Love & Best Dishes: Crabbing with Paula & Michael

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- Good morning, y'all. Usually I tell y'all to come on in the kitchen. Well this morning, I'm gonna say, y'all don't go in the kitchen, don't come in the kitchen because I wanna take y'all outside to the dock. Because Micheal and Michelle loaded the crab baskets up and we're fixing to pull those baskets up and see how many crabs we got. So, here we go. I think Michael said last night he put like, five baskets in, so we'll see. So y'all come on down to the dock with me. It, it looks like rain could happen but I don't know, it's been drizzlin', but I think we can get those crabs up before it gets too, too wet. And I'm so excited. Anybody fortunate enough to live on salt water and go crabbin', it's just the most fun thing. And I especially love string crabbing, which is how you teach your child to crab the first time around. You tie a chicken neck on a string and you just tie the, tie the string so they can put it on their arm and drop it, and just start pullin' up crabs. And they are so cute when they do that. I think that's still my favorite way to crab. So Michael and Michelle are down here. They're waitin' on me to bring 'em the basket because we have to have something to put the crabs in! - Hey y'all! - Hey! Michelle, Michelle, Michelle, I'm so glad you're here. Because she helps her daddy with a lotta lotta lotta lotta stuff, y'all. But I'm tellin' you, this girl makes the best crab cake I've ever put in my mouth. And I will not make 'em, she has to make 'em. (laughs) So I hope we got some crabs so she can do it! - There's a dolphin there. - There's a dolphin. - [Paula] Where, where's the dolphin? - [Michelle] Just went in. - [Paula] Yeah! - [Micheal] He's right there. - [Paula] Right there, Eddie. - [Eddie] Yeah and you know it's the same one, he has a little piece missing off his fin. - [Paula] Oh. - [Michelle] We call him Jimmy. - [Eddie] Jimmy? (Paula laughing) - [Micheal] That, Henry says that's his pet. - [Michelle] I don't know why. - [Micheal] Henry says that's his pet. - [Eddie] He lives, he lives here definitely. - [Michael] Yeah. - [Paula] Oh my goodness, Jimmy come on back up. (Paula laughing) - [Michelle] I just told dad, we saw the logger head sea turtle three times this weekend. - [Paula] No. - [Michelle] Mhmm, I saw his whole shell yesterday. - [Paula] No, y'all that is so...oh here comes. - [Michelle] Here he comes again. - [Paula] Yeah, I can hear them if things are quiet. I can hear him blow when he comes by, and you I don't know if you know that story about your grandmother. - [Michelle] Oh yeah. - [Paula] Where is he? - [Michelle] He's down by the screening dock now, on the inside. - [Paula] Oh okay. - [Michelle] Probably to far to see on the video. - [Paula] Yeah. - [Micheal] Okay we gonna pull this one out first. - [Michelle] Okay. - [Micheal] This one's been in the longest. - [Paula] Oh. - Gosh, I forgot what I was gonna say. - [Michelle] Oh yeah, about grandma, and I think there was somebody on the porch. - [Paula] Oh yes, yes she slept, when your granddaddy bought her here as a bride, she slept with the windows open - [Michael] Well, we didn't have air conditioning. - [Paula] Yeah, we didn't have air conditioning, and um her grandfather worked on the railroad so, - [Michael] Okay, y'all ready? - [Paula] he worked some crazy hours. And um, - [Paula] Michael's, oh get in here so you can see Eddie. (water splashing) - [Paula] Oh, I forgot the basket. - (Paula laughs) - [Paula] Whoaaa. - [Michael] That's a pretty good mess. - [Paula] Wow, wow. - [Michelle] Looks the rest of them. - [Paula] How many crab cakes can we get Michelle? (Paula laughs) (crabs snapping) - [Paula] Whoa. - [Michelle] Set them right here now? - [Micheal] Yes, set them down. - [Paula] Whoa, they stink, don't they? - [Micheal] It's the bait that stinks. - [Paula] Yeah, and they like that don't they. What can I help you do? Okay there's the hole. - [Michael] You can cook the crab. - [Paula] No, your daughter is gonna cook the crabs. - [Michael] Set it down. - [Paula] Okay. Wooooww, this girl right here y'all she is a river