Lumnah Acres 40x40 Shop Build Concrete

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wow good morning so this is finally we get over here to to alumnus Alan Gina it's a 6 30 in the morning and we're getting ready it's beautiful 62 degrees foggy and we're going to pour this slab Alan Gina set it all up put the they have insulation down they have tubing radiant tubing in there they did all the rebar the form work they put the grade Stakes out in the middle so we can get a nice flat plane all the way across there no floor drain in this it's going to be a shop you can see where they've stubbed the radiant radiant tubing up through for a manifold wow what a big day this is going to be let's go take a closer look at this look at that really nice job we have concrete coming in about 20 minutes is the plan he was two years ago we did the other project built their house and work area over there and this place has changed so much I haven't been back since it's been really nice to come back and see it again they've done a lot of work here looks really great they're doing they're laying everything out very well so it's efficient for them so I'm gonna see if I can get the Drone up and get a little video it's a little foggy it should be fun we'll see what happens so here's the first load coming gonna have three it's a 3500 PSI mix that we're going to be working with we'll pour around a six slump the temperature that is beautiful the weather 62 degrees you just can't beat that it should be good until the fog Burns off and then it's going to warm up but we'll be able to pour all of this in the decent working temperatures in the 60s is really nice so you don't break into a sweat as much so they're over there chit chatting not sure which driver we have I can't get over how much this has changed since I was here two years ago they've been doing an amazing job here okay let's get this thing going so he's adding he's a mixing the water you know it's funny I bought these boots I had no idea that they said boss on them [Music] I don't know why my boots still wet they were out the back of the truck all night pouring rain no they weren't they're pretty good [Music] okay [Music] how are you good how are you nice to be out here in the presence of a couple of you what's that nice to be out here in the presence of a couple famous YouTubers oh I'll tell you what yeah I was hoping we could pour like a thing across here yeah he said just sprinkle some kind of kind of kind of that down a little bit there maybe or yeah yeah did you go with the four four thousand oh it was two dollars for a yard yeah perfect it's called to check in like what's in the next Up 3 500. yes what do you say that's the grade right at the top of the board oh oh yeah yeah sure oh yeah yep what do you think huh looks dry I think that's good yep all done you can do it all actually hey we need that other mic going I'll be right back I gotta make up one of those guys you mind wearing that yeah you do you do mine want a nail nail that down yeah oh right how's it going over there I have really slacked off this year they uh the guys they're carrying more of the load yeah do you need my help are you good [Applause] just wanted to find the it's pretty much no really I can jump in whenever you want can you can you set me on that nail because um okay if you could go over there I'll ride it on I guess we had to actually go pull that that way beautiful now we now we'll go this way down through people ask about standing on things under you can feel the rebar underneath so you know if you're stepping on it too hard or even the radiant so we're just careful with that when we walk hey Chad can you what can you pull as we go if necessary hold it when you're squeezing across like this it's good to and you stop to pick it up so because it settles in if you don't pick it up as you go then you get divots I'm good whatever here I think we'll we'll have to get this across here we'll get get from this bar to that bar can can we do uh here oh you couldn't hear me oh [Music] hold it right there man so that's what we need uh I think we can pull it over either way will they loan it out there's one load out of three could you hold that on that nail for a sec so we're a little low here uh Dan you want to do this side now yeah call that guy shoot go through the back and then we can give him back okay yeah that way we gotta work flat yeah that's good [Music] all right were you able to screed that at all oh whoops foreign we're going to need another shot in here yeah get a little more in here just kind of right through here yep one night and one ninth of it done [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] can we pour over there so that we come out past the great stake okay hello [Music] where's all your concrete keep going wow I am feeling it with it being a bigger slab typically we don't have the grade Stakes out in the middle uh they're usually smaller so it doesn't require as much effort this one we really we want to make sure we get a good flat plane all the way around so we have Nails in the grade Stakes and uh We've set those when that's done we'll pull the stakes out then we're going to power screed everything I'm taking a break this is where we always wonder if we have enough concrete 33 yards [Applause] [Music] you guys sweating yet are you sweating yet yeah yeah I'll try that huh [Music] [Music] we did it you said there was a half yard left over so that's pretty good so we're going to take a short break and then we'll hit it with a power screed and uh then we wait we have a delivery coming today of all the framing Lumber and so on there where except I'm too tired I don't know if I'll be able to work on it in between waiting for concrete to uh be power troweled I was going to take and work on that but uh this fog is starting to burn off starting to get kind of warm oh by the way we had three trucks all three drivers were great it's so much easier when they can place the concrete as needed [Music] Chad is a beast I thought we were going to wait a while on power Street and he's right on it I've got to go and get the grade Stakes out of there [Music] they look like I'm messing up the concrete and I am [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hitting the whole thing with the power Street I imagine Dan will come right behind him for the boat float and we'll get out all any uh imperfections [Music] okay I guess we're time to power travel thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we got it um we had to water down wet down a lot of the concrete so we could still work it Chad's finishing up just a little spot there that's the rental Trail we'll return that and pick up and we'll be back later to put up a building Hey so uh Chad and Dan and where's where's Al oh there you are right here oh I can't hardly see I'm so pooped hey it went well thanks Al for you had a great uh preparation for this he did all the site work did the radiant and the rebar and the insulation and the forms it's a great job like you guys you guys did a great job today well thanks it looks good I can't wait to stop building it all right okay see you later see you in a few weeks
Channel: Kens Karpentry
Views: 62,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U6kHlaEuG0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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