Louise Hay_Self Love_Learn to Love yourself

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so we're going to explore some ways that I've discovered that help us learn to love ourselves anybody who studied the Course in Miracles knows that they say forgive and love thyself you know it's love thy neighbor as thyself and the thing most people seem to forget its as thyself it isn't just love thy neighbor and you can't really love your neighbor until you do learn to love yourself and I'm not sure exactly why we've gotten away from loving who we are and remember when I talk about loving yourself I'm not talking about vanity or arrogance that is not love that is fear I'm talking about just really respecting and cherishing the incredible miracle that you are because each one of us is someone really fabulous were divine magnificent expressions of life when we have to know it and when we do it's like we're in tune with the entire universe and everything just flows in our life so we need to not only love our neighbour but we need to love ourselves and we need to begin there and it's interesting we resist this so much so tonight I want to share with you some of my ideas about life and how're you can get to the point where you really do love yourself when we sort of get the guidelines on how we love ourselves and we're willing to practice them consistently it's amazing the changes we can make in our lives you know I'm a very simple lady and I have very simple guidelines for life and for some people they're far too simplistic they think that's just ridiculous but over and over again I've seen people try them and practice them and it's amazing how they work now I want you to remember that if you hear just one sentence tonight that you can use to help improve the quality of your life that's fabulous you don't have to get everything I say you don't have to accept everything I say you even have to understand it whatever you're hearing tonight is going into your subconscious mind and you will use it at the appropriate time or you'll rejected you know you're always in control you can do whatever you want I can stand here for days and tell you all sorts of wonderful ideas but if you don't want to accept them that's your business we're always in control so let's see what we can do all right and let's have a good time tonight improving the quality of our lives sometimes we think it's so serious when we work on ourselves and we can do it that way and we can also do it through a lot of pain but we can do it through a lot of joy - okay so if you want to love yourself then I suggest you start with these ten steps that I've put together absolutely number one first of all most important and if you really get this one you don't have to practice any of the others because they'll come automatically the number one thing is to stop all criticism stop criticizing yourself now and forevermore never again make a vow to yourself I'm not going to do this anymore you have been criticizing yourself for years and years and you're still criticizing yourself for the same stuff you were criticizing yourself for before so let's it seems that it doesn't work so why don't we try another tactic let's come from a place of being ok as you are and you can make changes I remember what a revelation it was to me when I discovered that I could make changes in my life without being a bad person I didn't have to be bad and then change I could be okay and just change criticism never changes a thing so refuse to criticize yourself and accept yourself exactly as you are remember everybody changes everybody but when you criticize yourself your changes automatically become negative you get into the neg of changes and when you approve of yourself it's amazing how your changes of positive our ability to change and adapt and flow with the process of life is our healing power that's our healing power we are powerful beings and our power lies and the choice of thoughts that we think in the words that we use because our thoughts are creative they create our experiences they contribute to everything we do in life so you do choose the thoughts you think you really do sometimes we think oh they zip by so quickly but you really do choose them so choose thoughts that are nurturing to you juice thoughts that are uplifting that are supporting of you if you really want to love yourself it's essential that you stop criticizing yourself now and forevermore absolutely and you can't you can do it you can do it just make a vow but that's what you'd like to do alright number two don't scare yourself please if you love yourself don't scare yourself stop terrorizing yourself with frightful thoughts because all you do is make it any situation worse you don't make it better and don't take a small situation and make it into a big monster and don't take a scary situation and make it even worse be there for yourself you know it's a terrible way to live and if you have a habit of doing this I suggest you stop it you just stop it you know how often do we lie in bed at night going over and over a problem creating the worst possible scenario we do this for illness we get a pain and we're immediately planning our funeral uh-huh I've done so few people I think your have done that yes we do this for relationships someone doesn't call and we immediately decide that we're totally unlovable and we'll never have a relationship in our life and we're abandoned we do this for you know you hear a small remark at work and you think oh my god I'm going to be fired you know we build these things up