"Loving The Lost" - Isaiah 42:1-8

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Isaiah 42 and we're going to look at the first eight verses loving the lost now today just for this message I want you to think and just meditate on the fact of why the father sent the son to the earth why did he send the Messiah to come and be born as a baby live as a man and then die on a cross and be raised to life again why was that all so important and this particular prophecy that we're going to look at here in Isaiah 42 is it's so powerful because it's quoted in the New Testament there are some that would look at this and they say well the servant that he's talking about here in this passage that just refers to the nation Israel but I think you'll see very clearly when it's referring to he and him he's talking about a very specific individual and matthew believed that this particular passage was in reference to jesus christ how did he come to that conclusion probably because he asked jesus very important questions about why he ministered the way he did which we'll get into in just a moment and Jesus most likely pointed to him this particular verse of scripture and so very powerful text here that we're gonna look at so let's just read verse 1 of Isaiah 42 behold my servant whom I uphold my elect one in whom my soul delights I have put my spirit upon him he will bring forth justice to the Gentiles he will not cry out nor raise his voice nor cause his voice to be heard in the street a bruised Reed he will not break and a smoking flack or literally a lamp wick a smoking lamp wick he will not quench he will bring forth justice for truth he will not fail nor be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth and the coastlands shall wait for his law thus says the Lord God who created the heavens and stretched them out who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk on it I the LORD have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people as a light to the Gentiles to open blind eyes to bring out prisoners from the prison those who sit in darkness from the prison house I am the Lord that is my name and my glory I will not give to another nor my praise to carved images so here is a declaration from the Lord as to what his servant his Messiah will actually do now the overall message of this I think is pretty easy to grasp it's it's a message that declares he's going to bring people out of the prison house out of bondage to their own from their own sin and he's going to shine light upon them and he's going to do this even for the Gentiles which shows you basically that God always intended to save the world not just the Jewish nation he had a plan for the whole world and this message that is declared here is to reveal his plan to bring just to this earth and oh how we need justice in this earth and so there are many different aspects to this particular prophecy but why would he do all of that why would he go to that extreme to give his son as a sacrifice for the sins of the world why would he do that well the it's obvious it's it's just simply one word love in John 3:16 we all know the verse so well for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life and we all know that verse but that is the message of Christmas I mean we sang it this morning the message of Christmas is the story of his love his love not just for the world but his love for you so this is what he wants to do in your life let's look at it in particular in verses 1 and 3 and then in verse 4 he brings the subject of three times in this particular prophecy that he wanted to bring justice to this world and oh the need for justice in this world it is so great it's so beyond our comprehension we all see the in justices that take place in our world because they happen every day all you have to do is just turn on the news and every night you have to listen to the in justices that take place in our world today but he came to bring justice and that is his desire now the word justice literally means what is right so he came to give what was right now how many times have you said how many times have you heard these words come out of your mouth that's not right that shouldn't have taken place so what you're saying is that's not just that's not right and that is that inner sense that every human being has saved or unsaved you know what is right and what is just and when you see injustice you you acknowledge it and you decry it you know our legal system allows drunk drivers to be slapped on their wrists and then they go out and do it again and again we have politicians that one set of laws for them versus someone who is unknown if you're you're known you have friends in high places well you can lie to Congress and get away with it and you can lie to the FBI and get away from away with it but other people who are lesser known you're going to jail and we sit there with say this is not right and it isn't right because the standard of justice should be someone who is blind Lady Liberty is blind she cannot see who you are all she knows is what is right and what is wrong and yet morally you look around the world the moral in justices that take place I mean there are millions of little boys and little girls and adults that are sexually trafficked today right now at this very moment they're in bondage to someone who owns them and is using them for their own benefit and profit you look at the wars that go on I mean from the beginning of man's history how many innocent people have died in wars or been displaced from their home in a war that they didn't want to have anything to do with I mean they just rather just have their day go on like it it normally is just leave me alone let me feed my family let me do my job and yet that's not the case because a leader cannot handle someone saying you can't have that you can have it can't have that land