LOVELY LaGuardia Landing

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my channel i've got what i hope is going to be a great approach video today coming into laguardia airport right now i'm at the minneapolis-st paul international airport in minneapolis minnesota and i'm going to fly to laguardia i've done that many times but i'm gonna make sure that i'm sitting on the appropriate side of the airplane for the best view today at laguardia airport there's a very high chance that we're going to land on runway four so i have strategically chosen a seat on the left-hand side of the airplane you'll see why now i always do want to point out that sometimes it's not possible for you to be able to change your seat last minute because the plane may be full i just got lucky in this case there happened to be some empty seats on the left-hand side of the airplane so i made a quick switch over [Music] all right i am getting ready to board that a320 behind me the map on the seat back gives you a pretty good overview of the route we'll be taking today from minneapolis to laguardia as we fly over pennsylvania we will fly an approach procedure called the milton four arrival which will bring us just south of new york city then we'll head north directly towards the runway with manhattan on the left side of the plane so let's leave the gate area and head on over to runway 1-7 as instructed by ground control [Applause] [Music] our takeoff direction is toward the south and we'll have to make a left turn to head towards new york city today on our flight we actually don't head directly to new york but rather we fly routes that bring us to the beginning of the arrival procedure the milton 4 arrival the procedure begins over keating pennsylvania and clinton county on our way there we have a great view of lake michigan between wisconsin and michigan and once we make landfall again we see grand rapids michigan and the gerald ford airport shortly after that we see the detroit metropolitan wayne county airport and within a short period of time we fly over ohio and pennsylvania [Music] this time flames have supposed to pray that yeah before a rebel competing that's now the movement no matter what runway we land on we need to follow this route which takes us over pennsylvania and new jersey once we get to the eastern portion of new jersey that is where the approach controller instructs us to make turns to set up for the approach to the specific runway the winds right now are coming from 50 degrees or northeast which calls for an approach to runway 4 today we receive clearance down to 7000 feet as we approach the staten island area of new york city we are close to airspace for newark airport but we're being kept above flights bound for newark like this airplane which is going to land at newark and is below our altitude you can clearly see how different altitudes of airspace are reserved for different airports here we're headed to laguardia which is past newark so once we're clear of the airspace reserve for newark we'll be asked to descend further in my previous approach video to laguardia airport we landed on runway 2-2 today we're landing on runway 4 which is the same physical runway as runway 2-2 but we'll be using it in the opposite direction northeast this approach is much more straight in than the runway tutu approach since we don't have to go past the airport and back around for landing all aircraft approaching laguardia on the milton 4 arrival eventually wind up flying near the verrazano bridge and in this case we'll be just east of the bridge where we can fly straight into runway 4. it's the quickest approach to laguardia from the south here's a nice view of newark airport we are clear of newark flights and are cleared down to 3000 feet by the approach controller the approach controller has asked us to fly a heading of 80 degrees and to reduce our speed this heading will bring us out to a point where we can intercept the runway localizer a signal that follows the center line of the runway all the way out to the ocean once we get to this point we turn on the localizer and head directly towards the runway we're looking at staten island here one of the five boroughs of new york city staten island is the southernmost borough of new york city remember that even though we came from the west our approach took us to the south so that's why we're by staten island now beyond staten island is new jersey the approach controller has ensured that aircraft from all directions are appropriately spaced to get to the extended center line of runway four for arrivals from the south flying northbound up new jersey their speed and heading are adjusted to fit in and for aircraft that are coming from the north they're asked to fly southbound on the hudson river then make a left turn around manhattan to get into runway 4 while being told to adjust their speed and heading at the same time it's a complex airspace as the controller works three flows of traffic to one place in the sky for us on our 80 degree heading and speed of 180 knots we are appropriately sequenced between all of the other arrivals and are poised to join the extended center line of