i'm concerned for the five four five hundred dollars i paid for this i already got my money out of this you know um you know if you if you get to shoot you know eleven thousand ten thousand rounds on this gun uh without a break you know you only spend 500 for the gun i mean hey i mean you got your money's worth so i hope you guys enjoyed the video um put some comments in the comment section if you liked the video if you don't like the video whatever the comments actually help it helps uh um you know it it it it helps the um uh the chat the video be seen right it becomes more of a suggested video the more activity is in the comment section also the thumbs up uh help so we can get you know we do this with all my videos because it helps circulate them and if you're not remember my channel please subscribe see you guys soon you
Channel: tsafa
Views: 2,880
Rating: 4.80198 out of 5
Keywords: Lynx 12 shotgun SDS imports review Pros cons Best Buy 2020 Ak-47
Id: Wjujap3GnOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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