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[Music] so hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel so i am joined by rebecca well technically she's joined by me because this is her yacht so yes i am here visiting rebecca in wellington florida and we are at her beautiful yard called is it three three races dressage three braces dressage so we have had the most beautiful day it's been really sunny it was a bit of a rainstorm in the middle we nearly we nearly got almost got poured on we did but we packed four horses between us and she had a lesson on one so it's been kind of a busy day which is why we you know look like this um so yeah we're just gonna do a walk through of the entire yard here show you guys around rebecca's gonna talk us through everything she's gonna explain like what's where and why and we're gonna show you all the horses so i hope you guys enjoy this video and be sure to like and subscribe okay take us to your take us to your arena i was about to say yard but we're at the yard so guys this is the most beautiful arena it's a shame the sun's not out now but it's just peeped in yeah it was out all day right this is my arena um it's 20 by 60 regulation olympic size yep 20 by 60. we have mirrors down there um what's up can you tell us what services do you know it is i think it's close mixed with sand yeah and then something else it's so good to help it like help it be springy so that's why they put cloth in sand arenas if it's sand it's too dense and the horses can slip they can get their feet stuck the cloth helps the spring so should we go over to your little uh little viewing area yeah and so this is kind of just when you walk in look how beautiful this is i love the red and light dark brown theme so i was saying to rebecca earlier that this place reminds me of like something you'd see in san tropez like some sun shelter on the beach like how cool is this like let's go let's go in so our viewing area so when i'm having a lesson here my mom my trainer they sit here so this watch how cool is this like so would you tell us about these curtains because i've noticed them so i've noticed these curtains everywhere and it says cool curtains on them so i you know i'm guessing they keep people cool but why don't you tell us a little bit i don't know how much they keep people cold but it's very shady in here and um right now they're not like super purposeful because it's cooling down here but when it was like middle of summer they really made a difference so do they help they help shape it just help shade it um i notice they help with the airflow a little bit okay so they help shade it they have the effort and i presume help with the bugs too yes yes yes the bugs aren't too bad until night time okay so when i'm running during the day bad bugs at night it's not too bad during the day though that's amazing so this is the arena and the training area and look how cute this is it says like oh i don't know if you can see this on here three three three cases beautiful okay so should we should we go back and then head through the barn that would be cool um either doesn't matter so this is we're just going to walk down and we're going to take you into the main barn you can you guys can probably hear the fans because each horse has a fan but we'll go into that should we start with the feed room because it's there so this is the beautiful barn we have two off racks here how cool are these so two beautiful like wash racks like tack up face type thing all the stuff you need usually this stuff is out in front of the washroom at night we put it in here to be protected very very nice they all get fun so this is the feed room but this door is crazy heavy like come on so as you walk in how cool is this like this is such a nice kitchen so clean i know i've never seen a feed room like this look at all this this is all my stuff because i've just been here with rebecca all day so my hat my bag my camera everything but like we're in the middle of packing for a show so look at the horse trees next to human trees so i'm just gonna take one for the road so this is the uh feed room so rebecca shows where everything is so this is my feed room uh we have all of their food here we keep the hay in another separate compartment out of here so it's not as look at the floor have you ever seen a feed room this neat guys look at this so yeah we keep their feed here um and what do they get fed like predominantly kentucky equine research feed okay um it is good for horses that are metabolic or have sugar issues um which a couple of mine do but i think it's pretty healthy for the rest of them also it keeps everything balanced and then i have some storage up here my extra bits look how many businesses like i've been in a tech shop right i put it into the collection look at all this i'm one of these what are all these storage um extra cleaning products extra you know drinks cool extra supplements and fly spray everything's so organized and super nice and then over here we have like a medicine cabinet with like needles and oh wow okay and all that stuff i keep all my horses passports here and they never leave here unless i'm going to a show