Luenell on Cassie Accusing Diddy of Being a Cuckold (Part 2)

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well Cassie sued him for $30 million and got it well she got something I'm sure substantial but I have never seen a settlement this fast I have never my 15 years of covering the news usually takes a few weeks a month six months 48 Hours like next day he said take that take that take that before she put the phone down the money was in her account I have never seen that and and the thing is I feel like that makes them look way more guilty exactly I know how settlements work I mean I I've had lawsuits I've settled it is what but never that fast we'll drag it out we'll drag it out get the number down go back and forth like you know at the end of the day settling does not mean that you're guilty it just means that you'd rather pay this amount rather than pay a potentially bigger amount by going to court like Michael yeah like Michael and and he regrets ever doing that settlement by the way cuz I remember I interviewed his lawyer and Michael told him that was the worst mistake he ever made people got in his ear and said listen just settle with this kid and it'll be over you're going to make way more money but it created a domino effect which once again in Diddy's case has created a domino effect I think four other women have stepped forward and claim this and claim that um I mean have you heard stories have you you know talked to people does this surprise you that this is happening yeah actually I've not I had not heard anything about anything like that I'd heard about Shady business practices I'd heard about you know the the typical biggie p uh Rumor Mill yeah but I had not heard anything about Diddy's uh you know alleged sexual exploits and abuse I had not well the thing about this lawsuit was that it had so many interesting little details in it like what flad well DOA apparently in the lawsuit in a woman came forward who was a friend of Cassie who actually talked to Cassie about this particular situation I might have seen something about they were called free cofs oh yeah yes so according to the lawsuit Diddy would ask Cassie to find escorts or whatever large endowed men big black dicks guys bbcs with bbcs so he could watch her have relations with these men while he pleasured himself now there's a term for this what cuckle cuckle there you go cuckle not my thing no not not my thing it's never been my thing you know it's not it's just not not something no not really no not at all actually never done it never planed on doing it it the fact that this potentially happened because there was uh I guess like a friend of Cassie just did an interview recently she was a producer or a songwriter and she says something to the effect of Diddy wouldn't let her basically work on music unless she would do stuff like this for him and uh yeah all this is in the lawsuit and it's now going to be a permanent part of Diddy's Legacy well I have questions yeah what are your questions glasses come off okay so I don't uh I have been taken advantage of in my life as well right we talked about that yeah okay but I don't uh understand how anybody can make you do that like are the doors locked you can't leave I know these people got big mansions that's secluded sometime you don't have good phone service but I don't see how anybody can make you unless you've got and this is no shaming on on Cassie yeah or anybody in that situation I just don't understand I don't understand how somebody could like you could not make me [ __ ] him you and you're bigger than me and all that you could not make me [ __ ] him without tearing up this entire [ __ ] room right that's just me yeah you can't make me do that unless there's a gun involved so I don't understand how that happens in then they around for months and months and months and years and years years eight years I think and then you go out in this per Persona and you're smiling and you're H this person like I don't I I just don't understand I don't understand how that works I don't I don't get that well I talked to booy about this and he feels that Cassie is either traumatized or she loved every minute with Cassie is either either she was traumatized by what she been through either she was traumatized she was sick and hurt or she loved every minute of it one or the other or both or neither maybe she just I mean you know and then what happens to your family you don't talk to your family or anybody in your family on any regular basis and you can't talk on the phone cuz the phone's maybe a bug or I I don't you know somebody would my family knows my voice right well well from what I understand cuz people have spoken about this um her family her parents would be would get involved when the abuse would happen and puffy would like buy him something or you know kind of pay him off and then they would leave for a while and then at the end then they would come back again like OJ and the C Brown Simpson's parents yes cuz they knew too right but he bought them chicken franchises and Cadillacs and [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] like so you whing your your child out pretty much pretty much and you know look is it a coincidence that she filed a lawsuit after marrying a personal trainer and no longer having the lifestyle that she was used to after all these years through most of her adult life I think that's that's part of it you you got to you got to you gotta you know because she never pressed criminal charges against him I know it was a civil case which means it's money now you could say no I'm doing it to make things right but if that's the case sue for a dollar you know what I'm saying no you're suing for 30 million so money is definitely no matter what you say money is the focus of that loss it is but and I think that also when people sue for that large amount of money that's the only way they feel like maybe they can hurt that person is in their pocketbook or a shame of I don't know I I don't I I don't know are they trying to hurt them or they trying to pad their own pockets I don't know anything about could hurt people all types of ways I I I don't I don't know nothing about nothing like this I don't know about cuckles I know what they are I don't [ __ ] rooms with other people not since the 70s have I done that and I don't you can't make me [ __ ] people I can't you can't even if you made me put his dick in my mouth you can't make me suck it I mean I just don't too much for Vlad TV a little too much but go on sorry well you have booy on here [ __ ] not too much but I'm just I don't understand that unless there was a gun involved I don't understand even with the art Kelly thing I don't understand how you can't get out won't get out signal somebody right on the window throw a rock help me something I don't I don't get how you stay for years and years and years and years and years yeah I mean behind some [ __ ] like that I just don't get it I somebody I'm sure in the comments will explain it to me but I don't I don't understand I don't I don't live like I don't know about that well I mean it turns into you know psychological abuse mental abuse but all these [ __ ] are sick first of all [ __ ] just out of style you know nobody wants [ __ ] no more everybody want dick even a men lots of them maybe not you've lad but maybe maybe not you still P team team [ __ ] Still Still team [ __ ] yes still team [ __ ] it's like has it always been this decadent and we didn't know or is this a new new series of decadence that's going on in in the world now was this always going on to this level because this [ __ ] is like out of hand with with people he Abus me and I also want to hear about the people who got abused like last week like is everything got to be 10 years old before somebody come out and speak years I tell I told the happened to me the day the day I got raped I told that day did you press charges I tried to so you followed police report we did okay see to me that holds a lot more water than coming back after 10 20 30 years especially because all these lawsuits happened right around the same time because there was a New York Cloud that was expiring at the end of November so it was like bad boy president harpier Axel Rose Marcel wiy uh photographer Terry Richardson um Bill Cosby got sued again it was like this huge list of people this huge list of people uh cubba G Jr got it again like it was just everybody and you know like puffy got sued like four more times and there was like a girl who's like I was 17 at the time and I have pictures now she has pictures at puffy Studio first of all my mouth is too too big to hold it all my friends would know if anybody had done like I said people know my voice if I answer the phone a certain way the next word I hear in my ear is my friend or relative saying what's wrong they could tell that that easily from me I I if I did if I [ __ ] a celebrity if a celebrity raped me somebody's G to know that day I'm telling that day yeah I that's probably why ain't nobody tried to [ __ ] with me like that well I I personally think that if it's serious you should press charges at the end of the day you know people some people feel that you know it's true it's not true but I interviewed the Tupac rape accuser Ayan Jackson and she broke down exactly what happened and she pressed charges that same day and she broke down now some people say she's lying she's not lying whatever else but there is a criminal complaint that happened and there's Witnesses and you know I'm saying like now you could say whether she was with she wasn't with it but something happened and she wasn't cool with it and she went to the police she went downstairs she was disheveled you know PE you know people from the hotel staff was approaching her asking if she's okay and she said no they asked her what happened the police were called at the end of the day something like that holds a lot more water than 10 years ago 100 years ago Bill Cosby raped me there's no way that I would hold it that long you know I'm saying abely and and I never press charges and I have no evidence but I want that money C me a check
Channel: djvlad
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Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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