LS selfmade gryffinn nickich LoL streamer tier list 14.9

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check check check look at the photos of him check no this doesn't even no this one's not good this this is old no this doesn't even have me on it bro come on yeah it does even have like it has old stov photo this is old what do I search uh someone in chat might have it somebody in chat will have it streamer list Cookie L who the hell is this oh bro like look at but look at these photos you can tell this is outdated wait wait is this a is this like best players or like it's just based on their solo Q skill oh okay okay no that's not the name of it bro it was like solo Q bro just look ATO open chat open chat somebody in chat will have it bro okay I'm going to run bathroom you [ __ ] hey yo somebody in chat's got to drop it somebody's got us yo chat somebody's got us right we could [ __ ] up the stream real quick oh he's wait what if we just terrorize this [ __ ] we can [ __ ] this [ __ ] up guys come on somebody get the tier list please come on get the good one bro get the good one bro there was one with like 80 that I did yesterday with 80 there was like there was like a bunch bro like it was like double this size it was actually everybody why is nobody can we can we go drink later yeah I'm done oh you're like 12 wait where are you Milan you're in Gangnam I'm going them right now yeah okay okay this shit's so boring I'm not going to lie I links are disabled they can't link it no no they can link it no it says they can't you got to permit people no you no no but they can link it they'll get like M but you'll get they'll get timed out and you click on it then link to me yo I'll send it guys come on let's get it going oh it gets this the [ __ ] oh it's just giving me stars yeah oh do I should I copy and paste this I'm a little scared bro is it this hey [ __ ] it hey this is not our computer right yeah he said I could pilot okay let me really I think that's good oh his computer is so weird to Pilot by the way I'm a little no no his keyboard and mouse are weird right what the [ __ ] is up oh what the [ __ ] did I click oh right here oh this one okay thank you yeah I saw somebody rate LS in like d tier by the way like the lowest tier hey just start that yeah yeah that's where we start the list bro this is okay yo but you guys got to speak up cuz like yeah this [ __ ] easy honestly especially like the European ones do do we wait for l or yeah we can wait for I think we can do a couple I think we can do a couple of the easy ones though no we can get a couple easy ones out of the way like the non the non- discussion like you know what I mean all right cookie let's just do cookie why is Cookie law on here who who's s here on here is it like s it should be Aur right Nemesis I mean Nemesis is definitely number oneis yeah where's Nemesis Nemesis yeah middle middle middle yeah who else we have to put it we got to do an order too right like there's order everybody says order matters who else is an S tier player like okay let's not do okay yeah yeah SOLO qu solo that is in Solo okay put put Viper up there bro that guy's actually the goat is he yeah like I think it's different though honest but let's put like a ton of people and then we can like move down right but also keep in mind like he could be S tier but like he's these guys are ahead of him you know what I that's also part of for sure I mean we can just name out people and then like just move people down right so like TF blade yeah yeah yeah yeah then we'll have like okay then we'll create Discord TF blade there I think Spa's pretty good I think Drew I mean I'm just like going based off like how they did in Ken solo right yeah I'm trying to okay got like 1.3a I think but then going this L A should be above nemesis no um I don't think I think nemesis actually did a more impressive run because he he got like a higher LP Peak and then he did it later in the season where like everyone was playing so I think he what he did was slightly more impressive else did you say what are the names did you remember and also did good in Kore R what do in Korea got like 1. like 3K maybe that's it well that that's like what what that's higher than that's like I mean okay like fine I guess who who got higher I think good you got 72% win rate Challenger yeah that's okay I guess but I'm just like listing out names right right so we can like configure after you said okay speaka and then what was the other one you said you said where's I'm looking for sry there any other like notable anybody that has to be in this upper tier is the lais guy good I remember he was like yeah I feel like lus is yeah I feel like lus is a freak like he's eight tier though I think he's like eight tier level freaky the most boosted player on the server if he's not on BART what he's the B TP right if he's not on BART he's the most Bo no on your te but when he doesn't he's playing like scarner so he was playing Malai at the start of season he'll play like scarner now he plays like all the real stuff he ins every single game on this Champion okay I mean like you would know better no no cuz you actually play with him though like yeah I play with L of B you dodg that [ __ ] game yeah I think he got challenger but I don't think he got two high oh what in Korea or yeah in Korea oh in Korea oh yeah okay I mean I don't think anyone else in us like you can argue to be honest okay so we should just start throwing up you would move these down like yeah who who okay should we move these in in terms of side side who's ahead of who here I think TF blade would be third I'm Mo higher than Viper I don't know what you think yeah yeah I I think tenacity should answer that who who's higher TF or Viper Viper yeah okay Viper's higher I just saw him Lan against I will dominate uter so like I don't know as well I I don't play on so I can't judge these people yeah that's fine and then speak over or over Spa I'm not too sure yeah overa over okay I think you would move some of these down like maybe two or three these down to a there's there's like daveon too by the way but but do you think daveon no daveon I don't know you know he got like low challenger no no deon's like he hit rank one he's rank one na no that's that's NA though yeah by the way we for about zil now where where is this Zuko is this one the little this put that guy up there that guy's the good is he s tier level I mean that I think he should be though no I mean we can't have this many in s tier I feel like there's like a big think I like hug there there's so many people bro like I feel like you need to kind of space it out better okay okay well I guess we'll see when there's more people okay if if you don't want enough EST then you should just leave we yeah we can move people we can move them down I mean lowy we could just list it and then then then okay who's right below this then who's who's right below this uh [ __ ] I'm pilot this bro okay come look at the S tier oh we've compiled an S tier list I don't even know I'm a qdpie all right okay sorry all right all right who do we start with oh no wait is this s that's s okay well I think they're well we're just listing out names out this is order I don't know if you would change any of these orders in your opinion