LVL 1 Noob To MAX Awakened Shark V4 In Blox Fruits

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the ocean is about to get dangerous as we all know once blocks fruit drops the new update Sea Beast won't be the only monster out there so we need to be prepared we are going to be the strongest shark in blocks fruits starting from Level 1 Noob to unlocking the shark V4 so here is the game plan get this Noob the water kung fu fighting style obtain the shark sword level up to 700 and get the second C Unlock the shark V2 and V3 learn the shark man karate get to level 1500 so we can go to the third sea and unlock every Power of shark B4 and that's not going to be easy no question is can you get the water Kung Fu as a level one Noob let's find out right now oh wait hold on we got first detected this might be a good fruit Legend says if you guys like the video right now we are about to get a mythical fruit we need 400 meters away so better like the video right now and it's going to be at the prison this way we got 10 meters away we are about to get our first mythical fruit in four meters away okay five meters away three meters away two meters away we are zero meters away and this is going to be a amazing fruit it's an amazing fruit see I'm telling you I'm telling you video right now doing nothing what if we roll a fruit let's try to roll a fruit and you're not ready yet come back when you're level 50. they changed the rules now before you can buy fruit when you're level one now you have to be level 50. this is where you get the water Kung Fu and the door right here is the location now can a level one Noob learn the water Kung Fu let's find out right now would you like to learn kung fu fighting style oh you just need money and money here we go now we have the money can we actually get the water kung fu fighting style does it require anything else or they just want the 750 learn we just learned the water Kung Fu as a level one noob now we need to become a shark how do we do that we need jump in the water and become a sharp jump and are we going to become a shark no we didn't become a shark how about this one in three two one bam we are now a shark Lord I already like my face break my face from one to ten I am a shark Lord we're not fully shark yet until we change our race to shark and the only way to do that right now is by changing our race with Roblox I think I only have four tries or maybe three try please give me shark first try Angel oh boy okay second try we are going to be oh second chai we are not a shark race we're trying to get some levels over here oh we are now level nine I can go to the next Island so the snap has been working so far so let's try that again because we need to level up fast we need to level up really fast or in three two one oh boy it didn't work we gotta do it we got it let's go let's try this again in three two one this gotta work this gotta work this gotta work in three two one it is not working last one please please work please and finally it actually works I am now level 609. all it took was like seven hours and we just trim out the grinding video that's it that's all we have to do check this out my water kung fu is level 255 we got the steam charge fist oh that's very steamy we got the deadly shower and we got the heavy water punch that's very heavy since my level's a little bit higher now just a little bit and we get a better fruit now is the only it's gonna be nice to us right now what is the best fruit for shark Lord let me know down in the comments because I don't know what is the best fruit for this guy and let's get a random fruit barrier we just got a barrier you know what we're just gonna store this you know what we're missing right now the shark saw I bet you I can get that shark So within five minutes let's try to get that shark so we did five minutes let's start the countdown in three two one five minute has begun let's go can I get the sharp though dude this thing can kill me actually okay no sharks off are we gonna get it we got four minutes and no sharks oh my god oh we're gonna get come on please please please I am running out of time oh no sharks again no ah are you serious give me sharks oh we got the sharks so we have two minutes and 40 seconds left see I told you I can get it within five minutes I'm telling you so the Sharks don't only need 60 levels this is going to be easy let's try to kill this fish man do I even need that trident I don't think so right I don't think I need your Trident but I'm gonna kill you with my Shark Song if I don't die oh he can get me here you can get me here you can't get me here yo I got the spot he can't get me right here oh yeah yeah don't bring me I got the spot over hold me but we know now now we know the technique stay in this platform and he's not gonna be able to get you until he pulls you and we are gonna be level oh we just got the Trident in first try we only got 50. oh look at this trident but we're not using this one we're just gonna be killing NPC to get level 60 Mastery okay maybe we need one more that's five Mastery sure just done this easier and we're about to unlock the execution this is the sharks or consecutive slashes execution oh oh we are now so close to level 700. we can make it to the second C very soon and let's try to how many levels is cyber gonna give us we are now in 691. oh boy goodness I am one hit okay this is what we're gonna do this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go fast cyborg is a little bit strong so you gotta get your distance oh wow get away and how many levels are we getting are you kidding me you feel alive 64. six more levels oh you know what we're missing the instinct when you press