Lunch For the Loypoy | Taka Denny

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I rejoiced when they say to me let us go to the house of the Lord Psalm 122 vers one behold how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity Psalm 133 ver1 I would like to welcome you to 7 Day Adventist Church I'm happy to welcome you all to our service today whether you here with us in person or joining us through our live stream we're pleased to have you here with us and a special welcome to those who are joining us for the very first time please feel welcome you know sometimes life can feel like the winter season cold and challenging however it's in the depth of winter that we're reminded that our God is a consuming fire he's the pillar of fire at night so whatever you're going through God's love for you is constant no matter how cold the winter is spring is sure to follow and even in the frost of winter our faith keeps us warm after the service I invite everyone to join us for a shared lunch in the hall uh it's a wonderful opportunity to connect with each other share stories and also enjoy a meal together so enjoy the service and may God's warmth be with you all today as we Fellowship together our dear heavenly father we come before you humbling ourselves we seek to have a deeper experience with you every day may you please guide Our Lives protect us keep us safe and in each and everything that we do may we do so that we can give glory and praise to you help the weak be with the young the old and forgive us all our sins be with each and every one of us who has uh joined us today all this we ask and pray in the mighty and saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen the scripture reading from today comes from First Kings 18:1 to4 later on in the third year of the the tri the Lord said to Elijah go and present yourself to King Ahab tell him that I will soon be go and present yourself to King Ahab tell him that I will soon send rain so Elijah appeared before Ahab meanwhile the famine had become very superever in Samaria so Ahab summoned Obadiah who was in charge of the palace Obadiah was a devouted follower of the Lord why once when Jezebel had tried to cling all the Lord's prophets Obadiah had H hidden them in two caves he put 50 prophets in each cave and supplied them with food and water may the Lord bless the reading of his word amen good morning church family it's good to see you I wasn't supposed to be preaching today for for a number of reasons but it's amazing how things can change quickly in a week we thought it was going to be Pastor Luke we thought it was going to be someone else but Pastor Luke's away the Sabbath and same with Sabbath school it's amazing how God leads I wasn't supposed to be teaching Sabbath school either but I think we've just got to make ourselves willing to do whatever the Lord would have us to do amen I pray that that would be our experience as we wait for him to return it's not a passive waiting amen there's something to do there's always some way that we can seek to glorify Our God and Heaven amen this is the title for today's particular message it's titled lunch for the L maybe I'll just remember lunch for the loo before we go there I'm grateful that our brother GC invited you all to lunch we we have a lunch here every Sabbath at island and um but after this afternoon there is a youth rally happening here um because it's the pl they've got a basketball tournament going on tomorrow which is happening out at rollston and and I think that starts at 4:00 4:00 this afternoon here at Island church if you are young at heart or or young in form you're most welcome to come along and spend time as we seek to as we saw in that video about Avendale College we're here to encourage one another Jesus is coming one day soon my brothers and sisters there's work to be done both outside of the church and within the church amen amen but lunch for the loo I've got a pick of them of bread and water is that an appealing lunch for you put your hand up if you think water and bread is appealing not too many some are even nodding their heads and saying not really maybe I'll just give a brief story I had a my father he he was a lot older like he was 50 when I was born so he was born in 1925 and he used to tell me as I was growing up that was a luxury for him when he was about the age of eight so they would have made it roughly 1933 and he' talk about this idea of getting a piece of bread and dripping and when I heard about that I thought that's not very appealing that's almost something like bread and water bread and water is like growing up as well my parents used to say that I was a fussy child I didn't eat the food that was there and they' always say yeah you guys are going to suffer one day because you don't appreciate what got and maybe there's some truth in there we don't tend to appreciate what we've got and often it's those in the and the the older the more mature generation who can remind us of that because times have been hard in the past I want to suggest that we're living in a relatively a relatively peaceful time in Earth's history but as Seventh Day Adventist we understand that things will get harder and things like bread and water might be a luxury but yeah lunch for the loo that's what we're going to be touching on but some of you I know you you'll know what lunch is Right everyone knows what lunch is but some of you may not be familiar with the idea of loo is there anyone in this room who who knows what loo is or what I might be referring oh there's there's a couple out there loo I'm going to show you it's just a Greek word loo is just a Greek word and this is the word it's often translated it as Remnant how many of you are familiar with that word Remnant so in essence today we're talking about this idea of lunch for the remnant sometimes this word Remnant or this word loo is translated as the word rest right in the KJV it uses the word Remnant in the new King James version it uses the word rest and there