okay what I mean I haven't watched a lot [Music] of a general sniper I mean he has to be the same tier or right below probably Bel below right I mean well the thing is how can Viper be so so so like like okay what what what what exactly is this like this is solo Q skill level Solo solo Q well then is it just a [ __ ] ranking nope yeah it kind of is right it kind of is no I thought it's about like how good the person is judging by their solo queue okay do you want to do that then change what that be mean like their skill level in like a competitive setting yeah say everything yeah I mean we do that but but then we would just have Pro players and [ __ ] at like no we wouldn't no I'm pretty sure like dreu would be higher than some pros okay name a pro like name a pro player you think drw's better than then I would probably rather have drew than General sniper really yeah I mean in a pro team y yeah no that's fair if you're talking about preier skill level yeah uh no I mean we can do that okay yeah cuz honestly if we were going to do it like just U on terms of uh like solo Q ranking it would be so easy to do because it'd be like yeah this guy hit this in Korea this guy hit this this guy hit this yeah we're kind of just you're kind of just going like what else they hit oh low CH okay no yeah I don't know sniper didn't even get I mean he got CH one time yeah what do we think I mean I don't know this list is hard I I my the role I hate judging is Top Lane because I really don't watch any I never watch Top Lane so like I can't even like talk about top okay we we have to do we have to do like the very B okay like is [ __ ] like all right come on isn't pink wart like I don't even understand like so pink warart is like he plays like the board like Masters to Challenger kind of like he's higher GM Challenger he'll do CH okay but this is like okay this is assuming they're in a competitive setting right okay is this with bands like we got to lay out the criteria I don't think it's that I don't think it's like competive like we're not got lay out the criteria we think of it like are we choosing like okay let's think it like this let's let's let's let's pivot it like this we are choosing like if we're going to draft a league team maybe in terms of like imagine you get a list right and you could draft players for a team like you're a team captain like a like a like a or order of draft basically consider it like you're ordering a draft maybe but then then uh whatam call it you don't have to take into rules into account that's why I know champ rule ruins it right cuz then you're just putting all the otps in like f tier the problem gets hard because it's like okay well Nemesis would just be in his own tier because he's just the best player that's fine then you could put him s tier if you think he's that high if you think he's that above everyone else you could put him in his own tier you can put him in s tier and then have everyone else below that's that's fine that's yeah I mean that's what I probably think okay s yeah we should follow this logic then yeah that's fine who's this speaker I think would be lower what is our final rating of how we're doing that what is the final like what's the quote we're saying basically what what do you mean like how are we what are we describing this where like where like what is their skill level just period overall skill level solo skill level well just in general skill level overall leue of Legend overall skill level I think that's fine how how is augin higher than that he's like a solo qom I don't think augin like if he if he plays in like LEC or LCS I don't think anything fny because for example like a good in like he always gets r one in Solo but there is like a lot of pro players they like Lally just don't like playing with him right because he he plays the game in like a very consistent way for him right he like never he will never skip camp to go for a dive you know for example right right right you will just Farm f farm farm and be consistent every game and that works in a long run right how do we add another uh just do that and just add below yeah okay so you're good uh What is this e we're going all the way down to e now I mean we have to because there needs to I'm pretty sure crowy is the crowy is the best ad car on the list here right that [ __ ] Bard here for five years but like is this gosu that's goou are we taking his longevity into account like are you considering his longevity in the game no just right now in their current skill level no K is not d k would be like probably F right he's probably he's up there with s and trick probably I I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I'll Alo would be better than TF blade and Viper are you just saying that because he's not North American that's not what I'm saying like I feel like that's what you're saying like I feel like you're just like raing cuz he's European I feel if TF blade or Viper were in like a pro team jersey you would put them above him right now no Alo is a lot better what should be B tier at least I mean yeah I think Alo is probably B tier would you say he's upper or lower B tier like would you no I'm not doing left to right oh you're not doing left to right you kind have to why cuz it kind of gives you more impossible to do left to right to be I say I mean I'd say speak more to I I think you can do like the first three on every Leist say but then the rest it's whatever let's let's get them all on the board and then we'll assess it okay uh cookie wow s below cookie law put them right next to each [Laughter] other oh my god oh scenario should be super high for sure I would put him I would I would I would yeah yeah like if he's serious if he play serious he he should no no he should be on the same tier as Aur wait who who scenario what scenarios which one yeah this one below be no there's like if you're talking about comp there's no way scaras can play it's not like comp no this isn't comp this is just skill level level overall skill level not in a pro team nothing just their overall level at the game overall skill level where okay where's Rush isn't he D1 Korea they said he's D1 Korea no yeah but sometimes he falls to like D2 yeah but Russia is like weird because he also hit Challenger like a year and a half ago I mean I did I did D4 to 400 so like I get it like I can kind of get it no you can yeah I can kind no no no no you went from like Master to D4 and now you're back up to like 400 right no so like I kind of it it is mental illness yeah yeah it's just no it is maybe mental maybe just like a little bit of trolling we could say no no it's [ __ ] it's a disease here like okay it's fine uh I think he's next to goou I think next to go is reasonable yeah that's fine uh okay what uh don't no no leave it to the end leave the end I'll make a case later you make a case I haven't watched SE chz in Forever throw with trick G just throw with trick to gude okay whatever uh wait reptiles actually like okay K right oh no last last time I played more he's above cookie yeah yeah he's above cookie he's above cookie for sure but is he with Viper and is he with that kind of feel like he's not with Viper and like uh what he hit in Korea what do you remember what he hit in Korea reptile he got like 700 but during that