I mean look at the civil war that's going on in in Syria today it's been going on since 2011 I mean six million people have been displaced from their homes six million four hundred thousand of them have been killed most likely innocent people gassed or bombed or whatever and you just say it's not right and it isn't right and that inner sense of what is just and right is so incredibly important but there's injustice even inside of you and me every single one of us in this room God convicts us when we do one thing for one person and don't do it for another and why is that because that's an injustice so we have personal injustice and this is why Jesus came this is why God is at work inside of every one of us to bring about a justice that is right and true in Micah chapter six verse 8 it says he has shown you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you notice not a nation you what does the Lord require of you but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God and so God declares to us all through the scripture that we are to do justly and to love mercy I do you realize that justice and mercy I always go together in the scripture I did a study on this this morning and in one of my Bible study programs and I I just looked up how many places does the Lord put justice and mercy right next to each other well there are eight times in the scripture where he makes it abundantly clear many more times where the individual issues of justice and mercy are described but where he puts them together why is that so important because love is the perfect balance between justice and mercy it's that balance it's justice is doing what is right and sometimes doing what is right is difficult it's hard and yet other times you need to see there's needs to be mercy given and that is right and when is it right for God to dispense mercy when someone asks for it when they walk humbly with their God when they humble themselves before God they ask his forgiveness and what does he do he dispenses mercy upon them and so the scripture makes it so clear in Isaiah 61 verse 8 there it says for I the Lord love justice now in the previous verse he said he we are to love of mercy notice here he says I love justice I hate robbery for burnt offering I will direct their work in truth and I will make with them an everlasting covenant so notice he couples here justice versus robbery you know that in 2014 there was a proposition passed in California and the progressive liberals here in our country in our state they passed this particular proposition it became law and you know what that law it was declared that no crime no property crime that's under 950 dollars will be prosecuted now I've seen people interviewed on television you know store owners and they say people come in with their calculator and they calculate the price of everything's just so it's under nine hundred and fifty dollars because if they get caught they won't be prosecuted oh the unintended consequences of propositions that people don't think about and don't realize the injustice that it's going to bring about and so god loves justice what is right and he he hates robbery he hates thievery now God's love as I said is this perfect balance of justice and mercy and so you need that perfect balance in your life as well and the Lord is gonna work with each and every one of us to show us when do you need to do what is right no matter what the consequence and other times when do you need to show mercy like you have received mercy this is a key work that God is going to do one day the just one is going to come that's one of the names for Jesus did you know that the just one the one who always does what is right in Acts chapter seven verse 52 there it says Stephen declared to the people who were about to stone him to death he said which of the prophets did your father's not persecute and they killed those who foretold the coming of the just one of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers and they just couldn't handle that truth coming their way but they calls him here the just one so he is working inside each and every one of our lives until he returns again to this earth and he's working inside of us to make us men and women who are just and who do what is right and know when to dispense mercy and give that forgiveness that we have received our selves until that day he's going to be at work inside of you so be open to it be receptive to it because this is his work this is what he came to do in each and every one of our lives in some 89 verse 14 it says their righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne mercy and truth go before his face notice again justice and mercy this is what his throne is based upon this is how he deals with all mankind and it's the way you need to deal with them as well now secondly Jesus came to reveal that men must choose to follow him because he will not ever force them they say now where did he get that from this prophecy well notice verses 2 & 3 it says he will not cry out this is a Hebrew word that means to shriek or to quarrel with someone nor raise his voice nor cause his voice to be heard in the street a bruised Reed he will not break and a smoking flack or lamp wick he will not quench he will bring forth justice for truth notice that next little phrase it says he will not fail now I'd like to put those truths together because they they truly give you the understanding of what is being declared here in this text and so when this particular passage is quoted in the New Testament why was it quoted there notice in Matthew 12 verses 14 through 17 just before this passage is quoted notice what it stated there Jesus has just healed a man and notice it says then the Pharisees went out and plotted against him how they might destroy him but when Jesus knew it he withdrew from there and great multitudes followed him