that's very good keep them where you want to see them i just supplements medicine i have a separate compartment for all of my medicines that's not fdi legal or something so nothing gets nothing contaminated or i have to give that super important it's completely separate from everything else so yeah that is the beautiful feeder can we just take a peek inside this fridge because how cool is this fridge so it's for human and horses so look so that was just full of drinks look at the carrots for the horses who got the chilled chilled supplements and then all the human snacks any supplements that have to go in the fridge stay in here it's so clever i love this we love it we love a fridge bottom part we just have ice boots and ice cream very essential for living in florida super important cool so now we've seen so this is the feed room it's absolutely beautiful i walked in here and i was like this is the feed room the feed room's normally like the dirtiest like or not dirtiest but like the messiest spot and it smells of horsey this place doesn't even smell of horse food like i don't know what anyway it's just it's amazing so what should we do next we're going to meet the horses meet the horse the attack room we'll figure it out oh look at this guys so when you walk through straight into the paddocks and how many paddocks did you say you had i have seven paddocks i have six smaller ones yes and then i have a bigger one over there that we built for my bigger horse how pretty is this and they're all close together so everyone feels friendly right left or right let's go left let's go left we're going to meet the horses guys so each horse has a beautiful uh head collar outside and that name plate you can't really see this on the camera but it says kai so this is kai so why don't you tell us about his show name is kaivon wittenstein oh that's a long one that's a mouthful he is five years old he turned five in may and he is by dream boy florencio he's quite the character um you're cute we're leaving for regional championships in ocala can we just look at this what is that slime too you're so tiny yeah we're going to regionals in ocala next weekend so super excited for that we're going to do first level and second level and then which can you just explain most my followers i think you're english yes and european so what is first and second level first and second level is first level is when you just start with the sitting trot and a little bit of lateral work there's some leg yield trot length things counter canner um what would it like equate to like um like elementary maybe see i only know like oh for like german and swedish and all that it's about m level um i'm not sure what that translates to into british dressage so i might have a look into that and if i do i'll pop it in the description below so and then second level is um when they start doing shoulder in hot rain back okay we're making the collected sit a little bit behind some locked pirouettes okay yeah that's what i do with him cool so that's the special boy so this is my other special boy oh you can't see the name plates on here but it's pronto hi baby he is my grand prix horse we did two u-25 competitions at the beginning of this year we did pretty well he unfortunately had a small injury after that and we're almost all the way back now oh he's nearly he's all right buddy you're so he's he's so dude i'm hoping to compete him this season and oh he is he's 16 years old he's 16 he's swedish and he is by prestige good times okay cool yeah this is this is the one i went for a hack on earlier he was very cute a couple of little spooky suits but he was a good boy he really was a boy let's go to the next one see in a minute buddy so i keep my boys on this end of the barn and then i have my two girls down here hi beautiful this is mississippi and to oh she is jet black you are beautiful sure she's the second one i wrote today on a hack and she was an angel an absolute angel she put the boys to shame he does not have one stack of white on her at all we call her beyonce hey baby she's beautiful she's very sweet she's a beautiful girl so did you tell how old she was she is ken she's also a swedish warmblood um i compete with her at small tour and we're schooling the grand prix uh next weekend i will take her to regionals to ride precinct george i won with amazing i'm super excited yeah you're gonna be such a good gal let's meet the other beautiful one and this the name on here says to shumik and to schumic and it's her nickname shumi how cute is that mushroom shoe she has many nicknames she's very pretty she's like a mushroomy kind of color beautiful girl she's eight years old also a mare um swedish warm blood and i'm starting to think rebecca has a time what about you guys but yeah she's eight years old she is by tuccinski and woodward's romancier oh nice and we currently schooled the p st george and a little bit of the grand prix we just started with some of the ones she's very sweet and she's she just wants to cuddle all day every day she's such a sweetheart you're a good girl you're a good girl so there's two of the boys and two of the girls let's go meet the last two the other