runway 4 which will be in a heading of 44 degrees which means that we'll have to turn to the left 36 degrees to line up with the runway we've been cleared by the controller for the instrument landing system approach to runway 4 and are told to cross green at or above 2700 feet green is a point on the approach course 11.1 miles southwest of laguardia airport it's the first named location on the instrument landing system and we will be intercepting the straightened approach course just before green we are good to go in terms of the approach and the only other clearance that we will need is landing clearance but that won't occur until we're closer to the airport we're continuing along over staten island while descending to 2700 feet and are now heading out over the atlantic ocean on our 80 degree heading we can now see the verrazano bridge and in the distance we get our first good view of manhattan island we'll lose sight of manhattan once we make the turn to join the final approach course but very soon we'll be at the same level of the skyscrapers as we approach runway 4. just south of the verrazano bridge in the lower right-hand corner of the screen is hoffman island named for a former mayor of new york city and used as a quarantine station in the late 1800s and early 1900s it's at this point where our pilot turns the aircraft 36 degrees to the left to wind up on a 44 degree heading to point directly toward runway 4. as the aircraft levels its wings we're provided with some great views of the beaches of staten island on the atlantic ocean neighborhoods like midland beach and south beach can be seen from here the highway on the right is the staten island expressway also known as i-278 which leads to the verrazano bridge which we'll see again in a moment now that we're all set up and on the straightened approach course the approach controller advises us to change radio frequencies to the laguardia airport control tower located at terminal b at the airport itself the borough of brooklyn is directly in front of us and we'll be over it in a moment as we call the control tower we're informed that the traffic is light the wind is from the northeast and we're clear to land on runway 4. we can now proceed inbound with our clearance to land what a great view of the verrazano bridge the verrazano or verrazano narrows bridge connects staten island with brooklyn and opened a traffic in 1964. the bridge is named after giovanni davarazano who explored this area in 1524. we're now over brooklyn and coney island is off of our right side but i chose my seat on the left side for the upcoming view of manhattan we're approaching green that point 11.1 miles south of laguardia that we need to cross at or above 2700 feet once we pass green we can descend to another point on the approach called dennis dennis is 6.1 miles southwest of laguardia and we can cross that point at 1700 feet as we descend lower we fly over very dense residential areas departures from laguardia airport will always remain clear of this airspace as they climb and any other traffic such as helicopters that fly at low altitudes are also talking to someone in the control tower who helps to separate the traffic this is a very very busy airspace and we are low to the ground now but atc is ensuring that our path is clear there was one aircraft ahead of us but it already landed by the time we called the control tower so we can just continue on with no conflicts along the shoreline we can see the red hook section of brooklyn red hook is actually a small peninsula and just beyond red hook we can see governor's island in the harbor at 172 acres governor's island is part of the borough of manhattan and has a long history of being a military base today it's now open to the public it's now time for the highlight of landing on runway 4 the view of manhattan the first part of manhattan that we see is lower manhattan and its cluster of skyscrapers with the most notable and highest being one world trade center the tallest building in the usa and the western hemisphere this building opened in 2014. connecting manhattan to brooklyn is the famous brooklyn bridge which opened in 1883. the brooklyn side has its own set of skyscrapers which are located in the downtown brooklyn neighborhood downtown brooklyn is the third largest central business district in the city this view is incredible and entirely man-made as i zoom into lower manhattan you can even see another cluster of skyscrapers in jersey city across the hudson river in new jersey we're now approaching dennis that's the point on the approach i mentioned earlier that we can cross at seventeen hundred feet we've descended one thousand feet since lower brooklyn we can see the williamsburg bridge and we're now passing by the williamsburg section of brooklyn as we descend below 700 feet our landing gear is down our flaps are set and we're all configured to land on runway 4. we now have a good view of midtown manhattan midtown manhattan is known for its own cluster of skyscrapers it's got some famous ones like the empire state building and the chrysler building but in recent years many super tall structures have been built in this area