these and remember these frightening thoughts are affirmations only their negative affirmations so if you have a habit of thinking negative thoughts that scare you what I find is the best thing to do is find an image of something you really like something that you love could be a sport it could be a sunset it could be some beautiful view could be flowers it could be anything and use that as a substitute pick that as your image or like your switch to image and every time the negative thought comes up or every time you find that you're frightening yourself just switch to this thought or this image you don't say to yourself no I'm not gonna think about that anymore I'm going to think about sunsets or waterfalls or beautiful yachts whatever your your image is whatever you want to choose and if you automatic eep doing that you will break that habit but it takes practice it always takes a little practice love yourself enough to stop scaring yourself you know just stop them number three is be gentle and kind and patient with yourself just be gentle and kind and patience you know a good example of the power of patience is a garden a garden is often to begin with just a patch of dirt and then you add some seeds there's some little plants and you let the Sun Shine and you water it and you give it some loving attention and to begin with it seems like not much is happening but if you continue doing that if you're patient things will change the garden will grow and blossom and if you think of your life is like a garden or your mind like a garden you know what kind of garden what you would you like what kind of events do you want to have happen in your life and what kind of seeds do you need to plant in order for those to have so you select the seeds you select the thoughts that will contribute to creating the garden of experiences that you want and I like to think of planting these thoughts in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind where they get nurtured and then can grow and if you pay attention to them if you take care of them then one of these days you'll reap a wonderful bountiful and beautiful harvest of all the things you want you're learning new ways of thinking now I realize that some of you have been working on yourself for a very long time so some of the things I'm going to say tonight might just reinforce for you what you already know and a few of you may be just beginning on your pathway of self-discovery and some of the things I may say tonight might sound ridiculous or you may resist them a lot but remember the resistance is part of the process of making the changes when you ask the question how do I love myself you are already in process of beginning to learn to love yourself because there was a problem when you wouldn't even dream of asking the question so you're already started there so as you learn these new ways of thinking be gentle with yourself be kind to yourself and be patient with yourself as you plant the new thoughts in your mind now watch for the weeds the weeds are like the old negative thoughts and pluck them out as quickly as you can remove those negative thoughts as soon as you see them you want to treat yourself as you would somebody that you really really liked or as you would a treat of gentle little child you know for yourself that's important and you know it's okay to make mistakes while you're learning you don't have to immediately be perfect so many of us are cursed with perfectionism and we won't give ourselves the chance to really learn anything new because if we don't do it perfectly in the first three minutes we again assume we're not good enough but anything you're going to learn is going to take time and when you first begin doing something new it never feels right you know just for a moment do this I want you to clasp your hands now there's no right or wrong way to do this but just clasp your hands and I'd like you to notice which thumb is on top okay unclasp your hands and reclass them with the other thumb on top how does that feel feel strange it feel odd it feels different it may even feel wrong okay all right now clasp unclasp and put them the first way and open them and put them the second way and the first way and the second way and the first rate and the second way and hold it now how does it feel not so bad not so wrong we're getting a little used to it maybe we could even learn to do it both ways well you know it's the same thing with anything you learn the first time you try it it feels wrong it feels strange it feels different and we immediately have a tendency to judge it but if we just practice a little bit it can can become normal and natural so when you're beginning to do your affirmations or change your way of thinking just know all you need is a little bit of practice a little bit of practice that's all you're not going to do everything in one day you're not going to love yourself totally in one day but if you can love yourself just this much more every day than you did before like a quarter of an inch and every day you do a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more do you realize in two or three months you could love yourself this much and all you did was this much every day just a tiny dip bit it's amazing it takes just a little bit more love every day you know you can get up in the morning and say I really want to love you more today than I did yesterday and if you make that statement the universe will hear you and find out ways to do that okay number four be kind to your mind because to your mind you know self-hatred