LS | 100T vs TL Playoffs | How Santorin Beats Closer in the Jungle ft. Crownie

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all right so we're going to be on the pro view of santorin for a little bit um i think i'm going to turn off chat while i do pro view i think that my mental state is just really [ __ ] bad today so i think i don't want to reach out i think i'll just only focus on the games uh so centaurion on the xin zhao starts with e he's gonna open with ease and take the blast cone um always feels really fun okay so pretty much every single lane for santorin is totally fine he doesn't have any obligation to do anything compared to the lee sin um and then also the the the the rise and the orn um they they do need assistance so all right uh not really uh looking at anything in between auto okay he takes a look at mid lane i mean it's whatever when becomes lightning okay he manages to tag all of um all the minions with that okay uses some f keys this is fine and between auto attacks not the cleanest he could probably be cutting a little bit better um while he's doing this yeah he's definitely taking too much damage um it's not the end of the world it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't matter okay so uh we see mid lane we see that cinder is actually winning on the trades um i i think jensen shouldn't have auto attacked the rise there i'm not sure if he actually did it should have just been a q cast um it's a nice look at warren warren is basically the only lane that you really have to pay attention to here because it's unlikely that lee sin is going to be able to come from like left-hand side and do anything to rise or whatnot so you just have to really pay attention to oren um doing the grompier before the blue i think is absolutely correct uh bot lane i mean it's totally fine he smites away the gromp when it becomes lightning onto the blue um and yeah you just have to keep paying attention to uh you just have to keep paying attention to top lane um the the the the the thing that he's doing with his mouse instead of f keying it's it's really bad um yeah it's it's not good you can also kite camps uh with f keys by using space bar and just a uh you can you can auto the uh the camp but it doesn't matter um and also it's not saying that he's not achieving the same or like relatively the same thing by by using his mouse it's just that it's less uh it's less ideal um okay he's gonna start up the uh golems this is and now he's gonna get intel on lee sin he knows exactly where lisa is he does have the smite he's gonna smite away the golems um now it's interesting that leeson doesn't actually appear neither from the left side or the right side so what this means is that lee could already just have gone for the scuttle crab and he might be trying to cheese that never mind um so if this isn't what's happening then it probably means that lee is somewhere around here um and he's gonna be going for the right-hand scuttle crab and he's able to do that because the bot lane obviously um is is shoved in now the bot lane could have gone for a cheater and lee still would have been able to achieve the scuttle crab so a little bit weird that um fbi and hui uh did not end up going for anything like that um so i do think that that's a little bit of a blunder um and now xin zhao is just gonna go back to farming um he could have killed one of the small uh he could have killed one of the small wolves and dinged level four uh that just gives him the base level up and the base armor and whatnot so whatever uh he also could have been kiting this camp uh he killed that on full patience um that wasn't you know super ideal uh now you know that lee sin is already probably finished on the right-hand side you don't actually have any intel on his uh on his cs uh so you don't know exactly everything that he's doing he's probably gonna come down here check on this see if he's here um and okay you get the question mark ping so now we know that uh lee sin was indeed here so now i have a rough approximation of like where lee sin is and where he's gonna be for the next few minutes i think it's a little bit weird how far he's continuing to play the lane as long as he is um that one does strike me as a little bit weird doesn't really matter to me if he has a cs advantage or not he definitely could have found a recall somewhere between now um you know somewhere between like wave one uh through nine um jace can easily get uh just a recall off for free super lens comes out when become lightning misses one of the minions not really that big of a deal uh he is cutting the camp so i think this is totally fine uh and you can see that rel off the reset because bot lane is just gonna be standard and the wave's gonna you know be uh waiting for varys or else just gonna do a really standard thing this isn't like a this isn't a roam or anything like that and alison um is probably gonna be around here right now uh so everyone knows this and so what's gonna happen is xin zhao is gonna go like this and then maybe look to go like this and this just backs up the jace up and top lane um bot lane is gonna be totally fine there is a world where i guess lee sin is a complete [ __ ] sinner um and he does something on the right hand side and then tries to maybe just get this leon is going to do an actual reset uh just like you know uh rel just did they're gonna run into each other um lee sin is lee sin is either about to show on the right-hand side in which case he would probably just use this opportunity to go for dragon or something or lee sin is now going to be up here uh he's going to be left side um lee sin could maybe be on the golems right now squire lens is going to come and check to see where anything could be going gleeson might be right here um and so what i imagine is ninja is gonna walk here and then he'll angle this up at the golems just to get intel lee sin should be right