time that was Challenger I think so but he he didn't keep it he just like well I mean like when you're only here for so long too I think that's you should put a how how long do we have how long do we have by the way we're almost in game by the wayos even s to be where we put mid Beast like he could be S even it's like overall skill now but the again okay so midbeast I mean mid he could be S come on I don't I don't think he's S I don't think he's S I mean why not though okay midbeast solid a midbeast is not a solid a [Laughter] mid Beast is probably like C think mid Beast should have his own here I think going the Beast yeah the Beast mider doer oh my God bro we have so much more to do bro there's a lot though it's so hard like no some of these you could just quickly run through and just drop them and like have them watchh and stuff you know what I mean I think that's also so fair wait is the H say like is like the same as like yeah that's the problem with this is like you're putting them the same thing it's that's why it's hard it's hard but it it's there's too many people and then there's not enough tiers then create more T bro you make as many tiers as you want you can make as many letters as many letters as you like brother one or twoo got four [ __ ] e e f g h if somebody gets J tier bro like I don't know man what do you even do at that point calls you J tier oh my God cuz on God you need move like like it's the it's the MAF everything let's start it off by throwing the guys at the bottom that are supposed to be at the bottom oh yeah that's yeah okay where's C C's tearing up the Thailand server right now I think where where's cow right little cow you can just throw him into [ __ ] F tier right now I think no he's above trick no bro he's playing like diamond Taiwan what do you mean he's above Trip playing in Thailand Vietnam like what this done no that's no way it says on the icon of Victor oh no way isn't no way is good no is good no is higher yeah uh no but there I Russian and go are the same level unironically I think they're the same they probably are they probably are no Russian's probably better yeah nope no doesn't even play no he's like NOP go is got it still please were you too young to like disrespect go right I'm telling you bro you don't want to mess with the old heads I'm telling you don't mess with the old heads put no way in C okay okay okay how how long do we have how long do we have [ __ ] we to start we get a few more all right all right all right okay let's do double lift where's double lift on here that one was the one that caused the most like people are bro like I mean dble in current form they were bro Hamza was cooking him man Hamza was not having it Hamza was saying like I rated double kind of Highly I like Pro players V what v b no yeah vear B yeah when it comes to over skill he's good he's smart they they said double if sh in a Celtics Jersey where do you think double LIF is B or C bro they were making C I think he's B I think he's but like then you're telling me he's better than poer yeah yeah on current form like have you watched double play I think is better for that's fine uh cash oh c yeah C okay uh this cat evolved right katol is actually like high is he still in Korea yeah I think he's Challenger right now we're gonna go kill him yeah what boil what what trimby hello this list is so ass says trimby thank you trimby where's cutipie go he just hit one KP he just hit one KP he's got to be in like cutipie is probably like B he's unironically B too unironically it's kind of insane the same say he's the same as like General sniper he's probably s with more practice man like are you guys trolling bro he just hit one KP though he kind of has it no yeah probably I'm he just hit one KP bro he kind you're coping wait no way he's kind of slow the goat bro D is actually dude isn't he like I swear to God I pulled up his stream a month ago and he was like Emerald or something like probably but then he came back and played seriously yo the draft started by the way okay okay okay GG we got to [ __ ] do this I like it this is going to be already a good game this is going to be already a good game by the way all right all right all right all right TS versus fanatic okay okay okay okay okay okay all right all right all right all right speak respectable man okay Lucian first pick he does he no he just hit uh what is this asab yeah that cuz I'm gay yeah yeah can you give me some tips this is It's a mega list bro marinate marinate uh wait you actually think I have a cuti pie is that high I think PewDiePie should be next to like TF and Viper and stuff un ironically next to a yeah that's fine that's fine no no no they're like all the way that just me see same grab i' proba at the bottom but yeah uh I can't believe we're legitimately just rating like you think Dom is higher no no I'm talk I was going to talk about cookie law I just can't believe he's like seriously getting I just can't believe he's serious we're not we're not rating we're what is this asab yeah where do we even put him competitive like just overall SK no no overall yeah where where I don't know how good does he only just play play other stuff I see him play like quay on release but like that's on release yeah so is he just here I think so I think that's fair I I feel got more of a champ CU if we're talking about champo then like scario should be no but like you you have to use no scario plays other Champs you got to think of like their overall skill like overall skill and OTP kind he does no he just hit uh masters with zero losses with belth on E West see that's I was going to say I feel like if you're an OTP but you do something like exceptional like that then your R higher he he's actually good okay excep and you can hear him talk and he's good yeah if you're just like an OTP but you're like higho and stuff and you're good I feel like that's not as rated as highly yeah yeah uh all right what else uh who's this Dave davon's rank one a guy he's really good I think he plays stuff he plays yeah yeah we I play on te with him I think he's above midbeast for I put him at least at least I maybe even put him higher even you think he's actually higher no I think he might be higher I think he's the upper end of C okay no he's not above T we're going to do this we're going to do this no no he's not we're going to fix this what are we fixing we're fixing this uh Viper TF blade oh okay you know no hold on wait what I mean is like I do think Viper and sniper are still uh I'm trying to think you think like this yeah because he's definitely above midbeast ah but like is Dave better than sanch are they I don't think so no San is actually considered for competitive yeah I know I know I know he's good uh he had a he well he would have had the actual spot on C9 um if he wanted it like uh for Academy in 2022 but it wasn't even offered by me it was offered by other players but uh Whatchamacallit who was the it was it was it was so he would have joined it was so he would have joined conditional on if Nemesis joined too because then we all would have been local local is that mean like we all would have been in the same area ah you know what I mean like next to each other yeah but then Nemesis didn't join so then San didn't I think I think this is fair