Lucy Letby: How the police caught the former nurse

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it's the case nobody wanted to believe could be true but for the police convicting Lucy leppy was the culmination of a painstaking and distressing investigation [Music] key aspects of this investigation has been always asking ourselves hey who else could it be if not her and what else could it be Lucy letby started working at the Countess of Chester Hospital in January 2012 just before her 22nd birthday she joined as a nurse in the neonatal unit but from January 2015 the mortality rate at the unit began to rise above what might be considered normal rates on June the 8th a baby boy child a died he and his twin sister were being cared for in Nursery one the room for the most poorly patients at eight o'clock Lucy letby was half an hour into her night shift she was the designated nurse for the baby boy that night 26 minutes later let be called a doctor over to Child A's incubator he was deteriorating rapidly staff began resuscitation and an on-call consultant responded to the emergency the baby died just before nine o'clock less than 90 minutes into letby's shift air had been injected into his bloodstream it was unexpected and unexplained our two words they don't deal with the neonatal medicine if a child collapses it's usually explainable um and it's usually always expected then on the 5th of August another baby child F was in Nursery two letby was looking after another infant in the same room but at 1 54 in the morning child F suffered an unexpected drop in his blood sugar and a surge in his heart rate the baby survived and a blood test revealed he'd been given insulin that he didn't need there was no reason why no baby on the unit was being prescribed it it was kept in a locked fridge next to the nurse's station that summer of 2015 was when colleagues became suspicious they were told it was very unlikely there was anything going on and were urged not to make a fuss Dr Ravi jayaram was one of those doctors who spoke out he said he'd become extremely uncomfortable with Lucy letby working on the unit and this pattern continued as there were more babies who lost their lives or suffered unexpected collapses on the 23rd of June 2016 letby was looking after Child O A Triplet the baby boy became unwell another nurse suggested the child be moved back to Nursery one where the most poorly babies are cared for but let me disagreed and the baby collapsed he recovered but suffered two further collapses and at 5 47 the baby was pronounced dead consultant Dr briery believed the baby should have responded better to resuscitation Child O was found to have an injury to his liver and air injected into his bloodstream the following day child O's brother child P another of the triplets died under Lucy letby's care it prompted Dr Brewery to say that he wasn't happy with Lucy letby working on the unit but he was told there was no evidence against her and that she would continue nursing but let these suspicious colleagues were right she'd been attacking babies here for the past 12 months over the next few months the hospital carried out a review as to what was happening inside the neonatal unit Lucy letby was then moved to an administrative role in November 2016 an external report found no definitive explanation for the high number of deaths but in May the following year the hospital called in the police the initial Focus was around the hypotheses of you know what could have occurred so a generic hypotheses of it could be natural occurring deaths it could be naturally occurring collapses it could be an organic reason it could be a virus and then one of the hypotheses was that obviously it could be um inflicted harm the more experts they talk to the more evidence they gathered the more the case started to take shape then on the 3rd of July 2018 Lucy letby was arrested what was clear at that point was that Lucy letby was the consistent you know that she was the the thread running through them all and therefore in evidential terms the biggest source of evidence searches of her home in Chester at her parents house in Hereford uncovered patient records and handwritten notes that gave clues about her State of Mind among the scrawled notes were the words I am evil I did this in her bedroom stuffed into these shopping bags were Hospital Handover sheets in total 257 were found many included details of the babies let B had allegedly harmed her social media showed searches for 11 of the families affected police also discovered that she sent one of her alleged victims parents a sympathy card on the day of the baby's funeral she kept an image of the card on her phone crucially the police also analyzed her shift patents look at the line of crosses they showed that letby was the only member of staff on shift when all the incidents took place on the 11th of November 2020 over two years after she was arrested Lucy letby was charged with murder and attempted murder that realization of you know my God somebody has taken the life of these babies and somebody has been responsible for these life-changing injuries to these babies and nobody could say anything and everybody looked at each other and there was not a word spoken letby always denied harming the babies in her care but the evidence told a difference more harrowing story
Channel: Sky News
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Keywords: lucy letby, lucy letby trial, lucy letby latest, the trial of lucy letby, daily mail lucy letby, the trail of lucy letby podcast, lucy letby court, lucy letby nurse, lucy letby baby o, lucy letby trial today, lucy letby police, lucy letby interview, nurse lucy letby, lucy letby baby a, lucy letby baby b, lucie letby, sky news, sky news live, lucy letby arrest, data and forensics
Id: YGqBKe9C3yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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