the skyline has changed so much in just a few short years laguardia airport is located in the borough of queens and in a moment we're going to leave brooklyn and enter queens the dividing line here between brooklyn and queens is newtown creek the creek that you see here the creek is a branch of the east river and stretches for three and a half miles inland beyond the creek on the right side of the airplane the border between brooklyn and queens is marked by streets you can see another cluster of tall buildings in queens on the east river here we're now very close to landing and are about to fly over the long island expressway there's another approach to laguardia where aircraft at this point turn right to follow the expressway and circle around to land on runway 3-1 but we're going to continue straight on into runway 4 today the departure runway today is runway 1-3 which is the same runway as runway 3-1 but in the opposite direction so runway 3-1 cannot be used at all our very low altitude takes us directly over the queens neighborhoods of sunnyside sunnyside heights woodside and jackson heights planes fly very low over a densely populated area here i invite you to check out my video called the spot at laguardia airport with no construction in this video i'm standing near the end of the runway and i film aircraft on final approach that are about to land on runway four and as always i narrate the whole video when runway four isn't used for landing there is no other place like this this approach brings airplanes hundreds of feet above the homes in the largest city in the usa it's a real thrill directly below the airplane is a small park called laguardia landing lights park yes the park is named after the approach lights to runway four with just seconds to go at a very low altitude we fly over the grand central parkway and we're now flying over airport property right before touchdown runway 4 is seven thousand one feet long and it intersects with another runway runway one three that's being used for departures seven thousand feet is not a lot of runway to stop on compared to other major airports and today we're going to use most of the runway ideally landing aircraft try to vacate the runway before the intersection of runway 1-3 so that runway can be used for departures but today traffic is light there's no queue for departures at all and there's actually no traffic behind us so we're extending the landing roll through the intersection this brings us onto a man-made pier built in the 1960s that juts out into flushing bay there's actually water below us and the pier here is supported by stilts the pier carries the runway two turn offs a parallel taxiway and holding pad we're vacating the runway on the next to last exit taxiway uniform a very short taxiway used for turn offs we turn onto taxaway uniform which allows us to turn onto taxaway romeo which will bring us back toward the terminal area while on the pier you can see how close laguardia is to the water we're looking at flushing bay here as we continue on taxiway romeo to get to the gate area aircraft are often asked to hold short of runway 1-3 on the way back to allow runway 1-3 to be used for departing aircraft however today as we just saw a few moments ago there are no aircraft at all waiting to take off so we're told to cross runway one three without having to wait at all runway one three is seven thousand three feet long once we cross the runway we'll turn left on the next taxiway taxiway papa and contact ground control ground control tells us to proceed straight ahead on taxiway papa to get to terminal c today taxiway papa becomes taxaway bravo and we'll take that all the way down to the terminal we're almost completely done with our flight today as we continue on taxiway bravo we see the famous welcome to new york sign gotta love the approach to runway four when you're on the left side of the airplane we've been cleared into gate c38 by a ramp controller located on top of the terminal and at this point we are no longer controlled by the faa's air traffic controllers ground crews marshal us into the gate and once we're fully stopped the gate agent brings the jet bridge into position so all passengers can deplane [Music] as usual i really enjoyed flying into laguardia today i really hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell button so that you're alerted asked every time i post something new and thanks so much for watching see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Peter Masella
Views: 6,925
Rating: 4.9887323 out of 5
Keywords: La Guardia Airport, Landing at LGA, Landing at LaGuardia, ILS approach, ILS 4, ILS 4 LGA, ILS Runway 4, Delta A320, Minneapolis St Paul International Airport, MSP, LGA, MSP Airport, LGA Airport, MSP takeoff, LaGuardia Landing, LaGuardia Airport, KLGA, KMSP, Milton 4 arrival, Staten Island, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Skyscrapers, NYC buildings, Airport Approach, Beautiful view of Manhattan, Verrazzano Bridge, Staten Island Expressway, Red Hook, williamsburg brooklyn, C terminal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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