Love @ work | Ep.6 | Confession

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi it's me bella again do you still remember my complicated love story with ed who's turned out to be the son of my big boss thank god i found out how much of a cheating jerk he was and broke free from that relationship but then he again started to try hard to get me back all the flowers and gifts must prove he still loved me right so i decided i was going to give him another chance only before i was able to tell him this i overheard him talking to ellie it was pretty clear from their conversation that he only wanted to get back with me to hide the fact that he was still with diane jim overheard them talking too and he led me into the room and confronted them by saying you two i don't know what's going on but i'll protect bella don't you dare hurt her or else you'll have me to answer to on hearing him say this i looked up at him through teary eyes ed and ellie were the worst type of people but luckily for me jim was the best right now i felt so vulnerable but at least his kind words made me feel like i wasn't alone he was like a big brother that always made me feel so safe then he led me outside saying hell with those terrible people let's get out of here bill in a soulless state due to the shock i followed him he took me to the building rooftop and it was good to breathe in some fresh air without anyone else gopping at me we sat down and he told me to take time to calm down and not to worry about the report that was due in that afternoon as it could wait he was looking at me with such caring eyes and he even put his hand on mine as he said and even if you feel like taking leave today it's okay um i actually he's so nice but that made me feel kind of burdened so i cut him off jim thank you so much if it wasn't for you back there i'm sure i would have fainted in front of them and thank you for being so understanding but you're still my boss and i'm still an employee we shouldn't let my personal issues affect work and jim please he tried interrupting me with bella listen and babella but i still carried on i'm beyond grateful but please next time you don't have to do that especially in the office that will give people something to talk about again you know how they love to gossip about me already he kept staring down at the ground and didn't say anything else i forced a smile and wiped my tears away i'll be fine i just need a few minutes alone right now then i'll go finish that report don't worry chief he looked at me and let out a sigh got up then patted me on the shoulder okay great just so you know i've always got your back i'll do anything to help you forget that jerk if you want he smiled and left i sat there alone for a while i don't know if it was the strong breeze making my eyes teary again or that i just simply reached the peak of sorrow now i knew that ed's affair with diane wasn't just a mistake but he really didn't love me anymore and not only that he clearly didn't care about me at all else he wouldn't have been as heartless as to use me for his own sake after that i tried pushing my pain and heartache to one side and focusing on my work but it was hard i knew my colleagues were whispering nasty things about me there were so many times when i went to make a coffee or walked into the toilets and they'd go deadly silent and snigger in my direction i couldn't focus on doing anything anymore and even the simplest of jobs took me triple as long to do it got to the point where i considered walking into jim's office and quitting then and there i already had my resignation emails saved to my drafts i love this job but the people here are too toxic and now i felt too suffocated my career is important to me but so is my pride and right now being here in this negative environment wasn't doing me any favors and knowing ed was so near to me well it made my situation even harder talking about ed obviously the flowers and gifts had stopped he hadn't tried to contact me once since i overheard them which says it all really i tried my best to avoid him i once even hid behind the men's toilet door in a panic as i caught sight of him in the hallway which got both me and some guys in there freaked out at that awkward moment i thought to myself hey what am i doing why am i acting like such a coward i realized that i had nothing to feel ashamed about ed was the one who treated me like dirt he should be the one hiding not me i realized then and there that i shouldn't have to run away from the job i love and was good at because of a man too much of a coward to be honest with me this was my dream job and i will keep it to hell with ed if anything i have to stay here and show him what he missed out on to be honest after that unexpected enlightening moment in the med's toilets i felt much better and ready to move on now i could walk past ed with my head held high but you know what each time we crossed paths i still felt my heart ache a little ugh why was this still happening thankfully i had jim around to cheer me up and also his little brother john who started working at the company as an intern in ed and ellie's project management department right from the first day at work he had already impressed me walking into the room with such a bright smile and ran right over greeting everyone even complimented me on a design i was working on and stuff i didn't even know that he was jim's brother at the moment but i already felt like i could befriend this kid our office needed more of this kind of positive energy he's such a funny kid he was always telling jokes and sending me memes soon jim john and me had grown pretty close and we grabbed lunch together most days john seemed smitten with ellie i mean i couldn't blame him she's beautiful he sent her a coffee with a flirty note attached on it and she took the coffee but ripped off the note and stuck it onto john's forehead saying this isn't what you're supposed to say to your boss then walked off ouch the poor kid sulked for the rest of the day and kept on grumbling about how women were hard work then jim got annoyed and said isn't what ellie said correct you should just stop it already she's really not someone appropriate for you to mingle with jim had a point not only was she his boss but dating within the company would just cause more gossip and dramas and trust me i knew all about that but jon is on the stubborn side so he wouldn't give up he continued to show his affection towards her one time he handed her a heart-shaped box of chocolates and she rolled her eyes at him then gave them out to the rest of the office ed caught sight of that and found out and everyone could see he wasn't happy about that i mean she is his sister and all so he was always giving john dirty looks and making him do all the boring jobs one time over lunch jon was annoyed because ed had given him a bunch of work to do over the weekend so he said to me oh my god bella i don't understand what you ever saw in ed but thank god you're all done with him now you deserve so much better then he patted jim while he was sipping on his coffee and almost caused him to choke on it then said see look at art jim he's nice he's handsome he's right in front of you what are you waiting for jim quickly glared at him then smiled at me joking excuse me for my dumb little brother i giggled these two really had helped me through all the tough times and i was so grateful to have them both around but things were about to change as jim was assigned for a month-long overseas business trip i can't deny that i felt kinda worried about being at work without him there suddenly i felt nervous and kind of empty imagining the long month ahead but at least i still had jon he would keep me sane i just hoped ed wouldn't cause me any issues as dealing with them without jim having my back would be tricky the night before jim's flight the three of us had dinner and john kept on pushing jim to drive me home after that on the drive home i joked with him about how i actually felt nervous that he'd be absent for a while he looked all serious but didn't say anything back like he was thinking something i had to clear things up so i said hey don't worry i'm just joking come on smile for me i won't get to see this smile for another month right he gave me this soft look then said i'll be back soon just wait for me when we arrived at my front door i wished him a safe travel and he waved then drove away but as i was on the porch step rummaging through my purse to find my door i suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder startled i turned around to see jim i was stuttering jim why he cut me off don't say anything just listen to me first bella i i love you you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 239,896
Rating: 4.9415498 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, Love @ Work, love at work series, episode 6
Id: Xp_bcJ6wkSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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