letter e it should be like but it's not doing so we need to get that instinct right here Instinct feature teach me the way I will not have any weak links among my crew come back when you're stronger what do you mean I'm almost 700 and this guy's still calling me weakling okay what is the requirements for Instinct okay requirements to learn anything the player needs to be level 300 check have killed saber expert at least once oh we need to kill the saber expert what if we just glitch in and kill saber expert so the saber expert is gonna be behind this door what if we just glitch in and kill him is this going to work let's find out I can't damage him or what where am I weak he's not moving ah you cannot just glitch in you gotta do the quest and he can actually kill you but you cannot kill him okay let's do the quest right now let's get this one over here green step on this there's gonna be one hidden over here step on this the last two is gonna be I think it's gonna be on this island it's going to be right here jump on it and then there's one last by the port over here step on this one you can now go over here at the middle and get the torch right here oh I just got the torch okay now we go to the desk at the desert you gotta look for the broken house right here there's gonna be a door go inside and burn this whatever you call this burn it okay burn now you get you gotta get the Chalice once you get the Chalice go to the snow Island this game is the key to get the droplets the droplets is right here what is this bro okay let's get some droplets over here and I got the water make this lazy guy drink the water or stick man he's not lazy though he's sick he's sick okay thank you please meet up with my son oh his son is at the buggy eyes the sick man's son is the rich man come on bro help your dad what are you doing here you're so rich but you're not helping your dad mob leader take him down okay now let's kill the mob leader let's see if we can hit one hit mob leader you should be one hit no two hits yes talk to the rich man okay rich man what do you have for me give me the money show me the money oh we got the Relic and this Relic put it in the jungle okay we gotta put this Relic in that hole right there does it fit and yes I finally found a server with saber on it you're so hard to find man everybody's killing you and we are about to kill the saber before he kills us I'm gonna punch you right now yes and we got the saber sword now can we actually get or obtain the easy thing hey you want to learn the Instinct the power of anything allows you to send the presence of the dodging attacks do I want to purchase the Instinct for 750 learn and when you press letter e you're now gonna have the anything I am now six levels away to get into second C let's get that right hopefully I can get the level right here oh the whisper is here how about the whisper how many levels are we gonna get from The Whisper you just did six levels time for you to go down he's about to go to do that sir 65. I think gave me one level okay that Thunder God should give us more levels okay are we getting to 700 but I didn't level up to 700. a few moments later hey 700 congratulations for reaching level 700. you're ready to go to the next World we are now 1C closer to V4 okay it says right here ready to go to the next World talk to the detective at the prison let's go to the prison escape talk to the detective right here military Detective Don swan has escaped what do I need to do oh we need to kill the ice Admiral at the Frozen Village oh do we got the key for this oh yes I got the yellow key and the yellow key should open this big gate door bam my voice right there can I kill you can I kill you fast or no yes talk to the detective exactly all you gotta do now is go back to the detective and talk to him okay my guy over here what are you gonna say now let me in the second seat oh is it swans on the second C okay we just need to talk to the Middletown guy and we're ready go to the second scene second see here we come so we got the good news and some bad news the good news is we made it to the second seat the bad news is how do we get to the third sea how long would it take since we got to the second C why don't we roll a fruit would you guys agree with me that seconds he has the best fruit give me a thumbs up if you guys agree if you don't let me know in the comments if you don't agree that's fine but let's get that mythical fruit right now Zeo let's come on and spin fruit and we also unlocked the risk taker we just took a risk on getting this spin first so what is the difference between shark V1 and shark B2 shark V1 water immunity not in V1 you don't have water immunity but does reduce damage drastically eat substitute for a boat so V1 and V2 your your damage immunity is gonna be drastically different Let's test that out but to test that out I need a fruit so whatever I get from zeolus right now I have to eat it so I can test the water damage what are we gonna get let's let me get something good let me get something Godzillas and we got a bomb of course of course what else would zeolus give me now let's eat the bomb fruit just to make sure I am a shark I'm gonna take off my cake and let's see if I'm a shark okay now let's see if you are other Rays like human and other race you're gonna last six seconds in the water but if you are a shark let's see how long will it last this is shark V1 okay the timer starts if your shark V1 race You're Gonna Last in the water for a long time shark race is pretty strong but what is your favorite race in blocks fruits okay we passed one minute and I'm about to die at one minute and eight seconds that is shark B1 okay now let's try to get shark D2 talk to Alchemist I don't think you're ready yet what do you mean I'm not ready okay shark V2 requirements you gotta be level 850. okay let's do that right now and no we got a grind let's go grind it out one eternity later we're so close to 850 and how many levels 84 45 we need five more levels this could be the 850 level are we gonna get it are we making it to 8.50 serious one level 100 this is the 850. 