LUNA Office Hours #26 - How to Setup Livestreams with Apollo & LUNA

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[Music] hey how's it going everybody I'm Ben from Universal Audio and welcome back to another office hours I believe this is the office hours all of you have been waiting for where we take back the curtain and show you how all the you know how the meet how the sausage is made if you sort of speak but thankfully yet again I'm not here doing it all by myself we've got the whole office hours gang with us what up gang what up sup crew happy to say apologies if anyone was sitting around waiting for us this morning things didn't work this morning so we didn't do one this morning that's how livestream works sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and you just don't do it but to make up for it I am gonna be going live this evening and doing another After Hours mixing session inside of Luna so if you've been following along on those at all or even if you haven't been following along you just want to see what it looks like to actually be mixing a song inside of Luna 100% in real time no BS just exactly you know how the process is you go on tune in tonight at 5 p.m. PST I'll be going live with that and those are always a lot of fun because I get to do some real music work and get to hang out with all of you guys show you guys some tips and tricks and then everyone some I'll take some breaks and answer questions for you all but I have one very very important question for Levin Connor what I heard of rumor there's an update coming today Connor and I should answer at the same time let's go kind of Connor tell the people what's happening well the people today we are happy to announce and release luna 1.0 point to you it is coming imminently it's a bug-fix release we dropped it yesterday that we'd be coming out with that as soon as possible and today I'll be available I could be even going live just during the course of this particular office our session it's got fixes for the modifier key issues on International keyboard layouts some optimizations to GPU usage that should decrease fan speed on some systems prevent this fans from spinning up like crazy some other great bug fixes in there a lot of which are driven by the most reported items through feedback and submitted to other other mechanics that we have for capturing issues in the field so thank you all your input on that and that will be available within the hour we expect but certainly by the end of the day so what's the what's the mechanism how do how do people get that update going on their system yep so if you're in Luna you should just click on the check for updates menu item in the Luna menu or the next time you launch Luna after the update has been posted you will get a software update dialog and it'll take you through you know the list of messaged fixes and improvements and you'll see the items that we've got mentionable there and then you can install the update directly from in the app and you can always also go to you audio comm log into your account there and download the latest version of the Luna software there oh yeah oh man that's that's good news I'm sure you have a lot of people are gonna be really excited to have those out and available with the some of those most requested fixes but it's also so cool to see you know after being ua is just we've always been like a quarterly here's new you ad and you've got download the whole big installer just the fact that with Luna were able to do these over-the-air updates it's yeah it's really cool to see yeah it's really exciting to to be a part of releasing something like like Luna and in the space there's there's not a lot of like really frequent really responsive updates meaning you know it's hard to find a program of the complexity of like a recording system or an audio workstation that you can you know get frequent updates on and we're really trying to start off on that foot of being able to be really responsive really stable and continuously able to update so it's certainly a goal of ours and so far so good and we're gonna continue to try to deliver stuff in a on as as regular basis as we can and to be responsive of course at some point we're gonna hunker back down and keep working on new features that the people are requesting fast and furious in the feedback button so if you want to see something in Luna that you don't see yet make sure to hit the feedback button tell us in the chat you know send smoke signals whatever we're we're open it all get back to us somehow nice really cool man great any oh cool so yeah if you guys have questions popping in just pop into the chat we'll try to get to those with any ones that we didn't get to yesterday guys that I want to bring up first there's one in the chat now Bobby's asking about moving fades holding command and they're moving around on and that's not that's not something I'm familiar with I don't know whether if anyone else has heard of that maybe maybe maybe what he's talking about is that when he's not trying to move a fade if he's in if he's in grid mode that it's kind of snapping to the grid maybe yeah I mean it sounds it's hard to understand exactly what's going on based on the reading of the question but you can grab and move a fader round with the grabber or by trimming the clip and if you hold command while you're doing either of those things you will turn on and off snap so if snap is on you'll turn it off and right right well in Congress I think I saw someone else mention this one earlier two of they were kind of wondering it seems to be like there are you know the command control especially editing MIDI does one of them you know somebody showed us this great trick of being able to change the velocity of a track right or sorry of a note by pressing command and then clicking on the note see how that one got it's getting bigger you know it's getting brighter and brighter the more or less that I pull the velocity up and down but if you wanted to slide it around he had to click on the and then command correct yep that's right yeah so it's just an order of operations thing there there's a lot of editing capability built into what you can do with just looks like no tool but adding modifiers mode of editing MIDI right inside of the timeline so if you don't prefer to have snap on as a default then you can go up to the bar beats ruler and click on the snap button or press the shift backslash key command which turns on and off the snap setting so if you have a preferred way of editing MIDI and want the opposite to be snap mode then just turn snap off in your new session and you'll be good to go nice yeah so yeah for anyone that's winning so shortcuts up here the good ones to know it's their shift based shortcuts so shift minus or plus and that is changing my grid size as you can see there but then shift backslash right you know just down and over to the right from there that's how you can turn on and off snap and the the using the command key toggles it both ways right so now that snap has turned off the snow is just freely movable but if I hold command after president node it's now snapping to the grid absolutely yeah it's kind of cool you're able to get toggle in and out of those workflows at any time very cool very cool all right so that answer hey man I was gonna say that