Love this animation! The Iron Giant movie reaction

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somebody call a doctor because Bad Medicine is back over there's Diamond Dave Deone this is the Appleton Oak that's the answer I'm Mason Quinn folks today we're taking a look at 1999's the Iron Giant this is a first time watch for me the only thing I know about it is that it's got Vin Diesel in it so it's got to be awesome right that's all that's what I'm looking forward to spoiler for Dave here spiler I have seen it it is great so I'm going to be with you guys watching these guys react to it so I'm definitely ready willing and able to enjoy it with them as well well I know one thing about this movie it's got Vin Diesel in it thanks to uh Captain spoiler over here it came very highly recommended a lot of people requesting this one so you know I love my animated movies I'm really excited for it first time watch for this guy I know a lot of people have been requesting it for a very long time we're finally here to it I know nothing now I I know two people who are in it but that's all I know I know nothing about the story at all see I helped you out let's [Music] go oh we've seen a few movies start like this it's either a Transformers or a quiet place or predator predator L my and I'm taking out water but good read is 44° North oh what is your current position I don't know exactly PA AR the C somewhere near Rodwell wait the lighthouse I I see it oh that's not a lighthouse oh no Li [Music] house and that's our Iron Giant right away but the way they're doing that rain is trippy actually pretty cool mhm and yeah and for 1999 might have been early computer animation there goes your boat is our guy going to come save the day or what he's going to say is is this film really gonna start off with the death he's on a rock he made it oh he is at a lighthouse nice well that was awfully kind of him when he kind of racked the ship so hey mom guess what I found Hogarth we've been through this before no pets not a pet mom a friend you'll never know he's there I'll keep him in a cage until you feel sorry for him and set him free in the house Mom at least look at him let's see what he is all right where where is this guy I can't read this handwriting uhoh got loose in the restaurant hold the Mayo and the mustard how I just hold oh it's going to get back in the kitchen and tear everything apart oh squirrel that's not a big deal huh what's that please don't move sir I pets under your table don't look Christmas Vacation squirrels are dangerous well that's true don't want it he's friendly not a true D it it came from outter space I saw it oh here's our guy it's an Invader from Mars an unidentified flying object unidentified knowing you were I'd say it was either whiskey or beer hey I saw it too I rest my case I believe you what a spck what a flying saucer from Mars uh-oh oh boy squirrel in the pants I didn't really see anything but if we don't stick up for the cooks who will is my son bothering you sir yes no call me Dean we're going to get your pet honey I will Mom right after I finish talking with Dean Dean found your pet where to my leg man I'm sorry kid I'd like to apologize to everyone in advance for this an an animated Chain Reaction check please it's a rat it's a rat no it's a squirrel should put back in the edit oh squirrels aren't bad Hogarth honey I'm really sorry but I need to work late tonight there's some cold chicken in the ice box okay I love you honey me too and Hogarth no scary movies no late snacks in by 8:00 come on Mom it's me remember why [Laughter] the who's there no no [Music] no who's done that oh the brain got him stupid antenna a the antenna well it is 50 seconds so got the Old Red Rider he's got a helmet Too [Music] boots oh just a sub station oh oh no could have the size of that robot it eats metal yes it's like trap jaw oh no [Applause] oh uhoh mom's not going to be happy little man's not home we can't touch him kid oh well on off switch this is how they become BFFs oh I like how they did that sound effect with the cables mhm ah don't do that like a lion's head oh here come the eyesart what do you think you're doing don't you know better than to water off at night alone what if something happened to you sorry Mom oh don't you ever do that to me again Hogarth but mom there's a mom you won't believe this something ate our TV antenna oh hogar no no I'm I'm serious it it's met stop it just just stop do you I'm not not see the destruction behind [Music] me c Man United States government unexplained phenomenal Department Mar I'm the what happened here sometimes the lon will snaap of the weather is bad but for a whole power to get twisted up like that waa it's almost like it was bitten off by some enormous Beast enormous Beast yeah what do you think Escape [Laughter] gorilla so were there any Witnesses well sir if you'll just follow me shoot oh my God that means something Big's happening here hey no Marv big things happen in big places now can't unsee it I can't unsee it biggest thing in this town is probably the homecoming queen oh my that would gave it away right there waited God