I Cheated To Fully Awakened This Blox Fruits

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blocks for stringford is now spider fruit if you like Spider-Man we need to awaken our spider food so this Noob can be the real Spider-Man if you guys haven't subscribed yet please consider subscribing it's gonna help me make more videos for you guys so please subscribe the first step we need to do is get a spider fruit how do we get a spider fruit what is this guy doing bro hey hey hey hey you know what you know what let me check what is on my my trading stuff I have a good trading value over here you know what I'm gonna let go I'm gonna let go one of my dough is that good is that good trading my dough for string plus dragon is that good am I asking for too much but we need to become the real Spider-Man okay this is what I'm gonna do this is what I'm gonna do trading my dough for string plus something just add something good this Spider-Man needs to get a string fruit come on come on come on let's go let's go [Music] 34 minutes okay you know what I'm Gonna Roll in 34 minutes offer okay string I need to see string string give me string okay we got string we got spider over here barrier come on come on something good man something good we need something good okay this guy what do you have what do you have for my dough what do you have for my dough you have string do you have a string you got Venom you got portal you got Dragon you don't have the one that I want ah my God nobody got strength for me trading my dough or streaming and something something let's go let's go I mean spider why do I keep spinning saying string okay spider spider spider there you go maybe that's why trading my dough for spider plus something what am I gonna trade blizzard with I'm gonna trade blizzard with um oh okay there you go trade 30 seconds 30 seconds breaching 30 seconds uh hell no you don't want it okay okay let's go let's go let's go over here we might get a string we might need we need to get a string by the way everybody and everybody's trying to kill each other already you guys are not gonna beat me and I still keep losing I'm not getting it okay show me your spider okay spider and come on give me something how is this guy kill him how is the freaking thing killing me man oh my God okay okay okay you happy now come on blizzard give me the blizzard give me the blizzard give me the blizzard spider and blizzard for dough is it an L or a w I feel like it's an L for me but we will take it we will take the spider and we just got the spider fruit eat this one [Music] we just got the spider and we have the Mastery level one you know what we're gonna do we need to get all the skills of the spider and then we need to awaken our spider oh my goodness come on bro oh my God public server public servers like this you go out the cafe they try to kill you oh my goodness come on Chase me Chase Chase me Chase me Chase me let's go Dragon can't even hit me oh my God such a noob Dragon he's trying to kill me he's still trying to kill me he's still trying to kill me bro oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh wow okay now that I died he can't kill me anymore can I even get the Quest for this one okay this oh what the hell was that I just saw something yo what the hell was that what the hell is this guy doing bro where did he oh my God who is that it's this guy bro caught you in 4k bro cartoon 4K oh my God that guy is too fast can't catch him it's time to kill the tide keeper and then we're gonna have to ask people for a spider raid oh my God that's gonna be the hard one we're gonna be asking people on a public server for spider raid oh let's go come on come on let's go oh come on you think you can get me you think oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no cbc's out the Seabees is out oh okay he's about to die he's about to die I need to kill him with spider now I need to kill you with spider yeah yeah please please don't die don't die the ah see this is hard to dodge yo look at all this look at this all these skills right here Mastery Master remastered look at all my Mastery right there only one we need right now is the ultimate tread okay we also have the flying we can fly right now okay hopefully they didn't kill kill the boss over here we need 225 uh somebody killed it already but he killed it already oh my God okay let's let's go to a different server for the kids killing it he's killing it right now he's killing it right now oh I killed somebody I killed somebody I killed somebody okay we're about to kill it we're about to kill it we're about to kill it come here Spider-Man and do look at this level right here we are now at 145 Mastery anyone wants to do spider raid this is public server by the way we're gonna try to fully awaken our spider in a public server are we gonna be able to do it is public server gonna come through or are they gonna just kill me over and over again we're gonna try to find people who wants to do it shut up beggar I'm not a beggar I'm just saying who wants to do it bro let's see if it's if I can hit my that NPC right there with my overhead sniper okay am I gonna hit it you know what let's just go straight let's go straight this far is it this far gonna be good that hit for sure that one hit for sure okay how about this far okay we're gonna go a little bit farther now a little bit farther well that thing went through it how about this far this far this far oh we got it we got it we got it okay we got we gotta go a little bit further now we gotta go a little bit farther now this is a little bit further it's not hitting it it's just going through it I think somebody just spawned the joking thank god let's go to the dough King let's go hopefully they don't kill it right or what oh it's right there it's right there I see it I see it okay okay we gotta go fast we gotta go fast let's go ah he died dude these guys are strong okay okay where should we go okay I mean do