The MAN In Sam Manekshaw

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Or Jim Sarbh. He's kind of the ideal actor for a biopic.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/jc2193 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

“Drinks and pretty girls havent ruined me so far” this guy is a legend. This guy is how every grandparents should be

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/sasta_chandlerbing 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

While I like Vicky as Sam,I would have also liked Jim Sarbh instead

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/foodmaafiaa 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

His Biopic deserves a well qualified director. Meghna gulzar is shit. Why is she hired to direct his biopic? We saw what she did with raazi and chhapaak she cant direct films period. Another waste product of nepotism.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tenduashroff 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Unfortunately in Bollywood, movies run on the star's power if he's an A grade star or it runs beacuse the subject matter is good and has an upcoming "star". The second case is true for the Vicky Kaushal being cast as Col. Sam Manekshaw.

For example, for the Elvis Presley biopic, Baz Luhrmann cast a relatively unknown actor to play Elvis, if it were to be done in Bollywood it'd would surely go to a "star"

Baz Luhrmann Sets Austin Butler In Starmaking Elvis Presley Role Opposite Tom Hanks In Warner Bros Film

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/vdesi 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

He’s totally miscast as he cannot play a classy character like Sam Maneckshaw he doesn’t have that gravitas.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe but you need someone sellable for it. Vicky had massive success playing an army officer and is now doing it for 2 more movies.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/yerakchualfada 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

