Loyalty is Worth More Than Diamonds | House of Dang Final Episode

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here we go say this secret place right here behind us in can you show them the coffee's look at that so fast man a little baby and lastly you know press from the kitchen it is only the best for king of blame and King will remain on this diamond boy my boy where you got an overdose you know I'm king of the thrill of course master hey we got the best grill master right here in Houston you know people come from all over the country all over the world really come get a grill from Johnny action would we be this weekend this Saturdays we got an action would Batman here baby Johnny daddy company came up late maybe the money changed people might you know the money can make people do bad things it's just everyday let's just rest let's rev it up I do love you know whenever I want to release that we go to the Tambor [Music] you know in businessmen so many different things I have to take him care not only physical work I'm so like mental branding business management's all employees he's really stressful so this meditation here helped me a lot I love it I'm original came from Buddha grow up in Vietnam and went to tambour with my grand moms we've been doing it for years in this way we're looking for peace with five peace used to me second they get their armies communities in USA's and I'm very happy to be in Houston I'm happy I can build a big temple I feel like we need the temple areas I always think in my mind the more temple we build the less prison we need you know that's how I feel we regularly got meetings like every two weeks but especially it's so stressful and I be mad a little bit for these times because one of my employees I put a lot of curse on him I just found out that he stole from for me from the coming his name is Johnny boy I call me Johnny boys very young kid I gave him opportunity join him as a VIP customer service I just found out that he stole a two watches task for my clients my customer basically they gave them money give me a back shot chance my very strong message in this business or any business is to be honest even you are dishonest one time you want to lose kradic forever all right let's go you guys we got a meeting real quick do we have everyone here we miss anyone here tonight right now I saw we have a bad news Johnny boy he'd been working for coming in almost two years I have promote train him to be one of my I call right-hand man because he been 20 trouble with me had me to take care celebrity clients I just found out he did real Betty not only for me for the whole company I don't know what happened to his mic they get to steal quick money and thinking I'm not know to me that I'm very very upset he really making good money he's still thinking try to make faster I feel like it's the most stupid thing they ever do Johnny boy ever did it maybe in his life [Music] we injury and diamond business y'all got been around with a hundred thousand lay around the table every single guy in here you've been working for me for a long time four years I trust you I don't know maybe so maybe somebody don't like me but see they work here they don't say but I feel like I should every single people here am i right I love everyone here as my family member we go everyone do their part all right everything you owe everyone thank you [Music] walked in with a suit on the light okay guys you got me you know the guy like won't say his name you feel you termination this is why it doesn't look too professional I think the vibe is cool we all pretty much understand each other and I always say like each department is kind of like their own little family and everybody else is like cousins and we're here six days a week sometimes work on a Sunday people bring their kids in their mothers their whole family here so yeah we definitely consider server family family friends all the above I always tell exactly the backbone of the company because people get to see the visual they see the chains and stuff all on the instagrams and everything so that would cause traffic for them to buy everything we put up it goes viral so you know a lot of people might not know my words but take Seany I'm gonna be here forever that's how I live [Music] to be managed with so many Kara diamonds so much money the people who do with me had to be number one choice either gotta a wants to get it together shop you know where AJ yeah can you call me you know we've been here for few years the best in me we just have it stolen from in size we see employees we never have a problem of outside stealing because we have a real tight security it's never really been any major issue but take this little baby right here pump-action shotgun you know to support you cheering I never really had to use it's important for us to be here because you can see millions and millions of dollars a jury so it's important for us to be here because if we won here it's moving my name is gia I'm the VIP manager I handle all the big clients big celebrities vagina and don't want y'all go following me I'm gonna show you all the VIP section we usually normally take the VIP present this time we got nothing but big tennis chains were eight corners and up to 20 corners 34 years this is one of the newest Johnny brought it back when he iced it out he was the first one I saw best team chain you got the Rolex chain with the baguettes all over it one of our most valuable chains is Johnny's famous piece which he calls the diamond boy pendant he's also got the baguettes mixed with emerald cuts in here then on top of that you got $100,000 tennis chain you got a big wood cubing this is a kilo right here about 80 carats this one I want to sell to an NFL players you know somebody gonna get it I had a lot of people really don't have no skill don't have a no knowledge but I give them opportunity and I build them a job - Corrine it's just better to give them the skill so they have something to do their life I love to give back and the more I give back for the people unfortunately people to pull people the more Plus every sick I do better business I know how important it is when you pull and you receive something give you this big deal so I create Jonathan charity two years ago so heavy years I not only donate in Houston and Ariel I also donate to a lot of Vietnamese in Vietnam in my village I feel very blessed to make the whole area happy they really came way into every Christmas that I don't know them food do you understand me Johnny is the most humble guy I have ever met being his employer but him as well being my mentor I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than here dealing with Johnny johnny is the most interesting character by far he has the accent and then he's super smart and one thing I learned about Johnny over the years and I see why he's successful is because he is the perfect planner you FEMA lot of beautiful for necklace already right he plans everything out veto latest course right now he doesn't show we can push it it's kind of crazy because the skill of it is like very very extensive from every department because he knows where everybody's at all right let's go you guys hey what we going to do man this is my family favorite restaurant it's small but my favorite food is a lot of bad I for I'm gonna show you because I started with nothing and have a bigger jewelry store have a lot of money but I still feel like if you don't have a good family space money cannot do anything here we go we gotta first come in I can show you how to cook all stuff from fresh let me show you let's go there and see it this is one of the biggest set look at that you know coffees original not from here from Louisiana's but sitting there are so many Vietnamese in Houston this area they become like a Houston culture we just tried bikini season so you see the coffee is so fresh man this is my second favorite one always said Willie cheese king crab very fresh I love it hey we're gonna lean on this yeah this all bite for myself you know man I've been busy at the shop all day every day running around but I love to have a family dinners we don't have a time to do this every day but back then in Vietnam no matter what we do every night so I try to keep the same protein in here we have time talk to each other well you're more favored food beside chicken oh no I says get out my dream is to train for my business to my children's so they continue to build my name hopefully they take my name to different levels we can finish our work because they're born in American they got to study well in school not very important to me yeah of course you can come with me to Vietnam I'll show you a lot of beautiful place also a lot of crazy things you've never seen in your life you don't have to be in this episode [Music] [Music]
Channel: VICE
Views: 4,162,684
Rating: 4.9135442 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Dang, house of dang, vice, journalism, documentary, videos, culture, interview, film, movies, underground, vice videos, lifestyle, independent, vice guide, exclusive, vice mag, vice magazine, vice.com, world, documentaries, short films, docs, yt:cc=on
Id: S-de3v0DTwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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