is really only hating thoughts you have about yourself that's about all it is and you don't want to hate yourself for having thoughts you gently want to change those thoughts change your thinking you know you are worth loving all of us are we do not have to earn love in spite of the way may some of us were raised as children really you don't have to earn love you see you don't have to earn the right to it breathe you we have the right and to breathe freely and fully because you exist and you have the right to be loved because you exist that's all you have to do we are lovable because we exist and we have to know that and make it true for ourselves speaking of thoughts I talk a lot about affirmations and we must remember that every thought we think in every word we speak is an affirmation and far too often they are negative and we're not aware that the words and the thoughts were these words and thoughts are shaping our future and our experiences but when we talk about doing affirmations we're talking about creating positive statements to create something wonderful and new in your life or to eliminate something for your life so doing affirmations is one of the best ways to be kind to your mind because you create definite positive statements that build you up instead of beat you up see if you can think of your thoughts as building you up rather than beating you up and so many of us I know I certainly did had a habit of beating myself up with my own thoughts thinking well of yourself is an act of kindness that pays enormous dividends enormous dividends you can also learn the difference between responsibility and blame don't get into this oh I'm having this negative experience therefore I must be a bad person routine that's a terrible thing to do responsibility is making a conscious choice of how you will respond to a situation or to an idea what sort of thoughts will you choose you have an experience okay how can you how can you learn from this experience or what can you learn from this experience you know dr. Bernie Siegel says in his new book of peace love and healing that people who have so-called terminal illnesses and defy the statistical odds against them all share something they have an acceptance of responsibility for decisions affecting their lives they don't blame themselves but they do accept responsibility see blame is making yourself wrong for having certain thoughts or for having certain experiences but blame creates guilt and guilt always seeks punishment and Punishment creates pain so being kind to yourself means stopping all blame all guilt all punishment and all pain respond to yourself and to life in a loving way now another kindness you can give to yourself is to relax just relax relaxation is essential it's absolutely essential for the healing process it's really hard to allow the healing energies to flow within us if we're tense and frightened it's like we shut off the energy and it only takes a minute or two a few times a day to allow the body to let go and relax see at any moment you can close your eyes and take two or three deep breaths and just release whatever tension you're carrying let's do that now for a moment just let's close our eyes and take a deep breath and just exhale and let go just let go and let's do that again take another breath and just release all fear any tension and once more take a deep breath and as you exhale just let yourself be centered and you might even say to yourself silently I love you all as well and then just notice how much easier your body is for the moment that didn't take two minutes and if you would do that several times a day it sort of says to the body it's okay you don't have to go through life tense and frightened you can be relaxed and still handle whatever you need to handle another kindness to yourself is to meditate you know as a society we've made meditation into something mysterious and difficult to achieve and yet meditation is one of the oldest and simplest processes there are that we can do all we have to do is to sit or even lie quietly close their eyes take a few deep breaths and our body again will automatically relax we don't have to force it it just happens and we can repeat words like love or peace or healing or anything that's meaningful to us we could even say I love myself or I forgive and I am forgiven or I'm willing to learn and then just sit there quietly and your answers may come immediately or in a day or two or whenever the thing I do most of the time is just say what is it I need to know and then I just wait and what I need to know is reveal to me you know you don't have to be rush just allow things to happen remember it's the nature of your mind to think you're never gonna stop your mind - some thinking some people think that if they meditate they have to stop their minds and thinking but you can slow down those dashing thoughts you just allow them to flow through and you might if you're meditating just notice and sort of say oh that's a fear thought there goes anger well that's a disaster that's an abandonment thought you see if you don't give them importance then they pass through like a soft cloud on a summer day and you just watch them go you cannot meditate incorrectly anyway you first attempt it it's going to be right for you if you begin anywhere and you allow it to become a habit see we all have tremendous wisdom within us inside of us I believe are all the answers to all the questions were ever going to ask and unfortunately most of the time we're so busy running around creating the soap opera and drama