Love is Love | Stand-up comedy by Swati Sachdeva
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Channel: Swati Sachdeva
Views: 21,201,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stand-up comedy, standupcomedy, stand up comedy, swati sachdeva, swati sachdeva comedy, delhi comedians, indian stand up comedy, female stand up comedy, female comedian, women in comedy, abhishek upmanyu, sumit anand, zakir khan, aishwarya mohanraj, urooj, bassi, harsh gujral, lgbt, pride month, love is love, gay, lesbian, bisexual, bisexuality, funny, jokes, comicstaan, tanmay bhat, content creator, relationships, dating, boyfriend, girlfriend, breakup, queer, viral video, trending
Id: Cl618XVFKmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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