reminded me of one today I've seen a couple people looking for the scissors tool right like yeah you know needing that maybe that would be something to show mm-hmm how we're dealing with that oh for sure let's see let's see if I know all of the ways to splice things and you guys can correct me all right so let me go back in the snap because I like Stanley good so he's the one I use all the time is place my cursor somewhere on a region and hit the B key you can also hit command E and I think is there another one there's it just tears it there's a menu item yeah key command Weiser's - yep and separate selection right here and then that works for at your insertion point but also for selections right so you were doing it in certain point but it also we'll work yep you can do it you can select an area of a clip and hit the again either a command e or just the B key will also do it yeah guess what there's a third way yes I knew there was if you have an insertion place meaning not a selection and then you just so yeah right there you don't have a separate press delete what okay okay so if you had something selected obviously delete would take it away but just making pointing what is the logic there Connor what what's the story behind that you know there's there's a lot of a lot of reasons why you could have multiple key commands some of it just has to do with muscle memory some of it has to do with just the actual implementation of certain commands and this one is a sort of more twiki reason that that it's like by virtue of the way the clear command is implemented under the hood it just happens to also make a separation when there's no arranged selection so this one is not so much of a deliberate thing as it is like a consequence of clean good computer science nice well done well done guys all right so there's three different ways to the razor blade or cut or you know trim up clips however you please nice killer any other good questions coming through there on the chat I see some easy ones getting answered in the chat always appreciate having you guys hit hitting up the chat as well what about chopping a MIDI note like you do in logic I'm not super familiar with how logic chops MIDI notes Connor levy guys familiar with what that workflows you know I think the major separate where's my window so if I dare not launch another piece of software at the moment but the major separate thing I think that logic users might be used to is separate at playhead and we don't have the same thing because they're usually linked together so you can use the B key um or command e to separate notes under the insertion point and that that's that's the way to work it there I don't know about live quite as its we gonna say yeah I was doing kind of a small way but so here's one long note and I can come halfway through it mines my playback is here and then the same commands that we were just using before hit the B key and now that note has been separated chopped into two and command E so command E since I had a separation it now I'm separated the clip but let's see I just put my playhead there command E does the same thing I'm just separating that note so I'm not sure if that's the way logic does it but it is a quick and easy way to split up a note and something I do I do notice that Luna does is say I delete here it's automatically it's taking this one note I've deleted that eighth note of it it kept the top and then it added in a note marker here for so it would play that note again rather than just you know deleting the whole note so that's another little MIDI editing feature you guys are gonna probably gonna want to know about yeah the distinction there just to if people missed it is that that bottom darker darker red section is what we call the footer and if you put your cursor in there we sort of take you out of the note everything and kind of go back to the clip level so you can make a selection yep what's nice is you don't need to leave Clips view sorry notes view in order to edit Clips that's very good yeah yeah very convenient and also like you said there's different conventions based on sort of where you're focused then right if you're focused sort of on a making selection you're editing the clip whereas if you're kind of going over in the notes area and like you said you separate you're separating the notes not the clip so there's some nice convenience is there for you yes and well just to remind people what's the shortcut for rotating through the different views ctrl command left right arrow ctrl command left right so you can see now over right underneath my track name I'm going between you know clips notes volume mute pants so I'm going through all the different automation views that are available here in this list there's also a nice single key toggle between clips and notes view which is the minus key mm-hmm on the main Queerty keyboard so you'll just be able to go quickly between your clip and your notes view which can be nice if you just want like a big a big block to sort of move around for arrangement or a clip trimming or whatnot yep and then on audio tracks the same that same keyboard shortcut every using the minus key toggles between clips and volume automation totally so both those are really really powerful things and it's one of those things I like the more you use the more you use the software that you know the faster you start becoming a start noticing like oh [ __ ] yeah I know you know if certain memory the key commands the Serbs become just like second nature especially for in terms of navigating and being able to you know zoom out on a big session and then you know zoom back in make edits zoom back out you start kind of learning these workflow tips and tricks that's great awesome any other good questions coming in I see once somebody's asking about site training and today's update that will that's not included in today's update I still still need you to smash that feedback button yeah things I think we've seen we've seen a lot of questions just about some of the most common feature requests right so whether it's about clock update or some other feature that people are are asking for right now we're really focused on fixing bugs and making sure that some of these gnarly issues I was quashed but we are planning a bigger feature release in the future which we're not going to announce exactly right now but I just know that we're working on it and like I said right now it's really just about like when things clearly now that we've shipped don't work we're really trying to improve that and make sure that people's systems run smoothly Thanks really great all right well so we did tease everybody the title of the show on YouTube and everything people really want to know how we do live streams so if you guys have more questions keep on typing them in will keep on replying to you guys in the chat but I'm now going to fully expose how we do live streams so the most obvious part of it is the I'm trying to walk you guys through this as best I can you have hit me a feedback here if you guys are getting lost or confused that might get really technical really nerdy here really fast but essentially you know our the goal that we had for doing these live streams in the way that we're pulling them off was we wanted to get we wanted to be in real time we don't want any like doing