【龍Sir學堂 Ep19】認識電動車第四課 冷氣系統就是電動車的死穴 龍Sir解釋背後原因#revchannel

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The entire thermal energy management system What is the difference between gas vehicles and electric vehicles? It can give you warm air or cold air You can even turn on the air conditioner to help you dehumidify You can do each one, but it doesn't work together. So how do we get along? We have talked a lot about the differences between electric vehicles and gas vehicles Different powertrain Different handling The brakes are different too This is easy to understand Anyone who has driven or sat in it knows that But if I say the biggest difference is the air conditioning system Do you think it's strange? It is real The air-conditioning system of electric vehicles is very different from that of gas vehicles You may not have noticed But if I tell you Have you ever experienced the air conditioning in an electric car Either it's cold or freezing Or it seems hot and stuffy Do you have this feeling? Yes you do Could it be to save power? air conditioner pump Be not powerful enough and save money No The output of the air-conditioning pump of an electric vehicle comparing with that of a gas vehicle Is very similar The output will not be lower But why does the situation just mentioned happen? First we need to understand In fact, the thermal energy management of a car The entire thermal energy management system What is the difference between gas vehicles and electric vehicles? Gas vehicles are very simple You're running an engine Even the most efficient engine Between are 30%-40% That means you will have 60% of the waste heat to get rid of So the entire thermal management system The most important part is heat dissipation inside the compartment Temperature and humidity of the entire environment What should it be like? Whether it is a gas vehicle or an electric vehicle, it is the same people feel comfortable In fact, within a certain range The best temperature is between 22 to 24 degrees Humidity about 50% people will feel comfortable If the humidity is higher or lower You will feel uncomfortable Same for temperature Any higher or lower and you will feel uncomfortable For gas vehicles It's very simple Because the engine has so much heat There is a heat source There is a big heat source As soon as the air conditioner works The air conditioner is on and there is an evaporator Once the air passes through the evaporator Evaporate water you can have dry air Then according to the temperature I need Penetrating warm air You can get a proper temperature and a dry humidity People will feel very comfortable Therefore, for decades, gas vehicles Air conditioning is not a problem As long as you are in summer morning and night In fact, we turn on the thermostatic air conditioning You may select 24 or 25 degrees In fact, the air-conditioning system and the heating system It's working together That's why you feel so comfortable Electric cars are different The heat management system of electric vehicles is very complex First of all, use the battery motor when working There will be residual heat But its efficiency is more than 90% Its waste heat is very limited So I can't help you with anything Even in very cold places The battery basically requires you to warm it up Only when it is warm can it achieve good efficiency So for an electric car, in terms of the compartment It is also necessary to provide a The appropriate temperature we just talked about proper humidity But its system It can provide cold air On the other hand , it can provide warm air Gas vehicles work together with heating and cooling at the same time Give you a comfortable environment Electric cars don’t have this ability The A/C could only be used for one or the other So in a very hot environment The air conditioner in an electric car is very cold Or in a very cold environment The heaters on electric cars are very warm. So why do most electric cars have glass roofs? It’s that this world is not just about heat It’s very hot in Hong Kong Many places in Europe or North America winter is very long It requires the greenhouse effect light through Warm up the compartment its heat pump You don’t have to do so much and save some energy Why do I often feel that the air conditioning system make me feel very cold or very hot and stuffy Just because morning and night Your temperature is actually not very hot For example, summer or autumn days The environment in the morning may be 25-26 degrees The temperature we think is comfortable is probably 24 to 25 degrees 1 degree difference Should it turn on the air conditioner for you? It might be too cold once the AC turns on If it doesn't turn on nothing happened The air conditioner doesn't turn on either The heating doesn't turn on either Is it okay to just have fan? This won't work either Because humans themselves produce a lot of moisture. You close the window and keep spraying moisture out The humidity inside your car is getting higher and higher How can it be comfortable? You may have seen it not long ago Ah Fu made a video How to replace his car's air-conditioning filter Why does the filter often get moldy? Although our car is dirty But it’s not that easy to get moldy In fact, the reasons are all because The humidity of gas vehicles is well controlled Heating and cooling work together If we knew the air-conditioning system of electric vehicles or air conditioning system That's what the limitation is. It doesn't work with heating and cooling Help you adjust the temperature Help you dehumidify There is no such function it can keep you warm It can give you cold Can even use air conditioning to dehumidify Everything can be done Come together, it won't work The early Model S used a heating wire to replace the heater core Get a very comfortable temperature control But do this It cosumes a lot of