When the Killer Thinks He's Going Home

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this little video we're off to New York State we do go there pretty often but this one folks very twisting case twisting and twisted bizarre to say the least and it involves the two things I am always thinking about sandwiches and Halloween this whole video is met Elizabeth Lamont a young woman who lived in Upstate New York she had everything going for her till a strange series of events led to a game of cat and mouse he said she said and a horror at the spookiest Time of the Year this is Kitchen Nightmares but to the nth degree whatever that means before we get into it please subscribe to see new videos every single week now let's give it a [Music] go today's story takes us to the very up up up state of New York to the Twin Cities of gville and johnon sitting right on the edge of the ader Onex chilling about 50 minutes from Albany State Capital combined Gloverville and Johnstown have a population of about 25,000 people Johnstown named after William Johnston an Irishman in the British Army and he was an officer during the French and Indian War a man who helped Foster peaceful relations between the Native Americans and the colonists becoming very very wealthy in the process of course meanwhile all gloving Gloversville over here named after gloves literally named after gloves I mean they just call gloves the biz because it was a hub it was downtown gloves Central it's where pretty much all the gloves in America were made bet like 100 years ago overall it seems like a nice enough place to live among the beautiful Aon mountains but that's not enough folks cuz get this Johnstown was voted among the eight most Charming cities in the arond mountains now I could get cynical and say well how many cities are there in the actual adonic mountains but I won't Johnstown look at you now if you were driving between Johnstown and gville and you feeling like a little bit hungry you might think yourself m i could wolf down a sandwich and no better place than local number nine they made sandwiches salads and Subs oh my and working there in the year 2019 was Elizabeth aliat Lamont Ali was born and raised in Gloversville 22 years old in the October of 2019 daughter of Christa and Sherman Lamont growing up in the town with her sisters and Ali was very close with her family tight-knit much like the deli which was considered a family affair ran by giorgios kakavelos owner and James Duffy the manager Alli liked her job she was good at it she was very you know good with people always you ready to help you with a big grin on her face a down toe person with a close circle of friends and she'd been working in the deli for about 8 months by this stage as the summer heat waned in Early Autumn Ali began a relationship with William at Deming and things were going well as the fall began the air cooled the leaves went from green to Brown and orange and black became the colors of the night New York has a long and storied history of the Haunted from the headless horsemen to the ghosts of Fort William Henry but as October 31st approached the most frightening thing was Ali's sudden disappearance at approximately 10 p.m. on October 29th 2 days before Halloween the Gloverville Police Department received a call Ali hadn't been heard from in over a day it was alli's sister who had called it wasn't like her to not check in and now at first you know sheld turn up no biggie she lived in Gloverville she worked in Johnstown she's probably just hanging out with friends and those two cities they have actually much lower crime rates than the national average by like half so what could really go wrong but but at the same time in the police's mind it was that one statistic of how safe this place was that actually made people worry and kind of like stand out and that same night another call came in inquiring about about ali Lamont see Ali had been sharing an apartment with her childhood friend Jenny and Jenny's son Jenny also hadn't seen Ally since the previous day now it was worrying Jenny hadn't seen Ally since she had popped into the local n Deli to drop off for phone charger when Jenny texted Ali later that day she got no response and so 24 hours later she was calling the cops the cop's first Port of Call was her work she hadn't been seen since leaving when her shift had finished at around 8:00 p.m. that's what her cooworker said then the police went to her boyfriend William Deming who was also out looking for her no one had seen her in this small town it's in the middle of a lot of wilderness though a bolo was put out Statewide beond the lookout we are at the local 9 Deli also known as The Smokehouse Barbecue and Specialty sub it's in the aderan de Plaza here at the corner of Townsen ab and uh North comry AB here in the city of John toown that is where Elizabeth Lamont worked uh and that's where she was last seen police say on Monday around 8:00 at night some people however would very much not want anybody to be on the lookout but if you didn't want to be tracked you didn't want people watching you virtually what would you do personally I use nordvpn every single day you know when I'm researching these kind of stories true crime topics I always kind of want to go as close to the source as I possibly can and that is Lally always local news whatever local news serves the area but most of those websites are unavailable to me here in irand this content is not available in this location message is something I am all too familiar with or should I say I was you know I used a few different VPN providers before I landed on Nord and since landing on Nord I never switched and so I thought to myself it doesn't get any better than this having a VPN I can rely on I can access content anywhere in the