Luxury Design Tips for Small Spaces | How To Make Your Space Look and Feel Bigger | Ashley Childers

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hello design lovers I'm Ashley Childers and today I'm revealing the small space design secrets that will instantly elevate your home including my top 20 tips for getting a sophisticated designer look in any small home or small scaled space y'all these are my tried and true tricks for creating magazine worthy rooms so you're going to want to stick around for every single one of them I promise I know you're going to love today's video so be sure to hit the Subscribe Button as we drop a new design video every single weekend [Music] let's dive into the first small space design secret and that is adding bookshelves and built-ins now this is pretty self-explanatory but when we add bookshelves or built-ins to a space we create vertical storage and display areas for all of the things that we collect throughout our lives it's a really great way to maximize wall space in your home and create a beautiful statement number two on the list is to opt for double duty furniture and what I mean by that is choosing pieces of furniture that perform multiple duties so not only are they beautiful they also function as storage pieces as well this could be a beautiful armoire that you store extra Linens in or even a cocktail table that has maybe multiple shelves to it where you can store books any piece of furniture that you can incorporate into your space that is functional multiple ways for number three it is over scale mirrors this is one of the very best easiest and most affordable design tricks for adding volume to any small space because not only does it create reflection but it bounces light around the entire room so when you are shopping for a mirror for your small space make sure to go big and go beautiful number four on our list is to stick with a monochromatic color palette now oftentimes we hear in a small space that you should use a light color because it creates a volume but oftentimes you can get the look of extra room in a smaller space even with a darker palette as long as you're using monochromatic color meaning that all of the colors are within the same palette and they play off each other nicely you don't want a lot of opposing colors in a small space because it really just creates tension and makes the space feel smaller small space design secret number five is to clear the Clutter and group collections this one is pretty self-explanatory but oftentimes especially for us collectors we tend to amass decorative pieces all over our home and when you're dealing with a small space if you edit it back just a little bit you create less visual chaos in your home and that's definitely what we want to do when we are looking at small space design now if you're a collector and you have lots of things then you want them on display my suggestion would be to group them in collections this is a very Artful and curated way to display decorative accessories and the best way to do it for a small space number six on the list is to go for vertical wall moldings and tile so anytime that you are adding decorative moldings to the wall or maybe you're redoing a kitchen or a bathroom take the piece of material whether it's a molding or a tile and run it vertically so that you create height within this space this helps bring your eye up and creates a much larger visual experience in a small room number seven on our list is to incorporate built-in seating this could be a banquette or a bench any type of space-saving seating that you can build into a niche or wall what happens when we do that is we create a lot more floor space around a table and we're able to use sometimes what would be not so usable areas in our home whether it's under a window or in a corner so built-in seating is always your friend when you are designing a small space our eighth small space designer tip is shrinking your dining table a lot of times we feel like we have to have these big massive dining tables in our space but that's not always practical and it really eats up a lot of floor space in a small room so shrink your dining table down you could go with a 48 inch or even maybe a 42 or 36 inch especially if you have a small family or a couple so don't feel like you always have to go big with your dining table smaller dining tables are charming and super effective in a small space night on our list is really really easy and something that anyone can achieve and that is to go larger scale with your rugs I see this design mistake happening all the time not just in small spaces so when you are designing a small space or a small room think about going larger with your rugs extending your rug all the way almost to the wall maybe only 12 inches away from the wall it's going to really extend the eye throughout the space and it's going to give you a great designer look in your small room number 10 on our list of designer secrets for small spaces is to hang your window drapes as far up as you can on the wall so take that drapery Rod all the way up to your crown molding or your ceiling and use a dravery fabric that is a similar color to the wall this is going to create a lot of visual space bring the eye up in the room and also create a very sophisticated look in your small space number 11 on the list is honestly a designer tip not just for small spaces but it is to hide your TV if at all possible now this goes back to one of our other designer tips earlier in the list and that is using double duty Furniture so if you can incorporate your TV into a piece of furniture or into built-ins that is primo we create more visual space in the room when we hide all of the functional pieces such as a TV number 12 on our list is double duty accessories y'all this is such an easy one to accomplish when you are looking for accessories for your small space opt for boxes trays lidded baskets anything that is a beautiful decorative accessory but also functional in storing pieces that you need every single day maybe it's your TV remote maybe it's thank you cards whatever it is is if you opt for decorative accessories that are double duty you're adding Beauty and function to your small space 13 of my small space tips is an architectural tip if you have the opportunity to build or renovate a small space I suggest adding pocket doors pocket doors are not only beautiful and Charming but they are so functional when it comes to tight small quarters they just take up so much less floor space and I personally love the charm of a beautiful pocket door number 14 on our tips list is to use reflective materials if you can so this could be a is a leash tile that has a really beautiful reflective surface this could be polished plaster walls or even a high gloss lacquer finish on Cabinetry or ceilings anything that is going to have a reflective surface that will bounce light around the space this is going going to add kind of visual space to a small room or home number 15 on our list is to add or incorporate panel front appliances in your kitchen so this is an appliance that you put a Cabinetry front on and what this does is just allows your eye to move throughout this kitchen space without getting stopped by an appliance this is one of the very best tips for adding visual space to a small room and something I recommend even if you don't have a small kitchen number 16 is to keep the floor clear and we can do this by opting for wall mounted Lighting in lieu of a floor lamp by even maybe taking a piece of furniture and mounting it to the wall like a bedside table this creates more visual space on a floor and also actually gives you some extra storage area maybe underneath that table or sconce the 17th small space tip is to add foldable Furniture so this could be a secretary a fold up table or even a Murphy bed all of these things are functional and beautiful and can be used when you need them and stored away neatly and nicely when you don't number 18 on our list is to add symmetry to the space now this could be through architectural elements like arches or built-ins or it could be through decorative accessories like maybe pillars or mirrors anything that you can add to create symmetry to your space is going to calm the eye and make the space feel larger the 19th tip is to opt for large scale artwork this is a really easy one and something that I recommend no matter what size your space is but if you are shopping for artwork for your small space I say go big and bold this helps not only rest the eye on a single piece of art but it also just feels more cohesive in a small space our 20th and final small space tip is to maximize the nooks and passageways in your space so this could be a really sweet little alcove in a corner or it could be a hallway or walkway in your home don't leave these areas unplanned because they can really benefit at you when you are trying to pack a punch into a small space you could add in maybe storage through a table or chest or even add built-in shelves to let's say that little Nook and maximize your storage space by so much so don't overlook those sweet little areas in your home not only will they help you be more functional in your space but they will also add Charming character friends who is ready to jump into these 20 small space designer secrets and give your home an update if you like today's video be sure to let me know in the comments which one of the tips was your absolute favorite and if you're going to be trying any of these in your own home if you love all things design be sure to follow us over on Instagram at Ashley children's home for a little sneak peek into my daily design adventures and if you want even more designer goodness right now you're going to want to watch this playlist next as always I'm Ashley Childers thank you for watching and remember good design is for everyone so create a home that inspires you have fun decorating your small space and fall in love with where you live one room at a time foreign foreign
Channel: Ashley Childers
Views: 269,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interior design ashley childers, ashley childers home design, ashley childers youtube, luxury design tips for small spaces, luxury design tips, how to make your space look and feel bigger, ashley childers home, interior design tips for small spaces, luxury interior design tips, luxury small living room design, how to make your space look bigger, how to make a space feel bigger, small home design, small living room layout ideas, interior design ideas for small house
Id: IilY-fVn2UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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