boys yeah so it's of course not the least awesome hi guys you're so cute oh and also they have all these cute chairs outside so we can sit and just chill and chat to the horse and hide oh my god so cute so rebecca is actually packing for the regionals so we have a lot of stuff here that she's been packing for today i'll just quickly take you around here can we quickly look in your attack blocker before we this is her beautiful tight locker look we it's so shiny you can see us so yeah here's my attack locker i almost knew i wasn't used to the whole time before look how clean and so much room almost brand new we just started packing stuff in the cup yeah that's like braiding stuff so neat cleaning stuff brushes and some other stuff so good yeah we're almost packed cool i'm excited to see that when it's full so let's meet the boys so this is captain so over here i have my two homebred horses that my mom bred this is captain there baby he is nine years old and he is by a comeback two and sunny boy sunny boy oh and um about third level third level i can't wait to find out what he can do he can do a half pass he can do a change um yeah he's very sweet he's super sweet a little bit special as as some of the best ones yeah oh my goodness very sweet though cutie pie so now we're just going to take you over to the next one auggie is how cute is that name augie set my mom bread his name is augustus i named him augustus because when he was born i was in the middle of uh university and i studied greek and roman history okay and when my mom asked me for her name for him i was like why not the emperor augustus of rome that's so cool so look at him you can just walk in our way now everybody come here and they have two fans each which is really cool and they have they have a little thing i don't know if you guys can see this on the ceiling and that gives off fly spray how how often i think every 45 minutes every 45 minutes so you guys have a better life than most you really do so yeah he's four he just turned four in may and we just i started him under saddle myself and we're getting there we're doing a little bit or transition you had a beautiful lesson to this morning yeah he's great and um he is also by tuccinski so he's a little brother of to shoot me oh on the other side he is donna donna hall i love donald hall you're beautiful gorgeous boy and how cool are these haines like we like we don't really see these often in england they're cool like we have um you know the the more general one yeah so guys it's everyone's favorite part we are gonna go to the tech room which i'm just gonna pre-warn you it literally looks like it'd be someone's bedroom it is the neatest tidiest cleanest thing i think i've ever seen there's not a smell of horse there's not a snook of course it's just it's amazing but but first we're going to walk past the little koi pond they have i think it's koi pond and we have we have one fish there his name is slimy so slimy ate his brothers which so that's why he's alone in there for company and honestly they were not that much smaller than him but he ate them how how zen is this chill so this is where the magic happens yeah once again i'm packing for a show so there's a little bit of things everywhere but i'm just gonna highlight that there's like one bandage on the chair and one bag on the side and this is rebecca's version of the stuff everywhere it's a mess okay so we're gonna go in so let's start let's start this side so obviously we've got the boots i've got my boots here beautiful boots and then ah we love a hat we love these sparkles also this is such an interesting such an interesting sculpture so let's have a look talk us through the bridles all right so i have all my bridals up here um i have extras obviously i don't have that many horses yeah but some of them have a snaffle and a double um most of them just have a snapple i only have two going in both of them right now but all of my bridles are either um steinhaus which is a german company that my trainer in sweden yondrink introduced me to or my horses go in the danish finesse bridles oh they're beautiful yes um so all of my bridals are up there and then i've got six saddles here um one for each house one for each horse if you're counting two of them are patrick saddles which is british and then kai saddle is a veritas augie saddle is in a cell which is french and then shumi saddle is an albion yeah and then i've got a glove collection here that's so neat i like to pick my outfits so i can love that let's let's just show like let me just show how many bandages we have here so this is like a whole like unit dedicated look at this how long i've been looking for these socks and then obviously bandage wrapped and then would you open everyone's favorite bit please you guys aren't even ready for this look at this it's all my as erin says numbness numbness or as rebecca likes to say saddle cloths i got my back on track wraps there i only wrapped them back on track at night um and can you show us the other side too look how many saddle pads she has they're honestly so color coordinated and i got in here look at this this one for literally everything every day yeah