and He healed them all yet he warned them not to make him known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying and then he quotes this passage now this is a revelation I believe that Jesus gave to Matthew because I'll bet you Matthew said to him what are you leaving here for why don't you just take care of these guys just wave your hand and just slay every one of them they're trying to kill you just just take care of him but Jesus withdrew himself and then he turns around he says and don't make me known to other people you say what are you doing that for why don't you want everybody to know I don't get it Lord and most likely this is where Jesus quoted this prophecy and explained it to them because that's what he always did you know in the end in Luke 24 you see when after the resurrection that's what he sat with them and and he went through the in the scriptures the the Psalms the prophets and he explained to them the scripture and he gave them understanding concerning it and that's what he probably did here and that's why Matthew quotes it remembering this point so his point is he's not gonna force his will upon anyone he's not gonna quarrel with them argue with them he's not gonna raise his voice he's not gonna try and twist their arm and he's not going to try and make them believe no they have to choose to humble their heart and to respond to him they have to hear that conviction in their own heart and if they won't hear that there's no amount of yelling and screaming and arguing with someone that is ever going to convince them of the truth it's never going to happen which should be a very important example for each one of us you share the truth in love speak the truth in love you can't force someone to believe and you can give them every great argument that you have but I guarantee you unless their heart is receptive they are not going to hear it so you presented in love and you rest you rest your case and that's all you can do and so he didn't cry out nor did he try and he would not break a bruised Reed now a reed is probably one of the flimsiest plants that exists on the earth if it gets hit at all and bruised it will blow over in a wind it'll just break off and be done and the point there is that he's not going to force someone to come to him nor is he going to hinder the weakest individual think of that the last little concept here of he's not going to quench a smoking flack or a lamp wick he's not if if it's just smoldering it's just gone out he's not gonna go over and I'm just gonna nip that and I'm just gonna put it out no he's gonna do everything in his power to get that litigants at in front of a fire and tried to blow on it to get the fire going again cuz the coals from the previous night from your campfire has has gone out but you blow on that you put a little tinder there and I guarantee it it's coming to life again that's exactly what he does he is looking for the those that are the weakest individuals those that maybe the the fire has gone out and he's gonna try it he's gonna blow on that and hopefully it will come to life again that is his desire but he is not going to force anyone remember that and I in Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 notice Jesus said this to the Church of Laodicea the church that had basically kicked him out of their church was he gonna force the way his way in again no the scripture says behold I stand at the door and knock so Jesus is outside the church and he's knocking to come inside the church again and he says if anyone hears my voice and opens the door that means you have to make a choice that means every individual on this earth if they will hear that knock if they will hear that can and sense that conviction upon their heart and they open the door what is he gonna do he's gonna just stand there and look at him no he's coming in you opened the door to me I'm coming in and I'm gonna I'm gonna have supper with you and what a beautiful image is that I come I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me I mean you sit down and have a meal together break bread together and that is it's a very intimate time of fellowship and sharing together and that's what he says I'll do but I am NOT forcing my way into that house I'm not forcing my way in to anyone's heart I'm gonna come when I am invited to come in if you will receive him he will he will come in and so notice again it says here at the end in the next verse here in verse 4 he will not fail nor be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth now that word till describes something very important you see when he came to this earth the first time and he begins to work in people's hearts and bring justice and mercy into that perfect balance is that gonna take care of all the problems no you see you need to have the second coming of Christ when he sets up his reign here upon the earth that's that's gonna be the final act that he is going to take into account and he's going to work in your life till he comes to this earth once and for all notice the last part of verse 4 there he says and the coastlands shall wait for his law now the coastlands were the area of the phoenicians and so this refers this is another reference to the Gentiles and Gentiles refers to everyone and anyone on this planet there's only Jews and Gentiles and so if he came to save the Jews and the Gentiles that means he came to save everyone that it was always his intention and so he will do this until that but sometimes people say well you know if he's withdrawing himself and he's not you know really pressuring people to respond how is that gonna work out for his kingdom well his kingdom will not fail I mean he is though he has promised and he will bring it to pass notice the next verse he says in verse 5 thus says the Lord God who created the heavens and stretched them out that word stretched