this looks right f is midbeast better than like the Bose though is is that I don't I really comp yeah yeah overall yeah overall SK all right let's just start doing top who is this brohan I don't I don't even know I've never watched that came in he was in Korea yeah I know but I've never watched I've never watched uh Dante he's probably like this tier because I've watched his scrims yeah you watch you watch watch his scrims yeah how did you like his camer movement what movement there's no movement there's no movement there's no movement and his champ pull is really limited uh Elite 500 yeah I was going to say that like one of those okay kismi I don't know I mean watch just plays like he just he plays Kan 3: a.m. like I don't know like I would actually rather have on my team than I think I would yeah I think I think if I saw Dantes on heum I'd be happier than him on okay okay okay okay RL is he like self here self made here selfmade I don't think so [ __ ] rat's good no I think rat is like he's up there yeah would he be a Dave montier that's what I'm I'm considering if he's like super serious maybe yeah like is he even here no I don't think he's S no I don't think he's s uh who is this no idea Hamza oh that that's Hamza yeah that's H hza is like only Draven right no he plays he's actually not bad he's actually he's actually good off Draven now he's actually not bad I watch him get he got he got coached by crowny yesterday and crowny was actually saying he's not bad okay so what I mean he's not midbeast or Elite 500 though better than midbeast no he's not no he's not he's not better than midbeast bro midbeast is kind no same way no we play some other Champions but midbeast has way more comprehensive knowledge of the game like if if it was a 5v5 or like in houses midbeast is going to be way better i' put one Higher at least I'd put a midbeast tier maybe lower than midbeast but same tier at least I'm not trying to oh okay uh yeah hey selfmade where do you put rat IRL here uh got start ordering left right I feel like we'll do that after I feel like that's after though like you kind of get everyone get him on the board I would put him in B yeah see that's what I was saying that's what I was saying bro okay R is actually really [ __ ] good he understands the game well too and matchups and stuff no like not about night blue Sol Baka can only play GP no night BL but he's really impressive on G the fact that he do it on high ping as well really impressive yeah it is it is um who's this sloppy walrus right yeah that's yeah not lower yeah yeah that's uh Tyler oh bro bro brohan you should put in that case it's probably same as this no what did you say about brohan see CER for wait where's and really yeah he's he's a freak bro I I know he's a freak but I didn't want to like overglaze who uh who is this no idea yeah literally couldn't tell you you hold the gun in my head okay okay who's this alicopter he's so bad he really is like okay not rocking I'm not uh y does he even play anymore no not really like he's not really play okay who who Yasuo helicopter he he was in EU the guy it's actually nice to play with him okay okay uh I really like playing with helicopter is this Loro or dude I don't know bro like it was probably L was C bro I I rated llo really low I rated him pretty low I I rated him pretty low cuz when we played against him in the tournament bro he was like he was like dude this enemy top laner can't be below diamond and my top ler was kind of like slapping him up okay we'll put him see okay Tarzan okay I made a case I think Tarzan might be Tarzan is better than like people in Tarzan's better than yeah no uh yeah he probably is he probably well yeah but is he sha in a Celtics Jersey he's not in B though yeah I think C is I think C's Fair upper CER after we finish General ideas then we do yeah that's fine that's fine that's fine f uh how long do we have we got time all right we got some time okay who's this uh it's oo B right now in his current shape B A what do you think I mean to be fair you should put him with crown I think yeah that's what okay yeah cuz like I think I think ranking crown that high while he was not playing for a while now too and then ranking OD below him is kind of unfair you know this are both Pro players who play for who's this gamer girl g girl oh yeah that's a a a I don't even know where she goes I've never watched her gamer girl is like probably like f f yeah she's she's solar baa level this is the Ezreal right y but he probably plays other stuff drag uh I don't know maybe self but no self where where's where's where's he's really cracked on AZ by the way wait this is this is Adrian right Adrian used to be so [ __ ] good to be like HED to be so [ __ ] good I mean he just doesn't play anymore he actually doesn't play I mean we can't we can't list him uh who the hell is this du King du King oh Duo King's actually like good he's just like his mental is like you should put drag in SE I think okay look at the people that already then yeah he also deserve a spot in that uh okay who's this spear spear shot yeah where do you put spear shot self um as I told you off stream he's decent on stream Jay oh he just say J bro not even like a legit to just Jay bro I think he's like this like in between put him somewhere in the middle then yeah that's seriously I've seen this guy play very good off stream but on stream I've never seen him even know what his Champion does so but I'm also very okay so so here's the thing so I was watching I was watching Dante's I was watching Dante's scrims and everything like I'm pretty sure I would rather have Elite or midbeast than yumato because champion pool issues and then like you know I mean for me it would be attitude issues but like like you if we're talking about pure skill level you wouldn't take that to yeah I guess no I think attitude comes into skill no um your attitude is what L should put him you should put him in okay okay I I would still put down actually I guess when you have good play better all right we got we got we got we got one minute we got one minute all right we got nail I have no idea yet I have no idea I've never seen him iader I guess you could put him in D for now think really that's pretty high everyone to high that's too high I don't know if he's better than spear even from what I saw in other ters I don't think he was that high I think that's like yeah I feel like this one's like all all the otps leader no leader should be higher than yeah leader like rank like bottom I thinkc is fair I mean he he was always good in Solo was rank one was Pro Player like yeah he's [ __ ] good you know where do we put pink word I mean and play mes he just doesn't want to all right ELO Santa can literally only play One champion so uh probably just this literally just one champ yeah uh who's this he can only play one champ too no we played against him in scrims in houses last year was he good I I don't know he's the ringard guy you played against him I I don't think I that was [ __ ] year ago damn random checking now all right Griffin play against you know okay malice where do we put malice hey that's your ball bro uh I don't know how much he's even playing right now probably just in B right now uh yeah I think be is fine uh okay who's this macro yeah yeah