that would have done it big chomp out of the side of the car like bite out of a ham sandwich like it's gone what are we looking at here Mr Manley something big Marv something big oh his name was on there yeah part of it anyway part of it [Laughter] [Music] hello I can't wait to find out why or how he just eats metal yeah and I know it's an animated I shouldn't go that deep I'm just curious how the inner workings work with a robot giant we're made out of meat and we eat meat so he's metal and he eats metal [Music] [Music] maybe it's ninja quiet too yeah you could maybe snap a picture while you're running you'd think the footprints would uh they'd be able to track those with this thing anyone else ever get clothes lined by a branch while running or riding a bike I got clothes Lin by uh handle on a a decorative well just boom so I guess you're not going to hurt me huh that it remembers do you talk you know words blah blah blah like that can you do that blah blah [Laughter] blah see this this is called a rock rock no that is a tree Rock tree get it a lot of lot of foreshadowing here in Vin's career yeah tree Andrew can relate real well fre and rock I mean that's your new thing too isn't it on Red Dead Boulder this is the greatest discovery since I don't know television or something discover Discovery of Television people always wig out and start shooting when they see something big like you oh wig out it means crazy like uh getting dark and if I don't get home soon mom's going to wonder where I am just stay here okay I'll come back tomorrow no no Migo you stay no following working with a puppy Oh Come Back tomorrow now [Music] stay look you can't go stomping around and you can't come with me my mom will work out I'll bring you some food tomorrow but I got to go home now so goodbye oh he's going to like those Arrow tracks X I was going to say a train oh no put it back put it back right now oh boy not sure that's going to work see like this this one here that one there okay over over good good the good enough good enough alone training come on let's go train perfect oh oh boy no no no oh [ __ ] the head hit oh he's you're alive he's busted up all of the parts all come back well dude we just learned quite a bit in that last 60 seconds out of Iron Giant there very precise and put himself back together anyone report seeing anything what do you mean he hit a giant creature what creature could be big enough to I need your car oh look at that not a big deal at all barely an in convenience I know my Terminators ah there we go where'd it go his his English is improving what happened here you're not going to believe this but it was giant metal [Music] man oh of course oh my God for the food that Mom has put in front of us and stop the the devil get out of here uh s forgot what wash my hands well I okay it's like a dog mhm oh fun times Kent mansley I work for the [Laughter] government your parents home or eat M boy who's there honey oh hello there you have a telephone I could use that's s Christopher McDonald is so perfect for this but sir I've got an eyewitness an eyewitness with a concussion thing it called a train wreck what did tell me again mansley and this time listen to yourself a giant metal monster Nobody messes with shooter choke on that baby choke on that baby Annie Hughes and this is my son Hogarth thank you Annie oh he going remember that's Hogarth Hogarth embarrassing name go call him zeppo H H hog hul Hogarth I have something for you Hogarth your Babb gun where did you find that up at the power station Hogarth was out there the other night really see anything unusual Hogarth [Music] no got to use the bathroom the other night he couldn't stop talking I mean 100 foot robots 100 foot robot that's nutty hogar hogar no privacy [Laughter] sorry picks up the whole Barn you're hungry aren't you but I don't have any metal here just follow me pick me up okay wow that would be awesome kids's not much afraid of heights I see oh hey look I guess that would be okay to eat it's been there for [Music] month we got to hide you know hide oh no what bad timing oh it's our guy oh Dino [Laughter] Dino that's perfect there you go I just got an idea didn't [Music] he scrapyard hear this is it all you can eat better hurry up and eat it turn it off sits on it rled turn it [Music] off oh hey I know you squirrel boy Hogarth By Night known as Hogarth listen you're you're not going to call my mom are you she doesn't know I'm El don't worry kid look it's not my style of report of God of the authorities [Laughter] did you hear that no wait stop love the robe it's okay my God he isn't going to run kid [Music] run it's okay it's okay he isn't going to hurt me might hurt you do not squash him he's hanging by that rug like d [Laughter] he needs food and shelter is that a yes I did not expect that who you got plenty of room here this place is perfect nice way you don't even know where he came from or or or what the hell he is he's my friend yeah yeah what am I am I your friend bring some Franken bod out of state plates over here so stay tonight tomorrow I don't know I don't know about [Laughter] tomorrow little man's