girl. - [Michelle] Um. - [Paula] If I was gonna be stranded in a boat. - [Michelle] No, we need Henry. - [Paula] (laughs) Well, Henry's like you, he can do anything too but, - [Michael] Henry would make sure we ate. - [Paula] Yes. - [Michael] He gonna catch something. - [Paula] You know what I can't believe there's not a stone crab in there. - [Michelle] There was one in this trap over here yesterday. - [Paula] Oh, it was. - [Michelle] Told dad, the only reason we got three in there is cause Henry wouldn't leave it in the water long enough. - [Paula] Yeah. (laughs) He gets anxious doesn't he? - [Micheal] There we go. - [Paula] No one wants to put their hands near a live crab. - [Micheal] Years ago there was... - [Paula] Beautiful! - [Micheal] Years ago there was an old man we use to get our bait from. - [Paula] Uh-huh. - [Micheal] Off a shrimp boat called Evan May. And uh, he was a little short man, he was about this big, but his hands were this big, and he would reach down there and grab the crabs, and they would bite his hands, and he would just shake his hand. He'd have three or four bite him at one time, and I've had them bite me, and they'll make you cry. I mean. - [Paula] (laughs) So... - [Micheal] His hands were like leather. - [Paula] His hands were so big, were they swollen from all the crab bites? - [Micheal] No, he just worked so hard that his hands were like leather. From the shrimp, and the crab. - [Paula] But you said they were big. - [Micheal] I don't why they, well he just had big hands. I don't know. - [Paula] So good you gonna put that back. - [Micheal] Had enough bait in it to go back. - [Paula] Good, all right Michelle how long do think it will take to pick that many crabs? - [Michelle] Uh, not long, that's about a dozen. - [Paula] She's a great picker too. - [Michelle] About an hour. - [Paula] An hour, it would take me three times that long. Look the flies already getting on them. Uh, if you, if you don't pull, what is that I'm looking at? Michelle do you have the? - [Michelle] The stick? - [Paula] Yeah, I'm trynna see, if you leave them in there too long, and the food gets eatin', the crabs will start eatin' each other. So what is that, right, right there? - [Michelle] That's just part of the bait. - [Paula] Oh okay, so it's not a crab eating a crab. - [Michelle] No, no. - [Paula] Oh okay. - [Michelle] No, we'll pull them out before they were going to. - [Paula] Yes? Henry Groover would be so upset if he knew we were doing this, wouldn't he? -[Michelle] Yes. - [Paula] Didn't I call him Henry Groover. - [Michelle] I knew what you meant. - [Paula] Henry Reed, - [Michelle] That's who he was named after. - [Paula] Well, there was a Henry Groover. He was named after his grandfather, Henry Groover. - [Michelle] Is that another one, or? - [Micheal] A couple. See this one's only been in a day, so. - [Paula] Yeah - [Micheal] Not as many. - [Paula] Yeah. - [Micheal] And they're pretty, look how big that one is. - [Paula] The fish have fallen out, hadn't they? - [Micheal] No, I actually put a couple in there, so they could eat - [Paula] Oh just loose? What do you think the age of those crabs are? How long does it take them to get to eatin' size? - [Micheal] I don't know, I don't think, I don't think crabs last long. - [Paula] You sayin' they grow pretty quickly? - [Micheal] Yeah. - [Paula] So this is two baskets down y'all, and I think Micheal said he had three more to go. - [Michelle] Oh man, that is a big one. - [Micheal] I'm not gonna shake it too much, I don't want the bait to get in there. - [Paula] (laughs) Come on, we wanna take you to the dance Mr.Crab. - [Michelle] That's a big one. - [Paula] Well, can I, can I help. Is that both of them? - [Micheal] Yeah. - [Paula] And the rest is bait, look at that, they have eatin' those fish to the, nothing but bones y'all. - [Micheal] And those are nasty fish, they're called Poggies but they, um, they're um - [Paula] Did Henry catch that fish? - [Micheal] real oily. - [Paula] Oh. - [Micheal] That's what professional crabbers use. Matter fact that' what we use to get off that old shrimp boat that I was telling you about. - [Paula] Mhmm, mhmm. - (water splashing) - [Paula] Okay. - [Micheal] Okay, let's