are other Bible translations that use it as the remaining ones and even this word is a you this is what this word loo means I want you to remember that it's a beautiful way to communicate something like as seventh day Adventists we talk about this idea of Remnant uh when we bring people into membership those who choose to get into baptism on our baptismal bows this word Remnant comes up a couple of times but I don't think we really talk about it enough what it actually means so this morning I'm going to attempt to try and give us a little bit more understanding but I can't do that by myself I need the Lord's help you need the Lord's help Amen to understand anything that comes from God's word we need help so I'm just going to offer another word of prayer our heavenly father as we spend time together around your word we recognize that we need your Holy Spirit to speak to us so please father speak to us help us to hear but more importantly help us to be doers of what your word says bless is our prayer today and in Jesus name for your glory amen ra the you we get this idea and I'm going to suggest primarily that the re we get this idea of the remnant in Revelation 12:1 17 I found this picture on the internet there's so many pictures going around I just punched in Revelation 12:17 and it came up with this picture because Revelation 12 we may actually touch into it a little bit I'll just see how we go but revelation 12: 17 reads these familiar words and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her Offspring you notice that word rest what's the Greek word for rest loo loo he went to make war with the rest of her Offspring who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ I want to suggest I'm going to attempt you'll notice here on this screen of of highlighted certain words just to try and explain sometimes as seventh day Adventists we take it for granted the things that many of us know hopefully even most of us but there are always people in our church who who got no idea and and I praise God for those people who come along and new to the faith or or just interested or maybe they're just coming for lunch to come to church but there are always people in our midst that I feel like we have to explain and and and try and commun communicate why we exist as a church or how did we come to exist as a church so I want to try and just briefly go through some of these terms to attempt to try and break it down and what do we mean when we say this idea of Remnant and we're going to get to the lunch part of the remnant afterwards so it says and the dragon was enrage and if you do know what the dragon is I want you to tell me what the dragon is who is who do you think the dragon is if you know yep and why do we know it's Satan when we're looking at this particular passage in scripture in Revelation 12 why do we know or how do we know that it's Satan it tells us in the Bible and as Seventh Day Adventist I want to encourage us when we share attempt to share truth with people let it come from the Bible there are too many other churches sometimes we fall into the Trap as well of trying to explain what we think it means but as someone mentioned this Dragon I've just sort of clipped AC Dr the picture there a bit it tells us in re Revelation 12:9 it tells us explicitly and this is easy be great if the scripture told us everything like this but it doesn't always sometimes you need to dig a little bit deeper but in Revelation 12:9 it says the Great Dragon was cast out that Serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world there's no need to guess or beat around the bush in terms of the identity of this Dragon the dragon is Satan in this particular piece of scripture it goes to this idea of the woman remember back slides back it talked about a woman who is the woman in Revelation 12 if you know a church yeah this is generally how we understand it I want to challenge and stretch you a little bit and I pray that it won't be heresy please come to me afterwards and and tell me straight if I'm ever telling you heresy or untruth you come to me tap me on the shoulder amen and so that we might be able to do that with each other as well but I'm going to I'm going to suggest to you a slightly different aspect I hope you've got nothing in your hands to throw me but I'm going to suggest looking there at verse one of Revelation 12 it says a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a Garland of 12 Stars if we're just looking at that verse alone I want to suggest that the the prime imagery that we see here in this verse is that this woman is surrounded with light she has light above in terms of a Garland of 12 Stars she is surrounded it says clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and typically we would argue that this is the church it represents a church and I'm not going to say anything against that but I want to suggest to us that this light this light primarily as you're speaking about Jesus do you think Jesus is light yeah yeah in John 8:12 Jesus himself says I am the light of the world he who follows me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life this idea of light as well we see in Psalm 119: 105 it says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light into my path this woman she has access to light but I just want to pick up a little bit because you may recall when we saw Revelation 12:1 17 it spoke about how the dragon which is who Satan is the dragon he was enraged with the woman right and who is we're saying that the woman is the church so far but he went to make war with who he went to make war with someone he goes to make war with the rest or the remnant or the loo this is who he actually focuses his intentions of his ill intentions against it's against the remnant it's not the woman amen and I want to suggest to you that why we see this because in Revelation 12 if you have a copy of the scriptures with me and I know you do because in front of you there should be a Pew Bible and this is the one