Low Power Arduino - Sleeping at 0.3mA perfect for batteries (Arduino Nano deep sleep)

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hi there I'm Mike and today we're gonna have a look at how you can make the Arduino Nano consume less power we're gonna try and make it consume as little power so that can even run it on a battery in our sketch we're gonna have the Arduino to turn on the LED for one second and then do nothing for 10 seconds so that baseline for comparison first you got to choose which pin you want to connect VCC to if you give they are doing a nano 5 volts on the V in pin it's gonna consume about twelve twelve point three milliamps and if you choose to feed it VCC by the 5 volt pin it's gonna consume about eighteen point 6 milliamps so just by choosing the right pin you already see a lot of power next up we're gonna remove the LED because if you want your Arduino to consume as little power as possible there's no use having an LED just being on to show that the device is powered instead of removing the LED itself we're gonna remove the resistor if you're gonna do this with a soldering iron and tweezers it's much easier to destroy the LED than it is to destroy the resistor now without powering the LED it only consumes about ten point eight million that's down from twelve point three already [Music] the next thing you can do is in the code you can make the art unit slowed down and thereby consuming less power in the data sheet you can see which dividers you use for lower power basically all this does is that it slows down the Arduino by a factor of two four eight and so on if we're going to slow it down by a factor of two the other unit now runs at half speed then just upload the code now by slowing they are doing it down by a factor of two meaning that's now gonna run on frequency of eight megahertz instead of sixteen it went from ten point eight million without the LED down to seven point five or seven point two milliamps as you can see now the LED is on from more than the second it's actually on for two seconds this is because we're not slowed down the Arduino so one second delay it's now in fact twice as slow meaning it's a two second delay and this is because everything is now just slower on the Arduino we can remedy this in code just by dividing the times with a factor which you're slowing it down with let's slow it down further so now it's gonna be at four megahertz and upload the code and now the power consumption is down to about five point six millions and we can try to even make it run at one megahertz then it's gonna consume about four point two milliamps okay for a quick overview we went from about eighteen point five milliamps running on a 5 volt pin them down to twelve point three running it on the V in pin and then by removing the led we went down to about ten point eight millionths and by slowing down the Arduino we went down to about four point two milliamps if you check with the datasheet you can see that you can run the Arduino on a lower voltage as well this is also going to help reduce the power consumption and on 4.5 volts this consumes only 3.5 millions and now we're going to try to make the Arduino consume only about 0.3 milliamps this is gonna be in sleep mode so you gotta do a couple of things first upload the code on the screen to your Arduino then you need to remove the voltage regulator and finally since we remove the voltage regulator we gotta power it using the 5 volt pen but as you can see we made it the Arduinos now consuming only 0.3 milliamps so now you can even run it off a battery be aware that you need to use interrupts to wake up the Arduino again there's one additional tip that you can use to make the Arduino consume less power that's having it on for a lesser amount of time you can do that by removing the boot time or they already know not everybody is aware but Arduino spends one half to two seconds just booting up if you want to learn how to instantly boot your Arduino we covered it in a previous video I will link to it in the description that's it for now hope you enjoyed the video please leave a like and you're always welcome to subscribe
Views: 39,483
Rating: 4.8991175 out of 5
Keywords: Low power arduino, low power nano, power save mode arduino, arduino battery, arduino sleep, arduino sleep mode, arduino nano sleep, arduino nano sleep mode, how to run arduino on battery, low power arduino nano, low power arduino deep sleep tutorial, deep sleep arduino, arduino nano low power, arduino nano low power mode, arduino sleep function, arduino sleep mode code, arduino nano sleep mode code, arduino nano sleep current, deep sleep arduino nano, low power, deep sleep
Id: usKaGRzwIMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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