that we call our lives that we forget to quiet down long enough to listen to us meditation creates the space where we can quiet down and listen to our inner selves and you'll never have any idea how wise you are until you quiet down and listen you can take care of yourself you do have the answers for yourself become connected with yourself through sitting quietly through meditation you know you can think of meditation as focusing on your inner voice it's like you you're focusing and listening visualizations are also very important you you create a clear mental picture or an image that enhances your positive affirmations when I have cancer I used to visualize cool clear water flowing through my body and washing out the diseased cells and my body responding and become very strong and healthy now I know some people like to use imitations of fighting their cells they like to fight the disease cells I personally don't feel good about creating a war in my body and I think it's better to use an image that dissolves like the Sun could melt or a magician could transform or you could use some form of love to make the positive change but when you're using visualizations makes them positive some picture that works for you and everyone can visualize everyone describing your home having a sexual fantasy you know people who who talked to who think that there's no connection between mind and body have obviously never had a sexual fantasy good amazing what the mind can do okay so let's use these visualizations in a positive way to really enhance what you're doing just like you know you've used negative visualizations to make a bad situation worse you can use a positive visualization to make it better okay number five praise yourself please praise yourself criticism breaks down the inner spirit and praise builds it up so praise yourself as much as you can tell yourself how well you're doing with every little thing many of us refuse to put any effort into creating a good life for ourselves because we feel we don't deserve it our feeling of not being deserving could come from people telling us we didn't but it could also come from something as simple as early toilet training or being refused an ice cream cone when we were young deserving has nothing to do with having good it's our unwillingness to accept good in our lives allow yourself to accept good whether you think you deserve it or not and you know when you think about deserving there's a few questions I'd like to ask you about this to help you deserve the good that's in the universe what do you what is that you feel you deserve what do you feel you deserve do you deserve love and joy and all good or do you feel deep down that you deserve nothing why where did that message come from and are you willing to let it go what are you willing to put it in its place what different message would you put there because remember these negative messages something that says you don't deserve you're not worthy that's only a thought and a thought can be changed what is it you want that you're not now having think about that and be clear and specific about what you want and what you deserve what were the laws about deserving in your home what did they tell you you don't deserve did they tell you you deserve a good smack is that the message you got as a child did your parents feel that they deserved that they deserved good things do you always have to earn in order to deserve and we're things taken away there's a child when you did something wrong now do you really feel you deserve do you feel good enough smart enough tall enough pretty enough bright enough whatever what belief is in the way of your deserving do you believe you're not good enough there's not enough money I'll never amount to anything I'm not ready yet what are the beliefs that are in the way of you really deserving and then the last question about deserving is what do you have to live for what do you have to live for what is the purpose of your life and what meaning have you created you know you're here for a reason you didn't come just to get a new car every so many years you really came for a purpose and what is your purpose what are you willing to do to experience the good you really deserve are you willing to do affirmations are you willing to do visualizations are you willing to do treatments are you willing to forgive people are you willing to do regular relaxation and meditation how much mental effort are you willing to give in order to change your life questions to ask yourself alright number six on loving yourself is support yourself find ways to support yourself reach out to friends and allow them to help you it really is being strong to ask for help when you need it instead of trying to do it all yourself and then being angry at yourself because you can't make it and there's so many ways you know friends can help you there are support groups everywhere we now seem to have 12-step programs for almost every problem there is I'm sure you have them here we certainly have them in Los Angeles there are lists of all the things that they do in some areas you find healing circles and lots of the churches have support groups and if you can't find you want what you want you could even start your own start your own support group all you need is a teddy bear and some good encouraging thoughts how do you start a support group you know some people think that's so scary they'd like to have them but they don't want to they don't know what to do about it well you know you can just gather two or three friends that have