LTTE (Tamil Tigers) - Explained In 18 minutes by Indian Commando

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happiness through Curiosity on the ranveer show Welcome to TRS clips of Kashmir the Northeast and Sri Lanka which one I mean I don't even know how you can like gauge this but is it a fair question do you ask you which one was the most challenging oh of course it is I mean you can uh Sri Lanka really oh so and I can say it with complete confidence if you ask this with any of those who served in Sri Lanka and have the experience of serving in the Northeast and in jnk for a very long time it broke my back three and a half years they will still tell you it's Sri Lanka for the simple reason you went uh to a country where you didn't know the terrain you didn't have the weaponry you were fighting against a bunch of people a gorilla Warfare cook mixed around with the civilians um it was a very difficult place your mindset you were not tuned you're not trained and every infantry battalion that went in uh suffered casualties very heavy casualties my own unit which is an SF unit lost three officers killed five captains wounded 32 other ranks when I joined senior Majors were going into operation and everybody lost people they they shattered the myth of the Marshall races the Sikhs you name it they would mole you never kill us see the the most dangerous Fighter the guy who's intelligent and motivated and if he's trained and Unleashed on a Terrain of his own choosing he's the most dangerous man and the special the American Special Forces said the right man in the right job is the most devastating weapon and the Tamil tiger was exactly that when he used this word motivated in terms of combat what does that do to a human's mind if you say that okay my mind is motivated within combat does that make you do riskier Maneuvers um more dangerous moves like what is it ranveer if you're not motivated you are going to hold yourself back in combat simple and in Sri Lanka everybody was Raising this issue at some stage or the other what are we doing here what are the Indian why are we here and there was this big dog that they were always supporting them I hit a camp and this is a known fact I hit a camp uh where there were receipts of their casualties being treated in some clinic in rameshwaram they were movie tickets they had their safe houses in South India the role was supporting them everybody knew this double game happening and at the same stage you were getting mauled so they were they were what you call radio petrols happening the things that you see in the Vietnam you sent a petrol the petrol go out 200 meters from the perimeter sit in the bush fake some radio messages come back why take a chance so you know it pushed the Army to do these things because it was such a dangerous place you stepped out you stepped out of the post and and you didn't know you would come back in one piece and I personally I have the the concentration of a butterflyer very poor concentration and focus Sri Lanka is the only place where and I still remember when you stepped out of the post till you reached the Ambush site all your senses were working oh all your senses were working you couldn't you couldn't let your guard down they would hit you um so could you give some geopolitical slash political uh background on the situation I'm assuming that this is about 93 94 roughly that time uh what was happening with this whole Tamil tiger situation and why were people even riled up in the first place because we have a lot of gen Z listeners were born after 2005. no they don't know a thing yeah I don't know I think my second book was uh on Sri Lanka from about early 80s the the cinema and the tamils had been at loggerheads the Tamil was always treated as a second class citizen now you know in a nutshell that Tamil Zoo went in the last hundred years who were taken by the Brits for rubber plantations there were tamils who had been there on the Chola times you know they were the old tamils nevertheless they were treated as second-class Citizens and they had been resistance from time to time and at some stage a whole bunch of these Tamil parties came up eprlf LTT plot etc etc um prabhakran was the head of LTT and he was the most aggressive pugnacious by Nature and at that stage a whole bunch of these people under pressure of the genocide sort of genocide being committed by the Sri Lankan forces were coming into Tamil Nadu and there was a fair in Tamil Nadu that there could be a voice to carve out a separate Elam including parts of Tamil Nadu and stuff like that so and Ramadan is a big state and therefore it was decided at some stage that the Indians have to intervene and instead of directly intervening they decided to train the tamils arm the tamils and a whole bunch of them turned up for training in camps spread across Tamil Nadu um and one of them was at a place called Chakrata this is up in the hills next to dehradun really that far up yes and this is the interesting part and I say this in my book also the interesting part is my father was posted there and that was his last posting in Chakrata in Chakrata if I can digress a little more now Chakrata has a base it's called establishment 22. it was set up in 60 after the 62 War funded by the by the CIA to train Tibetan gorillas these are people who had migrated cross the border and come into India mostly comes from Eastern Tibet so yeah it's a it's a calm it's a Compass you know the Eastern Tibet area Fighters basically so it was decided that the