you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna buy the the chip right now I at least get one at least get one awaken spider raid come on let's go spider raid spider raid spider raid okay this guy's this guy are these guys going okay you guys okay okay you know what I'm gonna buy did they do the raid themselves they didn't even wait for me man they didn't even wait for me they just left Spider-Man hanging over here Spider-Man if you help me out with one great I'll summon ninja let's check out Mansion is there people in the Mansion nobody's here bro if you help me out with one spider raid I'll summon injury I have the god chalice what the hell then they're chasing each other oh you know what I'm gonna do I am going to do solo raid can I do that okay I'm gonna try to solo raid I'm gonna try to solo raid and then at the end I am going to eat do I have one more accessory treasure uh I only have one spider though I only have one spider can I actually do it I'll use permanent Buddha and then I'll switch to spider before it ends let's go this guy said he's gonna help this guy says he's gonna help okay he said he's gonna help us okay hopefully hopefully he's not lying he said he's gonna help okay help me everybody let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go spot get in your spot okay they're helping me let's go are they gonna actually help me are they gonna actually help me oh yes we have a Buddha perfect we got Buddha we got love let's go Spider-Man our job over here is to survive our only job here is to survive actually I'm gonna try to attack to make it a little bit faster let's go let's go you can't kill Spider-Man you can't kill Spider-Man is it is this enemy let's go okay let's move to the next one I can't die too because I have the gods chalice if I die then I can't summon ninja oh let's go you wanna fight Spider-Man I'm here I'm here I'm here who wants to die you guys want to die I just want to die you wanna die is there only did they die I only see the Buddha over here did they all die they all die they're weaklings bro weaklings Spider-Man is stronger than them and I'm only using oh look at that Spider-Man boys oh come on come on come on what are you gonna do now let's go who wants this fight who wants to fight the Spiderman let's go die die die die die die you see NPC over here let's go die die die die die die die okay we are close to the end I think we are going to make this one let's go let's go die die die die die die die die die come here come here come here come here come here hey [Music] die die die oh let's go to the next one I think this is the last stage for this one I think this is the last stage oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God run run run run it's not over yet it's not over yet yes sir we just made it we just did our first Awakening four hour spider why is this guy like this why are you not Spider-Man huh mysterious entity why are you not Spider-Man okay I have enough fragments yes sir and we just unlocked the spider the spider unlock spider Awakening thermal laceration now we need one two three four more Awakening oh my God who wants ninja who wants angel I got this one let me see if uh I have the pink uh I don't have any of these man I don't have any oh yes we need Snow White I don't want to go out over here if I go out somebody can kill me oh my God ah nobody's doing it nobody's doing it I don't think anybody's gonna do it oh look at this post right here look at the Spider-Man post it's not unlocked yet so I can't summon angel I don't have the pink and the Snow White I'll buy this one right now winter Sky oh I just unlocked the real Creator I am now the real Creator since I got that I'm gonna fly over there and unlock it and then we're gonna summon ninja and then we're gonna do one more oh a barrier has been broken let's go did it died already that's fast it died that fast they just killed India within 10 20 seconds anyone wants to do one more spider raid we need I need one more spider raid I'ma buy okay I'm gonna equip Boda and then I'm gonna equip um I'm gonna buy spider do I have enough okay I'm gonna buy spider let's see if this is going to work and then I'm gonna have kilo and store the kilo and then I'm gonna buy spider raid I go to shop and then I'm gonna activate Buddha now I have the chip oh everybody's here everybody's here okay let's go everybody's here oh let's go give me my second Awakening for my spider kill this kill this kill this third island is available let's go to the third island dude if this one works if this one works this is going to be op now everybody can solo raid this is the last stage it's not the last Stitch right not the boss yeah this is not the boss yet I think there's one more then I'm gonna switch to spider okay last stage last stage okay if I can change to spider this is going to be op yes I just switched my fruit to spider if this one actually worked then I can solo raid oh yeah my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh oh almost died almost died from the water almost die from the water where's my Buddha did my Buddha died okay you know what you know what you know what we're gonna do you know I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh there's a Buddha yo okay the Buddha's here the Buddha is here he's dead he's dead let's go baby now let's see let's gonna awaken my spider yes we just awakened our second skills the spider Highway [Music] let's see if I can solo raid I'm gonna be using Buddha but then by the end I'm gonna try to switch let's see let's see if I can do it let's see if I can do it let's see if I can do solo raid and then switch to spider towards the end spider solo raid here we go let's see if I can finish it of course if you're using spider you're not gonna be able to finish this let's go let's go let's go okay next one is ready next one is ready if you're like only solo rate it's gonna be less NPC it looks like it's less emphasy than if