out means to spread out like a curtain he just he just waved his hand and spread the universe out before him and who spreads forth the earth and that which comes from it who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk on it now why does he make this point because this doesn't seem like it really kind of fits here into this prophecy of what he's gonna do he's just kind of declaring here his power so when he says my kingdom my work is never going to fail well he has the power to back up that promise because he's the creator of all things and if he can spread out the heavens like a curtain in front of him with just the wave of his hand then he can take care of fulfilling every single one of his promises he will do it so he will not fail in numbers 23:19 there God has declared concerning himself God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should repent or change as he said and will he not do or has he spoken and will he not make it good you see what he says he's going to do he will fulfill he will do it this is his word and if he doesn't do that then there is injustice in unrighteousness with him and that is not the case so God has made the declaration and he has the power to back it up now third God wanted to give Jesus as a covenant to all people Jews and Gentiles he states this in verses five and six we just read verse five verse six he said I the LORD have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people and notice that little phrase and I will give you as a covenant to the people as a light to the Gentiles Wow now notice here it says that this servant this Messiah that is going to be sent to the earth he will be given as a covenant to the people now that is a very important statement you see because a covenant can only come through sacrifice and so what did Jesus come to do he came to sacrifice his life as a ransom for the world he is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world not just the sin of the Jewish people but the Jewish people and the Gentiles or namely the world so the point here that is is critical to see this is a reference to his death because a covenant cannot be made without the shedding of blood when you go to the very first covenant the Abrahamic covenant that was given to Abraham in Genesis you see the death of animals as a sacrifice and there Abraham he put them out on the ground and this light moved in in between these these animals and God said he made a covenant there with Abraham and so Christ had to sacrifice himself for this covenant to come into effect it says in Matthew 26 verse 28 there on the last night of Christ's life here on earth he says for this is my blood this is my blood of the new covenant which was shed for many for the remission of sins so this new covenant had to be made in the blood of the Cross the blood of the son and so somebody has to pay if God is gonna be just someone has to pay for the sins of men because you can't just say well I just think I'm gonna let all of you guys off ugh just believed in my son and you know or believed in me and that's it no it can't be done that way somebody has to pay for God to be just to do what is right because he's the one that says there is a consequence for sin so what's the consequence God says I'll take the consequence I will send my son he will take the consequence so then he may disperse mercy to all who believe what a glorious thought is that in John 5:24 Jesus said most assuredly I say to you he who hears my word and believes in him who sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgment but has passed from death unto life so this is how someone gets eternal life they have to hear and they have to believe so when you hear his word and you hear that and sense that conviction in your your heart and you believe then you are receiving the Covenant now this is important to know Jesus is not giving you some covenant you have to fulfill on your own because if that's the case as a sinner that's not going to happen right we're sinners and there's nobody perfect in this room that means we aren't going to be able to do that I'm gonna fail at that covenant someplace sometime somewhere so what's the point I'm trying to make here read it again he says I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people you see he is the Covenant and so if you want to keep the Covenant you want to fulfill the covenant all you have to do is believe in him and receive him when you do that then you have fulfilled the covenant that's the covenant that God has given to mankind his blood is what initiated that covenant and you receive it and accept it when you receive him personally by faith what a glorious truth is that and so God's plan was to save the Gentiles notice he said it here several times to save the Gentiles now again many times you know for the Jews during the Old Testament time they thought they were the Covenant people of God alone that the Gentiles they're just fodder for the the fires of hell that's it but were the chosen people were the chosen of God and this gave them such an arrogance in their heart they missed these prophecies that they were to be a light to the Gentiles that the Messiah was going to be a light to the Gentiles why because he wanted to say of every single human being that is his desire it says in second Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us long-suffering there's that attitude again of not breaking a bruised Reed not quenching that smoking wick he is long-suffering with us not willing that any should perish but that all how many Oh should come to repentance that's God's desire and so I encourage you you know share this truth with people this is what he came to do is to to reveal to people that they could be saved every single human being now forth God wanted to deliver us all from the prison and the servitude of our sin notice in verses 