Americans would fund the Indians Indian army would train them and they would be sent back for sabotage spying Etc back into Tibet it still is a very secretive place they haven't developed Chakrata it's at seven thousand feet it's an isil station but still a single Road and it's not by Design it's by it's not by default it's by design that the government doesn't allow anything to come up and from time to time that's school which sustaining Tibetans was used for training all sorts of unsavory characters in these subcontinents I you know Cindy's baluchis whoever he needed to be trained could be sent there one corner tucked up in the hills and then at some stage they started sending me tamils and the the senior leadership of the LTT were trained there but who were the trainers Indian army officers so this is an official yeah okay and the interesting is thing is I was about to join the Army and I'd come back from college and my father was posted there and I recall uh every weekend because we were settling down in dehradun it's a two-hour run um so every week the the school due to establishment The Institute would send the bus down to buy Provisions at dehradun which is the nearest town so my father would come across every weekend to stay the weekend and I remember sitting there um and this bus drives up curtains pulled the driver wearing civilian clothes you know but you can see the mark of a soldier on him and my father steps out and behind him there's a South Indian guy carrying his suitcase and this happened a couple of weekends and I asked him I said who's the Southern and he touched my father's feet and I said what is this oh this is some canteen contractor you know just grateful and then you retired you settle down and you know I got into the army at some stage and then the India today came out with some articles about the LTT and the problem in Sri Lanka and they're being trained in Chakrata and there was a picture of prabhakaran standing there cronies you know the background of the hill and my brothers also there my brother looked at it and said yeah I've seen this guy he's pointing at prabhakaran so are you sure because they're writing about this guy now he's in certain now my brother claimed that prabhakaran came there to the house I don't know but I certainly saw a whole bunch of these and you know and 80 88 87 you didn't see too many South Indians in dehraduna then you could see distinctly that they were different so now look at this the father trains them without realizing that the sun will be facing his former students at some stage and when I came back from Sri Lanka I remember he was a very seasoned Soldier I came back from Sri Lanka and I remember the first evening he didn't ask me anything in the evening we sat down over a drink um and then he looked at me and he said so what do you think of the boys it's a bit boys it's my boys I said well they were good we lost a lot of men and officers and I think I saw a little smile and a twinkle in the old girl's eye that he looked up and then he raised a salute to the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka he serves you bastards right bullying with the boys aren't you he was very impressed with them he says you know some of them some of them didn't even know how to tie a shoelace and when we booked out an eight hour program training program they said oh the senior leader came up and said no make a 13 make it 14. that's the kind of motivation they had and then you unleash them train them arm them and unleash them on their own terrain they were deadly now I understand what you meant by motivated so so that's one partner the other part is that you know after they went back um and they took on the Sri Lankan Army and then at some stage and Rajiv Gandhi signed this record it was supposed to be between three people prabhakran I and Mr Gandhi prabhaktan was hold up in Ashoka hotel I think in sort of a house arrest guest he was not consulted they went and signed up and he was told say to complete here is the god he said I have not even consulted and I'm talking about an elim in independent state I'm not interested in all this novices I said um you don't care we're sending the Indian peacekeeping Force to ensure because president said look we can't enforce disarming we don't have the Manpower so we got embroiled a whole bunch of us turned up there thinking it's going to be a peacekeeping mission the Sri Lankan Army was sent back into their Barracks we took over their posts which year was this it was 87. I joined later of course um but the unit had been committed for some time all three Commando units were there and uh till then the Sri Lankan the LTT used to come sit in the mess and stuff like that sat around they'd been trained some of the instructors had trained them from DSF there what do you mean they came and sat in the mess because we weren't taking them on you see for some time the Indian army maratha battalion in a SF unit sitting at balali Airfield um we're just sitting and watching what is happening between the while the Accord was being signed what what sparked it off was that they captured 17 of these senior leaders LTT leaders the Coast Guard and at that State the court had been signed so um said hand them over to us the Sri Lankan Army the LTT said don't do it they'll be tortured they'll be killed but because they got a card had been signed uh it was decided to hand them over to the Sri Lankan Army um at that stage they asked that the last meal be given to the boys and they passed cyanide