been out all night yeah doesn't he have to go to school or is this weekend you're up already just making the bed well that's nice but come downstairs I have a surprise for you morning sport oh well Mom isn't it wonderful hogar we finally rented our room a of course why would you tell your mom about a giant robot what you see the power station can you tell anyone else about this buddy how big is this thing right there are two kinds of metal in this yard scrap and art what you currently have in your mind [Laughter] his Dino starting become a fan forget it forget it it's gone hey look at that it's not bad just to say it became all a sudden he's going to be uh this this I don't feel safe hogart do you what are you talking about I'm talking about your gold on security hogart you think this middle is fun but who built it the Russians the Chinese martians Canadians I don't care are after Martian tell me about this thing you are going to lead me to it and we are going to destroy it before it destroys us just hold that thought and stay right there oh boy little I thought you were in trouble you have him doing arts and crap well smart guy what would you have him do main systems on Main engines one is he going to do like the the crane like swing around in a [Music] circle thr it going to say dude I thought he threw it he's doing the uh Spies Like Us GeForce [Music] [Laughter] simulator has not had any sleep so good for him for uh rocking and rolling well can you move coolsville to someplace less conspicuous how about the lake okay H come with us it'll be fun oh no hey Dane watch this all right we're watching we're watching this one's for professionals only how often do you hear watch watch this a parent watch this watch this it's going to say it's got to be cold the water's great it's like fall in the Northeast pass where is he going iron Giants is pass oh no here it comes Dino's going to get doused [Laughter] get away I think more than just catastroph fish are going on to [Laughter] the thanks I think I'm feeling better now much much better did get it there it is it's the monster oh he's not going to like that that oh no don't do that why it's dead understand they shot it with that gun uhoh oh what's going on here guns kill something on his home Planet maybe flashback or something I know you feel bad about the deer but it's not your fault it's not bad to die I don't know you have a soul and souls don't die stare up at the stars you're late for dinner hogart oh your mom's working late tonight Hogarth so it's just us guys and we're going to have a little chat sit down easy dick the giant Metal Man where is it I don't know what you're talking about how about this you've been careless Hogarth it doesn't prove anything it's enough to get the Army here with one phone call then what's stopping you you can't protect him Hogarth any more than you can protect your mother oh that's a little bit low can make it so difficult that it would be irresponsible for us to leave you in her care oh oh dude what kind of dirty [ __ ] is this in the junkyard of course food for the metal eater I wouldn't worry about this Hogarth it isn't really happening this is only a bad dream oh what chloroform's the kid this is only a b oh this piece is trash I only have in uh I didn't have uh chloroforming a kid on my uh bingo card for the iron giant the Army arrives in the morning Hogarth don't get cute I got a one Dean yes yes you do Dino machino oh these guys nice nice nail job yeah well you have to make it known that he did it well he's a government worker I mean I eat pieces of I like to stare down which one's going to fall asleep oh maybe him oh need some of that uh that coffee 3:00 W quarter after 7 he's out [Music] you thinking what I'm thinking Ferris sper morning Kent the old Alcatraz M he walks past okay okay so you got to dino well he didn't seem too worried hopefully we're going to make uh Kent look like a doofus where is he what the Metal Man ah the metal man he's in the back is he going to play it off like it's some of his art yep that's what I'm thinking oh no if you really want him and if you know throw in oh a nice swerve I didn't see that coming you a you just blew Millions now pack up I'll expect you back in Washington to clear out your office yes sir W I don't think he's going down like that without a fight I see why hogar sneaks out here you mean you know about that now I do attack dog off duty I thought you he was going or something yeah yeah like turn off one eye blink it on and off oh I can't all that implies I don't think SE last you can move now job just careful with that [Music] AO oh look at that super super take this oh oh oh oh no ST G oh Jesus I said get back I mean it no stop he's our friend he's a piece of Hardware Hogarth why do you think the Army was here a big gun that that walks I not gun yeah what's that huh you almost did that to hogart no oh no giant com back you know going to it was Defensive he reacted to the gun you're not going to get there fast enough on foot hop on the back of the motorcycle the win in the win dad said the give me the binoculars what what hey there it is I see it it's