play backs or having to like pre record interviews or do stuff like that we want it to have this real I'm interaction between all the hosts and our guests and our experts so the best way to do that was the tool we've all learned to love which is zoom it's a pretty amazing piece of software you know you can have incredibly kind of large groups you can have small groups it does a good job of handling video and audio across the internet at questionable amounts of quality at some points depending on the bandwidth but it does a good job it's a super easy to use tool so as you guys have no doubt noticed if you've been watching these office hour streams zoom is the main conduit that we're moving all of our video across the internet with except for mine because we're running we've been running all these live streams off of my machine here at home which is a really powerful I seven custom hackintosh kind of thrown together thing with crazy graphics lots of memory amazing processor and yeah it's a bit of a beast of a machine obviously with Thunderbolt so I can run all the Apollo stuff yeah it helps to have a really powerful machine step1 step2 webcams zoom all this sort of stuff this is how we're gonna handle this is how we handle all of our videos how we were able to bring our remote guests in and it works fine it looks fine it's it's what we're all expecting to see these days if you if you're doing any sort of remote work or remote collaboration with people so that's the easy stuff super easy stuff right the one thing that zoom does horrendously at is audio it because it's optimized for voice it's Optima it's trying to get rid of background noise it's trying it's doing its best to make your voice from laptops iPhones desktop like from all sorts of different places it's doing its absolute best to get that intelligibly to the other people on the call and they do a marvelous job of doing that but then 40 people 40 people on the call at once sometimes exactly I can only imagine that how much time and effort and care they've put into those noise reduction algorithms and everything that they put in there but the you know noise reduction doesn't sound good when you try to play full quality stereo audio which is what what we're doing on a lot of these streams and obviously it for if we were gonna have any chance of being able to show off you know the power of new summing or tape and you know these kind of subtle audio delicacies if you will there's no chance zoom was gonna preserve that and to send it across the internet for us so we hustled like crazy trying there's a bunch of really great solutions out there that are you know tailor-made for sending high-quality stereo audio across the internet you know there's like session wire there's a audio movers which is the one that we were using there's another really good one source was it source drivers connect source connect yep you know so they're all a lot of them are paid platforms and they're not necessarily free but the one that we ended up going with was audio movers because they do they it does its job really well it's very easy to use interface and it does it allows you to kind of adjust the quality and we explored a few different ways about how we send that back out to broadcast and the way that we ended up doing it is basically I'm running you know this being the host machine everything is getting fed into my machine I'm then kind of combining everything and sending it out to our live streaming platforms so the audio movers been just to finish up on audio movers remember they have the adjustable latency which is another important component that they have in their platform on top of the bitrate and yeah let me share my screen so you guys can see as I talk people through this so there's - you know obviously Luna this is the heart the Apollo's and console you know I am running right I'm so glad we added this feature to console I think Connor showed this we talked about last week but the isolate feature allows me to keep this channel this channel you guys are hearing right here it allows me to keep this ackerman console no matter what I load up inside of Luna so this way what you guys are always hearing is this beautiful Latin I think it's LS 208 going into a API vision which you guys can see we're just gonna geek on my audio settings because I'm super proud of him a little bit of a high-pass just the right amount of game so you can see I've got a little gate expander just to hopefully clear out the birds a little bit I don't got the compressor turned on because you can see it barely ever you know only if I get loud does it you know start lighting up a little bit and shout out to Drew you you kind of I was sleeping on the vision channel as a voice-over pre it's a fantastic one to use yeah that's what I'm going through as well so good good choice then I hit the precision de-esser this mic when I was setting this up sound a little you can see exactly how bright it is maybe I have a su voice or its a bright mic its a bright pre in a bright mic so having this de-esser in there is saving all of your ears apparently and then that's followed up by the de-stressor nice little general two-to-one so these are just some good voice-over chain setting ideas I think the thing I really love about using artist dresser is the fact that the mix you have a mix comp so you can I can kind of overdo it a little bit over here but then I can still blend that blend in some of the dry signal which is you know it already had the API compressor and it already had the API compression on it so this is kind of my you know the first push against it and then this one is doing a lot more containment and holding my voice in one spot big ass then come here to know my voice over chain settings that's exactly what I came here for okay good well then we're done [Music] yes no wait wait stay stay we got more this is only the start of the path so zoom zoom allows you to listen to you know in theory I could be sending this microphone you know I can just select Universal Audio thunderbolt as my microphone and that would go out to you know everybody else on my meeting as well as anything else that's coming in as an input to my Thunderbolt zum-zum is like I said in brilliant in lots of ways but the way that it handles audio from a multi-channel interface doesn't seem to be the greatest it hears absolutely everything so be combining my voice with Luna output with like the modulator is just running back there at all times like would be coming out all at once so you can see down here I've set up I've got a device that's named streaming mic like what is that device where did that come from what is it well there's a incredibly awesome program called loopback by Road amoeba they're really great company I'm gonna reuse this app and another one of theirs a lot and you can see inside a loopback what is basically what loopback allows you to do is allows you to create virtual audio interfaces inside of your computer so you can see over here I've got audio devices you know we've got my Apollo's all coming in here is a universal audio thunderbolt I've got a couple of other audio interfaces and things hooked up like my webcam and the machine but what loopback allows you to do is allows you to say I want to make a new virtual device you can name it and you can tell it exactly what