capsules inside and all 17 of them committed suicide shoot on their cyanide capsules to prevent themselves from oh yes from getting yeah and that was the spark after that the next I think it was a 10 Para without taking any names there it was one of their Russian trucks which was going to jaffna got the boys out burned them put tires around their neck and then it was free for all foreign they attacked Indian Special Forces and the Infantry unit there and then the force started building in because by then it was all right if you're not going to listen to us and disarm and your intent is clear you're hostile then we're going in so then they started building in troop movement and then they realized they needed more troops and more troops and once we've taken over the the urban centers the LTD promptly disappeared into the jungle then it became jungle fighting so most of my experience in Sri Lanka is just sitting in bloody ambush giving in in a jungle in a jungle it was it was terrible 72 hours 96 hours no bloody water you're just sitting there some track coming in going out in a pretty thick jungle and he would go in at night sit there and just sit there so you guys would just wait for 72 hours continuously in the jungle and observe if there's any kind of movement or any kind of disturbance well it was an ambush okay it was an ambush operation for someone who doesn't understand that word how do you well you conceal yourself on some intelligence or at random because you feel there's movement hostile movement on a track on a track track you mean like a road in the jungle well yes and then you hope that the guy comes along so you can hit him and there's the danger of wild animals oh yeah certainly I ran to a few really well I remember there was a jart battalion and an elephant picked up the last guy and carried him in the bloody jungle he's a little chicken but he survived I laid an ambush I remember and um I think it was a 72-hour Ambush and uh the lmg guy suddenly nudged me I was like next to him you're covering a track and that's me and then did this and in that Starlight you know through the foliage I couldn't make out what he's showing and then I saw some movement you know I'd see that on I could see the foresight of the lmg and I'd see something right and fall and Rise and Fall and then it was a wild boar the guy was very drunk on some fruit or something he just walked up sat himself leaned against the lmg battle went off to sleep hard SF men you know shooting bricks if this guy wakes up and he's a tusker he wakes up and he charges that's the end of your Ambush and that's the end what do you do with a tusker sitting there um and then he got up shook himself disappeared and I felt very happy I said if if this guy doesn't know be sitting here that means you know because it takes time for the jungle smell to start coming what is that so so you know you go people often land up in ambushes you can't go wearing an aftershave hair oil talcum powder and all sorts of that kind so it takes a takes some time before generally 24 to 36 hours before you start smelling like The Jungle which is essential because you know people people who you are after the opposition the opposition is only living wild their sense of smell is very keen the guy who's who's coming down that track he can smell anything so you've got to be very careful that you are not using any artificial smell which is why you said that Sri Lanka was the most challenging because even those guys oh they were very aggressive they were their training films were some of these uh these Hollywood movies really a little aggressive I mean some of their operational sure Madness what kind of weapons did they use they had Acres they had better weapons in the Indian army how well most of them were supplied by us then they got into their own procurement how they had money the entire the entire Sri Lankan diaspora across the world was was giving them money the funding was being collected so I came back on leave this is a strange thing is that is that the narrative or could it have been geopolitical powers that play funding it no no this this funding was happening their own people were funding them people settle in Sweden Norway England forget that I came on leave and I remember at the uh Madras then Madras now Chennai Chennai railway station I had a bunch of these college guys asking me for donations so I said for what is for the LTT in my first desire was to punch him in the face and I said I survived Sri Lanka I get lynched by the locals in my own country um they were collecting they had enough money they had their own ships which were uh which were getting all the arms equipment thank you for watching this clip if you want to learn more about this topic we've curated a playlist just for you and here's a link to the whole episode [Music] thank you
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Keywords: the ranveer show, trs clips, the ranveer show clips, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, podcasts, beerbiceps podcast, trs, clips, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, major vivek jacob, motivation, india, indian army reality, indian army, army, jai hind, patriotic songs, indian army song, army status, special forces, indias pride, nsg, national security guard, kashmir, kargil, abhay sapru, abhay sapru special forces, indian special forces, sri lanka, ltte, ptsd
Id: dLuzM7iHm8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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