the same issues that you have and follow a few guidelines if you do it with love in your heart your little group will grow it's amazing people will be attracted like a magnet and don't worry if you have a little group and it starts to grow don't worry about where you're gonna meet because the universe will always find a space okay number seven on loving yourself be loving to your negatives be loving to your negatives you created every single negative pattern every negative habit everything you have in your life to fulfill a need and they worked see everybody's made negative choices in the past we all have however nobody is stuck with them the good news is that you always have choice you can choose again and you can always choose to let go of the old pattern and you can choose a different a more supportive and nourishing thought letting go of the old negative pattern with love allows you to move into the new positive patterns with ease it just makes it so much easier but punishing yourself you know with thoughts like I hate my job I hate this illness or I hate this relationship or whatever keeps you tied to what you hate and it doesn't allow anything new and different to come into your life see if you run around saying I hate my job then the universe gets this message Oh hates job so if you get a new job I guarantee you you'll hate your job very shortly because that's the message that you've put out you want to release with love release whatever's in your life that you're not happy with now with love and allow them the new stuff to come in it really does when you love yourself and you find yourself in the midst of a negative situation you can say something to yourself like I'm willing to release the pattern in my consciousness that contributed to this condition and then you can say a positive affirmation you know like I really deserve only good in my life I allow the healing powers and the healing energies of the universe to flow through me really changing my life for the better our thoughts and our words are very powerful and remember no matter what's going on in your life no matter what's each negative situation you have right now you are never wrong you're never wrong you're always doing the best you can until you find a better way to handle situations I love what dr. John Harrison says in his book you love your disease he says it's essential that the patient is congratulated on having worked out a way to get their needs met in a safer way as possible for them the patient is never condemned for having multiple operations or illnesses in fact quite the opposite they are congratulating we have to understand that whatever we have in our life we have contributed to it because it's our way of handling situations and to be angry at ourselves because such-and-such is going on doesn't make any changes it doesn't make positive changes but we have to do is fulfill those needs in a much more positive way and that's what we want to concentrate on ok humor is another powerful releasing tool when it comes to holding onto negatives too long sometimes we work so hard on ourselves that we forget to lighten up you know laughters healing Norman Cousins I mean healed himself of illness by watching The Three Stooges films and laughing himself into wellness I mean he wrote a whole book on it ok number eight on how to love yourself take care of your body it's the house you live in when you're born you move into this house and when you leave the planet you move out of it so loved the house that you live in and take care of it you can find exercise that you enjoy something that's fun to do and then watch what you put into your body drug abuse is so prevalent on the planet and it's become one of the most popular methods of escape you know and it if you're into drugs it doesn't mean that you're a bad person it just means that you haven't found a more positive way of fulfilling your needs you know drugs beckon to us they say come and play with me and I will give you a good time and it's true for a little bit they do you feel wonderful but the what happens is that they alter our reality and what isn't evident at first is the terrible price that we have to pay I mean after taking for a while the whole health deteriorates rapidly and you feel terrible all the time and in addition you have an negative addiction and then you know people do all sorts of things with that drugs lower our immune systems two very dangerous levels and on one level you think well why would we even consider taking them peer pressure may get us to try drugs once but continued use is another story you know I've yet to meet anyone who really loves themselves who's hooked on drugs we take drugs to escape ourselves and our feelings and it all begins again with not loving ourselves and not appreciating who we are we take those childhood feelings of not being good enough and then we try to wipe them out and this method never works for the drugs or the alcohol or whatever we're using that wears off and then we feel worse than we ever did and then we usually have a load of guilt too so we want to know that it's safe for us to feel our feelings that's okay part of loving ourselves is feeling our feelings and acknowledging them you know they pass through they don't stay food we use food food really is a fuel for our bodies to help create new cells and to give us good energy and even though some of us may know the basics of good nutrition we still often use diet and food to punish ourselves it's another way we stuff ourselves our stuff our feelings we create obesity we