I'm going to use today if we have a look at Revelation 12 and just to give it a little bit more background Revelation 12 is a broad sweep of History it's talking about those who have been faithful to God and those who haven't those who haven't started a war in heaven just going to pick it up Revelation 12 and we use this idea of the great controversy this this great fight between Christ and Satan we could say that Revelation 12 encompasses this great theme but if we look at Revelation 12 we've already discussed briefly about verse one how it talks about a woman clothed with the sun she has a lot of light this woman has a lot of light but we see down in verse six as troubles come as this Dragon seeks to cause harm this woman goes into the Wilderness if you go into the Wilderness in general is it a comfortable experience or a little bit less than comfortable what do you think who who thinks it's comfortable going into the Wilderness Michaela you've been putting your hands up for the times when I thinking no one's going to put their hands up thank you how many like to go out in the wilderness and find it comfortable do you find it more comfortable in your houses some of you are nodding yeah yeah but I'm going to suggest that when this woman goes into the Wilderness things are hard and when things are difficult when the situation is tough even though you might have the truth you might be surrounded with light the challenge is always there the Temptation is always there for you to step back a little bit does that make sense hard times can cause us to slip back a little bit I'm going to suggest this is what's happening with this woman as to the reason why the dragon is particularly enraged with the w the The Offspring The Remnant the L the loo this is why because the church this woman has found it a bit hard goinging she needs a rest we see that in verse 6 and then in verse 14 it goes on to say but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the Wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent the woman is taking a bit of rest God has supplied her a place of safety and protection but looking at verse 17 speaking about the remnant the dragon is enraged with the remnant with the rest with the loo this is who is targeters and we saw before in verse 17 the reason he is enraged with them because the loo they there are two things that identify them we're going to get there a little bit later on we're going to see it but there are two things that identify them and maybe it's on this one yeah so just breaking up that picture again two things that I I identify the loo they keep the Commandments of God and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ this is what I will suggest today that the reason that the dragon that Satan is angry with this loo is because they do these two things they keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus the interesting thing is when you jump into the next chapter in Chapter 13 what does Revelation chapter 13 talk about yeah it talks about the Beast the mark of the beast the dreaded Mark of the beasts my brothers and sisters and that war that that chapter in a in a sense talks primarily about those who will worship God or keeping the Commandments in in John 14:1 15 Jesus says if you love me if you love me keep my Commandments this is what this great controversy is about who do we love and the way whoever we love it's going to show in our actions our actions aren't going to gain us that salvation amen by Grace we are saved through faith but faith has gives us an impetus to do something about it to keep the Commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ you may recall I've seen I've just cut that picture up into four parts you may recall the original picture where there was the dragon and the woman and the Loy po but Jesus wasn't so obvious I'm going to suggest that Jesus is there at this part he's he's waiting in the background and I don't know if you've ever heard of the idea of uh gal gestures anyone familiar with that term gal gestures often when you look at pictures they look like something else I see our psychology students are nodding there it's like when you look into clouds you see pictures it looks like you're looking in the clouds wow that looks like a a dog or something like that I just trimmed this picture and to me it looks a little bit like somebody praying does anyone else see that or is it just me and I'm and I'm not getting it right but to me this sort of picture just highlights that there is we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous he is in the background he's in the background watching over the the troubles that are coming and things will get worse and worse my brothers and sisters but it's no need to be discouraged because Jesus is in the background one day he will come back and he will deliver his own but look at this idea we speaking about Jesus it talked about the testimony of Jesus and in Revelation 19 and: 10 it tells us that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of Prophecy and typically we we talk about how of the what's the word I can use the the position of Alan white his having some of the spirit of Prophecy and that's absolutely true she gives us counsels to encourage us to bring Comfort to bring correction but I like these verses here in in 1 Peter chapter 1 and veres 10 and 11 it talks about the the beauty of Salvation that Jesus has given us and notice what it says here it says of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully who prophesied of the grace that would come to you searching what or what manner of time the spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when he testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow I love these two verses because to me that they're saying that Jesus is the author of the scripture he is his Spirit was dwelling in the in the prophets to tell them of the grace that would come regarding salvation that there was a Plan of Salvation in place that God hasn't