world and no one can track but then to my great surprise it does get better I just couldn't believe it Nord doesn't only keep your location safe and secure hiding your IP address Nord also has 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months for absolutely free thank you so much to Nord for supporting that chapter now let's get back to it Ali still hadn't been seen by the turot of October the day before Halloween and now serious fears were were really begin to to percolate now Alli hadn't planned on leaving she never said she was going anywhere at all she was due to go trick or treating in a couple of days with Jenny and her young son and when last seen by Jenny she was fine so her current boyfriend seemed clear his Alibi was drinking in a local graveyard with friends and that matched her best friend ditto work said she had left by all accounts but had never arrived home though she had closed up with manager James Duffy and police had yet to speak with him along with the owner of her workplace georgees kakavelos but Ali did have trouble previously with an with an ex-boyfriend a guy named Tyler Tyler a bit of a troublemaker um before and since but what the police specifically wanted to speak to him about was a domestic a domestic report this had been like about 2 months before she disappeared as you can probably guess it wasn't one of them wasn't one of them good relationships when the police went to speak with him he was actually nowhere to be found and it took him a little bit to wrestle him down after tracking and tracking they eventually spoke with Tyler now as I said Tyler had a few run-ins with the law and a few after all this domestic disorders probationary issues and such and a police report had been filed back in August see she had shown up at Tyler's door and she had shown up H you know she was pissed she was pissed over the fact that she had heard Tyler was dating one of her friends which is a bit like come on Tyler said the marks she received on her arms were from him attempting to restrain her Tyler told the police that after that he never spoke to her again blocked her on socials and blocked her phone number and then once again what Tyler was up to the day she was last seen he was alied out he he had no time unaccompanied or unaccounted for so again the police you know were most likely thinking okay she she closed up into swich shop she was going home when something happened something not good it's Halloween you got witches you got ghouls you got [Music] monsters after Tyler the police spoke once again with William the current boyfriend he was cleared though he did tell the police she was depressed but her insurance couldn't cover treatment then they finally spoke with her manager and the owner of the deli James and georgeos they were both brought in see Ali was due to finish in a local number 9 at 8:00 p.m. so James would have been the last guy to catch a glimpse of her but did he see more did he see something which could you tell them where she had gone what happened to her I'm an alcoholic and I'm a drug addict do not tell my boss James is one of them one of them weirdos listen I want you to find my friend I work back to work and I want you to sit there and return my life back georgeo son yuand was a Greek immigrant a married father of four and had opened a number of sub shops in the upstate New York area a diner in gville a sandwich shop in Saratoga Springs and local number nine had been in operation since late 2018 now georgeos he he wasn't like the day-to-day running guy he he was the big he's the owner of the big picture guy he left it all pretty much to James the manager James and georgeos had been kind of like buddies for years going back years georgos had kind of Taken James under his wing James had kind of a bit of a rough troubled upbringing when brought in James seemed intoxicated on alcohol or something else georgeos however was able to say that she had left that evening he had been there and he had lent her $500 what time she left I would got to say anywhere between seven TR she said thank you George she said thank you yes she said thank you George I said just be good I yelled just be good and then she left see Ali was hoping to actually get her own uh place to live she was living with her best friend and it was great but it was her best friend and her best friend's young son and in all fairness it could be a little bit crowded the police searched the deli which was in fact at that very moment undergoing renovation if you can believe that the place was being torn down and heavily cleaned especially because on the night Ali had last been working they had accidentally made shite of the soda machine and soda syrup went everywhere but they just wanted her back they did so or Georgio especially did say though she did seem troubled she had her own issues much like William said so kind of making sense here but she was troubled girl I felt bad for her I treated her literally as a daughter of mine have enough of my lies to say then the interrogation got weird James or Jim as they call him seemed intoxicated so they asked georgeos do you think think he might have done something was James intoxicated for any particular reason he was there when she had last been seen and he self admittedly had substance abuse issues not a good mix one thing we never talked about is do you think J have anything to do with this to knows I really don't think so he doesn't have the go like anything that harmed to her or uh do anything to her anything like that they were friends they were bodies no George said no no way Jose whatever the Greek version of Jose is why you for like maybe he had something to do with it and you just don't want to come forward it almost seemed though like George Joseph was covering for James