create health crises in our lives we've become a nation of junk food addicts unfortunately it's like we've allowed the big food processors and their advertising to influence our eating habits and doctors of course are not even taught about nutrition if a doctor wants to learn about nutrition it's almost like an extra curriculum subject they have to take so they're not going to know a lot about nutrition most medicine of the moment is concentrated on surgery and drugs so if we really want to learn about nutrition it's something we have to take in our own hands it's an act of loving ourselves to begin to be aware of what we put in our mouth and how we feel you know if you eat lunch in an hour later you start going to sleep you might ask yourself what did I eat maybe there's something that isn't good for my body at this point in time and space so start noticing what gives you good energy and what doesn't what tears you down so we can either do that by trial-and-error ourselves or you can find a good nutritionist to go to who knows some of these answers and can really help and then there are lots of other good alternative therapies that we can explore if to see if they're right for us because remember every body is different from every other body and you can look around and see that so what no one thing is going to be good for everybody but you know acupuncture is a favorite of mine there's herbology there's only homeopathy there's the Bach Flower Remedies there's all sorts of body working massage there's aromatherapy there's sound therapy that's an area that I'm now beginning to explore how sound waves can accelerate learning and healing you know we're in a time right now where the new technologies that we're learning are beginning to combine with ancient healing methods and I see the possibilities is absolutely enormous Lee just endless endless I think between now and the end of the century we're going to learn so much so taking good care of our bodies is an act of loving ourselves and then there is mirror work mirror work the one that I love so much I have seen so many people change their lives by merely looking in the mirror and saying I love you I really really love you you know at first it may seem untrue or even weird and it can bring up sadness or anger or fear but if we continue to do this simple affirmation every time we're in front of a mirror our inner energy begins to shift letting go of destructive thoughts and behaviors and accepting ourselves as naturally loveable becomes so much easier there are several ways you can practice mirror work I like first thing in the morning just looking in the mirror and saying I love you what can I do for you today to make you happy how can I make you happy today do you ever ask yourself that especially first thing in the morning and then listen listen to what you hear and start following through you may not get any messages to begin with because you may be so used to beating yourself up that you you don't know how to respond to a kind loving thought but listen and follow through and begin to learn to trust yourself if something unpleasant happens immediately run to the mirror and say I love you I love you anyway because you want to realize that events come and go but the love that you have for yourself is constant and it's the most important thing in your life not the experience of the moment but the fact that you love yourself if something wonderful happens run to the mirror and say thank you thank you thank you acknowledge yourself for having created that wonderful thing you can do forgiveness work in the mirror look into your own eyes and say I forgive you I forgive you for holding on to old patterns for too long I forgive you for not loving yourself I forgive you for whatever you know we're so hard on ourselves we're so judgmental and so critical we beat ourselves up for every little mistake no matter how small every one of us can use forgiveness on a daily basis sometimes I look in the mirror and I say I'm forgiven I forgive you and I am forgiven I forgive and I am forgiven know that it works both ways you can talk to other people in the mirror tell people things in the mirror you'd be afraid to say in person you know you can clean up old issues you can forgive them you can ask for love and approval it's a wonderful way to talk to your parents or a you know part of a relationship talk to your doctor in the talk to your boss in the mirror you can say all sorts of things that you'd be afraid to say otherwise but I think the last thing you always want to say when you do any mirror work is that what you really want is their love and approval because that's what we all want we all want love and approval from wherever we are so that everybody gives that to us and the more we give it the more we're going to get it see affirmations in the mirror are powerful because the mirror always tells us the truth if you looking in the mirror and you immediately hear negative stuff then that's like almost a gift to treat because if you look in the mirror and you say I love you and you hear this so you know who are you kidding can't be true then you know all you do is that that is just an old negative thought that's passing through you know and what I like to say lots of times thank you for sharing thank you for sharing when you acknowledge that the negative thought is there don't give it a lot of importance or if you have a negative message coming through turn it around into a positive affirmation just let it go and at least once a day you know look in your eyes and say