here yep okay um and so this is pretty much all that's going on these are all really forced rotations this is all like static um there's not really much that lee sin can do here because he's again he's confined to uh he's confined to the game um and he doesn't really have any options on this so now you you have uh you have intel on on lee sin he's just gonna stay here for jace to crash this wave back him up uh and then after this he'll path back down like this and then this will end up mirroring the leeson on the right-hand side um so that's all that's going on bot lane's playing a little bit weird we can see that on the mini map i think both bot lanes are messing up uh somehow but uh we're not getting enough intel via f keys so i can't actually tell if this is what's going on um and and since i was just gonna run straight through and now he might run into lee right here lee could lee could maybe be over here pinning the crab uh lee could be pinning the crab okay lee's not pinning the crab so because lee's not pinning the crab you know that lee is somewhere around here he's about to yep okay um so all right lee wasn't already on the crab so he wasn't pinning it so we know that he's coming from the right hand side camp so we actually now have intel on his right side camps and we also have the clear timers on his raptors and we have his clear timers on golems um so we're gonna start the red buff right now and lee sin is just gonna hover around mid he doesn't know that he's on top of a word right now red buff captured by santorin uh this is all fine i i i'm not getting enough intel from the lanes though so i can't actually tell how bad cinder or jace are messing up but i know that they're messing up somehow um but unfortunately like we're not getting enough until um and what i mean by this is that they're they're not playing uh economy probably as much as they could relative to everything that's happening i think inside of the jungle syndra is able to do it a lot easier jace obviously had that super massive wave um where he just has a lot of freedom actually maybe if how far he didn't i'm just totally missing this actually i might be totally missing this maybe maybe elfari actually didn't i'm making a mistake here maybe maybe i'm missing it um okay he's gonna end up taking uh the golems he'll reset now and this will just be the same mirror lee sin uh so one of two things is actually gonna happen right now it's gonna say cloud dragon's been slain um in like maybe 15 20 seconds from now or something like that um and if it's not gonna actually be the case then we're gonna have an identical mirror to what just happened a couple of minutes ago um and this is just gonna be a rinse wash repeat so uh if it is a rinse wash repeat this isn't necessarily the end of the world but the thing that i think is a little bit problematic is that i think 100 thieves are actually doing fine in lanes that they shouldn't be doing fine in also really good to note that oren has the spell book um so i think this is fine um this is all uh this is all fine okay now uh the blue is up again lee sin is probably gonna be right around here um there's no chance that he's on this okay lee sin is gonna be somewhere around here and now everyone has intel on it lee sin might do something like this because he might think that xin zhao is gonna run up like this so lee sin could actually maybe be right here he's getting ready for a counter gank uh leeson might just appear out of fog of war here or an ultimate is going to come out lee sin maybe right here gleason not here oren is yeah okay um so lisa was actually a little bit slow there i feel like that's a really poor read um by closer uh or or actually orange just um orange just making a blunder um but yeah i'm not totally sure uh what's going on first blood actually picked up ben centaurin yeah closure's playing really bad uh everything he's doing is just it it's really static but um we we can understand that he's he's static for the first six camps but after that you don't have to be static and you're not allowed to be static due to the nature of the lanes um so it's definitely uh it's definitely rough definitely rough definitely rough um okay so now uh after the kill on lee sin he just gets a little bit intel lets jace crash in the wave he's gonna immediately turn his attention towards the rift herald now this is fine because again lee sin is right here um so lisa's just going to pass down to the right hand side camps up camps up uh this is totally fine uh rel's gonna know that this is also up and what not not too much you can do this is just a free scuttle crab pickup again you don't want to raise a turret with this so you'll probably just plop at mid just to get a couple of turret plates and whatnot um i found out the other day that harold is actually a lot worse than i even thought that it was uh for the last like literally half year or like two years or whatever um the reason that i found out that harold's actually worse is because you killed the herald you get 100 gold and then uh you get 260 xp when the opponent kills the herald they get 25 gold and they get 260 xp so you actually get 75 gold plus whatever you get from the plates so the the objective is actually way worse than i originally thought that it was um so that that kind of sucks okay scuttle crab was picked up uh by closer um i can't see a cs uh so i can't actually tell what other camps were maybe consumed um on the right hand side uh we move on okay golems are gonna be getting tagged now by xinjiao um everything else is is pretty fine here i really really don't like the inefficiency with the mouse over just the f keys anathema's chains are completed on orn uh that is something to definitely be wary of but i think everything is still fine um somehow center is losing to rise and this is what i was talking about about how jensen doesn't really play economy or anything like that