walking away hey give me those over there see it see it the monster holy C who oh yep he's going to reveal himself and yep town is probably going to be all behind them and the Army comes back or something daddy well will you look at that if that's not just the most goddamn wholesome thing I've ever watched look behind you the giant it's attacking of gu yep see the town's going to yeah mhm I am not a gun oh [Laughter] yeah oh oh sh they're firing weapons yeah Bazookas jeez you got to make them stop the Giants got the kid with him I'll take care of it take off on my bike in the snow yeah Mr President we have a situation sir those Phantoms this is a little aggressive oh boy oh he's got Jets you can fly apparently so you imagine the amount of thrust it would take to move something like that oh you guys are oh no no no no no no I was able to fight it that time control it that time but this is going to get messy inverted inverted oh no oh no got you oh no we can't lose the giant let's find out what this thing is and who said it you you probably could have done that without trying to take the thing out well mansley also said that it was that it took out the kid oh no your perimeter oh he's going to be mad oh boy boy oh it's going to be fully operational oh oh boy how about don't shoot at it anymore he's unconscious but he's okay let's get him in the car little concussed don't anybody worry oh these things are toast oh that was cool that guy's out there popping off rounds for my rifle got to help him are you crazy kid you're lucky to be alive we're taking you to a hospital whose voice is that I can't pinpoint it well just tell me now we're this far in Harry conic Jr Harry conic Jr all right yeah yeah yeah I wouldn't have gotten I wouldn't have gotten that no way no do you recognize the mom at least no who's the mom ready the attack and prepare to retreat to the fallback no stop my son is out there guns kill and you don't have to be a gun you are what you choose to be you choose it's okay it's okay we got to show them your good well how we going to do that well General you shoot now the whole thing starts all over again it now General our futures in think AR jeez don't shoot don't shoot hogard hold your fire the boys alive it's a trick launch the missile it's a trick it's a trick it's a trick what the Miss now oh it's going to take out everybody including yourself missile is targeted to the Giant's current position we're all going to to die mansley for our country screw our country I want to live in true shooter mcavin fashion it's a missile when it comes down everyone will die it's like the old Javelin from Call of Duty I heard you played that once or twice you stay oh is he going to fly up and take the missile oh oh no no no follow oh come on it's either that or the whole town is wiped out can he fly up and catch it like Iron Man or something does he have to take it love you I think we're going to get an okay ending no way they're going to take out the Giant on us well he was back and ready player one so maybe we'll be okay oh wait like he didn't I don't think he made it that was uh that was a nuke see at least shooter was a lovable guy you love to hate this guy you just hate I never would have guessed we were going to lose no not at all huh your best work yet honey oh hey hogar um the general sent this to you he said it was the only part recovered he thought you should have it I miss him is it still alive the piece maybe oh it is oh there we go he's rebuild himself yeah just like before try to find all the pieces got yeah got to remember to come back to the stuff they showed us earlier yep see you later it's all in the uh ocean there yeah it's going to take a little while but it'll get there or in Iceland aha nice [Music] there it is all right right 25 years later give us part [Laughter] two Rad Bird look at that how to train your dragons next I'm pretty sure they're doing the slow clap yep no no uh no but the whole time you guys are can is it going to be back and I'm like EGS I'm just sitting there I'm just sitting there looking just looking there um as we oh the he only had one line that's who I thought it was too oh John John Mahoney was the General the the dad from uh from Frasier Frasier yeah the late EMT Walsh and then uh Dave and I know well Dave and I locked eyes but we knew he only had one little line looking at the tractor but it was uh our friend uh the manager of Major League was in there that's that okay you looked at me I thought maybe you knew no I I just didn't want you saying it oh so what happened to your tractor down a little bit give the eater a little bit further with the names that's as far as it okay look time to be but yeah well it's always fun you know trying to figure out names from you know a movie that's 25 years old cuz you know things are going to be a little bit different but so this one was a lot of fun and you know I'm just saying we've got uh part two of fast X coming out and this isn't that far off from what could be a storyline in the in the new Fast and Furious I'm just saying all the elements are there they're all there just waiting to be used but I