Luke & Tannah Zancanaro sing ‘Skin’ & ‘Heroes’ | The Voice Stage #93

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[Applause] hello no Lovel you guys have done with the place looks fantastic hey yeah hi my name is tan Zen canaro I'm Luke zanara we're husband and wife we are we got married in October last year yeah and it's going well cuz we're still married yeah that's when you know it's going to last best am I it was just incredible yeah and it was like his big blue eyes and his blue bow tie that like perfectly matched his eyes and I was like oh my gosh that's amazing you try and build yourself up for how beautiful someone's going to look and it was actually the best I'd ever looked I couldn't believe it I was like I will probably never look like this again this is amazing we're both professional musicians full-time that's what we do we perform a lot around Sydney as a Duo but tonight instead of Performing as a duo we thought we'd let each other do our own thing I think it's good for our growth as individuals even though we sound amazing together it's nice for us to sort of be our own person our own artist yeah we going first going to lead the team out team zanara yeah I can feel the nerves definitely starting to kick in now I'm not going to see Luke's audition I'm going to be back here getting ready for mine I won't know whether he's turned a chair like I won't know anything it's daunting to think that the coaches might not turn and it'll be devastating if one of us don't get in but they would be craziness turn around for [Music] Luke he's [Music] incredible see you after very quiet footsteps Sky come on L when I heard that song when the Ws came down I was thinking about o jeez about you oh I love it already my heart R from the dark help us I surr did it [Music] sh CU it was almost love it was almost love it was almost love it was almost love when I heard that time when the W came down I was thinking about you about you where my skin was over oh when my blood runs cold I was thinking about you I was thinking about you cuz it was almost it was almost love it was almost love yeah man it was [Music] almost wow hi what's your name Luke zenaro how are you feeling right now you got four chair T pretty stoked we all know you can sing like everyone knows from that that you can sing so now it's about shaping what sort of artist you want to be and that's the thing I'm most passionate about I'm just invested in in helping people because I've been there like I've been exactly where you're standing and I know the power of how that moment can turn into a career I know I'm coming out of the gate strong I'm like pitching straight away cuz I'm I'm just I'm feeling you I'm feeling he's a new guy he's a new guy and I'm just sitting there thinking don't fall for it don't fall for it no I love you man like I love your voice and I just think we could create some really magic moments together thank you man it means heaps today just to hear you erupt like you literally erupted on stage you got a four chair turn it's pretty surreal so we're we're all like going to be at it right now and we're going to probably go against each other back and forth but you just make your decision just tell them you want to be on team Kelly and we can move on and we're all going to say we can do better than the other one and that's true obviously my case I would love to work with you I love being a coach I've been here for eight years and I love it with all my heart eight years I believe I can bring out the best people I believe that I love connecting with you and your heart and I just want to be the Catalyst to what you want that's funny cuz I think the same I think I can also bring out the best in you and I won't distract you you distract you no I don't think so I W distract you that's important do you want to concentrate on your music come to team George wow L come on my team l come on my day come here come here we can all do it we're all capable what do you want to learn yeah that's the question what do you want to learn who can teach you the most look he's right if um if I'm being honest I like this is the most surreal experience I never thought that I would turn all four chairs it doesn't really you don't think that it's going to happen um well we need to knock that out of you because you got to [Applause] [Music] believe I'd love to work with all of you but I'm going to be honest I'm going to have to go with Delta thank [Applause] you he wants the distraction yeah of course he wants the distraction girl all right yay bye we'll go this [Applause] [Music] way oh I love that I've never had to like be a Salesman and for you can say things that we you can say things that we can't and you do and so it's that's interesting cuz you you've been through this and you're a success story of this do you know what I mean you've you've been successful so you you that's a big appeal people are like yeah well he knows what he's doing you know G her in the Hat what does he know hey well done he was awesome was good how are you nerves you're through but like yeah I think I'm um definitely more nervous vatana yeah I just want by I wanted to do the best I think everyone does it's healthy yeah I was affected by [Music] nerves it feels weird that I didn't get to see Luke's audition I have no idea how he went I'm singing Heroes by David Bowie It's A Hard song they start off really low and then I flip up the octave but flipping up the octave has always been like my scary place I know that I'll only do my best performance if I believe in myself but I'm really scared my voice won't really be good [Music] enough come on Wow us wow us wow us wow wow wow I I wish you could swim like the dolphin like the Dolphins can swim though nothing nothing will keep us together oh we can't be heroes just us for one day and I I will begin king and you you will be Queen beautiful nothing you got me it's warming up we can be heroes really getting there just for come on come on yeah I'm [Applause] [Music] in hello hello no what is going on excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me hello is this your boo that's your boo this is my boo oh I bet you didn't think that was going to happen did you four chair turns for both of you did you think four chairs oh yeah what's your name Tana zenaro great song Choice why did you choose that song I really really wanted to do an iconic song and kind of just make it my own if you choose a person like B that means you want to be an individual I hope I do so then you come to me the boyfriend the boyfriend's with Delta that would be a mistake to go with Delta even though she's then I could look after both of you no only one person can win only one person can win the show yes so Choose Wisely he is up on his look at him walking and pacing with those blue [Applause] shoes so tenner I mean there was moments in the song where it it it wasn't perfect there was there was some Pitch issue but part of our job as a coach is to look at what we can find and extract the goodness and and I hear so much character and and husky soulfulness in your voice and uh you know there's a lot to extract I I look forward to to working with you if I could because I think I could extract some bwomen I think she's perfect already that's why I turned yeah this is the place for you to be you know what I mean this is exactly where you're supposed to be and I would love love to be there with you on this journey you have such an incredible gift and you have to continue to share and pour that out to everybody thank you thank you you did a beautiful connected performance and I think that that raw talent that we heard there was what we all connected to of course I would love to have you on my team as well you're okay okay okay I'm going to put a little fun fact out there but the first ever CD I ever bought that I used to listen to on my Walkman was Guy Sebastian so I'm going to go with you [Applause] [Music] guys I did not see that [Applause] coming [Music] so wow you're competing against each other now no you can't say it is competing comp well done guys well [Music] done hey all right so you're my first you're my first one that was cute that was super cute that was super cute yeah I couldn't call that one I didn't know who she was going to go with I thought she was going to go with you I'm going to pretend to be Australian who you yeah I'm sure I'm relate to someone [Music] here we've 104 chairs it's huge it's like the the best game scenario I'm just so excited but you were the Great thing that happened to me that took [Music] my
Channel: Best of The Voice
Views: 3,607,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Of The Voice, The Voice, Blind Auditions, Blind Audition, Voice, the voice best auditions, La Voz, The Voice 2023, La Voz 2023, The Voice 2024, La Voz 2024, Best Blind Auditions, The Voice Australia, Full Blind Audition, The Voice Australia 2024, The Voice Australia 2023, Luke Zancanaro, Tannah Zancanaro, Couple, Married, Guy Sebastian, Delta Goodrem, Delta, Boy George, Kelly Rowland, Valentine, Valentine's day, Duet, Duo, wedding, husband, wife, The Stage
Id: oo-ZrP1AXJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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