you want it to listen to so I've got my streaming mic listening to channel 19 which is this microphone right here and then have that molted to channel one two so it's coming out in stereo into Luna or sorry coming out stereo into zoom so you guys can hear it but this is also gonna all feed into OBS which is the streaming software the the final piece of the puzzle that we'll get back to momentarily and that mult is super important Ben because I know I've seen a lot of people online having issues where if you're trying to send your you know the you a driver straight to OBS you're only getting you know the left and the right side so that's that malt is SuperDuper important right there yep exactly and of course you know for monitoring purposes I've got a dangerous D box over here that I monitor through so I'm comfortable not hearing my own voice and just trusting in my chain that it sounds good but I can always turn this on and I can hear myself coming back with a tiny bit of a slap back delay because this is not a latency free process at this point so that is the streaming mic that's what's going s what's feeding into OBS it's what's feeding into zoom I've got a zoom mic which is literally another loopback that is just the capture the audio coming out of zoom so you can hear all of our guests coming through check check yes but you can't hear that because he muted himself that's for the better it works the system works so again this is there's ways to do this in OBS where you can like pick off audio but as long as we were building virtual devices and using a very powerful piece of software like loopback it makes a lot of sense to do it here and again I can decide whether or not I need to monitor this personally I just have zoom automatically going out to my D box monitor and then the real fun part of the puzzle is this one here at the Luna loop so these are kind of like the three virtual devices that power this entire stream Luna loop is listening to 20 channels 29 and 30 out of my Apollo you're wondering what it what's on 29 and 30 why are those two so special because in my i/o setup 2930 on the input side this is very important so you've got my monitor left and right eye um your output over here that's what's feeding your speakers it's what tells any other any other workstation hey go out these but a really cool thing about the Apollo drivers you can also have that same what's going being fed out the monitors can also show up as an input which allows something a piece of software like loopback to see 2930 as an input that can then be fed to other places so is that hopefully this is all making sense and I haven't lost everybody gut-check everybody everybody that can hear on this call is still still flown good yeah I'm with you thanks I am totally lost but great let's I'm just gonna let you stay lost in life that's that's fine all right I'm just just trying to like represent the people out there great why don't you play something in Luna Ben we can see it and then come back to loop back and you can we can see that be very helpful because I'm yeah so it's kind of confusing you're seeing all these other meters move like I mentioned this is my streaming mic on 1917-18 I believe it's the module it's just constantly running and making noise behind me but yeah 29 and 30 this is gonna be Luna so just like so as you see I'm sure everybody's kind of wondering but I see other wires what are those other wires I also have this set up with a pass-through device and we'll get well touch on why I have a pass through here in a bit and this is especially important if you want to be like me and host other people's Luna outputs having this passed through is super important and then also notice there's one up here for the convert ad I do have an external converter that shows up as an interface and I've connected my monitor outs of my Apollo into this so I actually have a redundant set up I can either be monitoring straight off the driver which is the preferred way or if I really wanted to I could have an extra D to a a to D and then send that as my Luna I quote unquote Luna loop if you're using this whole thing you don't have to show it cuz it might you know bring everything down but maybe just direct people to where you would add a new device in this window exactly so down here well if you wanted to add a so if you want to make these loops you're gonna use the new virtual device down here to create your your loop or your device then you come up here to sources and this is where you can find either the output of an application or the different audio drivers that are available that could be used and the same goes for monitors this are all your available monitoring devices and as you can see I've got this one I do have the monitor turned on so I can be hearing whatever is coming back through the Luna loop out through my d-box monitor control and one thing we've set up on on some of our other devices for people who don't have a second audio interface if you are using say your Apollo to do your monitoring there's a cool little trick that you can do here which is set up your Q's monitor sorry no this is the part that I didn't set up in mind but I set up on everybody else's for monitoring the Q's how did how did we have you guys set up yeah look in your look in your eye oh matrix and find the Q's under output yeah I'm sorry I was looking on the input side so on the output side come over here monitor here we go one and I can go monitor on my you know so this is my monitor device monitor one left right so if you don't have the luxury of having a secondary audio interface for like a D box or something like what I'm using here we can do is you can set up you can use a cue and use loopback to feed out to that cue so let me show you guys how I would connect that and delete the default wires that's 27 yep so I can come down here I can say great left to 27 right to 28 and now anything that comes out my monitors or comes in via this pass-through it's gonna be going out through the headphone output on my on my x16 over sorry my exit yeah that would be Mac 16 which is currently configured as my cue master so this is how a lot of the guys a lot of guys here hosting with me this is how they've set up the cues but I'm in the very fortunate position of being able to just use a secondary interface to monitor through but I think just to nail this point because if you do have an Apollo and you want to do this and you want to have this sort of thing like you said like to interface workflow you don't need two interfaces you set up the cues and then if you want to hear yourself you just either go to the console or you can do it from Luna with a tracking arm mode you up send it to send it to the queue right exactly really anything you could decide I want some playback tracks in Luna go to the cue and other ones not you can you can really configure it just using it like I said Luna or the console and whatever sent to cue is what you're gonna hear in your headphones exactly you probably guys are probably seen on a few of these streams you've seen seen our talent coming in here and you know turning q1 on and turning off the pre fader this is really helpful for being able to just quickly monitor what's going on inside your mix but there's a there's a cool a shortcut that you can actually do so right now I've