850 . now it's time to talk to The Alchemist again I'm now level 8 . what do you want me to do now I don't think you're ready yet what I'm already 850. oh Coliseum Quest is bartilo we need to go back to bartilo so this is bartilo has been giving us a hard time bartilo bro you want me to chop you give me your quest right now so we can get the V2 52 on Pirates we're gonna get 51 Pirates right now okay confirm we need to get 50. but before we do that let's roll it through let's change our bomb to something better give me something better than bomb if you like the video right now we gotta get something better than bomb most likely we are going to get a light fruit we just got a light fruit should we eat this one you know what I'm gonna eat this right now it's Logan so the swan Pirates are located right here I believe this is the one are you the one yes this is the one and perfect I have Logan now we got one eventually and 50. we just got oh we're getting a lot of levels how many levels oh we got a lot of levels we also completed the quest now do we have to go back to bartilo okay bartilo what do you have for me great work now for their leader find and defeat Jeremy ring spring user that's it easy say less this is Jeremy by the way the spring user he's always looking fresh fresh to death because you're about to be dead who is going to die first me or Jeremy of course not me yes I got the black spiky cold I didn't know you can get it from this guy but I got it I got it look at that look at that looking fresh now bartilo I just did what you told me to do the tournament is back to normal go now feed the imprisoned Gladiators who are jailed beneath the stadium okay I know exactly where this thing is I know exactly where you are it's gonna be somewhere down here hey I found them we gotta we gotta free this prisoners oh the code I need to do the code how do you do this code oh there is the code oh you respected it I'll obtained warrior helmet and we also unlocked the champion we are free at last you guys are free you guys are free to go let's go run run you guys are free to go run they're not running they don't like to go and then we got King redhead over here bro I'm busy right now come back when you reach 1500 and defeat dance one oh okay I'm gonna come back I'm gonna come back to you I'm gonna come back here in defeat okay now tell me everything is done please bartilo please thank you for your help okay now can we talk to that Alchemist guy oh you better talk to me this time you better talk to me this time it appears you haven't unlocked your maximum potential yet okay bring me three different flowers I'll do it easy but this is what you gotta do you need to find the flowers and first we got the blue yellow there you go we got the yellow and red we got it right here now we got all three flowers now I can make the potion but it's not going to be free pay me 500k you know what I have 500k for you oh race has evolved there you go we just unlocked the sea monster a new title caller Spanish pink how long can we survive in the water now with V2 last time I think of V1 we survived at one in it in six seconds how about V2 okay when you get your shark V2 you are not gonna take any damage in the water so we just got the V2 we are now two version away for the V4 let's try to get our V3 right now so what do I need to get the V3 talk to Arrow why is he saying come back when I'm prepared enough am I missing something so here is the V3 requirements you have to be player race upgraded to V2 we did a check level 1000 okay we're not level 1000 and then we need to defeat Don Swan and then we also need two million two million belly okay let's do that right now 2 000 years later okay we are now so close to level one thousand and who we finally made it to level one thousand you cannot access this area I think I need to give this guy some fruits right this is my best fruit come on take this one you seem strong are you here too to join our organization yes I'm sure I'm here ma'am here bring me an expensive block switch to prove yourself worthy is speaking so that guy is looking for an expensive fruit what does he mean by expensive fruit it could be a leopard fruit or it could be what is the most expensive one let me see let me see what is the expensive first over here how about how about Buddha or maybe we can get a dough fruit which one should we give the guy is that expensive right and what do you know fruit detected greater activated maybe this is the one that we need and the fruit is going to be on this island two meters away what are we gonna get and we got a revive it's revived expensive enough for him my boy do you want my revive my boy is this expensive enough for you my guy doesn't like it what about my barrier now I have barrier with me I have another revive are you gonna take it too no I lost my light fruit it's your fault Factory breaching in 30 seconds we might get the good fruit on this one and it's open let's go yes we are about to get the expensive fruit expensive fruit please pop very expensive chop here's the chopped fruit for you he still took my garbage I never Trevor bro I swear if you don't accept this next fruit I'ma just have to kill you two meters away two meters away and we're getting a spinster here you go Trevor since you