wasn't sure what direction you were going I no idea where you're going I'm just saying there might be a story there but no this one was a lot of fun and I think what made it so much fun as opposed to having it be set in you know 1999 like they could have they they went back to the 50s so you know the tech was a little bit different we got to have a completely different musical score during the whole movie which I thought was a lot of fun and just some different characters from a little bit of a different time so that definitely made a lot of fun Dean uh really came through there and shined and of course Shooter McGavin was the character you just you just hate him that's it no redeeming qualities whatsoever on uh on that character so it look it it had all the makings of of everything you want you know the animation was a lot of fun I really like personally this is my favorite kind of genre of of Animation uh probably because it reminds me of my childhood a little bit but uh there's just something about when it feels handdrawn that just is a little bit different like look do I appreciate like Puss and Boots too and how good that was absolutely it's phenomenal and it's incredible but there is some kind of nostalgia you get from watching an animated film that's done like this and I just really enjoy it uh so that made it a lot of fun the the story uh aside which was great look the the boy finds his friends I love how they did the different pieces of the giant the one was like a big dog that he was trying to get out of the house I thought that was I thought that was brilliant cuz I'm like well they can't you know I'm thinking myself how they going to do the whole movie where he's like trying to hide this enormous Giant and you know kind of do things a little bit different so I liked how they they had it where it could be pieces and it could rebuild itself you know we had the early T1000 call out how I was able to do that as if it was Liquid Metal but uh that was that was a really cool twist I didn't see coming and you know what surprises me the most is that you know typically with animated movies that are so revered and loved usually you end up kind of finding out a little bit about them and it was interesting coming into this one knowing nothing thing and I think that's because of how old it is I think like once it gets to a certain point where if you haven't heard anything or haven't researched anything all the new stuff starts coming out and it's kind of Forgotten so I think maybe that kind of helped the three of us out and maybe why we didn't know anything about it but that made it a ton of fun and again the cast did a great job with all the voice acting and especially when you consider it is 25 years old you think about where some of these actors are now versus where they were when they started I mean 99 Jennifer Aniston was was you know famous for friends but not the you know International superstar that she is now and obviously same with with Vin Diesel and a handful of the other actors who uh a little bit more uh established but you know still getting the the the mainstream animated type work maybe they weren't getting as much so that was a lot of fun but either way uh you know a great great messages about being there for your friends and everything I really enjoyed it this one was a lot of fun it only took 25 years yeah you guys go ahead I've seen it I I do have to say I I would disagree I would say Jennifer Anderson in 99 was probably had Peak popularity friends was as far as I'm concerned friends was Peak yes she got into movie roles after but it was because of friends opinions vary but op that's look that's beside the point I just I'm like I wonder if people are going to be like but friends the the friends Army going to be going after Mason Quinn here uh what what an incredibly wholesome movie that you know the one line you are who you want to be choose to be you are who you choose to be thank you answer you are who you no I mean seriously thank you you are who you choose to be normally I write stuff down I got so into this I didn't write it down you are who you choose to be and he chose to be Superman obviously he was programmed as a battle robot a very very uh destructive uh you know just Earth ending capab abilities of a a battle robot and you are who you choose to be I mean look this was this was a fun movie it was it was different than a lot of the things that we've watched it didn't rely super heavily on the animation in fact the animation it felt it also felt very 50s to me so you know I wasn't sure what we were going to get for animation in uh in '99 but it felt like a throwback so I think not really focusing on how technologically advanced the animation is really help helps you focus on the story at some level cuz you're not like they didn't do anything unique with the animation they didn't do anything um I'm 99% positive they they whatever they call it when they do similar animation but with different characters in um with Elmer F in a couple of those scenes and that's that's not a bad thing um yeah like like a shout out and and and for those of you who know what I'm