he's only or right literally only only yeah see that's the problem with otps they just don't give thems the ability to give them a higher level that's the only issue yeah yeah yeah uh who's this that's vacon I've never seen him I don't even know if he plays anymore I'd say he's probably like Humes level kind of thing he plays Champs he plays a variety too is he Dave level even he's like Dave like humza level what what uh who's this what the I just one of the Teo guys bro just [ __ ] nothing repa who's that is that ipf oh we're in draft we're in draft okay okay [ __ ] we're almost almost we're almost done lock in guys [ __ ] we're almost done where sh go I iag otps okay are there any other otps here laus right uh yeah laus I don't who's this x oh probably like B yeah all right all right here we go here we go we're almost done actually is this detention yeah it's detention oh done Oh's he's OTP no yeah yeah so he's like this tier y okay what is this who's this xetu I think is his name that's the Shen guy in Europe TP tiered yeah I I okay okay uh who's this L stylish L stylish oh dude oh dude no he's probably worse than them no uh I know he he's there maybe I don't know no I think he's still got it a little bit I think he's that tier I think I think he Fair there's some like a Chinese kid pretending to be him on he funny okay but is G still got it like that g still low got it I feel like I don't no gou probably is like this yeah like cuz like here's my it dealers dealers uh alicopter can oh this is dealers oh dealers is like this no I love how these are just like two OTP tiers those are probably dealers yeah it's kind of two OTP good OTP that's what it is actually yeah so funny but is sloppy Wallace a good OTP I don't know no he's like is he like master I don't even okay okay what's this we just put him next to the C bro put pants just put him next to the cookie something bro just slap him next to cookie bro okay who's this huh what the hell is that who is this I don't know some watering who is this oh Tempest Tempest I think isn't Tempest like this or like well I guess he's no he plays other Champions he actually gets high Challenger with other Champs he's probably in this yeah he's probably in this no but there's no way that Rush is he probably is now actually he's falling off so hard no but rush in a competitive setting if he's try Harding yeah Russ if if Russ is in a competitive setting yeah if you told him yo try like gun to your head you need to try hard yeah if he's in a competitive setting then he's probably like this probably right competitive setting yeah I don't see why not I don't think he would be that low okay who's uh who's this R rers Rangers yeah doesn't he only play trendir but he's also really smart at the game yeah he's really cracked probably like this yeah I think there's good yeah I think I think there's good I think I think that one yeah this is probably fine who's this uh isn't this guy terrible like D1 I have no idea I actually have no idea okay uh kadal goes where kad's selfmade I don't know I have no idea hly H I wouldn't put him a though I'd say B is fine yeah I think I think B's okay or I mean c or B I wouldn't put him I wouldn't put him B I'm trying to compare him and D no but if you put him in B then you're saying he's the same as like speaka yeah no he's definitely not so it's it's probably but if you put in C yeah the problem so I think probably probably is as good as Viper yeah I think that's fair oh [ __ ] you could always be like lower n see even like you don't have to be right next to Viper you could be in a Sim we can we can move stuff around after we don't know look at D tier that shit's so small I guess we can move [ __ ] but that's I think that's a fair D tier though cuz those guys are like really good you can't bump them high and you can't put them guys below yeah I mean be honest okay okay okay right now right now I'm G tier right now but I think by the end of this trip we're going to be talking about me and e or F tier at least E I think I go to E tier this trip this trip I can go to I mean honestly I think you're better than hums joking I think I'm definitely at least yeah I'm I'm this right now but like I can by the end of my trip you're going to be you're going to be thinking maybe I bump him to e what would I have to do what would I have to do to get E I don't know I don't know I play a variety I have a champoo I play a lot of Champs if you can get CH I mean you would jump a I have a champoo I hit CH Korea I have ch you hit CH Creo I'm going to yeah oh so you're going I'm going to I mean like when I do it then where am I me if you hit K yeah then I but uh that's uh that's still give me another week okay so we're you want you want to be in G yeah yeah but at the top of G the top you're not I'm the top of G okay I don't think you're at the top are you oh you might actually be uh no wait dealers is probably okay that's fine you can put dealers in front of me that's fine what about uh cookie teer cookie no no no it's just we're not now where are you big shot I'm actually playing scrims what do you mean yeah they why that's why that's what I'm asking where do you rate yourself I don't know I'm not going to I'm not going to rate myself oh you're not going to rate yourself where okay you you you do it you no no him him I would say solid you know F tier oh my Lord solid J tier wait let me actually let me rate myself you can have you want to use that little photo at the bottom you want to use that you want to claim it no I would win in scrims versus all of this tier uh that's why I say J tier I'm joking well I feel like your knowledge and stuff I me I'm biased so I wouldn't you know yeah but but this is the thing though I I've actually demonstrated this though on in in scrims on stream like I don't want to glaze but I'd put you in like no glaze but I probably put you like D or D yeah I'd say that's fair definitely not B I can't but also you're not in form right now cuz you haven't played I form that is true yeah you're kind of kind of shocking a Celtics kit what nothing H okay tenacity where where where do you where you you played you played a bunch of scrims where where where do you put I put myself a okay [ __ ] now okay where's tenasi what you say I think what' he say he said d d okay yeah I think that's fair you don't think you're good in scrims too right huh I mean in scrims I mean I I don't I mean I'm better than everyone below me in scrims for sure not me though yeah I'm Lally better than everyone no offense i' B you oh my God okay let's start ordering wait where the [ __ ] did I we'll figure out we'll figure it out body yeah we got to organize an in housee I think you just moved me yeah yeah I got you bro why don't we do in oh there's not enough people here for inous oh we can do in houses because people are getting here in like 10 days yeah prob well I I can grind I probably can't why cuz I won't have break doesn't matter you you can do it during your off hours no I can't why cuz I need to grind no you need a this is better is grinding this is better than grinding you have an opportunity CU you realize we're in a training room you realiz you realize that like some of them are playing aam right realize that no it's just solo qu or or scrims that's no we're