I love you I really really love you I love you and as for loving yourself you know do it now don't wait til you get well or you lose the weight or you get the new job or the newer relationship do it now and do the best you can you see if you're dissatisfied with yourself now and you think oh well I will love myself when I get the new job or I lose the weight or I have a new relationship believe me you'll lose the weight you'll get the new job you'll have the new relationship and you'll still be dissatisfied with yourself because the dissatisfaction with yourself is a habit pattern if you can be satisfied with yourself now if you've been loved and approved of yourself now then when the good comes into your life when the new things come in you'll really be able to enjoy it you'll really have a wonderful time so don't wait the most important thing is just be willing just be willing I'm ready now to love myself I'm ready to let my life change and I'm willing you may not know how to it may seem sort of scary practicing all these things if that's too much then just start with I'm willing to learn to love myself I'm willing to learn to love myself and believe me the universe will hear you because you're and God always says yes your subconscious mind always says yes do you'll start to get a positive response and once you've learned to love and accept yourself exactly as you are then you can begin to learn to love and accept other people as they are see we can't change other people if we just you know that I think is another way of learning to love yourself is stop trying to change other people leave them alone I mean all that energy that we spend into trying to make other people different if we used half of that energy we could make ourselves different and when we're different our whole life will change you can't learn things for another person everybody has to learn their own lessons but you can learn for yourself you can learn for yourself and you want to love yourself enough so that you're not brought down by self-destructive people or people that are negative you know they have a right to what they think and what they want to do for themselves but you don't want to put yourself in such a position and if you're in a position where you're with a really negative person that doesn't want to change then you need to love yourself enough to move out of that you know far too often we stay in a negative relationship for so long you may not even be taking abuse in a relationship we'll allow ourselves to be put down and when we do that we're always saying really well I'm not worth loving so I have to stay here and accept this behavior because I know nobody else would want me you know that's a very negative feeling to have about yourself but you know where is that concept that concept isn't out there that comes that can only be inside of us and when we change the negative belief we have about ourselves then we find that we're treated differently I know that I sound very simplistic and I repeat the same thing over and over again but I truly do believe that the quickest way to change any problem in our life is to love who we are because it's amazing how the vibrations that we send out then are different and the way people react to us are also different we can't be healed and whole unless we really love who we are so ask yourself are you willing to love yourself are you willing when we really love ourselves we cannot hurt ourselves and we cannot hurt another person and that to me is the answer to inner peace and to world peace unconditional love is the goal that I think we're all here for but it begins with self acceptance and with self love you know you come to this planet for a purpose you come to fulfill yourself and you come to express love on the deepest level and when you leave the planet the only thing you're going to take with you is your capacity to love that's it you don't take your relationship you don't take your automobile or your bank account or your job you take your capacity to love so how can you love yourself more and how can you give more love to the planet to the world over a period of time using the principles and ideas that I've learned I've created for myself a set of beliefs these are what I call my basic beliefs and my beliefs and they work very well for me they're simple and yet they seem to cover all the areas of my life and I just want to share them with you first of all I believe that I am always safe wherever I go wherever I am I am always safe this is one of my beliefs the universe takes care of me and I'm led and guided every moment I also know that everything I need to know is revealed to me I don't have to struggle knowledge comes to me whatever I need to know I hear what I need to hear and if I'm supposed to know something it's Rital deal to me I don't have to read newspapers I don't have to listen to the news on television or on the radio I don't have to fill myself with that garbage if I meant to know something it will come to me I always know I also know that everything I need comes to me in the perfect time-space sequence and again I release the struggle of trying to make things happen I speak my word for what I believe and then I let it go I've placed my order and what I like to think of is the cosmic kitchen and the big shift so we're [Laughter] well you know it's true when you when you do your affirmations and things we often do them and then we try to struggle to make them happen but you know if you go to a restaurant and the waiter or the waitress takes your order and goes off