syndra's best benefit i think they're playing against ryze is definitely to play econ worse um and obviously what i mean by econ wars is like you can just do stuff like he there's no point to to have an offensive start against ryze inside of laning phase like you can just do the sapphire crystal lost chapter stuff against ryze um and he can't really resist it because you're syndra um you can get away with it for free and then if he doesn't do it then you end up blocking him on tier with like sapphire and stuff like that and yeah then then you bully him on economy with like lost chapter recall and stuff so but jensen's never gonna play economy um you know so okay blue uh is being uh taken right now looks like xin zhao is going to get it i don't yeah it looks like xin zhao is going to get it okay uh cloud dragon i should have just mentioned that cloud dragon probably was about to be slain um and we have a lot of pings going on right now okay actually jensen is gonna come over and get the blue i find the blue hand off to be very sudge um because i think it's totally unnecessary santorum's going to come over now into mid um yeah uh this is uh yeah i i don't really know what's going on i will be honest with you i am a bit dejected the uh with the way that tl played all their lanes i am i am honestly a bit dejected but we weren't getting i i feel like there's not enough intel um from the way that he looks at lanes uh to to really to you know make any more sense of that now the thing that's really weird about this is that if leeson immediately uh recalled after cloud capture now we have intel that lee is uh these should be left side these should be left side uh yep okay all right so this was predictable because we saw ryze and leona um and we see the way that someday is moving so we should actually know so the reason is is because when cloud's captured these camps shouldn't be here so lee's gonna reset after cloud capture and then he's gonna run like this and then because he's gonna run like this and then because orange lane uh is in a really weird spot it only makes sense to do this um that's basically one of the only moves that lee sin has so that's that's pretty much it um that is uh i think all that's going on there now lee sin um is gonna lose the the scuttle crop this doesn't really matter now lee sin's root is also static uh it's back to just being this um and there's nothing really that he can change about it now given that he can't change this i don't know why xin zhao is skipping gromp um it doesn't make any sense to have a hot date and get to the right hand side because there's there's no universe where lee sin does something like this uh the question mark goes down on the red but lee sin is not on red he should already be uh pathing into his red side jungle releasing should maybe show up um on a ward or just in general in about maybe 20 seconds from now 20 to 30 seconds from now um leeson should should maybe actually show up somewhere um i think that i think that's a high possibility um so we'll we'll see what ends up happening we're mostly looking at like this word uh to see if lee sin is actually gonna show up somewhere um he'll he would either show up there he would show up in bottom uh maybe about 10 seconds remaining um for for lita maybe show up somewhere now ryze actually does immediately move here this is probably going to add about eight seconds to that calculation um so yeah okay there he is all right so he does show up in bot lane um and these are just uh again these these are just really forced um the only alternative here is for lee to finish everything here reset and then you'd factor in his movement speed coming off fountain to go to the red buff but that's not super ideal because you look at the top lane state and that one doesn't make any sense um so i think i think this is uh this is all pretty fine uh okay now we're coming off the reset gore drinker completed for the xinjiao um i think this is i think this is fine um so now lee sin is gonna be uh uh leeson should be fin uh he should be on raptors right now or he should okay so he's not here yet so he's right here okay and this means that red is up and so is golems um all right well okay not too much is going on okay i'm bored of uh the jungle co-stream all right we're gonna go to the mainstream these junglers are both playing bad now they're not they're playing they're playing pure okay but relative to everything happening in the game they don't have to play this way i know that sounds really weird they're both playing bad because they're both playing so pure but there's no reason to be playing pier i know that sounds like really weird it just it kind of sucks it's kind of sad you could say that they're not playing bad but they they are within the context of the lanes and the game right because they're they're not like santorin all right actually okay santorin's not necessarily playing that he's made he's made like two pathing uh blunders uh i think uh or like errors whatever whatever the [ __ ] you wanna call it right santoran has less responsibility to play correct due to the nature of his lanes um but closer closer definitely played really bad okay so 100 thieves are actually not in as bad of a situation as i thought that they should be in and this is a byproduct of the lanes um just not going as bad for them and so 100 thieves are like ryze and horn are in much better spots right now than they should be okay really big fight happening and xin zhao is just gonna get popped and hundred thieves maybe can actually win this game yeah okay so a hundred thieves are actually in a pretty good spot so team liquid definitely had a better draft um with the way that everything is actually unfolded and the fact that ryze is beating a syndra um this is absolutely a rough game uh uh i i think that's totally fine yeah you could you could do something like that i don't think that would be