LULC using ArcGIS/ Supervised Classification

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so hallo hi everyone today we are going to see how to do land use land cover in our GIS so first of all we are going to add our data so I'm going to use band number two sorry one two three four five six and seven just add this data here so as you can see I have added my data right here these are my bands it is from band number one to brand number seven so the next thing is that we are going to do image analysis in that they are going to do image composite through which these seven bands are combined together and giving us a output so with that we are going to do our land use land cover map so first of all for that select imagery so select the seven image arrays available for doing so I have selected the seven imagery now I'm going to composite together so this is a tool from where we are going to join the bands together so just click it so within minutes the process will be completed as you can see my composite as mage has been come out here so the next thing is that I am going to remove my other bands right here so you can see this is the composite image of the study area so as you can see right now I have converted my satellite imagery to true color composite then from there I have converted my image to a false color composite so I haven't shown you right here but you can just change it here and you can shake the arrangements and accordingly you can set the false-color composite so now we are going to save this image because it's been saved in the temporary file so we need to save that data export data so I am going to check the file format right here so now I'm going to export it go to the option data from the Select export data from there so just select your output file right now I'm going to create my file just add it and if you'd like to give some other name you can just change it right here itself and you can change the file format to here and just save it so as you can see here I have exported my image and just add it into my ArcGIS so right there beyond unit we are going to do the land use land cover for this Emmy further right now we are going to select Customize from they go to the ocean X extensions from there select spatial analysis tool so that we can work with the image in a image classification tool so then the next thing is that click on right click on in the top position from there go to the image classification so you can select you can see that automatically the image has been selected so now we are going to do our lunc so as you can see this is the tool this called as our training sample manager through which you are going to give a signature using the polygon tool right here so I'm going to click on this polygon tool of doing my utilization for exacting the extracting the value of this feature right now I'm going to start with the water bodies so you if you open the saw training sample manager it's automatically added just close it and make for doing a better classification we need to select a better or a large number of samples so that it will be more accurate during the annual sea so right now you can see I have selected around five different water bodies from the satellite imagery for doing my analysis so the next thing is that we are going to merge it together just select by pressing ctrl button and just use this option to merge the training samples and just queue a water bodies or whatever you like water bodies I'm going to give it so the next thing is that we are going to do it for the other areas like this is my barren land like that we are going to collect the sample across the satellite imagery so I have another five fields for this of barren lands and just going to match it together and next is that I'm going to define it for this high vegetation and moderate vegetation with that I am going to end up my L u L C so this these are my high vegetation region the high vegetation regions can be found out using the visualization if the red color is darker its high vegetation and if it's a light in color it's a low vegetation or it can be a agricultural area as well next is my next use I am going to do it for fluid station or a critical area so as you can see the lighter patches which is going to be coming under it's going to be coming under a moderately station or low weight station so make sure you collect a lot of samples so that the result will be more accurate and better so now I'm going to combine together I'm just going to give it as vegetation so this I am going to do my annual C so the next thing is this save your file save me a signature file I have created a separate folder from there I am going to save it yes okay the next thing is that just close it or suppose then the input an instruction is there try to minimize the area by doing the land use land cover because usually it occurs when we do for it we are doing for a large area it automatically comes that an error comes which states that memories food so try to do the land use land cover for your study area itself not beyond that it will be crashing so now the next thing is that I have saved the file now we are going to go to the classification from the a select intra interactive supervised classification so as you can see here the results have been out so the next thing is that we are going to change the color select accordingly so as you can see here the classification has been now done correctly and you can see the water and barren lands highway station region and low vegetation region so so such a simple way to do the land use land cover for any region so thank you for watching my video keeps the pudding
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 31,389
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: LULC, Landuse, Landcover, ArcGIS, Supervised Classification, Image Signature, Image Classification, Landuse/Landcover
Id: JFgarULdRPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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