7 and 8 he says to open blind eyes to bring out prisoners from the prison those who sit in darkness from the prison house I am the Lord that is my name and my glory I will not give to another nor my praise to carved images this is who does this work you know he starts with his sovereign choice to send his his son his servant the Messiah and here he ends with this fact that this is his doing they he's the one who thought this up this plan of salvation to bring forth you or your freedom from the prison house and so he sends his light to open blind eyes do you remember what it was like when someone shared the gospel with you the first time I remember what that was it's like all of a sudden you realize you you feel pretty dirty you feel your you see your sin you realize you're not right with God but that he wants you and he loves you and so you know when people talk to me and they say you know Steve I just I just feel so dirty I feel so corrupt I am so wicked and I tell him you know what that really is a good thing it's a good thing now why is that because it proves that he's shining his light on you you would never sense that or see that if his light wasn't shining on you now does he shine that light to show you how corrupt you are how wicked you are so that he can condemn you know Jesus made that very clear and gentleman 3:17 he said for God did not and I say again did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved see that is his intent he shines this light to reveal your need to you when you see your need you then see his solution to that need that's the glorious thing and when you see the the solution to your need then you find that freedom that he wants to give you know if the scripture makes it so clear that this light reveals the way of freedom that he is the one shining his light into every single life and he reveals the stain of my sin he reveals the the servitude of my sin and he reveals that one day he will deliver me from the presence of sin there are the three very clear aspects of sin the stain of sin is revealed to me that I can have that forgiving and I have the stain of sin removed by him making me as white as snow and how does that take place through forgiveness you just simply ask him to forgive you and he he erases that stain of sin and he cleanses you and makes you as holy and as righteous as his own son powerful but that's not all you think yourself well I'm forgiven but I still struggle with my sin nature so what do I do with that well his light reveals also the way to freedom and you know what the way of freedom is in Romans 8:2 it says this the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death he has already made me free do you realize that you are free from the power and the servitude of your sin if you say I'm not quite there yet I am just battling I I just struggle I say I'm just gonna work a little harder the next time I'm gonna try just a little bit more if you do your you're fighting against basically the simple simplicity of how you can be free it's calling on the power of the Spirit that's how you become free I have to do is just say Lord fill me with your Holy Spirit when you cry out again anyone everyone that asks it shall be given all I have to do is ask and he will fill you with the power of the Spirit and he will set you free from that bondage that addiction that struggle that's going on whatever it is inside you he'll set you free from it he is the only one who can set you free from it it's not something that you can achieve by your good works and so there is there is a truth that you need to stand on you are not a slave anymore to sin and one day he will come and he will set you free from the presence of sin by giving you a new body and draw you unto himself a fifth and last God wants you to see the ultimate end of his giving light of his setting you free the ultimate end is so that you can share this truth with others you know if anyone has good tidings of great joy to share it's a Christian that's who has the greatest tidings of great joy that can ever be shared and so when the Angels declared that truth that is your truth because you know that great joy you know that freedom from your sin and he wants you to share that with others you see God is light that's what the scripture says but Jesus also said to his disciples you are the light of the world in Matthew 5:14 through 16 he said you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house do you give light to all that are in your house do you give light to those that you work with do you give light to those that are in your family I hope so because that is what your calling is your to call to be a light and to give light to all who are in your house he says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven now many times at Christmas you know we have friends and family some of which do not know Christ they come to our house or we go to their house and at that moment this is the prime moment to share the love of Christ and the good tidings of great joy that you have that are to all people and yet at that moment we just freeze many times I've had people say it to me so many times you know the words they just are frozen in my voice box they just I just can't seem to get it out and yet I guarantee you you know the solution to that is ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with his love with his boldness and then share what God has done you can't do it in a canned way and I would never encourage you to do that you have to wait on the spirit and wait to the right opportunity the right moment and it may even be just one sentence that you share but that one sentence that you share about what God has done in your life this year or how he has changed your life from the way you used to be in fact they all know the way you used to be remember and so you need to just share that