talking about we've seen if you if you Google it you can see like certain animated films it's the exact same um motion the exact same everything they just lay over um different characters which look if you're doing an animated film 30 years apart nobody's going to recognize it unless somebody pops it online but I thought that was a really cool call out to uh some old Elmer fud um cartoons and of course this came out in the 90s I think parents um who had their kids in the '90s they probably grew up watching Elmer fud so I think that was probably a really really fun throwback for them um just just great lessons you had a a young a young boy who was curious and and wasn't getting along with his friends cuz he was Advanced a grade and uh you know found an unlikely new best friend in in a robot who came from space and you had the old guy telling Tall Tales you know uh reminded me of Independence Day with uh you know Randy quade's character um U but just just a fun movie I love the way they portrayed um the hand kind of as being like a puppy you know in the house house and how he had to do all that it was it was good enough humor um they didn't really have to throw any like adult humor in which I think is um you know pretty pretty popular now for animated films which I think is a is a good thing but they throw a lot of adult humor in stuff that might go over kids head um it was well they had they had Kent like looking at her boobs like oh hello and then the but like very PG is very PG is but you know it didn't have to be like super gut Punchy either you know they didn't have to like put you into tears obviously like at the end I'm like no what's happening and I thought you know honestly if you guys hadn't been like well just just wait I would have thought like that was the lesson like you know here's this guy who's supposed to be this battle robot he ends up sacrificing himself and they build him a memorial I 1,00% did not see that coming and even had they ended it like that I don't think that would have been a terrible ending I think it was hey we built the Statue it shows the boy in the hand everybody's going to always remember him for the good he did but just I just I keep coming back to Wholesome it didn't H they didn't have to overdo it with the animation um the music was fun but it's not like some of the animated series that we get now or animated films where they have these huge musical scores that you almost you tie into the film you know like look I've never watched the movie Frozen but I know Let it Go with Shrek um you have Smashmouth with so many of these you know animated films of Ling King you have a whole score but for this they didn't it didn't rely heavily on the music they didn't rely too heavily on the animation it didn't have to be anything fancy and it was simplistic Perfection yeah I'm waiting for part two 25 years later right I think they easily could right and I'll give uh Puss and Boots as the example I'm sure they came in thinking it would do okay um now I get it like if you look at the numbers here for box office and 99 I'm sure it not it had a budget of 70 million only made opening weekend like 25 23 sure that's not good but uh you know things could change it seems like it's a lot of people asked us to do this so I got to imagine there's a ton of fans of this movie and with the way that writing is today technology is today they could probably really pull on some heartstrings with the storytelling they could do today cuz in this one I thought it was just a simple fun little story you know it didn't they teased that we were going to lose the Iron Giant here which I was like how really going to do that uh which I'm glad they showed us at the end that it was coming back you know and they they did set up a a couple things that you know came back around were I should have took at least a moment to be like all right maybe if they do that it can come back like the rent when I saw the sign I'm like huh and then Kent came in I'm like should have known of course they showed that for a reason and then they showed the uh the reason for the hand where the signal was coming out right should have known that that missile was not going to really take out Iron Giant just assemble him so he can bring himself back together uh so that's cool how how they did that and then left our imagination will he go back and find him so that's why I think if you do a number two you have plenty of story there to be like you could do some kind of quick catch up and then boom they're back together but then I don't know how or what comes out of that but there something there I think uh you know the cast I'm wouldn't I assume an easy Payday for Vin cuz then a year later he's off to or maybe two years later give or take he's off to do the fast Series so uh Jennifer Anon great to have her on which she was barely in here I'm kind of surprised they didn't incorporate the mom a little bit but the story was about Hogarth and The Iron Giant so it makes sense I was actually digging uh Dean Harry conic Jr's character there loved it uh I wasn't sure what to think of Dean right away uh but then as we kept going