like garbage why don't you eat this garbage right now there you go eat it he hate my garbage let's get that expensive fruit right now once and for all the oldest is going to give me kilo fruit the most expensive fruit in the game kilo fruit okay if this is not expensive enough for that guy I don't know what is the meaning of expensive and we're giving it to this guy oh thank you this guy traded me a leopard fruit let's see if this leopard fruit is expensive enough for me to kill the swan I think it's one talk to this guy you seem strong are you here to join the organization bring me expensive blocks first okay this is an expensive block spirit let me take a closer look at look at it look at it he took my fruit but now I can access one now I can try to kill Swan let's go kill swan oh I just unlocked the Heavenly devil and now I can finally get the V3 finally we can now finally talk to Arrow hopefully well I'm hoping you're still lacking 2 million so I have what oh yo once we kill Jeremy we should get 2 million belly hopefully we get enough money to talk to the guy come on just give me the money okay we got the money two million belly okay now we have two million let's begin okay finally he's saying something different excellent talk to me again once you defeat CB I need to kill CBS how am I gonna kill CBS I have revive I have a question everybody is CBS a dinosaur or it's just a big Savage I don't know it looks like a dinosaur but he also looks like a big Savage now I need to find a Sea Beast you know what I am switching to light fruit right now light food is on stock and this could help us beat the series way faster [Music] CBC you down CBS alert CBS oh is that real okay that's real why would it be fake I'm the only one in the server okay hopefully we don't die I am so dead right now can't beat the sea beach by myself okay we got another seed Visa okay okay this is it this is it boys okay don't die he's almost there he's almost dead he's dead I died no oh yes we killed it now can we talk to Arrow this is what I look like right now before V3 I got some Finn I got one Fin and that's pretty much it I have to take off The Sword and the cape so you guys see what it looks like and let's get the V3 2 million okay shoot I do it let's do it and we unlock the warrior of the Sea and the title caller unlock deep Peach and this is what it looks like when it's V3 yes sir allow me to introduce you to Sharknado let's go Sharknado it's time to kill Blackbeard oh I only have one skill for this one hell no how am I gonna kill this guy oh yes and we unlocked the curse one title but we didn't get the dark code we are now one version Away to getting the V4 for me to go to the third C I need to be level 15 00 and to do that we need to snap three two one and there you go we are now level one thousand five hundred we can go to the third seat okay I forgot we need the shark man karate how do we get the SharkMan karate we need the water key from sidekeeper the water key drops 15 to 30 so that is pretty high it shouldn't be that hard right let's kill this hopefully we get it first try water key one try that is one try now we can switch our water Kung Fu to shock by karate by talking to dig Rock the shark man here's your key bro and we just unlocked the SharkMan title and we are now a shark man karate boy okay thirsty here we go let's go to the 30 right now finally we made it to the third sea and here's where it gets crazy we need to talk to King redhead find the gods chalice kill rip Indra find the Mirage item for the gear then we can do the V4 trials so we gotta level up our SharkMan karate to level 300 are you serious okay let's try to do that I mean it shouldn't be that hard because we are in the third C right now and everything look that is a normal NPC and we are getting how much 55 Mastery for one NPC 12 seconds later and we just got it to 100 Mastery easy I'm about to unlock the second skills the pressure Vortex oh I'm leveling up too one more hundred and we're gonna unlock this okay okay can I kill this guys come here boys oh my laser you can actually kill you guys now before I can maybe now I can but nope that's that's on my Vlogs food so I can't I can't I can't I can't if I can just flush the boat dude I could have killed that oh Castle raid Castle raid let's get some fruit from this Castle raid can I defeat this Castle raid hopefully I don't oh okay okay hopefully I can beat the castle raid by myself I'm only level 1500 okay this is Stanky tanky what fruit are you gonna give me please give me a good fruit thank you please yes gave us a job we need to get gossip challenge that shouldn't be hard because it's going to be right here on this chest watch and learn three two one there you go and we just unlocked the chosen one we just got the god of chalice there you go that is the spot where to get the god of chalice now what do we do I think we need to talk to the Rock first here lies the red head perhaps one day he'll be released from his mental prison should we kill rip in your first and then talk to redhead I'm not sure let's try so for the god chalice we can now summon rip ninja once we kill rip Indra we can actually use this portal right now it says you cannot access this portal let's do that right now with Ninja is about to go down let's go me and you know I got my squad with me actually it's not one-on-one repeater is about to die yes and I let the dark dagger and Valkyrie held in one try now can I talk to King redhead let's see if I can do that please head to the great tree I'm sure he's hiding something within that Island okay you know what let's go to the great thing let's see if I can go inside you feel the force here I ran that of the