to the kitchen you don't run after them into the kitchen to see what's happening you assume that it's being taken care of and you can do the same thing you know you do an affirmation for something you want and you say okay that's they've taken care of every time you think of it you know it's taking care of it so I deal with what's in front of me and I know that what is what is right for me will come to me in the perfect time-space sequence and so much good comes into my life some of it I ask for and some of it and much of it I do I haven't even thought of when you love yourself it's amazing what comes into your life okay I also believe that life is a joy and filled with love and as I choose to believe this it becomes true for me I awaken in the morning with joy in my heart and I find it almost everywhere I turn see the hearts job is to lovingly pump joy throughout our bodies and all we have to do is get our negative thoughts out of the way and allow this to happen what we give out comes back to us so what you're believing is going to come back to you is true okay I also believe I am loving and I am loved and I operate from the loving space of the heart as much as I can now this is a lesson for all of us and we're not there all the time every time I find myself off-track I try to bring myself back because by giving out love of course it comes back to me multiplied and there's so much love in my life these days it's just incredible I could never have imagined it never okay I also know that i prosper wherever I turn see I've never gone for the money I've always asked myself how can I help and I know that the quickest way to increase our income is the mental work that we do the belief we choose to accept either attract or repel money and other forms of prosperity my income is constantly increasing is another affirmation I've chosen to accept and belief my income is constantly increasing because that means wherever you start it can always grow so i prosper wherever I turn and my income is constantly increasing I also know and believe that I am willing to grow and to change see I don't believe that I know everything I don't think I'm on some plateau and I know it all I know that there's so much more to learn I'm well aware of that and I'm open and receptive to new ideas and to new knowledge into new insight and I allow them to come in and when I find something new I'm willing to shift what's inside of me and I do that periodically I'm so different than I was 20 years ago my goodness I'm willing to look at myself see I know that I can become more of Who I am I don't believe that we become better people because that always implies that you're not good enough but I think we can become more of who we are see growing and changing is wonderful I'm willing to let go of whatever doesn't work for me anymore and I know that growing and changing or just aspects of life the other thing I know for myself is that all is well in my world see if I know that all is well in my world then it doesn't much matter which direction my life turns in because it will always be good so I trust life to take me where I'm supposed to go and that everything will always be for my highest good and these beliefs work for me now what kind of beliefs would you like to live by see create a set of beliefs that you would like to live by and then start affirming them and know that they're true for you they'll help you carry what carry you where you want to go that is part of loving yourself creating a set of guidelines that work for you so you want to love yourself you want to love other people you want to release your negative patterns the negative thoughts practice unconditional love as much as you possibly can because it'll change your own life enormous ly do everything you can to be happy and to bring joy into your life all right what I want to do now is bring Gerry Clarence out and we're going to do a meditation dr. Jeffrey Thompson of Solana Beach California is a pioneer in the use of sound frequency for healing and he recorded my voice and has electronically processed it and Gerry Florence is going to play that sound as part of tonight's meditation so you're gonna hear my voice in a very different way and if you'd like to close your eyes just take a breath [Music] the sound that you're hearing at the moment is my voice that has been electronically processed to bring out the healing qualities so let it just blow through your mind and through your body [Music] now we've talked of many things tonight we brought a lot of stuff to the surface turn up let everything settle in you don't have to believe everything you know send everything and the perfect time spacing [Music] each one of us has the ability to love ourselves born deserves to be long we deserve to live well to be healthy [Music] to cross and that the baby deserves to grow up [Music] so see yourself surrounded by love see yourself in helping [Music] healthy at home and see yourself as you would like your life to be putting in all the detail [Music] know that you deserve [Music] create a visualization to go with it a mental picture that's or [Music] and then take the love from your own heart and let it begin to flow filling your body and then moving out from you on either side let the Love flow on your left the people then let personal comforting thoughts surround with love you [Music]
Channel: Free Life
Views: 19,006
Rating: 4.8051043 out of 5
Keywords: Louise, Hay
Id: R_y9nVnaLP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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