got all my tracks selected so if I I can change the level to all these just by rotating it thanks to selection grouping but you'll notice one of these is not moving with the others and that's the main channel so the main channel and a few things including like Nev summing bypasses it'll actually isolate itself from there for good reasons but the cool thing the little shortcut here is that since everything I have is going out this main fader I can send that that main fader I can send turn them all down let me take it out of selection grouping so now I'm just working on the main fader I can send that to q1 and now anything that's passing through my main fader will automatically go to q1 which works great until you go to overdub something so right now if I were to overdub the space and this is part of the reason why we set up this very complicated system is because we want to be able to show and demonstrate you guys the advanced real-time monitoring powers of Luna when you do that this base track that's now ready to accept signal and record it is no longer passing through my main fader it's going straight to the monitor outputs but by armed it can also be going to that Q output which is now going to my headphones so some really really kind of deep technical things that are going on here to be able to the Q but the pain is worth it to give you guys really high quality good audio and be able to make it easy so Luna can just operate as it normally operates and that's a great workflow been there like even just the idea of having a cue on the master fader it's a it's an awesome overdub mode you can just send your mix straight to the queues and then all you have to do is add whatever being overdub you have to make a whole new headphone mix just to do an overdub right mm-hmm you're totally right and so this is where the the Q output window you need to pay attention to that because you know by default and you know unless you've kind of come in here and changed it q1 will by default be listening to the mix so right now these cue settings actually don't matter because it's just gonna hear the full mix but if I take if I turn that off it's now an independent cue setting and you can even see see how these all lit up purple that's how you know that oh now these cues are actually active so mm-hmm what's the next what's the mix the mix is everything that comes out the monitor left right I believe right that's correct yeah which it does include this arm enabled track correct laughs totally yeah so isn't this kind of a shortcut like I can't so the only reason why we turn mix often here so we can get into the queue separate that's right from the source right exactly it's all about getting a more me mix or whatever it is that you want to get out of queues in general like you said if you wanted to do like a mirroring to the main to a separate output other than the main yo order go to your headphones that's why you would turn the mix off and like like you just said you know it's a mirror of what comes out of the main output and we kind of figured that's like the most like wanted feature when you're just taking Apollo out of the box you want to plug in your headphones and have it be the same as what's going to the monitors but you might need to mute your monitors right yep you know more advanced you know cue routing or headphone next type of setup you might want to again give a performer something different than what you're hearing in the control room or even if you're in the same room you might want a separate mix for any number of reasons totally yeah so that's why you know being in a small little tracking production room mixing room here I typically just leave my cues on this way and again having that secondary audio interfaces made my setup a touch simpler in some senses but if you're setting this up at home and you're just working off of a twin or an x4 or just any Apollo yeah it's really important to the setup your cue system and you wanted to be in a way so that what you're feeding to that loop back is is exactly what you want to become you know what's going to the loop back is what's coming out of your speakers but sometimes you're gonna want something slightly different in your headphones and that's where you gonna come into Q output take it off of the mix and then you know you can little quick little cheat is to use the main fader assign it to the cue but then you have to be aware that you now need to also send to the cue for for any tracks that are now record enabled because they're not passing through this main fader anymore and your cue is no longer listening to your monitor outputs hopefully that all makes sense it's the cues our cues are always the most complicated part of any recording studio or any system cue routing headphones monitors multiple things like this this is always going to be the most confusing part of the process so if you guys have made it through this and it's all still making sense and how should I say question came in how do you use audio movers inside of Luna well it's you can actually just do it you can hit listen to put it on your main fader and this would be a wonderful solution especially if you doing like a mix session if you're not doing any overdubs but the same thing the reason why we didn't set it up this way and we went with a more complicated route is because as soon as I armed enable this bass track it's no longer passing through this main fader so you would you would hear the entire mix just - this one track so what we needed is we needed a way to be able to hear both you know everything that's coming out of this main fader in real-time as well as anything that's in our mode or you know our voices etc so that was the only reason why we didn't install it into the session or didn't insert audio movers into the session itself and instead we use this very complicated way of looping back cuz we're about halfway there on the audio setup we use this Luna loopback to create a virtual device that is you know taking my full main outputs and then I go to the other super wonderful application by a rogue amoeba called audio hijack an audio hijack is really really cool app that allows you it has some similarities honestly to loopback and there may actually be a way to do everything we were doing and loop back inside of hijack the only difference that I know of is that loopback is a system-level thing so these devices are as I showed you guys showing up in my audio MIDI setup as as independent devices whereas audio hijack just kind of takes you know it can take audio from one place do things to it and send it to another place that's the long and short of what hijack is doing plugins exact and most importantly exactly it hosts plugins so as you can see I've got a little a beautiful star this I believe I've learned this formula in chemistry class back in high school let me let me go and turn this hijack on chemical symbol for boron loon on so you can see I've set this up a couple times that demonstrate to people how this all works so I've got a few extra enacted devices on here but what the way I'm using this is I'm using that Luna loop so this loopback device that we've created that's always listening to my monitor outputs so it's always getting the main fader it's always getting any arm enabled track are all being you know now represented by Luna loop