on comic relief basically was great great timing by them to do that and then of good old Christopher McDonald shootout but uh I I I thought he's great I'm surprised he hasn't done and maybe he hasn't I just don't know about it I'm surprised he hasn't done more uh animation or voice acting cuz I think he was great actually all these people were great uh with the voice acting so hey hey good movie I mean there's some themes in there you know about friendship and everything like that and uh what was the other one like you said Dave be you you are who you choose he said I kept K Dennis Green in my head the whole time thought they were yeah a little bit of a memory came in um but overall it was great I love the the story and you know Kent Kent making the uh the big goof at the end of like you're going to take all of all of us out it's like oh we'll just stuck in C rage is just take out the Giant and almost took out everyone including himself so again uh not a bad flick here it was actually entertaining so got me kind of into it yeah like uh so for this movie when did you see it first I saw it because my uh like I'm an honorary Uncle for my best friend what year probably around when they were younger around 91 so I saw it like 10 years after it came out cuz they they loved it on DVD and Blu-ray and I was watching them and they're like we got to watch it we got we're watching this movie Iron Giant and I was like all right well I'm here watching you I might as well watch it with you cuz you guys like it and I fell in love with it too and so that's why I knew the voices because I would look up the stuff some of the stuff some of the information mod it just the voices cuz I was interested in that stuff but yeah like you said it is like a love letter as far as far as to like 1950s animation cuz you can kind of see it with how it's how they kind of bled the colors a little bit it's great that I mean andison like she's only done like a handful I want to say of of animations of lending her voice and same with like Christopher McDonald obviously Vin Diesel is known mostly obviously for I am Groot so we got to hear him say more than just that but so it's funny watching it now because at the time none of the Guardians came out the the first original times I've seen it but so it's funny now seeing them see a tree and go tree cuz a cuz you can be like oh my God you know how you know 15 years later there's Steve Rogers goes I am Steve Rogers and like oh the trio there no it's I am Groot so that was a lot of fun to see with that and for me then too it was tring the new voice is like I totally forgot about uh the manager from Major League being in there hey something happened to your tractor and stuff like that so just seeing this again and I forgot about the train scene which was hilar still hilarious to me cuz he's sitting there trying to be so menic meticulous on there and you know just how it was a defensive robot so we and so you could have a sequel but where would the story lie is maybe if it starts to learn more and more English it can maybe tell you about where it came from um I love how when the kid like when he saw him in the comic book he thought he was AO I think is what the name is and he's like no you're good so you're Superman so then when he's trying to play with him in the junkard he's like come on atamo he's like no ATO then Superman and he does his little pose and everything and remembering that he flies I did remember for obviously being really sad the first time I saw it that he went up to the rocket and was pleasantly surprised by the ending by seeing him uh reassemble so yeah I mean it' be so much fun what what the I going to say kind before I forgot part two could be where the Iron Giant wants to find his family cuz he like a little signal family it's all about his family well maybe Hogarth follows in his Father's Footsteps and joins what appeared to be the Air Force and uh well would say I would say Dean just builds him a giant charger that he can drive in with some Nas that would work too that would be just perfect and then but then but then also real quick though too the whole throwback to the whole uh you know nuclear era where it was like you said it jokingly but it is legit that oh just hide under a desk and so we're laughing at the com at the cartoon that essentially that they're showing the kids and it's like yeah that's what they were told back then and not like it's going to a whole hill of beans so I think those guys are going to start with their scores this is obviously getting erased yeah I'll start yeah once you started off there yeah 3.7 for this guy um I'd probably do one more rewatch but I don't know if it'd be like my always goto rewatch cuz man I have to say at least for me I feel like the animation Market the bar is high it's so there's so many it's so high and it I get it if you grew up uh you know watching this and it's you know it's always a must for you because you grew up watching it totally understandable uh but for me 3.7 oh well I'll start off second now I've seen him how many times watched with kids how many times I give it a five so like and you were