you're if there's five or four people inside the raid die okay okay we are close we are pretty close to the end time for you to die boss you're about to die is it about to die when it's really really close okay we're it's really close it's really close now it's time for me to switch too spider now we are now spider I I yes sir we just unlocked The Flash and the last hope the X ability is the multi-string this one okay you know what I'm gonna get that first where is that fruit no my God oh my God oh my God welcome welcome to the public server welcome to the public server you know what I'm inspired oh my goodness public server will always be like this chat [Music] we just got a bomb fruit amazing amazing fruit amazing fruit okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna level up this Mastery to 225 we're so close and this is the easiest way to level up my Mastery you go to Buddha and then you kill Big Mama but before Big Mama dies you switch to spider hey yeah yeah oh my God I'm dying already I'm dying already yo yo chill yo this thing is strong big mama is strong now before Big Mama die we're gonna switch our fruit to spider fruit and then kill it with spider fruit and we're gonna make it to 225 that way okay okay okay okay it's about to die it's about to die it's about to die now we change our fruit oh get out of here get out oh we're gonna make it to 235 yes we got every single skills now what we need to do is awaken it so we can be the real Spiderman Spiderman oh this is the ultimate tread ultimate tread now let's go to public server again and get some people to help us actually I don't need any help easy we can tolerate easy easy peasy lemon squeezy okay I think this is the last Island before we kill the boss we have to switch to spider then we can awaken it this is the technique over here bring them all over here you know like don't let them like corner you in the middle this side is fine this side is fine because if you like getting cornered if you're like dying just go to the water there you go if you're dying just go to the water they can't do anything they can't do anything in the water he doesn't see that they're all falling down once they fall down that's fine you can kill them over here it is this see this and these over here you guys are gonna die easy but it's so annoying you know like five NPC try to stun you try to kill you okay I'm gonna be down here I'm gonna be down here look watch this watch this I'm gonna be down here ah everybody gonna die over here or what oh my God I am going to die over here watch I'm down here I'm down at the stairs I'm down at the stairs hey my goodness I'm gonna be down here at the stairs I got like five minutes to finish this that's fine I got time if it's like only three of them left you can do this just go around them if it's like five or more he can't do this because one stuns you you're dead Okay now it's just me versus the boss come on come on what what you got what you got what you got what you got he's still alive it's still alive it's still alive oh get away from me yes and we got our fourth Awakening on our Spiderman Spider why is this guy not becoming Spider-Man Ascension do you wish to awaken your seat ability for 4 500 fragments of course bro of course now let's go to Second C we got last Awakening we'll try we're gonna try to finish it on the second sea let's see if People's gonna help me awaken my last awaken on second C I got I think um letter V the ultimate tread okay now let's ask people now let's ask people anyone wants to do spider raid I feel like Spider-Man I'll carry I'll carry you guys I'll carry you guys come on let's go to the let's go to the raid spot oh I feel so good about this also if you guys don't know how to open this it's gonna be red blue green blue red blue green blue and this door will open right here there you go I thought they didn't open I'm spider pressure I'm gonna use spin fruit light okay spider now I have a spider microchip who else is coming for spider raid I'm gonna I'm gonna try to help out these people okay we're we're waiting for them we're helping out the public server for spider raid I'll carry you guys don't worry about it I'll carry I'll carry this one easy boys easy did the other guy died is that a good person died yo where's the other guy don't tell me you died you're the only one oh my God I'm basically trying to help that guy and then I think he died I don't see him is this the last stage okay the last stage we are at the last stage right now I think we lost the guy that has string you can just just sit down somewhere and hide I think he died once this is all like almost dead kill all of them like most of them then I'm gonna switch my foot oh my God I'm gonna switch my foot right now it's time for me to switch my fruit to string I mean spider let's go oh I got the journal white already I already got Eternal white I forgot I forgot I got Eternal white the boss is about to die the boss is about to die Eternal White he is about to die die die die die die die die die die die die yes sir we did it everybody we awaken we fully awaken our spider this guy was here oh the guy was there he was just hiding okay we actually helped him he was hiding okay that's good okay do you wish to awaken your V ability for 6 000 dude I have six thousand okay and we just fully awaken our spider okay we let's let's see all the skills we got the left thermal laceration do we got the silk prison this one locks them down we got the Eternal White we got the Heavenly punishment ooh and the best the best kills in the game the spider Highway this is your friendly neighborhood Spiderman and we will see you guys later bye
Channel: Kitt Gaming
Views: 1,631,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, blox fruit, Blox fruit live, kitt gaming, Rip_indra, gamer robot, Mygame43, Axiore, Zioles, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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