but just like how he he wouldn't really let the police look through his phone his texts between him and James he was like James he's a good boy he's a good boy things seemed weird between the two of them and most certainly they were hiding something the following day they reinterviewed James Duffy once he had sobered up at first he just wanted her back helpful helpful Jimmy I want you to find her okay trust me I do because I want my friend back okay Not only was you my friend she was a helli worker that I should never replace something happened to this girl you got to tell us are you this guy that was around for an accent and like you feel awful about it but you're about to tell us or are you this guy no no BR listen she was fine when I seen her last I tell you this much I don't know where she is then it seemed like he wanted to tell the police something I feel like you're holding back I don't I don't know something went too far that night and and they were trying to figure it out you have the answer to the puzzle here I need to clear my mind okay in fact he made a demand that he wanted a like a document or or something signed by the District the da the district attorney if he said something he wanted to be immune from prosecution as you can probably tell James was not a bright spark he believed that if he told a something something about maybe what actually happened to Ally or what he knew about what happened to Alie you could just you know sign that and he'll just got free I wanted signed by the da had everything you guys leave me alone I walk out of here you put me on a bus and I can go I don't want to promise you anything I can't so that's why I'm talking to you because she overdose and she something I can tell you we can get that obviously she's chopped up into pieces you know it's different the detectives essentially tricked James into telling his truth they didn't lie to him they didn't promise him anything they didn't say he'd be on a bus and walking out of here if he told them what really happened they didn't tell him anything like that they just let him make those assumptions in his own mind you don't even know you really go James Duffy spoke about what really happened paid me gave me $500 to do all these drugs so that way I could build up the courage to do this bought me a case of beer he told the police that after they closed up shop at 7:00 p.m. Alli had been in the back just cleaning up you know getting ready getting ready to finish up and while she was there at the sink James had walked up behind her with an aluminium baseball bat and struck her in the head repeatedly I don't think the da will sign [ __ ] he then said Georgio put a bag over her head choked her and finished her off by hitting her with a hammer she kept twitching she cut up you know one then James and georgos put her body in the back of Georgio's small Volkswagen and they dropped her body off in a wooded area east of town they returned the following night which was the night she was reported missing and buried her body under concrete and fertilizer it was Georgio's idea to murder her he georgeos had paid off James paid him off with money with drugs and with booze it was like murder for hiring getting James to to well launch the first blow at her after that they spread soda syrup all over the floor to not only cover the blood but also give them a reason to need to clean up and renovate at one point George Jo had to go to Walmart to get more supplies to clean up James did take them to where she was and they also recovered the murder weapon and other cleaning supplies that had been dumped Ali had been unceremoniously buried in this muddy marshy area just off the highway the police were complet shocked when James told them this like why why did they just snap and brutally Mur murder her in the back of their own store GEOS was soon then brought in yesterday you didn't read my rights the fact you read my rights today that's a sign to me you're taking the conversation now from our general to what he said versus what I said I'm not going to be out without attorney can I call my attorney first put your hand behind your back you understand that yep you're under arrest it's certainly not a happy ending by any means 22-year-old Elizabeth Lamont was last seen Monday night around 8 failing to return home after her shift at local number n ad Deli in Johnstown her disappearance started a multi- agency search involving state and local police they easily 40 law enforcement Personnel actively working the case 4 days it was 4 days after l went missing that they found her body off exit 13 on I 87 in a wooded area in Malta 34-year-old James Duffy of Johnstown and 51-year-old Georgios kakavelos of Boston spa sit in Saratoga County jail tonight without bail both men charged with murder and concealment of a corpse the motive for this brutal act money or rather fraud georgeos was committing fraud he was paying all his employees under under the table and he wasn't paying them the full amount either he was keeping everything off the books georgeos had a history of shady business practices and when Alie threatened to make this public and she had filed a state labor complaint against him when an investigator with the Department of Labor stopped in unannounced to the store one time she told him everything all the Shady business practices that had been going on how he wasn't keeping logs of their hours he kept pretty much zero Financial records from the store when this got out georgeos was not best please not too keen on that an investigation had begun by the Department of Labor into his [ __ ] he couldn't have that at all and so georgeos was believing Ali was a traitor she was turning you know everybody in store in this little small family run establishment that was not family