look through them, and see if we got any throw backs. - [Michelle] Have y'all seen the um, Blue Herin, up in your tree with the nest? - [Paula] No. - [Michelle] We saw the baby yesterday, the babies just hatched. - [Paula] No, no. - [Michelle] Yeah, we pulled up in the boat, and um that big one started squawkin, and we looked up and saw the babies for the first time. - [Paula] Uh-huh now which tree is the nest in? In this first one? - [Michelle] You see him, right there? - [Micheal] You see this little hole right here? Where the hole is? - [Paula] Uh-huh. - [Micheal] That's where he sits, right there. - [Paula] Ohhh. - [Micheal] He lives on the dock. - [Paula] Well, I knew you told me there was a Blue Hering there the other day. - [Micheal] And he poops on my boat. - (All laughing) - [Micheal] I put an owl there to keep, to keep them away - [Paula] Uh-huh. - [Micheal] And the head spins, so it looks like it's real, - [Paula] Uh-huh. - [Micheal] He was standing on the head the other day. - [Paula] (laughs) He was real scared, wasn't he? - [Micheal] Yeah, he is not scared at all. - (laughter) - [Paula] That's not him is it going? No. - [Michelle] Dad, you pulling these too? - [Eddie] Those... are seagulls. - [Micheal] Yeah. - [Paula] Well, I wanna see the babies. Uh-huh Lulu, comeback. - [Micheal] I can't wait 'til the babies start poopin on my boat. - (laughter) - [Paula] Micheal, uh, loves his boat y'all. All right, Eddie get up there see. - [Michelle] I'm sorry. - [Paula] Oh no, you're fine. Anything? - [Micheal] Not much, these might be little. - [Michelle] Yeah, those are tiny too. - [Paula] I don't see how y'all can see, and make a judgment that quick. - [Michelle] They're smaller than the palm of your hand, see them? - [Paula] Yeah. - [Micheal] Yeah, these are too little. All right Lulu watch out. - [Paula] Come here Lulu. - [Micheal] Move that basket. - [Michelle] Excuse me Eddie. - [Paula] Where you want it moved to, right there? Is that a stone crab Michelle? - [Micheal] Two stone crab. - [Paula] Okay. Well that's good, we can show y'all what a stone crab looks like, I know you've been to a restaurant, and um, ordered stone crabs at some point in time. - [Micheal] Okay, grab these, don't let them go. - [Paula] Where's the... - [Micheal] They're movin'. - [Paula] Uh-huh. - [Eddie] Watch out Lulu. - [Paula] No Lulu! - [Micheal] Watch out Lulu. - [Paula] They will bite you. - (all laugh) - [Paula] So Michelle, a while ago was telling me about uh, she and her family seen a logger head turtle, she said she saw the whole body, and that is so rare, and unusual. And I was telling Michelle when I was when it was in the 50's, in the 1950's, it was nothing to see a turtle, my grandmother would trap a turtle, and make turtle soup for her guest, um, but now it's totally different, isn't it Michelle? - [Michelle] Well yeah, um I grew up in the 80's, when I was a child, we never saw them, but the 80's is when they fixed the holes in the shrimp net, the turtles were caught as back catch in the shrimp nets, so I think that because they have a thirty year maturation to adulthood, before they can start laying their nest, now were really starting to see the comeback... - [Paula] So they have to be... - [Michelle] since the 80's. - [Paula] ...30 years old before they can mate... - [Michelle] Yes. - [Paula] ...and produce eggs. - [Michelle] Yes, and they have a lifespan of 75-80 years. - [Paula] Wow. - [Michelle] So we saw a turtle 3 different times off the dock this weekend. I tried to get a picture, but I couldn't. - [Paula] Not this dock? - [Michelle] This dock, this weekend. - [Paula] You, you saw a... - [Michelle] Yeah. - [Paula] A logger head on this dock. - [Michelle] Three times, Henry, and I, we tried to get a picture but we missed him. - [Paula] where was he? - [Michelle] Right out in front. Well, one time we were on the boat, and it was a little past Uncle Nick's dock. And then, twice I saw him right in front of the dock, and one time, I saw his whole shell. And the other two times I just saw his head. - [Paula] You just don't understand, how exciting that is. You know if you don't live near salt water. Oh listen, y'all