every day so and then a little nice uh boot bag in the middle we got our overreachers oh these are nice look how jazzy these are shiny also we just need to have a minute and just talk about the bathroom in here so this looks like a hotel bathroom so we're gonna just wave hi rebecca say hi so obviously we're both dressed head-to-toe in blackheart exactly what else um so this bathroom looks like a hotel they have branded towelette things they have everything you may need but it's the toilet that is very cool would you show us how to work that thing it just opened for me got a mind of its own which yeah it does everything it's got like it's like an electronic thing look how cool this is so it's a heated seat i know i know that in our british winters a heated toilet seat would be so good okay let's talk in here for a minute so today we didn't have anyone to uh follow us around filming did we so yeah we're kind of trying to try to wing this but you guys guys forgive us i'm like look at this look how neat this is neater than my own house cool so this goes to like um let's show us everything so over here if you guys are enjoying this so we have this really cool a little walkway over here this is my hey steamer i would die without it really is that to make it nice and no it gets rid of all the bacteria wow it's just nice for them to put it in overnight no it takes an hour yeah it takes an hour to steam um i had a horse with really bad coughing issues from the dust and it's just been a lifesaver this hay steamer that's so clever so over here i keep my hay in here and like extra stuff for sure wow look how neat this is um yeah like i said we don't keep the hay in the feed room because it's it's not like it's just smelly and messy um it smells nice it smells nice and they have two really clean black wheelbarrows i clean everything every day i notice that when we keep everything super clean it helps with the flies yeah see we just i obviously anyone in this follows me who lives in england like we have the bugs but it's not like it's not like the heat and the flies and like no it just makes it it just makes it worse and then next door my next-door neighbors have cows oh yeah so probably which is a funny story because i was here all day with rebecca and so and so one of her mom's dogs ran through the field and she's she's tiny and she jumped the fence to go and play with the cows and then the other dog i think it's been it's a mad house here it's crazy but and then the other dog before baby started having a seizure and he's absolutely fine because baby he's 14. he's people he's 14 but he's still a poor baby in my eyes um and her mum was so fast she scooped her up and scooped him up sorry and they ran him ran him away got him some medicine and he was absolutely fine so this is good but enough of my you know harping on let's let's take you around the uh this is just our palace these are beautiful i do love them to be able to go in bigger ones however in florida we don't have as much space in wellington and also dressage horses sometimes need a little bit less space at least they're going out and they're having a beautiful uh my big grand prix horse control goes out in the big one because it's just large setting that she's been kind enough to tall and kind enough to tell us a bit about everything that goes on so typically rebecca rides five every day i ride five horses every day at the moment yes which is wild like that's a lot of riding that is a lot of fun i usually have lessons i usually have lessons on three of them every day and i kind of rotate them out um whichever ones don't have lessons one day they'll go on a hack the next day or all of my horses go on the water treadmill twice a week so we've got so try to get that in there too so yeah oh and look at this how pretty this is walking back to the arena i don't know about you rebecca but i just felt drop lips i did too see i thought florida was just gonna be beautiful screaming sunshine but she told me they do have some crazy rain and weather too but we're done so this is fine here's my yard yeah so let's so thank you guys for watching this yard tour not that it was the hardest viewing experience i mean i know i enjoyed it i enjoyed giving it this was so fun good so rebecca's thinking about starting her own youtube channel so you guys have to follow her if she does i'm sure she'll post it on her social media which we are going to link here and we are going to link below as well so go and follow her on tick tock and instagram obviously i'd appreciate it if you followed me too that would be nice um and like and subscribe so i hope you enjoyed this video um any questions pop them in the comments i'll ask rebecca we'll get back to you yeah cool and thank you erin for coming and filming this i love it i'm just coming into horse heaven you know you're more than welcome i had so much fun i will come back whenever you like always welcome okay all right well thank you guys for watching bye
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 61,751
Rating: 4.9248929 out of 5
Id: gW9qZRwqkRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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