no no we're going to we're going to we're going to organize in houses talk to whoever's in charge I'll I've got 10 days I don't know if I've off I think we need to get a screenshot of this I think you need to tweet this no no but now we need to order them we got to order them wait let me get let me check on the food okay let's let's do the E easy ones first okay so yeah the top this is easy I guess this is fine I'd say left to right yep and then I put this more higher double LIF more nah bro I'm telling you double lift is Shaq and a Celtics Jersey bro everybody will tell you bro L if you open up chat bro open up chat and ask them their opinion of double if bro I'm telling you Shack and a what that mean Shack and a Celtic do you know what sha in a Celtic sery means do you know what references okay wait let me think wait wait hold on wait what is this like list again it's like SK over overall skill overall I put double higher I put him you know what you know why cuz you know what I'm talking about double LIF in terms of solo Q cuz everyone was saying how bad he is in soloku now but like I I don't think he's bad but also like I don't think he's like he has yeah he's not he doesn't have the same Aura he used to for sure okay left to right okay so agin first that's fine I think yeah that's fine I think this looks acceptable I me I honestly think I don't know how good is Jack Spectra Jack's pretty good right now he just did a run in EMA European thing so like I feel like he's more informed okay okay yeah cuz also you can already I think leader is pretty good maybe leader here hi ke see it's hard to rate the European guys like it's just like who's better in Europe bro but leader got like 90% chall that's crazy and then how good is duuk kill is some of the some of the European guys I don't know to the bottom of this one just cuz his tweet suck but like s bro I mean v v to bro like if we're doing [ __ ] if we're taking Tweets in account bro I'm just dropping both of them God damn bro yo I let's thank the sub today by the way God damn that guy has ego bro does he even thank the sub today no this gu is just ego bro [Music] yeah I think this I think we're good with these upper tiers start doing C okay who's like maybe rat rat would be higher May rat okay okay yeah like he was saying the rat's really good like here is he better than leader like you know what I mean I think he's I would put him here maybe above like that yeah I think this is fair yeah I think this looks good bro to be honest lowest maybe lower okay like the lowest or maybe higher than vigar I'd say okay so like here how does that look let me think that looks fine let's let's look at see let's let's get bro I think we have Dom Too High by the way I think Dom too high Dom's like actually no he's pretty knowledgeable though that's the thing but I don't think I have a CutiePie should be here bro he came back and dropped one KP though bro that's kind of CRA like actually or you like bro go look go go right but there's no way you're saying daon is worse than I'm a CutiePie but overall skill bro you got to keep Dave has a limited champion pool yeah that's true but CutiePie just came back dropped the one klp on their heads bro cutie was doing it when you were [ __ ] in diapers bro you got to think of like that okay think of the Longevity if he try hards yeah this is like assuming they're try hard yeah this is try Harding like swe um I mean go gun to their head you got to climb kind of okay okay okay so I think you pilot TF play yeah upper up I mean taret and try Harding just has to be up here like he has to be at the top I mean I think it's I think this looks fine I don't really know no way that well but I think everything else looks good would I rather have viper or TF maybe Viper in competitive cuz he has bigger champoo yeah and he's just like is less like annoying in Cals if that we count I mean if we're just counting everything you know what I mean poter I feel like more up yeah like fair I think I think that's fair I think this looks good bro I don't really know anyone else i' change dual King then yeah I feel like Dom like nobody would want Dom I feel like Dom's good but no definit he's good but nobody would want but he's old yeah he doesn't have the hand knowledgeable obviously um think I'm a cutie by this I'm a cutie you can drop him at the bottom of C to be honest if you wanted to I see I feel like something like that is some fair I think D tier is fine I wouldn't touch D if anything maybe potent ahead of Dave that's about it but I think that's fine D tier yeah I think that's fine actually move poton up move poon up over him actually let me let me let meon here so this you're really glazing the first three bro what you you think it's something different I really like don't think it I think it's just all like personal opinion bro like whatever Vibe you're feeling bro yeah is C the side I guess he is I mean he hit uh Aller yeah he's an he try hards watch so much Pro play he was Expo like you're he try hards yeah like Loro is still good I don't know how good this guy is though yeah me neither reptile I feel like it's a I I think this good I I think we I think we nail C tier okay drar maybe off okay I think that's chill yeah that that look pretty good to I don't know you just move draft on oh that's fine that's fine yeah you're good it just turn on yeah it just turn hey how do you think our our it look oh oh just X okay how do you think it looks so far what ordering left to right what let me see wa up until C why is Ranger ZX e tier because he only plays One champion no I feel like you could almost bump him into DTI to be fair but he does really play One champion without skill shot so it's kind of hard to do that you think Dom is no knowledgeable reptile literally just came off of a pro split didn't he so what Pro split bro a little it's been a little bit of time now okay yeah yeah I mean I'm not too sure yeah but so kadal hasn't played in forever no so wouldn't kadal just be below knowledable would you not agree I feel like C- streaming stuff like really helps with like knowledgeable stuff like in terms of consistently watching Pro play why Dom's kind of up there too yeah that's true kind weird I don't know I don't know about skill level at the game but it feels weird having you below them too it'd be like if they were try Harding type [ __ ] you know yeah like onun to your head you need to climb a million gam you got a million games well no if I play like 300 400 more games then you're ahead of them yeah mhm me yeah but you haven't played a lot so that's fair we can't really recently did like child on not too long I think up until okay okay all right drop yeah we can I'm trying to eat yeah let me go have a quick nibble why are you guys cop scrims every single year or what what are you guys like what like what what is going on I play four [ __ ] roles what no I said since 2019 I've been playing in scrims like every year no I didn't Peak Master jackass I used to be top 400 Korea every [ __ ] year there's a video on YouTube it's on my highlights channel it's in it's in response to the tfblade thing where I show all the screenshots and all my old accounts [ __ ] [ __ ] you and everyone else that thinks I'm like a [ __ ] platinum or Diamond Player when I just