Low Content Book Publishing Tutorial - Make a planner interior in Canva

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[Music] it's nearly quarter full and in this video i want to show you how to make a planner interior in canva hello home bosses my name is nuria corby from thehomeboss.com welcome to my channel which is all about helping you to make money online and in this video i want to show you how i make a planner interior in canva it's nearly quarter full and i'm preparing some books for quarter four and also for the new year and uh i want to show you how i do it especially as we're doing the quarter four challenge i hope you have entered in the quarter four challenge if you don't know what the quarter 4 challenge is i will leave a link to the video where i launched the challenge underneath this video and that explains everything how you can enter and three people will have the chance of winning all my three courses the children's book course the mock-up generator course and the printables mini course and a lot of you have already entered which is absolutely fantastic i love reading all your comments and what you're creating i've read every single one of them and i'm so proud of all of you that have entered and i just feel we're going to have a good quarter fourth so i have decided to make planners for quarter four and i want to show you how i do that because they can be easy to make but they can also be a little bit tricky so i want to show you how i make them in canva so there are several ways you can approach this the first one you can do is you can make them using tangent templates i'll show you quickly what tangent templates have in terms of planners so when you go into tangent templates and i know tangent templates is not free this is a paid software but i know that a lot of you do have tangent templates and if you have tangent then this is really in my opinion the best way to make planners because it's very easy to automate them so you scroll all the way down here and you click on planners and then you can just decide what kind of planner you want to make i'm going to make monthly planners and weekly planners so you can decide which one you want so what you would do typically is you click on one of them and then it gives you all the choices that you can make from trim size to the date range to everything else and then once you have created your planner you can save and download it and what i do is i download it as a png and then upload it to canva so that i can add some embellishments and make it a little bit different to how it is but also we're not just going to upload this planner as it is you can add things to a planner you can add a password keeper you can add contact pages you can add so many things and i'll show you in a minute how we do that as well but i just wanted to show you first of all what software you can use to build your planner tangent templates is one of them and the other one is creative fabrica you can go on creative fabrica and then type in planner 2023 let's see what we can come up with there are several planners here that you could use if we're going to make a planner in canva you have to be able to download these as a png file so that you can upload it onto canva to make the necessary changes but the very best that you can do is to actually download them as canva templates and there are canva templates on creative fabrica so all you would have to do is instead of just typing planner 2023 just add canva in the search bar and now you will get all the canva templates for planners so this is another way you can do it and it makes it quite easy i'll show you quickly i downloaded one from creativefabrica onto canva so this is the planner that i downloaded from creativefabrica as you can see it's a really lovely planner but we can't just use it as it is first of all it's in color and we can't really i mean we could upload color books to amazon kdp but it it becomes quite expensive so it's best to make them black and white and what you could do is you could just if you click on the um on the actual picture and then click on edit image and can you see the saturation slide here all you have to do is slide it right down and that will make it grayscale and you do that for all the elements in the picture and that way you can make any image black and white for your for your kdp books if you want to make them in black and white let's go back to how it was but the other way to do it is really you want to replace all of this you want to get rid of all of these so the way you would completely change this is by clicking all of this off and now you can put your own images or clipart in here and you can do that using the free canva ones or even if you have canva pro you can use them as well for kdp books it's different if you're making printables but for books you can use the canva pro elements you could add anything to this you could make a floral planner and then you can change the colors here to make it grayscale you can't do that with all of the elements so in a way it might be a good idea to download your own from creative fabrica or from other places that are already black and white or grayscale and then the other thing you need to do is you need to change the fonts and you can easily do that by clicking on them and then choosing your own font so this is how you would then make it completely different and make your own planner in canva so let's have a look and see what else is included so they've got a page where you can say this planner belongs to i don't think this is necessary for planners this tends to be something that people do for children's books i don't think adults need to write their names into books but you can do this if you want to there's no reason why you can't you can also incorporate contact pages so it's very nice if you have a planner and you can add all your contacts in your planner you can also have a password log so all of this you can customize and create your own by changing the fonts and by changing the images you can also and i think this is very important incorporate a calendar so that people can see the whole year on one page and then also include one for the following year so if you're making a calendar for 2023 make a page for the whole year for the whole of 2023 and also a page for the following year 24 because i don't know about you but when i look into my diary or in my calendar sometimes i need to plan things in advance and it's a good idea to have the following year as well this one has got pages for holidays so you can incorporate that as well if you want to include holidays but of course every country has different holidays so i don't usually do this for my planners i just make the plan of without all this but of course you can do that as well and it's also a good idea to include a birthday log and that is just like a birthday reminder where people can write in the birthdays of people they want to remember to congratulate nowadays we've got facebook and thank god for facebook because otherwise i would probably forget a lot of birthdays and facebook always tells me when it is somebody's birthday but of course it's much nicer if you can write it in your diary or in your planner and this is how you would do it and then we come to the to the actual planner let's have a look how this is structured so you've got the month at the top and the year and then you've got the days of the week sunday monday tuesday wednesday where's the rest of the week it's on the following page so if you imagine you have all the pages side by side you can see here that when you open the book so you've got sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday and saturday so you've got them on a spread two pages side by side is the whole week i think this layout is quite nice it gives you plenty of space to write things in there also note that in the usa the week starts on sunday whereas here in the uk our weeks start with the monday so depending on what country you want to publish your planner in you can either start sunday or monday and then this is how you would build your planner you go through all of the um the weeks and this one has got 2024 included as well that's it that's how they have created their planner we could also create a planner from scratch but i think that is a lot of work so i quite like using the idea of taking a planner from creative fabrica and then just changing everything that you need to change in the planner and then once you've made your planner you can save it as a pdf print but let's talk about sizes first so what sizes are you going to make your planner this is where a bit of research comes in so you research your planners online on amazon and have a look and see what kind of planners sell very well and what sizes are they i find that most planners are 8.5 by 11 but some people also like smaller planners so it's up to you you can make them 8.5 by 11 to have a larger planner but you can also make more pocket-sized planners maybe 6x9 is a little bit small i'll quite like making them seven by ten something like that so it's not as big as eight point five by eleven it's slightly smaller but still big enough to be able to write things in there and have plenty of space to write because i think that is one of the biggest complaints when buyers by planners i find that in a lot of the reviews they mentioned that there wasn't enough space for them to write in this is why it's very important for you to look at what other people are doing with their planners and have a look at their reviews have a look and see what people are saying about the planner and you can get a very good idea about what people like about certain planners and what they dislike and that way you can make your books better than what's already out there by taking the customers or the buyers opinions into account and making it even better so that's all about choosing the sizes for the planners how many pages should a planner have well it should have i think over 100 pages to make it good value for money because if you have anything thinner than that i think people don't like it so much but you don't want to have it very thick either so i think anything between 100 and 150 pages is ideal i wouldn't make it much bigger than that because then it becomes too heavy and too big and you can't open it very well so 100 to 150 pages i would say is the ideal size so that is how you would make it using creative fabrica but what if you haven't got the budget to spend on tangent templates or on creative fabrica and all you have is free canva and you want to make a planner well you can still do it and i show you how so if you have the free version of canva and you want to create planner click on create a design and type in planner and it comes up with the size 8.5 by 11. if you click on resize you can see which size this is it's 8.5 by 11 but like i said you can choose whichever size you want to make it i find this is the most common size when it comes to planners on amazon so because we've typed in planner canvas suggests us these templates and they are free so as long as they don't have the little crown symbol these are the free templates that you can use and a lot of them are undated so what if we want to make a dated planner with all the dates so maybe if we type in planner 2023 hopefully we get some dated planners this way i'm just going to have a quick look and see there's a calendar year 2022 that's too late here we are calendar 2023 so you could put that at the front of your planner change all the fonts you can click on this and then just change the font into something else and change the colors or whatever you want to change you can add little elements as well if you would like that but i also want to see if we can create a full planner for the whole year so we need something with all the months for the year 2023 so maybe let's type in the months so let's type in planner january 2023 and here we are we've got one here so this one says pro so we can't really use that for free unless you've got canva pro then it's fine so i think it's quite difficult to find one that's free but i'm sure i will find one in the end you could do something like this you could take one of these undated ones and have the month and then just check in your calendar so i've just looked on my phone calendar and i've discovered that january the 1st 2023 is on a sunday so all you would need to do is to click on this little space here maybe have maybe open a text box and just write in the number one make it smaller make it really small and then copy that and then do this with all of the other boxes here with all the days and you just continue it takes a long time to do this but also remember to change all of this as well and make it your own you can see how you can change everything here you can just take away all of these pictures that's the first thing that i would do is i would remove any embellishments so that i can then use my own and change the colors as well make them um gray or or black whichever color you want to choose and you can also when you change one thing and you want to change all of them there's something here in canva that's just appeared it says change also everything that's pink can be changed to gray so i'm going to do that and that makes the job a lot quicker so all you have to do is just change all the colors and then you can add other things to your planner depending maybe on your niche and that is the next thing we're going to talk about i want to tell you how you can niche down your planner because it's all very well making a planner but you need to know what kind of niche you're going to place this planner if you're just making a planner for 2023 there is a lot of competition out there so we really need to niche it down and i want to tell you in my next video how to do that and i'm going to give you a great big list of niches that you can use and how you can find your own niches so after you finish all your calendar all you have to do then is to download it as a pdf print don't forget to flatten the file and that's that's it that's all then that is your interior and hopefully that gives you a better idea on how to make your interior for planner and as i said in my next lesson we will talk about how we can niche the planner down so we can customize the interior even further so that will also be really useful for your keywords and then after that we will make the cover for the planner so i hope you found this helpful let me know in the comments if you've got any questions at all what else would you like me to mention in the next video and thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: The Home Boss
Views: 10,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low content book publishing tutorial, low content boook publishing tutorial, low content book publishing kdp tutorial, amazon kdp, low content books, no content books, making a planner for kdp, publishing kdp, amazon kdp publishing, amazon kdp planner, amazon kdp for beginners, amazon kdp low content books, amazon kdp notebook, amazon kdp journal, amazon kdp canva, planner interior for kdp, low content book tutorial
Id: f2A80bx5LUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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