electricity So in the second generation The heating wire has been completely abandoned Replaced with a so-called multi-phase heat pump. But multi-phase heat pumps Can solve many situations But the situation we just talked about There is no way to solve it What can we do The basic principle we understand is that If you want to feel comfortable It's best if the air-conditioning pump is turned on But the air conditioner pump if it's not hot enough Just start it, you will feel very cold So we can't say it better That's the car we need To properly heat the car Then trigger the pump to work To get an ideal temperature and humidity I remember some friends I bought an electric car and came back Because most of them have glass roofs Can't wait, the whole car glasses Includes glass top four side windows The front and rear windshields are all covered with heat-insulating paper Just like a gas vehicle does that Because gas vehicles do that it is possible to make the air-conditioning pump do less work Fuel efficient But electric cars do this Is it the best? I have some reservations The glass top It's really hot If it has to be closed It's no problem if you have sun blinds Open if necessary Close if necessary If your car does not have sun blinds It’s really just a glass top Stick it on the roof I think it's ok Because the sun shines down It's really uncomfortable But the front and rear windshields and side windows In fact, you can consider it Just put some UV protection films on it Because of those window films Has many functions The solar spectrum is very broad The shortest ones are called UV Harmful to human body To the eyes To the skin Automotive interior plastic parts All are bad Block it It is good There is another function that is separated by some infrared rays It's that heat energy If even those are blocked Maybe it will be cooler in summer But morning and night It's autumn and spring Oops Not enough sun comes in will lead to what we just said Cold and frozen Or very humid more serious So I don't really recommend it front and rear windshields and side windows Put on some strong anti-infrared films If you really want to have films Just anti-UV You don’t have to resist so much infrared rays So that your car will have enough heat source So that the air conditioner can be turned on Can dehumidify If it comes to some Under very cold circumstances Or under cloudy conditions Not enough sunlight comes in The cabin is still humid It is said that electric car owners They all said it was in the car Put some dehumidifiers Use these passive methods To reduce the humidity of the car It will make the cabin environment better. Be more comfortable Air-conditioning filters are less likely to get moldy Some people may feel more comfortable This is all a way As for whether there is any way It can really be done Turn on the air conditioner like a gas-powered car Then use the heater to adjust the temperature and humidity Then I'm sorry Technically it's not difficult at all But this consumes a lot of energy So even car manufacturers won’t do this for you. I often tell my friends If you have an air conditioner at home If it has heating and cooling function You don’t need to buy a dehumidifier Because when you go back south in the spring Just turn on the heat Raise the temperature of the entire room a few degrees Then turn on the air conditioner Lower the temperature again This process can take away the moisture The same goes for electric cars Some cars have this automatic function As soon as the air conditioner is turned on If high ambient humidity is detected It will heat up first and then cool down If there is no such function what to do self made Now is humid weather I got in the car Be patient Turn on the heating now Rising to 27 28 degrees be patient for a few minutes Then turn down the air conditioner There is also air conditioning Don't adjust it so finely no way If it’s 25 degrees outside You adjust it to 24 degrees The air-conditioning pump really might not start. You might do it the other way You adjust it to maybe 23 degrees or 22 degrees Ensure that the air conditioner pump can be triggered to work Only then can the moisture be taken away honestly unsuitable temperature too high too low It will be uncomfortable But unsuitable humidity Too wet or too dry is more uncomfortable at this point A friend who drives an electric car Just pay attention This may be something less people mention. Secrets of Electric Vehicles In fact, the car manufacturer knows Did a lot of things secretly So some cars have a glass roof AC will also raise and lower the temperature automatically But because this is always The inherent weakness of electric vehicles So the car manufacturer doesn’t want to be involved in this matter. Talk too much It is their electric vehicle weakness Anyway The weakest point is right here. We as consumers We should be smarter We should know there is such a thing We can think of some ways ourselves Go improve the environment This section is a bit of a secret technique If you like it Like and share Not yet subscribed Hurry up and subscribe Also follow and like our facebook and instagram
Channel: REV Channel
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Keywords: REVchannel, revchannel, rev channel, REV Channel, edmond lau, 龍sir, 姚子浩, 阿符, topgearhk, top gear hk, topgear, top gear, upcar, 駕輛, flatout, flat out, 地板油, 拍車男, XRX, 肥仔law, 駕駛艙, rev, 龍sir學堂, 龍sir教室, 2023電動車, 香港電動車, 買電動車, 電動車一換一計劃, 汽車隔熱膜, 電動車冷氣系統, tesla 冷氣唔凍, ev air conditioning system, tesla air conditioning, electric vehicle air conditioning system, 電動車空調, 買電動車注意事項, 認識電動車, 一換一 電動車, 一換一計劃, 汽車隔熱紙, 歐洲電動車, 日本電動車, 中國電動車, 電動車 vs 汽油車, 國產電動車 香港, tesla, byd, 比亞迪電動車, 香港電動車 使用, 電動車教學, ev vs ice, ev vs ice air conditioning
Id: lxlC3qCeTw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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