don't play the game anymore since I started co- streaming [ __ ] retards I was Perma top 400 1,000 on Korea for like literally 6 years in a row [ __ ] God absolute [ __ ] idiot I had no Korean friends I met Revan in [ __ ] season 7 right I met shrimp in season n like I had no [ __ ] friends in Korea my God what wait tenacity wait where did tenasity go hello yeah yeah what's good how are you I'm playing a game right now no it's fine it's fine season 7 was 10 years ago but after co- stream I stopped playing every year I've hit GM several times since season 10 some solo some not although I was I was one win off GM last season and I didn't get it of course I'm not in formed I didn't play for nine months but also like I'm pretty sure if Dom like played seriously if Kroll played seriously they they would also be higher than other people on this list too and like so would some of the other people if they like just only grinded and played serus you know okay anyways draft uh okay so fnatic have oh fnatic have a a a a draft Edge uh maybe Rangers up there hold on tenacity share your screen that was kind of [ __ ] up yeah why did you do that dude this guy's lowkey like owning me like AP nasis is not balanced no can you sh wait uh we got to finish the list I got a recall oh okay all right so we're at what see we we did C we did D no we didn't finish with C though you don't think we finish who do we fix C ad might be a bit high no I think I think he's appropriately ranked okay yeah actually that's chill okay he's fine aless plays 100 games in the next week I'll rate him higher more than 100 more than 100 okay couple hundred no but let's see you're too low I feel like you're like an A type [ __ ] no you can move me back down I don't know why you accidentally moved me it's all good it's all good bro where are you supposed to be uh next to dealers yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay uh e i midbeast is not I feel like hums is unironically number one I I think hums is number one here yeah like I wrong I would do humza detention ah maybe Rangers up there too I don't know A detention think midbeast is better than detention H A detention Rangers you don't think Elite is probably he plays other Stu he legit just only Vlad That's why no no no I'm pretty sure it's like yeah I'd rate Elite pretty highly then I think mid Beast is better than play and and hums is better than detention my opinion I don't think so I really don't think so better better bro was like mastered like 100 LP I think or something no what what you get you almost got Challenger no he didn't on on cus he did on God yes put it on God yes show me his account got banned when he was like a couple wins away see that's see that's excuses I don't like excuses what do you mean he was like 700 show where's the proof where's the proof I don't remember what his ID was the proof let me go on F just account and then go on F wait find his name no it is it's this I think wait uh oh no this is level one [ __ ] well go to deep La find his green ID name what what's his thing on deep La I mean just look at his uh detention detention you can find his ID and then put it on F PE just go to streamer and then look at his create an account okay okay down where yep there oh detention Hung okay okay wait uh uh detention hunger okay wa f w. KR thank you I'm just asking what it is yeah he like he was 400 LP 400 LP but it this is when Challenger was like no that's wrong Challenger is always 500 400 LP not true seon we talk about early season if this is bugs but look this is this 200 is Challenger this was this was legit start of season no start of season was uh right here it looks like so it when he was 400 LP it it looks like it was about a week into the season no it's two weeks into the season two weeks into the season which Challenger is already there's already 300 slots in Challenger so Challenger was 100% more than 500 LP at this point right yes I said he was a few wins off yeah he said a few wins off well if he's 400 and Challenger was probably like two weeks in it's probably around 550 maybe that's not he close no oh get out of here a child then are you right now I'm 420 yeah but it's like deep season right now no yeah but this is early season what do you mean this is this is early season like yeah it's early season ear 400 pce 400 yes but the the the players that he's playing with in the game I mean the games are still pretty okay when did the season start actually because this is January February this is August I feel like this is even deeper into the season is it in the mid-season start around I'm trying to remember when it did yeah I feel like mid season started like I thought it was that year was weird like six thought it was 716 can you check just search up no uh 2023 season 2023 split 2 art date cuz after like four days there's usually one Challenger players and then it fills up after like two weeks right all the Challenger slots look at this bro it's been it was two months into the season then yeah wait actually that makes sense because the split is about to end right in two weeks so this was probably the same time last year we have three splits this season last year was two no last yeah we had three SS [ __ ] we had this is going to be three last one was two I believe right it was two last season right was it three last season I feel like it's still two this Seas season three split three splits for sure why doesn't it cuz we don't have any offseason July 19th July 19th January February March so he was July 19 3 weeks almost a month yeah so that means Challenger was already probably filled out and so his 400 LP maybe was ranked like 600ish but that's still early season so that's like not when everyone's playing too Ty [ __ ] okay but hey let's finish list I know I know hold on tenasity want me to look at something what what do you want me to look at this NASA spilled good what the [ __ ] is this dude is he dumb dud I'm just ask asking a question what is your team wait why is your Lucian going mid I love the Ping On Him K this is normal I love this wait oh tiia tiia accepts her fate she's going Bottom she's going to Lane with Nick it oh oh bro he's kind of bossing with this oh I think he oh oh my God what is this slow yeah my honestly snip yeah I think if you were North American you get that yeah General sniper gets the kill there yeah that's true that's true yeah no assist that's [ __ ] you didn't hit him for a couple minutes there I don't know if you noticed oh did he I don't know where J is yeah I don't yeah maybe maybe help out your jarvin wow wow wow wow wow maybe maybe jarin can help you can can he can he maybe Auto Maybe Auto One Time challenge yeah he kind of failed it got crem on jarvin somehow I don't even he just got off stage I don't know inst the cute up bro get some more reps in Beast get some more reps in we got CR on Lucian right now in mid though ah [ __ ] this is easy you making it out of this you making it out of this oh he saving it he's saving the pass oh okay th just pik's ID look at Pik idov na American who is pik's ID I thought he going miss that me bro probably not me on [ __ ] support bro good luck that's you American is crazy bro oh wait who has Nike luution no the the nasis oh [ __ ] is that nit wait bro any American is real