Finn's Adoption Story

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your mouth I don't like that you know why Papa mama Papa mama we're excited and scared and really don't know so nervous don't know what to think but just know this gonna be okay I am so excited I'm thinking about my girls and I wish they were here I wish that they could experience this with us but I know they are another home praying hard and thinking about us and I'm just thinking so much about how I can't wait to get my arms around him and hug him tell him how much I love it sanics want to tell you that from the first time that I saw you I've been absolutely crazy about you and I'm so glad that God has brought us through this process to to adopt you and we're so so proud to have you as part of our family and we love you so much and we have from the day that we first saw you and you're such a special part of our family now that that will will never be the same and I just pray that that as you go through this with us that and look back on this that that you'll see how God had his hand on you the whole time and has planned a future for you that's so amazing you won't even be able to imagine - we love you so much with prayed for this day for so long and God has moved so many mountains to bring us to this day and our prayer for you is that you will truly feel his love in your life and and we're so proud of you and I'm so happy that you're becoming a part of our family and looks so forward to what God has in store for you for the coming years we love you and we're so proud of human life okay little gay bars outside party old and had that one kinda the dad a whole this yeah now hold on was how okay party this old fella yah yah yah yah yah my mother yeah what you got here which guy when I'm at Finn I just it didn't even feel real like it was really happening I've waited so long for that day and it just exceeded my expectations it was just a really magical magical moment won one of the top four or five moments of my life I guess when seeing him come around and just having watched him on video and seeing is actually seeing in person but it's just unexpressable such warmth in love that I was already there from just group and pretty typical I had a dream a few months ago that I was walking and holding his hand and I was really curious to see if that's how his hand felt I can remember how that dream was so real and and how his skin felt and it felt exactly like that dream and that was really neat to me why you know the reason we did it was because we felt like God laid him on our heart God spoke to us not audibly he didn't say hey but but we knew from the time that we saw him that God wanted us to be involved in the process to give him a chance at a better life and into along with that bring him into our family as as one of our own and so we were hoping all along that that's how it would work out that we would be have him and our family that would be his parents that he'll you know during the whole process we were just praying and being obedient and trusting God and and so we did it because it's what God wants to do a trip like this when he wants to we also did it because we fell in love with him and God put a desire in our heart - to make him our son you know we're just we're just honored to be a part of it and blessed that God chose such a wonderful child for us he's perfect it's just the story of redemption and the gospel lived out and we've had so many people say to us oh he's going to be so blessed for you guys and we don't feel that way at all he's already just been such a huge blessing to us and stranger away I don't think we're doing anything special or out of the ordinary or it's just obedience to that voice and that's that's just what we've tried to do is get up every day and do the next step to get him home if we go through life trying to do our own thing then we miss out on a lot of blessings and it would have been very easy when Beth came to me and said I think I think we're supposed to adopt me I am if I said there's no way we just forget about it but you know we were just patient and obedient and trusted God through the whole process and in doing that he's blessed us blessed us time and time again our lives will never be the same it's an awesome feeling really is to to to call him our son to know that he's our son I've loved him before everyone put my eyes on I'm just glad I got took them eyes on him we said from day one if it doesn't work out what that little boy has taught us you know in the first weeks in the first months just about obedience and patience and unconditional love who would have ever thought a little boy over in China could teach us something like that that we already thought we had some knowledge of but if it's just an unreal what we've learned through through this process but we won't fend to know that that God has a plan for his life in that plan he promises is for his good and promises to the most a blessing and he's just made us a part of it he asked us to to be involved in Finn's life and to take that step of faith to to just believe him that he wanted to do it with us and for us anybody who's considering an adoption you know I am just say pray spend spend as much time praying about it as you can allow him to bless you through adoption allow him to to bless not just a child not just an organization but bless your your whole family and it's a wonderful wonderful experience the whole thing had been wonderful but but it is a wonderful experience and it is something that has grown up in England for us I tell this story all the time but we have a couple friend and that they've adopted some children and have some biological children and he put it all in perspective for me when he just said we can make another peanut butter and jelly sandwich you know sure we can do this and we can do it I mean we can do it I can make another peanut butter and jelly sandwich all the love I've had for him in my heart for all these months it's just I didn't they hit congroo but it has and just these few short hours and I just feel like absolutely he's he's our child yeah any fears or concerns that we woke up with this morning or that last night are gone he's our boy it's just something the love that I have for him to birthday sunshine you make me happy when skies are grey you'll never know dear how much I love you we don't take my sunshine away you
Channel: Sharing Dots
Views: 759,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: International Adoption (Film Subject), adoption, adoption day, adoption story, adoption film, gotcha day, forever family, special needs adoption, special needs, blindness, visual impairment, short film, documentary, I love adoption, china, international adoption, china adoption, orphan, orphan care, orphanage, foster care, foster home, children, family, positive story, beautiful story, christianity, christian adoption, older child adoption
Id: v9yng0PFFR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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