Lucky’s Garage and a pinion angle tech tips

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hey guys what's going on lucky here happy Friday happy quarantine Friday me and Mark are sequestered over here at the like his garage working on buckets smart the touch bases on that tailgate spent some time installing those a couple weeks ago with it yeah I figure I'm not really hiding from anybody driving this thing on the street I'm not blending anymore if somebody hears a racket and looks over and sees this truck they're not gonna go oh that's just an old truck they're gonna what the heck why not so if you hear some racket these are the people that help make it happen specifically qa1 hashtag go driving specifically Holly some Holly fest right there I got some dirty bingo love on here I listened to the c10 top pretty frequently Simpson hook me up with some seatbelts I don't have any AF our heads on here I don't know if you can hear that clearly I don't have any AF our heads on here just saying I get them on my other cars but I just don't have any on here I do I got MSDE I got take performers hooked me up with some compla and some anything that looks like a get hot brake pads are right there right next to a lucky garage and then this guy from a club called jerk I hang out with all the time that's gas brats customs right there I do have an HDI dampener on here because it comes with the Holley mid mount accessory drive do love the AMSOIL I do have a yankin burner along with a gear start transmission in this thing in addition to all that all of my artwork and decals are made by American screen printing LLC those are the vibe rollers best damn Kentucky so she didn't know my wheels are ass agian wheels there right there is AG in and the big brakes I have on this thing are all bear brakes right there so yeah everybody got love I think I represented everybody right only thing that's not on here is my new instrument cluster from Intel atronics and it's really about it so what's it updated any update on this thing I got the oh I don't have an HP I sticker back there how can that happen HP i chassis reinforcements kid on here turbo is just some turbo that was left laying around I went online and bought me the DDI titanium wrap wastegate was CX and the blow-off valve is now precision and I have a precision wastegate I have to do some modifications to get that on there there's the remaster from Bayer of the Holly mid mount accessory drive oh did I not mention the new oil coolers mark so Earls makes a super wicked oil cooler with fans built into a transmission or oil cooler I got two of those puppies coming they are a little spendy but they do the job worth every bit of it so I know it's the other day when I was driving the truck mia mark looked out the trance temperature and it was a little bit I was right around 200 degrees should not be there should be around 180 and I called my buddy over at Holly and said hey what do you guys got for a trans cooler or oil cooler and he told me about I told him how much space I had to work with and he told me exactly what he had and I just gave my debit card doesn't even matter it's gonna save my transmission and make things worth good so that's what spent all day well not all day is they spend a couple hours yesterday need the pinion angle absolutely right and you know what made it extra easy lumber from Home Depot ladies and gentlemen and a circular saw and Mark from gas brats customers who has been sequestered here for a week or so and I think he's regretting he's a great his decision this is last day there is the guac and roll 29 roaster from hot rod garage it's coming together slowly something showed up yesterday which would be kind of cool yeah you know what I should probably save that for another video entirely oh you know what I can't share is this roadster right here so mark over a hot rod performance referred this roadster to me it's a steel body custom roadster this thing is exceptionally nice and I asked the guy why he built that he said it was one of his bucket list real Halla brands on it 15 and 14 sort of period-correct the suspension look familiar it should the same thing that's on that rusty pilot crap over there the wok and roll so for that one over there's got suicide steering this one has different style steering but the same front suspension basically everything over there if it was really nice this is what would look like that makes sense right there's a steering rack right here we don't have that we should have got that man that's kind of cool but this is what we got for now so the problem was he had a little bit of vibration at a normal speed he changed the reunion in the right height and this thing is a little sensitive change the right height a little you have to readjust the pinion angle so that's what we just did I use the app from it's actually on my phone it was from trimming the trimming tool box we download that the top drawer says there is a kit for or a formula for it and you actually use your iPhone you set your iPhone on the toys the matter of fact you know what I want to switch cameras right now are you recording that thing on okay just for a formula for it you actually use your iPhone you set your iPhone the toys I matter-of-factly always switch cameras right now are you recording that thing go on it's on okay take this down here close that out there's a trimmer cap right there can you see it Boop there's the formula right there but let's just reset everything the trimming tool box hit drivers line angle finder the bunch of writing and I read it boom close it out ask you what the for with the step one actually in those words the word button the word pictures that was on there they would asked you to check the angle of your motor so you come up here and find a flat level on the motor luckily we have one I can't really get in there so I'm just gonna kind of query did it use the pan which should be relatively level seems about right loop you set that you move to step two step two is the drive shaft I got shoot from this side because it has to be parallel and even says about 1.7 boom done now you go to the pinion angle and you I'm using the mounting surface right here on the side of the phone close it out so you can see she'd be right around oops I just called somebody in my bad [Music] CP right around one degree set actually I missed it I'm gonna go back one and try the bottom of the phone set there you go if they're all green it's all good green for go that is the trip of toolbox you need to download that if you're gonna do this and I actually have another phone I want to put that in there and just use it as a tool like Mark a tool thanks buddy so that's it hold on let me save this because they're all green thanks a lot for watching you guys don't forget to Like share tell a friend leave a comment say hi you
Channel: Lucky’s Garage Show
Views: 50,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech tip, pinion angle, tgif, shop truck, shop, tailgate art, qa1, holley, gearstar
Id: -1rS0AGjx3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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