I can create an input device and it's listening to Luna loop don't have to do any fancy settings and then you can drag and drop audio unit effects into this chain so that's connected to listen to which is the the audio movers sending plug-in so this is if I log in I can start transmission I can copy the link and now I can send I could send this link to my co-host or to anybody that that needs to listen in and have you know 320 kilobyte AAC full stereo with a point six second delay to try and keep things so somewhat synchronized so this is this is what we set up for you know fab and for Vance and jazzy jeff all of our guests this is what they're setting up on their system is it's basically they don't use the Luna loop they use this one which is like I said it's exactly what we set up inside of loopback which is a an input device it's listening to the thunderbolt and so listening to my monitor left/right inputs and those are now you know I could easily turn this one off and turn this one on and now listen to is listening to the output of my Luna Rick just like that so if if I had sent this link to anyone they would now be hearing full stereo full quality exactly what I was hearing inside of Luna in real time more or less you know with like less than a second of lag which is considering us the Internet is a pretty fantastic turnaround so that's the sending portion of this loop and then of course me being me being a host being a person that's receiving audio from fab and jazzy and all of our guests and even you know Tom and Dru and all anyone that needs to send me audio that we're gonna go to broadcast with I have to listen to receiver in the same exact project so this one is waiting for me to pace session link and hit connect and as you can see that that is outputting to my Luna loop and that was that was the importance of having that pass-through available here so now when you know when Drew or Tom or somebody sends me audio from their rig it shows up here on the past through device and goes into the same destination as the output from my Luna rig so two OBS and to zoom to anywhere that I'm sending this audio it appears no differently than if it's coming out of my rigger if it's coming out of some remote presenters rig and again you saw on hijack I've got a secondary monitor here for my D box that I can turn on or off if I need to but since I'm monitoring that Luna loop inside of inside of loopback I don't need to and the good part is as you saw when when I play back in Luna you'll notice that the signal is flowing here it's going into the listened to plug-in it's flowing back out but then it gets to this receiver plug-in and it actually doesn't pass through this this is stopping the the continuance of that it's otherwise we'd get a really killer feedback loop of this is this is outputting and it's feeding right back and do itself it's a we actually in troubleshooting this we I did create a couple feedback loops and hurt my ears very very slightly but the cool thing is that this automatically does mute any input which as designated by those orange lines signal signal and then gets to here and there's nothing until somebody remotely sends me some audio and then it gets injected into the Luna blue I know this feels like I'm back teaching a college course here this is a how-to over you know transport audio audio transportation 301 now it's cool because now people are gonna be able to you know this is gonna be up on YouTube and people are gonna better watch and re-watch this and slow it down and take it into bit into smaller chunks and really digest what you're doing here so that's great and if you know if I've send this up for any other purpose then then you know be able to do these live streams I would honestly set up this part I would get hijack and I would set this up for being able to if you want to collaborate with people in real time you can you know do say you just wanna do sessions you just want to do vocal overdubs or attended mixing session while we're all locked away this is a great tool to have in your tool kit so that you can be on a zoom call with your client or with uh with your collaborators you can have them load it up and zoom over here or on your desktop you know but whatever floats your boat but then you can set up hijack to be automatically sending anything that's coming out of Luna and I mean you know the speed with anything that's coming out of your Apollo to the Internet so you can you can use the same trick that we're showing here with Pro Tools logic Ableton anything that's using an Apollo as your interface you can do this trick and then everything that's coming out your speakers is now able to go to a collaborator thanks to the audio movers plug-in that's instantiated here so this is this is kind of the the the real cool thing that we that we've been doing and is allowed us to bring in high fidelity audio from people all across the world and Ben to be clear this is not from a latency standpoint this is not really set up for live performances and live overdubbing from rig to rig right exactly yeah you wouldn't want to try to like all play on the same beat together but yeah but you know just like what we did with Sam yesterday morning you know we set up on Sam system he was he had this portion of it he had his monitor outputs connected to audio movies and then I was listening and then sending that out to the broadcast so you know you can use it you still get a fairly real-time performance out of it and especially if audio fidelity matters to your live stream and getting high fidelity audio from somewhere else matters this is as far as I can tell the best way to get that stuff happening you just you know you gotta accept that things aren't gonna be perfectly in sync and you I'm sure you guys have seen this in our broadcast as well like you may hear like a little bit of the guitar coming through the microphone but then also coming out through the audio movers and they could be a little off sometimes so that's where you would want to come in and just have them adjust the latency as much as their bandwidth would handle to get those lined up but also you may need to you know be like me and just kind of casually over here muting and unmuting unmuting your hosts or the the remote presenters so people are able to hear the best quality audio possible so yeah so that's that's loopback that's hijack that's cue monitoring and then the final part this is the the audio sorry the video narrating part of it we use OBS which is incredible open source open broadcasting software and so all of these things end up coming in as multiple devices so you know what you guys see on stream is exactly what I see on my computer monitor that's happening with this display capture device and then and I stacked up a bunch of audio devices so we've got loopback which is the Luna loop so this is where we hear what's coming out of my Luna rig or any remote presenters Luna rig we've got streaming mic which is this amazing microphone we've got zoom audio which you can hear that check check check it's we hear all the birds from afar coming in and then we've got a couple you know I've got a couple like the lunar crawler which you guys have probably seen on air a couple times that's a video little pop-up that comes in we've got a little you a live bug that pops up and I've set