left us to this world to fend for ourselves we have a savior who is working there it talks about the sufferings of Christ how he would die for us but also the glories that would follow this these two verses tell us that Jesus is in control he's watching over everything he invites us to partake of these testimonies to look into the scriptures to to delve into the old and the New Testament to see how God has led in the past that we might not forget the way he is leading us now and into the future that we might have nothing to fear the world is troubled place but Jesus is going to come back and he wants us to rely because that Remnant they keep the Commandments and they have the testimony of Jesus God has given this Remnant guidance and he promises them protection I want us to look now at First Kings chapter 18 I I like this passage because I see similarities in Revelation 12 verse 17 it speaks of a time where Satan will be so enraged and it's very much it's interesting how we've had Sabbath school this week was focused on the the state of the Dead what happens when people would die and we understand that before Jesus comes he's going to send a lot of delusions and some of those delusions will include the supposedly dead speaking to us how do you how do you react say if your dead grandmother or something comes up to you and says hey I'm fine up here in heaven don't worry about keeping the Commandments of God or anything like that and if she sounds exactly the same as you remember her you look look at her and she's doing things which you know is only her but these are the deceptions that will come Satan will unleash and we're being set up for that my brothers and sisters we live in a world of so the mass media there's so much internet traffic social media pointing us in a particular direction preparing us to be deceived but we need not to be my brothers and sisters go back to the scriptures look at these stories and this is one particular story which would encourage us not to have fear a little bit of background to First Kings chapter 18 I'm just going to look at it first Kings chapter 18 is found on page 341 if you have a cop if you want to look at it for yourself we encourage you as a church don't just rely on what you see on the screens you have a copy of the scriptures for yourself first Kings chapter 1 a little bit of background Elijah was a prophet of God he was calling them to keep the Commandments of God which particular commandment was he confronting the people of Israel with what was the story there what is he trying to get them to remember okay maybe he are just being humble but it was idolatry they were worshiping other gods and and the Prophet Elijah he calls him back remember the Commandments worship God only he's the only one that Des deserves worship and so basically Elijah is seen as a troublemaker because sometimes when you tell people the truth it doesn't always sit well right and we have a message to tell to a world and what is our message if his message was to tell the world to remember don't worship idols what is the message of the Seventh Day Adventist Church someone's going to ask you this one time soon I want to hear it from you I want what is the message that this world has given that we are to give to this world the Three Angels messages yeah absolutely and that calls for obedience to the Commandments of God as well right in particular the Sabbath is the Commandment which is to be brought to the four this will be the one where just as Elijah was presenting a message of don't go down the road of idolatry it didn't make him very popular he had to live out in the wilderness luckily he had Birds beating when he was hungry Birds would come to him I love that story and I always remember when I've got bread throw it out to the birds don't waste it they're going to be your friends one day if Jesus could do it for Elijah he can do it for us amen he will look after his own but just like Elijah he is a type of the remnant but just picking it up in verse one it says and it came to pass after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year saying go present yourself to Ahab and I will send rain on the earth because prior to this it had been a a drought 3 and 1/2 years no water was going to fall except when God would tell Elijah rain's going to fall verse two it says so Elijah went to present himself to Ahab and there was a severe famine in Samaria and Ahab had called Obadiah who was in charge of his house now Obadiah beared the Lord greatly I love this verse love this verse because it tells us that even in the time of apostasy where King Ahab who should have known better his government was against the the people of God hunting down Elijah and we're going to see later on how there were prophets as well but even within that system of government God had his people there this is such an important piece for us to understand my brothers and sisters when the time of trouble comes along when any time of Trouble Comes Along long just remember that God is still in control it's not people it's not governments it's not employers it's not people who seem or should be in control or have power God is in control all the time and he had a person in the government of Ahab to be a God-fearing man and he was looking there it says there in verse 4 for so it was while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the Lord that over had taken 100 prophets and hidden them 50 to a cave and had fed them with bread and water they were fed with bread and water God sustained his own some of them at least some of them would have died right but it didn't matter it didn't matter and it won't matter for us either my brothers and sisters because there are different levels when we look at the scriptures there are layers there's a lot of symbolism and I want us to consider some of the symbolism relating to bread and water just as a side note too it's interesting in First Kings 18 where it talks about obadah obadah has a special name to meaning to