For context here is an image of Freddy, pic1

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jstjoined 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
and number of you will be joining an officer of the Indian Army okay Suzanne tell me about the beginning of the Bangladesh war the Mukti by Nene Oh Pakistan really cracked down in a big way the poor world Bengal is what could they do against the patterns and Punjabi muscle bands and so they started pouring in into India and mrs. body awful temper looked at means read out messages from the Chief Minister of West Bengal the town of refugees according from the chief minister of Assam Chief Minister of Supriya and she looted reason what are you doing about it nothing what's it got to do with me I want you to do something what do you want I want you to march into his Pakistan I've heard that means wrong so I don't mind of this war have you read the Bible God said let there be light and there was light and you see that there be war on the war are you ready I certainly am NOT and I said this was about about 23rd of April I see you Hugh million passes are opening and it's a Chinese give us an ultimatum and I said the monsoon will be breaking in a few days time and when it rains in that part of the world we pause rivers become like oceans if you stand on one bank you can see the other my movement will be confined rude because of climatic conditions the Air Force will not be able to support me and if I were to go in I guarantee you a hundred percent defeat I said to Michigan now come with me on orders all right cabinet will be chicane at four o'clock everybody started walking out I bring the judge away spider on my face as I wake up she's chief still behind I said Prime Minister before you walk with your mouth shall I send in my resignation on grounds of health mental or physical and she will sit down Sam tell me everything you told me the truth I said yes everything I've told you the truth my job to fight try to do what to do she smiled admission all right Sam you let me know when you're ready what went wrong at Shimla she went and Berta made a complete I know I've just taken away from the icon if I yield anything just now get throw me out give me a chance in six months time I promise you everything settle everything peacefully it she came back and she told me that if we the monkey out are you I went to Pakistan watch two months after the conflict and to really give me a first-class welcome the governor uses alcohol the governor invited me for lunch give me a martini before lunch wines lunch and during lunches in general can you do me a favor so I said if I can mr. governor I will I told you when we asked me about some relation of it my staff will outside they want to shake hands with you I went out and there they were all lined up what the 11th man took his puggly often put it at my feet so I picked it up they give it away q happening here cutter hazard hopped a the hub bad guy being a pastor cupcake idea which egrtf cap the sub Quran Sharif T who look direct mistltein up to the one bar so T who do sharp eye pursue their up to the ones of in pursuit object judges husband Aziza Prasad mangaraju karate sculpting return the governor was written e album Kabini mining Osaka Hindu Harappa and I got into trouble in my own country the bureaucrats and the ministers complained about me the chief stop to inquire silastic Jersey uncle July here as if they were my sons in law the complaint against me cabinet meeting at me with value looked at me neither Prime Minister they were soldiers the fourth the fourth extremely well they lost I'm looking after the soldiers the war forgotten all about the war in a racing fan what was your greatest achievement in the army do you do from the rank of second lieutenant to Field Marshal I have never punished a man my age in general when I was the chief and my Judge Advocate General used to get all wild court-martial proceedings would come to me if they said not guilty outside if she said guilty and punished and I take the fine home and look at age as you know I think with just a mafia slide with the so insulting how can we maintain discipline with you as army chief he's not punished - you damn Japs it city jelly with your wives and your children and lovely homes and you forget what those chaps are going through I couldn't go anywhere when people would ask when a general when are you taking over one evening at 4 o'clock in my office I was having tea with mrs. Gandhi Lang up she was in Parliament House and she rang up with Sam are you very busy and I said Prime Minister Bishop is always busy but they were too busy to talk to his Prime Minister she said can you come over and I said I'm having tea here oh I'll give you tea I have good TV but come over I got hold of the ADC I said the girl wants to come on get the car the girl wants me do I talk like that so you got into the car went to Parliament House she was sitting in an office in a kidney-shaped table she an actress she was sitting down like this I walked in in my breezy way Prime Minister you seem worried what's wrong I've got problems so I cry on my shoulder what are your problems and she looked me straight in the face and said you are my problem I said now what have I done have I made a speech have I done something stupid I said what am i them now everybody says you're going to take over for me and what do you think she says you can't do you think I'm so incompetent I didn't mean that Sam you wouldn't but she has a long nose I have a longer one I put my nose neck first I wanted to do I have no intention or even of thought of getting involved in politics for taking no as long as they come on my army without interference okay you are told you enough about this is Guardian myself more edgy they say ah you want to do what what add you by you've been dying to tell that story haven't you I've got two or three stories about whom where are you by when I became army chief murajjab I was the finance minister and mrs. Indira Gandhi's cabinet then he became prime minister mr. Gandhi lost he actually became prime minister one day he said I believe you drink so yes I must drink be bad for you so I said Prime Minister I come to my Prime Minister's as you mustn't drink I go to a party and I talk to a pretty girl my wife says you mustn't talk to her I'm a field master in his life worth living he says your wife is quite right drinks and pretty girls will ruin you I thought they haven't driven me so far after partition I became director of military operations and I remained director will show operation for three and a half years I was sent to clash me with VP Mullen who was the state's XJ tomorrow's US Army had the Muslim elements and revolted two tribesmen at cabin and I was sent there with him be preeminent to see if we can get the accession from the Maharaja meet see what the village the situation was like and at about midnight the Mirage assigned kept on saying from the same soldiers instance we can't send soldiers into you see unless you accede to India so that midnight he acceded to India VP Menon handed over the accession papers about battle not bad-looking he said Maliki with his feeling called Mataji must submit it's a situation like has very bad the tribes and a busy looting and raping of 9 kilometers away from Sri Lanka and the airfield if the ones getting people knows Kashmir because you won't be able to fly troops in itself so he looked at their who and they talked alone and she said I'll put your lost his temper he says you're a lot do you want clash Mira do you want to hand it over I said of course of cash is ours now so he said will you assured us and before he could issue orders for that Patel said you have received your orders so I walked out walked out and we started flying troops into Kashmir so the relationship with survived atelic so that Patel was Home Minister and I had a good relationship with him every morning VP Menon I would go to his place and you'd be sitting down there his daughter have money been sitting cross-legged with a pack of hounds with a brown park of antique indoors and he would say VP I want marilla take him with you I would was a bogey man in uniform when the killings were taking place in Calcutta by British commander in chief he came along he said the Sardar wants you in Calcutta I said why me sir he phoned he wants you there when the aircraft has been loaded on for you so I went there the Saddam was with the Chief Minister BC Roy when I went in there is it I don't want to do arguments etcetera I'm going to ask you a question I want an answer if I hand over the situation to the army how many Bengalis will you kill and how long will it take you that was a very long Brigadier so I opened my mouth I said so about a hundred for a month she turned round to be John Roy how do you think it is a great Kingdom take over and he deployed troops all over Calcutta we didn't have to kill anybody everything finished she'll come here and in Gujarati it tells me to massage Sunni below so I said what have I done tell me tell you okay except Bengali no more Sony Aikman it we devalue the determine well done thing then Chinese came in to give her and general Hall was sacked and Krishna Menon was removed and there you sent for me said I've got a vigorous enemy we couldn't take over and I said I've been waiting 18 months for this Prime Minister and he said only that was not a mistake that was all a mistake with you guys three years ago so I took over the thing and so I always hear that the scientists came to my rescue if the Chinese hadn't come in and if Krishna Menon and call haven't been sacked I don't know what they would've done with me I said I don't want to know what happened in the past all I want to know is who are my commanders where are the Chinese how much ammunition have I got how much oil petroleum food if I got that just leave the map to be here we still after half an hour I rang the bells they came in and I said I don't know and I'm doing right or wrong but these are my orders and that was the time when the chief of staff took his hat off fluids on the ground jumped on it is a tank every God shall at last somebody is giving orders you've never had orders before and my orders were did we start advancing Suzanne tell me about when you join the Gurkhas Lord in the Indian Army there were 10 regiments of God sure when India got independence that the Pakistan went to Pakistan certain graduates went to her majesty's workers and Samir in India but there was a treaty between the king of Nepal and the British government that all Gurkha regiments would be opposite by British officers so when the British officers left had to be some Indian officers I was the first Indian to be posted to a Gurkha regiment I haven't been with the frontier force regiment now became a Gurkha what year was this 1947 1948 and I'm better good country a new church humanizes asked you to navigator and you should have other good and I looked in the middle damn kitchen and he thought and thought he should say my mother became mother [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Brut India
Views: 780,941
Rating: 4.9668345 out of 5
Id: IzlM7gM9Cks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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