up a couple other and we've been testing some other stuff to show you guys I'm sure you've seen over my shoulder other cameras appearing and disappearing so this this all handles that and something else I I'm pretty sure you guys have noticed on our streams is that I've figured this out when we were doing pyramix live streams all the time we typically we're audio noise we want to hear the music we want to hear the audio even if that means not hearing as much of the voice and sometimes you know especially people don't have headphones on you can have you can have stuff coming out of speakers back into the mic and it all sounds phasee and weird and not great so one of the things that we've gone in and set up on these is filters there's on both the streaming mic and the Zoom audio mic they're both listen they're both doing a sidechain ducking inside of OBS so they're listening to Luna loopback so as soon as I play back music you should not be able to eat you guys should have barely been able to hear me say that because I was ducked down about 10 20 DB and so I was this is my personal preference I know some people say that they would like it to be the other way I've even seen comments people to be like hey I can't hear what you guys are saying while the music's going you shouldn't be talking while the music's going because it's that's that's the focus there so we do have this set up to do that way but if you really prefer the other way you could you could do the exact opposite and go to the loop back inside OBS and tell it's a sidechain duck based on what you're saying on the vocal mic and then yeah we just have as you guys know there's the opening countdown scene it's just plays back a video of silence there's a luna trailer that I start and ending show with the news are all just set up as scenes inside of OBS and there's a just camera which is the little dumb ensure that I've done on all these where I talk to you guys for five seconds and then quickly get to the everybody else and then there's that final hold screen when I've set up a couple of scenes for the after-hours mixed sessions there again just various OBS combinations of graphics and camera placements and stuff like that but yeah that's I think in a nutshell sorry I was completely ignoring all these questions did was there anything that people didn't MIT that they missed or want me to go over again or anything that wasn't super clear cuz as far as I know that's basically the entire setup you guys can all now steal this exact formula you can start your own universal audio YouTube channel and start competing with us I don't I do care please don't do that but it'd be kind of funny if you did just send Ben an email saying thank you yeah and maybe a check I don't know you know it's it's up to you I owe you exactly donations yeah get some venmo going exactly Martin's in the chat look out and obviously the the fun thing has been inside of you a everyone's as soon as we started doing the office hours me and all the guys with our broadcast microphones and I advanced our console set we've we've now set a trend inside of us a even in our department alone like almost half the people in soon calls now have set up SM sevens or 58 inside console and hooked it up into soo so they can sound get on on our morning calls as well well no joke I just came out of a meeting to come here I'm gonna leave in five minutes to go to the next one and yeah we get a lot of comments I go man your mic sounds really nice mm-hmm so if you only take away one thing for this video and that's how to set up have a setup from console it set up a nice microphone so you sound better than everybody else on you zoom calls just watch the first part of this video where we're sitting same console vocal chain and then loop back to be able to create a very specific device that gets you in mono for four zoom calls that's kind of that's a Power Move yeah that's a Power Move it really is and our photographer at UA is he has his camera he's got the sony a7s hooked up with a cam link so now he shows up to our meetings and he's just all dark he's like moody with incredible depth of field and we're just like the painting it looks it looks absolutely beautiful I'm incredibly jealous but uh you know he was jealous of my audio setup too so you know you can get him there was a there was a question in the in the YouTube chat about like he's not getting the audio and you know can you talk a little bit about maybe troubleshooting or into a couple of little trouble yeah so yeah so the caveat the the things to watch out for number one thing to pay attention to in my experience of using these these things is in audio MIDI setup make sure that everything is on the same sample rate so most of these devices will set this stuff automatically for you but don't worry about the webcam but especially your virtual devices and then anything that your virtual devices are referencing just Park it at a sample rate and don't move it because if you do if you do move that sample rate around that's I was having dropouts and weird things happen in there's also so loop back loads at the very beginning it's it's a level you know to be able to show up or might not be Colonel level don't quote me on that but it is a very low level things for these to show up as audio drivers in here every once in a while I'll see meters moving in here like the like the driver is working like everything's happening like it's supposed to be like all of these will be going but actually it it doesn't make it to the output so that OBS or the other platforms can see it so a lot of times in the morning I actually do it I do two cycles of booting one they kind of wake up all the drivers and load them up once and then do a quick restart not a full you don't want to power down and power up there's something about again I'm also working on a hackintosh so there's weird things the that's your problem the problem is probably my hackintosh and thunderbolt drivers are always weird but doing that basically this is long way of saying if you're running into trouble so you're not getting audio try restart yeah 90% of the time it sometimes you'll see like Jerry over Tom or some of these guys drop off of the stream they're typically restarting the machine because they lost audio yeah it does it's not I don't it doesn't matter about the hackintosh maybe maybe you have different issues but but yeah you're right this is toughest this stuff is so low level that it's definitely reboots help a lot and sometimes a couple you know a couple times it's that was the main thing I want to get across the Sam parade thing and just when we found that there's no meters and loopback sometimes just quitting everything that's open kind of starting you know with loopback and audio hijack and then the apps on top that seems to work for me pretty reliably yeah and that you know speaking of which this is super nerdy but like generally I don't like to shut down my machine with apps open so that when it reboots it tries to relaunch those apps I always quit everything all the way down and then shut down I'm not to be well I do cleaner starts yeah and also when you do the restart you can there's this little checkbox reopen windows when logging back in this seems to launch back and it doesn't try to restart chrome or loopback or all these other programs