his name is anyone familiar with what Obadiah means it just means servant of the Lord as a servant of the Lord he was looking after those who are Servants of the Lord as well the prophets these prophets were a Remnant they were been hunted down and destroyed they had hard times but God looked after them God looked after them just want to work on this a little bit uh just on this idea of bread and water back in First Kings chapter 22 there's a story about a prophet named Micaiah have you heard of the Prophet Micaiah he he was another Prophet prophets aren't very popular if you have something to if God wants you to say something to the people sometimes it's not popular so Micaiah was a prophet and he did the work he told the king that you're going to you're going to die out there when you go out to fight you're going to die and for his punishment for telling them the truth as God had put it on his heart he said to him put this guy in prison and feed him with bread of Affliction and water of Affliction until I come in peace all I'm trying to suggest yes my brothers and sisters when times of trouble come on it can be daunting amen it may not mean things things are going to be easy bread of Affliction water of Affliction but I think we can find encouragement speaking about these different layers of bread and water in a beautiful passage in the book of Isaiah Isaiah 33 and we're going to look at verses 14-6 let's have a look at that this is on page page 687 if you have a copy of the Pew Bible and would like to follow along this is another time of trouble you can tell that because it says there in verse 14 praise God I love that sound of pages turning means someone's actually listening and and engaging Isaiah CH 33 starting off at verse 4 14 a time of trouble it says the sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness has seized the Hypocrites who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall dwell with Everlasting burnings H interesting verse it talks about the sinners in Zion what is Zion or where is Zion Zion is where God Is Right in Jerusalem they call it this is where the temple that God had made so that he might dwell amongst his people so the people in Zion are those who are supposed to be in the church it talks about fearfulness has sees the Hypocrites what's a hypocrite yeah people someone who's two-faced right someone who's saying one thing preaching one thing and doing something else the reality my brothers and sisters this can apply to all of us that we can be like this and it says who shall dwell with the devouring fire who is the devouring fire who is the devouring fire yeah we're told in Hebrews 12 and verse 29 our God is a consuming fire right back in Ezekiel chapter 28 talks about the origin of Lucifer and it talked about how he walked on the fiery Stones he was in the presence of God and he was fireproof but later on in that chapter it talks about how he'll be burnt up he was fireproof but then he lost it but notice here it's talking to sinners in verse 14 who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall dwell with Everlasting burnings notice verse 15 it says He Who Walks righteously and speaks uprightly he who despises the gain of oppressions who gestures with his hand hands refusing bribes who stops his ears from hearing of Bloodshed and shuts his eyes from seeing evil this is a a conversion of sorts someone something a transformation people are changing and these are the ones who who are able to abide with that consuming fire and think back of this my brothers and sisters in the Book of Daniel chapter 3 there is another story which helps us to put this jigsa puzzle together where there three boys they went into a fire Shadrach mesach and Abednego and they were able to dwell in that fire because that transformation which we see here in chapter 33 of Isaiah happened with them as well verse 16 it says he will dwell on high his place of defense will be the P Fortress of rocks bread will be given him his water will be Shore this is after a time of trouble there's something about this bread and this water and I want to try and unpack this layer if you like on different layers of what it means for us if we suppose ourselves to be the remnant how can we enjoy this bread and water even now bread and water even now consider this verse in Psalm 119:50 it says this is my comfort and my Affliction for your word has given me life even an Affliction when hard times come the recipe for survival and even thriving is that your word has given me life interesting in John chapter 6 Jesus identifies himself on a number of occasions I'm just going to mention some of them see there in verse 27 it sayso not labor for the food which perishes but for the food which endures to everlasting life which the son of man will give you because God the father has set a seal on him food we don't survive merely on food we're going to see this in another verse it says most assuredly I say to you Moses did not give you the bread from heaven but my father gives you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world Jesus is our food source sometimes we worry where's our food going to come from we hear things about the time of trouble how will you how will he survive I know sometimes people will talk about they've got containers of dried food stored up somewhere way out in the wops but this isn't what it's talking about Jesus is highlighting the fact that he will look after he is the bread of life again in John 6:35 I am the bread of life he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in me shall never thirst this is the assurance that Jesus wants us to have hard times will come but he is the one to hold on to his word MTH notice what we see here in Matthew 4:4 it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God God is the one who gives us life just as Adam became a soul or became a living being in Genesis 2:7 God was the one who breathed who gave him that original hongi if you like to to breathe life into him to make