bad okay abu dhabi is gonna get caught up by the xinjiao oh but the okay well er santorin uses the gore drinker wait but centaur goes back in for literally no reason okay and that is a really clean kill by closer fbi does land the moonlight vigil but core jj is going to land everything up onto the affiliates video it's just gonna get popped immediately and this is really good news as abu dhabi is gonna flash away rune prison goes on to elfari does not have the phase rush so he's not able to actually catch the rise and this is just gonna end up resulting in the capture of the second rift herald um that was a really weird played fight by santorin for sure um again gold advantage uh by tl here in in this game number one not super massive uh computer volume is fine too it looks like tactical oh he's actually going to manage to flash away abu dhabi oh that is perfect positioning on the rune prison does miss the ever cross but it doesn't matter fbi does get the kill obviously tactical just had a hot date there um it it looks like they actually want to continue the fight jensen is almost there oh oh my god wow what a second gauge oh [ __ ] well that sucks closer was able to get that kill uh nice nice wind becomes lightning that was that was a hero engaged by quarter j that was a really really really sick engage by quarter today honestly i think that they just get barren that i i think that they get baron i don't think it's possible for someday to stop this um or i mean if he does stop it he loses his own life i think um i think i i think if he wants to stop it he loses his own life uh he summons a pillar inside of the pit it actually misses um he can't actually go into the pit this seems a little bit sudge but tactical is almost there um so you can see jensen goes for the stun he actually uses his q and z wait they gave up they gave up on the baron okay tactical was almost there i do think that it's possible but yeah okay this is what i was talking about someday he's going to lose his own life in order to stop the baron uh but i mean it's just something that you have to do now one of the things that's interesting okay jensen jensen and alifari both have teleport so they're gonna be able to uh they're gonna be able to tp and go to the infernal this is gonna be good this is gonna be totally fine um yeah why does lcs seem so garbage compared to the other regions okay yeah i don't want to answer that um santorin is gonna capture the infernal dragon this is very good news bears for team liquid and then everyone's gonna go back to getting their own lanes wait do you want to join for any of the lck code streams uh yeah if i'm a lot okay i mean of course tomorrow do you want genji or what t1 genji i don't know i think i i mean later today i'm probably doing it from a [ __ ] hotel hi skanks i love you all right here we go big fight where is that or what huh another date or what yeah yeah really got it what okay they just have to disengage to be honest okay gwen w the yeah still feels kind of close because imagine muhammad devas get this drake then hmm if hundred thieves got this drake and they were on soul point i definitely agree i think it's a very close oh but syndra goes down alfaro uh the game's over again i think a father cleans up here yeah i'll fire we'll yeah this game is over this game's over for sure they're just gonna chase everything down now uh i think it's a little bit weird right one of them should have gone oh nice tactical's doing it tactical has gone to the right-hand side that's a nice engage yeah this game is over this game is over cool cool cool cool yeah we got top lane probably next game crowning yeah that's probably more exciting uh so you're actually going to hotel robot well i'm going to um i'm going to like a resort this is my first vacation ever by the way but what did you have actually ever stream tomorrow well okay i'm streaming because it's gen gt1 and i can't let nemesis hog all the viewers um you know what i mean but just pick it up take the vacation after the stream and no well everything's good for a while i did you know i didn't know i actually thought uh so truthfully i thought dom juan would choose t1 so i actually thought that t1 would play saturday really yeah that's actually how i booked everything i literally thought that don juan would choose t1 but don't you think like they would always choose name plates and they would never like you know because when you see names of t1 you still expect them to be like yeah yeah but knowing shim was doing so well in summer yeah they were but so yeah but this is my first vacation ever i'm actually yeah this is going to be very nice tail might actually be able to win on this po oh someday oh my god although the jazz damage is so disturbing he like half hp three people yeah oh nice in one spring nice nice oh it's over i think they ended oh they have no nash but i think they can i think they end i think this should be able to end oh oh they got him they got him they got him they clipped him nice that was clean honestly that wasn't that was actually clean that was good no that was good that was good oh yeah that was good okay guys i will see you all later i'll be on instagram i'll be on twitter and i might do i'm probably gonna do an irl stream from uh from there i'll probably do an irl stream maybe beat stream or something maybe and i'm also gonna make a video i'm gonna record the video from there i should do tl versus gen or teal i should do t1 versus gen g code stream but anyways that's pretty much it um the closer pro view and the elfari pro view will probably be on youtube uh as separate videos or something but that's it and then uh nemesis is gonna go wine and dine all right see you later bye everyone
Channel: LS
Views: 86,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fOyv9s8CDaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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