Luca's Ending Explained: The Fate Of Luca & Alberto

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hello fun people i'm isaac carlson your guide through the wonderful world of disney and today i want to break down the fates of luca and alberto and explain the ending of luca and of course spoilers are ahead now the story of pixar's luca revolves around the relationship between the initially timid reserved and curious luca and the slightly older more confident and bold alberto but at the end of the film they're torn apart even though they've truly become best of friends through battling bullies taking on the townspeople and fighting to get to the almighty vespa their time together brought them to grow and that was what forced them to go in different directions from the moment the film begins luca is on edge and timid and that keeps him from exploring his dreams of seeing beyond his home once luca meets alberto though his confidence is built as he sets foot onto land starts learning about the human world and has his visions for the future supported for the first time allowing his hopes for what he can experience in his life to expand farther than ever before while luca was once frightened to just put his head above water soon he wants to go to the human town travel the world and fly into the sky without alberto lucas bruno would have kept him from getting to learn about the world from julia and discovering that he could spend his days understanding the complexities of the universe alberto helped luca to overcome his fears of failure and destruction so that he could begin to start living that's why even though alberto grew to love his friend and didn't want to see him go he advocated to luca's parents to let him study in school and to live with julia and genova which is going to get confused with genovia from the princess diaries and after seeing all that luca was able to accomplish on the surface with his bike riding all of the friends he made and his ability to be embraced by the people of puerto rosso luca's parents finally felt like they had to let their son enter the world even if that meant there would be a bit more danger for him and part of the reason that they came to that realization was because of alberto your friend talked them into it it wasn't easy luca went from a boy who feared the human world even though as some mermaids would say he wanted to be a part of their world and found the conviction and resilience to travel far and wide study academics and integrate into a life outside of the sea i can't do it without you but you're never without me the next time that that you jump off a cliff or or tell bruno to quit bothering you that's me but why didn't alberto go with luca well that's because alberto and luca want and need different things in their lives luco wanted freedom after spending his childhood being overprotected and coddled by his family but alberto had the opposite experience my dad left you were living here alone for that many days alberto was alone in his tower for a long time without anyone to support him or love him and while he put on a tough face he was torn up that he was alone even when luka first came to the tower there were still two hammocks hanging up showing that alberto was still struggling to move past his father abandoning him he was waiting for his father to return but of course luca gave him hope with a friend by his side suddenly alberto was able to start imagining a life where he could go on adventures while being surrounded by people who cared about him while alberto initially put pressure on luca to not leave him or start imagining a path that was different than the one they created together he eventually moves past that because he chooses to put his friend before himself just like luca did for him luca inspired alberto to start dreaming of a better life and that new and improved era he's going into includes the companionship of julia's father massimo massimo asked if i wanted to stick around move in maybe i think he needs me you see massimo was the one who called upon alberto for help showed him affection by making his favorite dish before the race and cared about him to the point where he searched for him when he left and embraced him when he revealed that he was a sea monster through all that alberto grew quickly to look up to massimo as a role model leading to him emulating massimo when they are on his boat by using one arm to pull up the net and he eventually even adopts the same hat as him massimo became the father that alberto deserved and the one he really needed so of course alberto decides to stay with that new figure in his life and the only reason alberto was able to find that new family was because of luca's friendship you got me off the island luca i'm okay alberto went from being closed off and stuck in pain to being surrounded by massimo all of luca's family and a community that accepted him for who he was the way that luca and alberto are able to not only go on a gorgeous summer excursion but also continue to blossom and grow as they continue on their journey and face adversity is just wonderful yes it was hard to watch luca and alberto go their separate ways but at the same time it was also incredibly beautiful inspiring and empowering because while luca gave alberto the opportunity to open his heart again alberto gave luca the opportunity to jump on his desire to explore the world one summer and one friendship changed these boys lives forever fun people make sure to subscribe for more magical discussions and also let me know what you thought of luca either in the comments or over on my discord which you can gain access to by joining our community over on patreon finally i hope you have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 209,186
Rating: 4.9552627 out of 5
Id: SR5UMhhixQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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