him become a person God is looking for a people who will rest in him who will believe in him who hold on to his word actually maybe it's interesting the origin where this particular text came from in Matthew 4:4 it first came up in Deuteronomy chapter 2 8 Deuteronomy chapter 8:3 where the children of Israel were in the wilderness and God said he humbled them and allowed you to hunger that you might know that it is God who gives you life that man doesn't live on bread alone he wanted them to understand in the original context of Matthew 4 that God is the one who gives them life men live because of the word of God troubles come my brothers and sisters but God is there in the background encouraging us Look to Him speaking on water this idea of water Jesus makes it clear in John 15 and: 3 that you are already clean because of the word which I spoken to you it's idea of a purifying the word of God cleanses us Ephesians 5: 25 and 26 on the same theme again of it says husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of Water by the word the importance of God's word to cleanse and to sanctify to prepare us for heaven amen we were singing before when we all get to heaven it is the word of God that will sanctify us and take out those crinkles in our characters on the way to church this morning not really sure if I should say this but my wife has trouble sometimes sometimes with our brothers and sisters in the church and maybe you have that as well and I s the reason you're not dead wife is because Jesus still has a lesson for you to learn he's still trying to work on you to prepare you for heaven and this is what God's word does he gives us opportunity to sanctify us there are so many rough edges that we have in our characters God wants to give us his word he wants us to take it on we're here because he's trying to sanctify us John 17 and verse 17 beautiful verse sanctify them by your truth your word is truth Jesus tells us the hard truth sometimes in his word and sometimes we resist but we serve a God who are so longsuffering he doesn't desire that any of us should perish he meets us where we are but he's trying to polish us to heue us if you like so that we might be those stones that will fit into his Heavenly Temple and the call there looking at all these verses in verse 20 and verse 13 of Matthew chapter 24 it talks about he who endures to the end shall be saved it's not so much you doing all the work Jesus holds his hand out there he wants you to hold his hand you know he invites us come to him all you who are weary and heavy laden and he will give you rest take my yoke upon me you and learn from from me for I am gentle and lowly in spirit and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is ENT is easy and my burden is light Jesus wants to carry that load he can do it for us and this is the appeal my brothers and sisters here at this church today will we seek to partake of that bread and water the lunch this will be the real lunch for the loo those who hold on to his word and and feed off him who is the source of life this is a little side note during the week you may have heard on the news it's been 80 years June 6th on 1944 80 years since D-Day happened when the Ty tyranny of Nazi Germany was threatening but D-Day happened and it's interesting d da anyone know what the d stands for it just stays stands for day so it's just day it's all means dday but I want to suggest to us brothers and sisters when this when these times of trouble come we know there is going to be an ultimate time of trouble but there will be another dday amen this will be a Deliverance day as we find in Daniel 12 and verse 2 it says at that time Michael shall stand up who is Michael Jesus Jesus if you don't believe that come and speak to me and I'll I'll try and encourage you and point you in the right direction at that time in this speaking about this time of trouble Michael shall stand up the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered everyone who is found written in the Book of Life times of trouble will come but we have a deliverer this will be a D-Day a Deliverance day when Jesus will come back and he will have us ready I just want to look at these verses again just as we bring this message to a close Revelation 12:1 17 I'm going to suggest it's a bit of a bookmark because we see a similar uh statement further on Revelation 12: 17 it says and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus couple of pages further on in Revelation 14 and 12 um this is at the the end of the third Angel's message it says here is the patience of the Saints here are those who keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus The Remnant has been given the testimony of Jesus we we have the testimony of Jesus before us everything he has said is is there to keep us on track and to be ready for the his soon return but the tri the trouble the troubl time which is to come is going to need the faith of Jesus the testimony of Jesus needs to become the faith of Jesus not just hearing what the testimony of Jesus is not just knowing what God says in his word but actually the doing and I pray that that will be our experience my brothers and sisters by the grace of God that he will carry us through that he would Empower us to do what he has said that we may be ready on that great day as we make decisions for him one way or the other when he comes back Heavenly Father Lord we thank you that you are there in the background watching and allowing your people to be squared and Polished and ready for your soon return we ask for your help in all that we do Lord help help us to hold on to your hand in good times and bad times for your sake and Glory we ask in Jesus name amen
Channel: Ilam Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 73
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Id: QugF8chK09k
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Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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