I've told this story before, but uh, when I first met Micheal, he and Hank had been out crabbing, and got a bucket full of crabs, and I was living right there, and he calls me and said Hank, and I are cooking, boiling some crabs. Would you like some? And I said yes, I would. Um. And so, I walked over, and that's the first time ever in my life, I've been full on blue crab. Micheal picked every piece of meat, and put it in my mouth. And I was a goner, I was a goner. - [Micheal] You think I was being romantic, but I... - [Paula] It was kind of, romantical. - [Micheal] You think that but, but, true story is I had to pick for Michelle, and Anthony, and eat. So I got like three of four times faster than anybody else picking crabs. - (all laugh) - [Micheal] But I was a little romatic. - [Paula] I was gonna say, now you just ruined it - (all laugh) - [Paula] I thought you were being romantical. It's that pretty the way the water goes up in that, whatever you call that thing. What do you call that thing y'all? - [Micheal] A ditch. - [Eddie] It's called a cove. - [Paula] Yeah, let's call it a cove, ditch doesn't sound so good. - [Paula] So y'all, I lived in that third condominium, right in the middle. And the day that I came out to walk Otis, and Sam, they ran this a way. And we had never come this way before, they always went to the square. We had a little park in the middle. And they ran, you can see that tabby wall right back there. They ran around that wall, cause they heard somebody talkin' over in this yard. And I, there's about that much space between the wall, and the water, so I shimmied around it, and sure enough they headed straight to Micheal, he was propped on his fence talkin' on the telephone, and that was the first time I had ever met him, and he scared me to death. I apologized to him for for the dogs poopin' in his yard. And I mean, I got outta there. But will y'all notice now, that there is a little fence that's been put up, it closes that gap. Micheal said, "I didn't need to meet anymore neighbors." - [Micheal] I think, I might move it. - [Paula] You think you might move it? - (all laugh) You are so funny. - (Micheal laughs) - [Paula] You get me so tickled. All right, do you have one more basket? - [Micheal] Um, I think that's, huh Michelle? - [Paula] Okay, so y'all this is the deal. Um, we're gonna cook the crab. - [Micheal] Did we pull them all up, we got five. - [Michelle] Oh no, we only pulled four up. - [Paula] I was gonna say, I don't remember the fifth one coming up. So, we're gonna take these in, and we're gonna steam these crabs, and then we'll pick them, and then hopefully Michelle will make those to die for crab cakes. (Paula laughs) You in girl? - [Michelle] I'm in. - [Paula] Yay! (laughs) - [Micheal] Okay, let's if it's filled. - [Paula] What? - [Micheal] (talk in the distance) - [Paula] Eddie, I need to tell everybody it won't be today, because we have to cook them, and pick them, which takes time, so we'll do that tomorrow's video. Love and best dishes y'all, happy crabbing. - [Paula] So, it's time to pick the crab y'all. - [Micheal] Look it here, this my favorite part. - [Paula] Got your pickin' pinchers on. - [Micheal] My favorite part. Look how pretty. - [Eddie] Oh. - [Micheal] Look at it. - (all laugh) - [Micheal] Did he get you? - [Paula] Yes! - [Micheal] (laughs) Smile more. - [Paula] I can smile more. Don't you ever get tired of jokin' in my life. I guess he never gets tired of it. Cause he don't quit!
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 23,698
Rating: 4.9456029 out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, crabbing with chicken on a string, crabbing catch and cook, crabbing videos, blue crab catch and cook, blue crab fishing, blue crab trap, blue crab eating, blue crab cleaning, blue crab cooking, paula deen and eddie, paula deen and michael groover, paula deen and michael, paula deen and husband, paula deen and her husband, paula deen home tour, paula deen home cooking, paula deen renovation, paula deen reaction, paula deen remodel, paula dean
Id: jQ2KrRCMT6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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