don't hit that restart button right now I'm gonna industry in one of these days by just restarting my machine just pull it pull O'Connor yeah that's a little inside joke but it's it's near the end of the hour so the everyone that's on here you guys are all on inside jokes along with us so yeah if you're not getting meters in Tobias try restart yeah if you run into any issues try restart I was definitely pulling my hair out for an entire Sunday being like this is all working loopback is lighting up why am I not getting anything to OBS as soon as I you know as soon as I left for the day came back the next day startup my machine it all magically worked and was like oh yeah troubleshoot 101 restart your machine yep I've also found with OBS I don't know if you found the same been removing devices while OBS is open like if you're removing a camera audio device can crash OBS mmhmm absolutely even though you even like a USB thumb drive like any any i/o changes or any hot swapping or hot plugging of anything just don't do it with OBS yeah the cool thing about OBS is that will remember your settings when it restarts so that's cool downside of OBS is that it's only got one configuration so that's we're getting into creating the scenes on the far bottom left there's kind of critical if you want to set up for multiple live streams with different guest or different scenarios yeah exactly and this is this is the thing that allows me to you know except for when we go to solo mix you know adds adds a camera of me on and I guess you guys are seeing this on the stream right now this is very you're getting the inside baseball here but and also love it you'll you'll appreciate this they do you can actually load up different scene collections and you can export them as well so I could share and I will be sharing all of these with with the other hosts here on our office hours so you can import export scene collections which would give you all this most of all the settings and and everything that's contained inside the scenes but then they also have profiles and this actually we've been testing around with getting a better Instagram live streaming solution so what I did is instead of messing up the one I know that works that's very it's highly important that we're able to pull off all these office hours I created new profiles to be testing out new things inside of both for scenes and also for profiles which controls your output settings inside OBS it's a user error on my part I was looking for that kind of thing under the file menu it's the obvious place to even think of a show right right exactly you know but just like Luna OBS has there's no saving it's just always saved and and you know pulls back up with your with your last known settings which is really great so yeah that's guys that's how you that's how you stream like UA does if you do if you guys run into issues with this you know I'd say show up oh come to the after-hours try it I'll be here I'll be back here in two hours doing an actual mix so I wouldn't it be fully bothered if we got a few if I had to answer a few more questions about this but I would add more so recommend just rewinding this video watching it twice taking notes I saw somebody was asking for a flow chart yeah that would be wonderful if somebody if somebody makes a flow chart we will share it with us and we will reshare that back out to the world because I get I got I got a mix do I get I don't get time to be making flow charts for this stuff guys I wish I know it's you know it's really cool Ben is that you can do your mix on one point zero point two because it came out you're all able to get one point zero point two now in the in the downloads page at you audio comm as well as directly in the app if you click check for updates in the lunar menu we're next time you watch you'll get one point 0.2 1.0 version number again you know the second numeral at the third decimal place at version one Bravo well great guys I hope this was a this was fun and interesting for you guys it was a really big nerdy deep dive into into how we set up the spaghetti and toothpicks to make these office hours but as you see the result is I can tell you from my point of view as the person hosting these and kind of running the majority of the system once it's all set up and running it actually it works so I'm able to just turn the rig on in the morning I send these guys a zoom a password-protected zoom invite which is also important pro tip there if you're using zoom to do this stuff zoom all publishers you can see that number for your call all over the place on these streams password protect your things so you don't get zoom bombed by some randos oh sorry I did I did forget one piece of equipment that I really am enjoying that's this little the stream deck allows got one too yep so this is sitting over to my right and this allows me to quickly you know turn on the little thing from the bottom allows me to turn on the little bug over here but then I can also just you know go back and forth between scenes just with the press of a button which is super dope so yeah if you're if you're at all thinking about streaming and doing setups like this o stream decks super cool and I've also this is a little inside baseball over here notice one of them sorry everything's backwards this is hard one of them there's a little uno logo I've been playing with setting up Luna shortcuts inside my stream deck as well so you can see I put all the transport it's pre-roll playlist metronome all the you know you can you can set this up with just key commands so if you guys are looking for like a tactile way to execute keyboard shortcuts inside of Luna this is this is the way they've even got like an iPhone companion app which I think you have to subscribe to to book sometimes I think yeah it's inexpensive I love the hardware just having that tactile button and not having to go on my phone to do it but that's another option if you're looking for something you've already got lying around if you've got your smartphone that's another option too yeah yeah awesome guys well man this have been been a fun walk down my inside the pipes of you a live streams hope you guys enjoyed this walkthrough and again if you have questions watch the video again then show up at the after hours maybe I'll get to a question or two about this but you know we're gonna be doing much more fun things and talking about live streaming in that one we're gonna actually be like you know mixing a song doing like music things what I thought this was the I thought this was the rogue amoeba after hours Oh major chatter rogue amoeba thank you for making incredible software that allows us to do very complicated things all inside of one box I liked my ambiguous comment better or if I'm out you couldn't tell if I was like like knocking them or loving on it is the latter be the the one that puts a nail pin in the nail Wow venez lost it please hit the feedback button alright good guys well thank you so much for joining us for this office hours I'll catch you guys all later [Music] you you
Channel: Universal Audio
Views: 9,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O0vLm7q8iFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 52sec (4372 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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