talking about too about the box office that I saw that that wasn't too good but I believe the DVD rentals and purchases were really up for it yeah heard so sometimes when you wonder how does it get a seagull yeah cuz hopefully that back end pays dividends I would like to see what else came out in 99 that it had to compete with around that same time that be interesting to see but yeah for me this one had you know just about everything you want this is a four out of five for me uh again it's not a big grandiose type uh animated movie that we're used to seeing but it was still awesome still had a ton of actors in it that we all love this one was a lot of fun this is a four out of five answers for me absolutely yeah for I thought this was Perfection and for me um you know we've mentioned on this channel multiple times like we when we set the bar very high for certain films um like Coco and up like easy just there you know how to train your dragons um Puss and Boots the last wish which if if I'm being honest I think is my like ultimate and I thought after Coco like I would never say they hit very different for me but but in any regards so sometimes when when I want to throw out those really high scores I I find myself comparing it to those movies and then I have to just take a step back and say it doesn't have to be those movies cuz it can be it can be different levels of awesome and for me like I said it before this was simplistic Perfection it was very unique compared to a lot of the animated stuff that we watched it was very refreshing it kept it light um I uh I I I didn't have to have a Kleenex or anything I left a take a minute after we were done so this is a five for me um am I going to compare it to the likes of you know up Coco um Last Wish no I'm not but it's it was perfection in its own right and I think it was just a phenomenal film I'm so glad I watched it I'm with diamond Dave I think you could absolutely do a sequel to this whether he becomes a protective robot answer brought up giving us backstory um we have a lot of The Voice actors are still with us so um I think we could do a sequel and uh and maybe do pretty well with it I think people would like that I mean just think about the Heartbreak you can write Le home planet heartbreak write he goes back you know and he some layers to he goes to wherever he's from F he tells horar I'm not coming back cuz I'm with family and all the tears you know hey could be well be well because the other one I was saying is is like how quickly it reassembles cuz even you know that was I don't who knows how many how much time it passed there because if say it took a real lot longer and he came back and Hogarth was an adult or even a young adult how their Adventures could be somewhat different so I think that would be a lot more fun so yeah it looks like it looks like from what we're seeing on Wikipedia that the studio just really really dropped the ball with marketing uh it did very well with test audiences and they had Ed it to be a high success looks like they spent a bunch of their money on Wild Wild West with Smith they so they blew their marketing Budget on Wild Wild West which I've never watched cuz I thought it it looked so terrible in previews and neglected The Iron Giant good work don't don't watch it bad it's not good but in any regard tell us maybe maybe you want them to watch it previews but but it makes sense way too many times you know especially in especially when we're talking 99 this is the internet was just becoming more and more popular in '99 uh of course no social media Word of Mouth had to be physical interaction Word of Mouth you couldn't share it so um when people go to a movie and they absolutely love it it's not like they can go online and and spread the word anymore so in 1999 if they just you know really didn't put much marketing dollars behind this it it makes all the sense in the world cuz this was a phenomenal yeah we've I we saw another movie recently I can't remember what it was we did on the channel but I remember you and you and I Oak we both said that how badly they dropped the marketing and the trailer for it because the movie was so much better than what the trailer indicated I just don't remember what it was but you folks's done that a number of times where they put out a trailer and then you watch the movie and you're like that was so good how did they drop the ball so bad in the marketing but oh we just watched it too I mean I mean it's not like where you guys were pumped for avatar the Last Air B you thought the trailer look good until you watch the actual movie it was something where they it was something where the trailer didn't tell the story of what the movie was at God we'll discuss it off camera you guys know how that happens but we love we love Iron Giant love you as well so thank you once again for joining us so for Diamond Dave Alon o That's Mason Quinn I'm of course answer good night Pals
Channel: Badd Medicine
Views: 43,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: te0ynUSb1co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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