at all um he believed you know she was a traitor she was turning everybody against him she was telling you know the Department of Labor but all the really shady illegal [ __ ] he was doing she had to go George Jo in fact owed the state of New York 70 grand and the IRS 120 Grand this is a real episode of Kitchen Nightmares you [ __ ] dick James Duffy pleaded guilty to second degree murder taking a deal and agreeing to testify against georgeos in return he was sentenced to 18 Years to Life your testimony was chilling uh and the lack of emotion that you showed in describing the testimony is equally chilling dragging her by body and driving her to the exit 13 Clover Leaf and burying her in the dirt uh at midnight on Halloween and Duffy statement to the court today just before he was sent to prison for murdering Lamont two sentences nothing I could say is going to bring back her um Elizabeth isn't coming back unfortunately so I'm just going to say I'm sorry George Jo pleaded not guilty however to the murder of Ali lont in fact in his defense at trial he said he was there that day the day she was killed he was in in his his Deli but you know after they Clos in he walked in the back and he saw James beating Ally to death with a baseball bat and georgo was shocked couldn't believe this he was blown out of his mind then he said James gave him a weird look had wild eyes and said if you don't help me clean up this you're next so George is fearing for his life and his family's life he kind of had to help you know get rid of the Buddy um in fact he didn't even want to go to the Walmart to get more stuff but he was you know James said he'd kill him if he didn't so James Duffy was the key witness right in all of this and of course the defense was saying you can't trust James he is to use their words a crackhead you can't believe him and now the government through the use of a drunken crackhead wants to take all of that away from him throughout Mr tabo's 30ish years in this country he hasn't been perfect but boy oh boy he hasn't been James Dy in reality georgeos knew James looked up to him georgeos had always taken care of him he was a good guy to James and James with his substance abuse issues was very manipulatable to georgeos and so he got him to do his dirty work for him ladies and gentlemen no doubt about it opion James dely is No Angel but this is a murder For Hire case and you don't hire an angel to do the devil's job James duy was the perfect person for the defendant to hire a key piece of evidence against Mr kakavelos was indeed when he left the deli after killing Ally he would say he had left to go get more cleaning supplies and he was in Terror for his life James said he would kill him if he didn't go get these cleaning supplies but CCTV and a receipt were found and it didn't look like he'd gone to the Walmart indur in fact he'd got himself a tasty little treat of an Almond Joy and some reading material a little magazine to flick through not a great look that's how the jury saw it too when he was found guilty and as to count one murder in the first degree how do you find guilty count three conspiracy in the second degree guilty not only has he been charged with first-degree murder and second deegree conspiracy but also concealment of a human corpse and tampering with physical evidence Georgio kakavelos was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole who goes to work thinking your boss is going to kill you all that Elizabeth Lamont wanted was to to get a paycheck and not be paid under the table how twisted uh and exceedingly evil Mr kakavelos is for taking what would ordinarily be a very simple administrative act and pay her like she wanted to be paid taking out her FICA and her taxes so that she could be a law-abiding hardworking member of our community the defendant is so callous so greedy and so self-centered that instead of legit mizing Miss Lamont's employment and simply giving her a payroll check he decides in a very diabolical conspiratorial way to kill her and the proof showed that she died of severe skull fractures and brain [Music] damage and so ends the story of Local Number Nine and the Shady business practices that were going on within uh it's kind of a Pity apparently the sandwiches there were quite good family run was head Georgia's wanted all his employees and everybody worked there to think it was you know we're just We're All in This Together guys one little family we take care of each other that's what he used to get away with underpaying his employees and taking advantage of everything not paying his taxes and doing all sorts of shady [ __ ] Alli said no and she was right to she didn't owe him anything she was right to call him out on his illegal [ __ ] he was doing and he was screwing everybody over and so georgeos was simply not having that and he got James the seems like an idiot to kill GEOS did seem like kind of sleazy sack of [ __ ] but a killer there you go thank you so much for watching i' really means the absolute world to me that you're here watching this old video um yeah guess it wraps up this one so here listen uh I'll see you real soon in the next little video please check out the that chapter podcast actually every new episode at every single Monday it's completely separate now I think it's like a completely separate thing to the channel now so give it a goo if you're interested but until the next one please take care of each other and yourselves cuz I love you my [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 840,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, allyzibeth lamont, ally lamont, james duffy, georgios kakavelos, johnstown ny, gloversville ny
Id: rdal7oL3RZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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