past use it actually got in this place has been ancient perhaps you should return to the sealed King we don't have the gear yet to open this game we need the gear so we need to find the Mirage Island okay it says go back to gamer robot let's see what he's gonna say now so it was the Temple of time that I felt yes that place May hold the key to greater power but you must undergo to a trial grabbing hold of it power involving time always worked best under the light of Full Moon thank you admin I totally forgot we need the mere fact though for us to get the beer fact that we need another God Charlie siren that God's chalice to Sweet chalice kill 500 NPC summon the joking and we can finally get that mirror battle just to get the gear to open up the gate for V4 we just got the sweet chalice now we need to kill 500 NPC let's do that right now we need to kill 500 of this Cookie Monsters and that is 1 and 4.99 to go now that we got 500 NPC we are now ready for the dough King let's get it let's get it and the dough King is about to die let's go give me the mirror fractal and we got the spiky Trident in first try and the most important one that we need is the mere fractal and we got it okay we found the Mirage Island do I have enough time I need to go to the highest point of the place and then look at the moon but now we don't need the full moon we just need any Moon hopefully it works hopefully it works oh come on work please please work work please work please ah it's not shining come on shine no it didn't work it didn't work why am I missing something what am I missing I think we got through the Thirsty we haven't got a fruit from zeolus zeolus give me the one okay everybody this is what we're gonna do like the video right now please please please like the video right now and we're gonna get that mythical leopard fruit and spring mythical spring I'm telling you so why did the shark cross the reef to get to the other tide after hours and hours of looking for Mirage Island it felt like it was never gonna show up oh I found it which one is the highest place this one should be the highest place okay where is the moon yo where's the moon no oh not again and it just started morning I just found the garage are you kidding me are you serious my luck is so bad because Mirage Island only lasts for 15 minutes and the daytime lasts 15 minutes so by the time it becomes night time the Mirage Island is gonna disappear what a look okay let's see the sun is about to go down will the Mirage Island this spawn once the sun goes down hopefully it doesn't so we can do this once and for all please do not despawn please work please work please work why is it not working I am staring at the moon right now and it disappeared what in the world what in the world why is it not working can somebody tell me in the comments why is it not working what am I missing okay we found the Mirage we found the Mirage hopefully this is it hopefully we can do it this time please work please work please work please work please work oh there you go there you go it's shiny oh my goodness how am I gonna find this hopefully I can find it hopefully I can find I don't know the exact spot I think the Moon is gone I think the Moon is gone I think it's morning I think it's morning no it's morning we didn't find it no okay we found the Mirage again we found the Mirage again we are here oh there you go there you go we gotta find it I gotta find I got it I gotta find it I gotta find please be the one please be the one please find it you see it it's here we 've found the artifact that took forever now that I got the gear I can finally pull this lever and open up the gate open up and the gate is open here is the problem we still need to wait for full moon to do the trials and we need at least three people to do it we need some Squad we need to cut some grass and make some friends before we get our V4 let's try to get a good fruit again give me a good look at that we just got a portal fruit it's about to be full moon time to do the trial oh it's full moon the question is can I kill the Seabees I am low level right now I hope I can kill the Seabees though I don't know if I can defeat the series bro please die yes I did it yes let's go there can be only one no no no no no no I have to kill it I will first Awakening we're gonna try to glitch the second Awakening if it's going to work okay let's go let's go let's go exit go to Door go to Door go to Door this is the glitch hopefully this one works this is the glitch do not talk to this one the ball just go straight to the door I hope it works let's see if it's going to work okay okay I gotta talk to the right dancer it doesn't work it didn't work it didn't work now I gotta train my Shark before after this I'm gonna show everybody the final form of shark B4 but we need to kill this shadow guy first are we gonna get the drop from this boss I forgot to drop but hopefully we get it and we got the holy crown and unlock the Shinigami title for that the full moon is here and this is the final trial let's go and the final fight is about to go down we now completed the shark V4 are you guys waiting to see the final form after seven days we are now ready to conquer the ocean shark V4 is finally unlocked one thing for sure we are ready for all the monsters in the ocean the shark before
Channel: Kitt Gaming
Views: 2,358,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, blox fruit, Blox fruit live, kitt gaming, Rip_indra, gamer robot, Mygame43, Axiore, Zioles, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update, roblox blox fruits
Id: DuwsFFwsq78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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