wait what's going on here oh [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up dude like this champ needs to be nerfed what is his build though man wait this guy still has ghost oh my god did you just skip Cannon to to flip dude it's already dead F dude you learning from this by the way I feel like I had a lot of good takeaways for sure yeah feel like I'm learning a lot here try and do it in like 400 LP range and we can get talking yeah how long are you in Korea for tene I don't know until when I leave wow I [ __ ] with that [ __ ] with that heavy that that's a pretty good that's a pretty good mindset I think yeah wow makes yeah it's going to be a secret schedule self M you got to come to Korea too you can join the inh houses oh I can't join in houses you're joining inous you're joining in unless we can do it tomorrow or some [ __ ] bro you're Jo you don't have enough people here bro maybe we do we have we have uh me do you not want to improve like do you just not care about improving yeah do you not care about improving you think you're improving in those scrims like come on I mean actually I been all right let's finish the list by the way yeah I need to finish the list and then I go home or go to sleep I mean yeah what are we doing all right next TI yeah hit the tower and die who's this oh rush rush I feel like Ranger is lower okay if Rush is actually like trying try Harding he's higher than I don't know bro just like current body of work is also saying like you know what I mean the same way like you haven't been playing he's been playing and looks like [ __ ] but me Ranger Ranger has to be better than everyone here no yeah really I think so yeah he probably is okay wait wait wait but Rangers should be in this casing see what are they doing you think so well it's because he's a one TR he's got the OT but he's an OTP I would maybe say d tier if anything like is he better than okay maybe's he plays he to play daros right but like he's he's actually really smart about the game yeah no I know he is but like and he's good at the game too I mean if if he can get banned out then what well it's not even like baned out it's just about like your over Brad level of skill right like having really good game understanding Champion okay uh okay F tier I don't know brother DPS it's just so like you know what I mean i' actually probably I mean solar Baka I would imagine is probably the best he's looked good off other CH he a plus you know B A minus cuz F just looks so mean and G like you why cuz it looks mean like I feel like you should have A+ instead you know oh man I'm fine with taking a g bro it's no problem like it's fine dude the G SWAT it's not a problem yeah we got a mute Griffin yeah we got to mute Griffin yeah I agree with that up I don't know would you change anything in F I just really don't I don't think there's anything like I'm I wouldn't fight for anybody here you know what I also I think potent should go it's bleached yeah like you see wait how how how is General sniper who's actually like a pro player below I don't know bro he's been like 15 for a couple Seasons now man how good can he be at the game right no but he's better than everyone listed here is he is he I I would rather would you vote for that like you know what I mean that's on you that's your well I mean I I would move I feel like the strong point on 100 thieves was like just their Jung mid just kind of carrying every game you know like yeah but sniper sniper improved a lot yeah yeah like but I would rather have like if if you ask me like would I rather have Spa on my team or sniper if I'm like purely trying to win and not like obviously like team building who is this again SP you oh [ __ ] yeah is he better than double lift I don't um I he just played in Europe in that EMA thing like can you coach me out this game I don't think speaker is better than malice they're both like yeah he's not better than malice but the thing is is malice is so out of shape he's like barely playing yeah that's why that's also part of yeah that's like that that's also one of the problems like no no no like malice is like barely playing and he like hates the game otherwise malice would be higher uh is double if playing some on valerant earlier today he's playing but the thing is I've only heard negative things about him playing right now in Solo Cube I don't yes I that's the problem right got the long stuff but like Al there's no way that rat is better than Lo or or vigar no and there's also no way he better than cat evolved I don't what you think selfmade I don't know we don't know the EU rat has to be like the lowest in in in this list we don't know the EU boys yeah I tapped in like that yeah I yeah kind of bit that okay Cav all but I don't I don't really think like this um the orders would matter do much but okay okay all right H does not actually matter right I mean okay we for sake of the we can just put [ __ ] it's probably like this no like something like this yeah it's fine yeah I mean no there's no way KES is higher than Al actually no K get Challenger low key yeah K get chck yeah yeah if he's locked in and playing with Nemesis backseating him yeah it's actually not a bad combo oh my God that's some chill self mate do you do you agree Dru is better than crowny um I mean cr can't play a it's not only he can play though no that's my point yeah you can play in the fury too can play everything that crowny can play but crown can't play action so true nice this is your tier list by the way yeah this is yours this is your yeah your stamps on it they already have screenshots would be talking about my my person would be you know a little bit different I would have changed a bunch here bro I don't agree with this at all hey look I don't fck with this at all you guys are [ __ ] idiots oh my God wait how are you winning this game I don't we got see the nasis build know let me see it's sced up you want me to for master solo game and show you what's happening there oh this is what we need this is this is like what we live for yeah match found no let's just do oh you know what now now that uh I'm actually a little bit confused this why doesn't everyone just use barcodes now that you can IGN why why would you because it just makes it more obnoxious to search just Bas easy no it's it's too easy to sell copy base really yeah why does Korea's opponents well you just look on there's always live game you could always just oh live game you're right yeah Korea doesn't work Korea's API doesn't work yeah any live game yeah wait does does de work on no nobody's op doesn't what is Nas's uh [ __ ] I you search up who's on the enemy team I [ __ ] I search up trophy oh [ __ ] I'm scared yeah choose my choose my jungler to play this game your jungler I got make sure you can jle jungle Champion what's a good jungle what's a goodp [ __ ] what's a good jungle wait let me think let me think what's the unique I don't have many champions actually here but oh [ __ ] what do you have oh what the [ __ ] Champions it's my own account
Channel: bive
Views: 4,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sTOx7GdLglM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 25sec (4045 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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