with them and that's like it's like this flood light that comes into that room at that moment and you know what they do with that light is up to them you can't force you shouldn't be a high-pressure salesman you shouldn't be given the the sales pitch that you know they're going would you just stop already you're you're not doing what Jesus did when people wanted him to stop he turned around and he walked away when they said get out of here when they wanted to throw him off a cliff he walked right through the midst of them and went his way and so you know you don't have to force anything on anyone just share what God has done in your life and how great his love is in transforming you whatever God does for us he does to be an example to us that we should do as he has done to us you see this clearly in John 13 verses 12 and through 17 says so when he had washed their feet taking his garments and sat down again he said to them do you know what I have done to you and the answer to that is they had not a clue they had no clue what he had just done to them I mean remember Peter is a guy who's saying you're not washing my feet no it's not gonna happen and they had no clue what he was trying to do and yet at this moment where he's speaking to them they're going to get an understanding the application of what he just did when you don't understand what God is doing in your life if you wait upon him and wait on him in his word in prayer let him speak to you personally and he will reveal to you why this is happening or that is happening he will but he says to them do you know what I have done to you you have called me teacher and Lord and you say well for so I am if I then your Lord and teacher have washed your feet you also ought to wash one another's feet for I have given you an example why that you should do as I have done to you most assuredly I say to you a servant is not greater than his mass nor is he who sent greater than he who sent him if you know these things happy or blessed are you if you do them and so he's not gonna force you to do them if you choose to do them then you are going to find the greatest happiness in your own personal life that you can ever have you know when I share the gospel with people on telly I sense that fear just like you do anybody we're all the same but when you get filled with the Holy Spirit I guarantee you know that there isn't a greater power living inside of you than your own fear and let his love come out of you towards others that's what he desires to do he wants them to sense his love for them and when you share that God loves you and I love you and I care about you and I want you to know the truth that has sent me free and leave it in the Lord's hands leave it in there in their hearts and let them decide so this is the point of Christmas the point is they came to save you because of his love and he wants you to turn around and reach out to others in the same manner as he has reached out to you that is his plan and if you're here today and you are not following Christ you're not walking with him I want to encourage you if you believe that Jesus died for you you believe you're a sinner you know you're the wickedness of your own heart and you want forgiveness God will grant it to you all you have to do is ask that's it and I'm not going to give you a big high pressure sales tactic here this morning either I'm just going to present the truth you have to make the decision and I hope you'll do the same with those you love let's go to him in prayer father thank you so much for your incredible love that is beyond our comprehension our ability to even fathom the depths of the love that has been bestowed upon us Lord we will see that one day when we are standing before your throne and we will see and know as as we are known even now and we will be able to see exactly what you have done for us and what you have saved us from all the things that would have happened could have happened in our lives if we had not responded to you and then we will see Lord the Eternity apart from you and we will just fall on our faces in praise and worship knowing that we are going to be with you for eternity Lord we just we ask you to open our understanding so that we can see your plan for each of us Lord and how you want us to be a light in this world wherever we are whatever family we're in whatever place we work in lord help us to see how you want us to be that light to be that that encouragement to others that they might be saved and so if you're here this morning I want to give you that opportunity if you're not walking with Him or you've never made a decision to follow him or you have and you've turned away I want you to return to him this morning respond to him and allow him to just come in he's knocking on the door of your heart will you let him in if you will then pray with me right now just say to the Father I come to you as a sinner forgive me Jesus come in take over my life I want to follow you fill me with your Holy Spirit and cause me to follow you all the days of my life if you just prayed that prayer I want you to acknowledge that you prayed that with me it's just simply lifting your hand here a simple acknowledgement did you pray with me this morning god bless you god bless and you and you anyone else here this morning lord I pray that you would transform these hearts transform these lives Lord as only you can Lord move in a special way and reveal your power and your strength and your grace in each heart Lord we believe you to do that we commit them into your hands in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Pastor Steve Carr
Views: 263
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Id: eJyLnDPigt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 47sec (3227 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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